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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.






[v4.6.0] - 2024-06-09


  • added energy plan files table to database
  • added energy plan files actions to myems-api
  • added energy plan files page to myems-admin
  • added reading data from tbl_energy_value after reading data from tbl_analog_value for virtualpoint procedure
  • added support for ojbect type ENERGY_VALUE to virtualpoint procedure in myems-normalization
  • added columns to tbl_microgrids_power_conversion_systems in databas
  • added columns to tbl_energy_storage_containers_power_conversion_systems in database
  • added round2() function to avoid exceptions for builtin round()
  • added phase_of_lifecycle to microgrid
  • added phase_of_lifecycle to energy storage power station
  • added energy storage power station reporting for revenue
  • added schedules to energy storage containers and microgrids


  • updated energy storage container settings in myems-admin
  • updated microgird settings in myems-admin
  • simplified datetime format of parameter line chart for micrgorid and energy storage power station
  • updated mqtt client to MQTTv5 in myems-api


  • fixed totalRatedCapacity and totalRatedPower issue in microgrid dashboard and energy storage power station dashboard
  • fixed issue of meter batch report in myems-api
  • fixed issue of react-bootstrap-table-next in myems-web


  • removed charge/discharge points and commands from power conversion system of microgrid
  • removed charge/discharge points and commands from power conversion system of energy storage container

[v4.5.0] - 2024-05-21


  • added new protocols dtu-rtu, dtu-tcp, dtu-mqtt and mqtt-zhongxian
  • added latest value to data source points table in myems-admin
  • added menus for plan functions in database
  • added energy plan reports (preview) in myems-web
  • added new tables for energy, billing and carbon in database
  • added language zh_TW to myems-web, myems-admin and myems-api


  • updated Distribution System in myems-web
  • limit virtual meter normalization procedure to calculate at most one month records


  • fixed issues of optional svg textarea for equipment and combined equipment in myems-admin
  • fixed translation issue for zh_CN in Excel exporter


  • None

[v4.4.0] - 2024-04-17


  • added hyperlink to meter name of Meter Batch report in myems-web
  • added SectionLineChart into myems-web
  • added start datetime, end datetime and update datetime to fdd webmessage
  • added is_cost_data_displayed to microgrid and energy storage power station
  • added energy storage power station relation to space in myems-api
  • added myems energy plan database
  • added cardsummary to fdd fault in myems-web
  • added bind energy storage power station to space in myems-admin
  • added energy plan reports in myems-api
  • added advanced settings menu to myems-admin


  • changed map marker in myems-web
  • updated popup style of mapbox in myems-web
  • changed baidu map to mapbox for longitude and latitude
  • chenged microgrid list alarm link to fdd fault
  • changed query components size to small in myems-web


  • added decimal data value range check to myems-modbus-tcp
  • added missing lazy load files for router in myems-admin


  • None

[v4.3.0] - 2024-03-11


  • added protocol list to data source model in myems-admin
  • added microgrid dashboard into myems-web
  • added energy storage power station dashboard into myems-web and myems-api
  • added tenant dashboard into myems-web and myems-api
  • added store dashboard into myems-web and myems-api
  • added shopfloor dashboard into myems-web and myems-api
  • added space and microgrid relation table to database
  • added space and energy storage power station relation table to database


  • updated space export, import and clone functions in myems-api
  • updated microgrid reporting in myems-api and myems-web
  • updated energy storage power station reporting in myems-api and myems-web
  • updated columns of microgrid related tables in database, myems-admin and myems-api
  • updated columns of energy storage power station related tables in database, myems-admin and myems-api
  • updated column of wind farm related tables in database, myems-admin and myems-api
  • updated column of photovoltaic power station related tables in database, myems-admin and myems-api
  • changed the default menu to vertical in myems-web


  • fixed chart issues in myems-web
  • fixed warnings in myems-web
  • fixed index issues in database
  • fixed Duplicate property of translations in myems-admin
  • fixed Superfluous trailing arguments in myems-web
  • fixed Duplicate property of i18n in myems-web
  • fixed Duplicate HTML element attributes in myems-admin


  • None

[v4.2.0] - 2024-02-18


  • None


  • updated distribution system export, import and clone functions in myems-api
  • updated meter export, import and clone functions in myems-api
  • updated equipment table in myems-admin
  • updated combined equipment table in myems-admin
  • updated equipment export, import and clone functions in myems-api
  • updated combined equipment export, import and clone functions in myems-api
  • updated shopfloor export, import and clone functions in myems-api
  • updated store export, import and clone functions in myems-api
  • updated tenant export, import and clone functions in myems-api
  • updated run action of rule in myems-api
  • updated run action of advanced report in myems-api


  • fixed warnings in myems-web
  • fixed issue of CardSummary in myems-web
  • fixed issue of demo data in database


  • None

[v4.1.0] - 2024-02-08


  • added arrow up or arrow down icon to cardsummary in myems-web
  • added sensor export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added gateway export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added equipment export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added combined equipment export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added shopfloor export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added store export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added tenant export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added offline meter export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added virtual meter export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added space export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added command export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added energy flow diagram export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added tariff export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added working calendar export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added virtual power plant export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added wind farm export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added rule export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added photovoltaic power station export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added advanced report config export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added microgrid export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added distribution system export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin
  • added point export, import and clone functions to myems-api, myems-admin


  • None


  • fixed unknown meter uuid of energy flow diagram links in demo database


  • None

[v4.0.0] - 2024-01-13


  • added tables for energy storage power station in database
  • added energy storage power station actions to myems-api
  • added energy storage power station UI to myems-admin
  • added realtime data to DistribuitionSystem in myems-web
  • added get coordinate links to myems-admin
  • added interval_in_seconds to modbus-tcp data source definition in database and myems-modbus-tcp
  • added energy storage container to database, myems-api and myems-admin
  • added baidu map link and google maps link to get coordinate in myems-admin
  • added cookieExpireTime to config.js in myems-web
  • added background image to login page in myems-web
  • added energy storage power station reports to myems-api and myems-web
  • added data source export, import and clone functions to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added energy storage power station export, import and clone actions to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added copy api key token function to myems-admin
  • added meter export, import and clone functions to myems-api and myems-admin


  • changed microgrid monitoring in myems-web
  • changed Related Parameters to Operating Characteristic Curve in myems-web
  • changed MultiTrendChart in myems-web
  • updated demo tariffs in database
  • updated view models in myems-admin
  • resized svg editor in myems-admin
  • updated translation of 'Description' in myems-admin
  • moved mapbox access token from CustomizeMapBox.js to config.js in myems-web, you can get access token at https://mapbox.com, if you wnat to turn off online map feature, please set showOnlineMap to false
  • updated WorkingDaysConsumptionTable in myems-web
  • updated FalconCardHeader in myems-web


  • fixed non-standard actions of microgrid in myems-api and myems-admin
  • fixed empty qrcode issue when creating objects in myems-admin
  • upgraded Font Awesome to v4.7.0 in myems-admin
  • fixed api key save button issue in myems-admin


[v3.12.0] - 2023-12-08


  • added charge time and discharge time settings to power conversion system of microgrid
  • added nominal voltage to microgrid battery in database, myems-api and myems-admin
  • added new supported protocol to datasource in myems-api
  • added microgrid reporting to myems-web



  • fixed issues in on_delete actions of equipment, shopfloor, store and tenant in myems-api
  • fixed issues of space and command views in myems-admin
  • fixed issue of delete on point in myems-api
  • fixed issue of menus in database
  • fixed issue of aggregate_hourly_data_by_period in myems-api
  • fixed issues of on_delete actions in myems-api
  • fixed unused import issues in myems-api


  • Removed google map api from myems-admin

[v3.11.0] - 2023-11-03


  • added sensors realtime data to dashboard in myems-web
  • added energy storage power station to database, myems-api, and myems-admin
  • added photovoltaic power station to database, myems-api, and myems-admin
  • added wind farm to database, myems-api, and myems-admin
  • added serial number to microgrid
  • added run state point to microgrid power conversion systems
  • added battery state point to microgrid batteries


  • changed dropdown menu columns from 3 to 2 in myems-web


  • refactored energy category reports to remove duplicated code in myems-web
  • fixed issue on delete action of tariff in myems-api
  • fixed issue on delete action of distribution system in myems-api, myems-admin
  • fixed issue on delete action of virtual power plant in myems-api


  • removed tbl_microgrid_architecture_types from database
  • removed tbl_microgrid_owner_types from database
  • removed microgrid architecture types from myems-api and myems-admin
  • removed microgrid owner types from myems-api and myems-admin
  • removed wind turbine from microgrid
  • removed svg column from list of microgrid in myems-admin
  • removed svg column from list of virtual power plant farm in myems-admin
  • removed svg column from list of energy storage power station in myems-admin
  • removed svg column from list of photovoltaic power station in myems-admin
  • removed svg column from list of wind farm in myems-admin

[v3.10.0] - 2023-10-08


  • added Vietnamese language to myems-web
  • added sort function to tables in myems-admin
  • added Thai language to myems-web
  • added Indonesian language to myems-admin
  • added Turkish language to myems-web
  • added Malay language to myems-web
  • added Indonesian language to myems-web
  • added description property to gateway in database, myems-api and myems-admin
  • added equipment energy category report hyperlink with equipment uuid to equipment tracking
  • added description property to data source in database, myems-api and myems-admin
  • added tenant energy category report hyperlink with uuid to tenant batch report
  • added store energy category report hyperlink with uuid to store batch report
  • added shopfloor energy category report hyperlink with uuid to shopfloor batch report
  • added space energy category report hyperlink with uuid to space batch report
  • added combined_equipment energy category report hyperlink with equipment uuid to combined-equipment batch report
  • added equipment energy category report hyperlink with equipment uuid to equipment batch report
  • added latitude and longitude to Space in database, myems-api and myems-admin
  • added run immediately action to Advacned Report in database, myems-api and myems-admin
  • added mapbox to display spaces on map in myems-web
  • added run immediately action to FDD Rule in database, myems-api and myems-admin
  • added microgrid list page to myems-web


  • changed user avator from emoji to image


  • fixed microgrid-grid update issue


[v3.9.0] - 2023-09-06


  • added SESSION_EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS config to myems-api
  • added virtual power plant to database, myems-api and myems-admin
  • added Russian language to myems-admin
  • added higher limit and lower limit of point to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added balancing price point to virtual power plant
  • added French language to myems-web
  • added Vietnamese language to myems-admin
  • added Thai language to myems-admin
  • added microgrid power conversion system to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added api key control to get actions of core objects in myems-api
  • added Spanish language to myems-web
  • added Russian language to myems-web
  • added Advanced Report Configs to myems-api
  • added Turkish language to myems-admin
  • added tbl_microgrids_users to myems_system_db in database
  • added Arabic language to myems-web
  • added bind user to microgrid function to myems-admin
  • added Malay language to myems-admin
  • added Advanced Report Setting to myems-admin


  • changed fdd rule template in myems-admin
  • renamed tbl_microgrids_converters to tbl_microgrids_power_conversion_systems in database


  • fixed sensor bound points issue in myems-admin
  • fixed fdd category and fdd code relations in myems-admin
  • fixed tariff editor issue in myems-admin
  • fixed date range picker issue in myems-web


  • removed category and report_code from tbl_reports in myems_reporting_db

[v3.8.0] - 2023-08-02


  • added is_recursive boolean option to meter tracking report in myems-api (need to upgrade the myesm-api/.env file)
  • added is_recursive boolean option to meter batch report in myems-api (need to upgrade the myesm-api/.env file)
  • added soc point to microgrids batteries in database, myems-api and myems-admin
  • added svg to combined equipment in database, myems-api and myems-admin
  • added online map to dashboard in myems-web
  • added enterprise edition mark to menus in myems-admin
  • added svg to equipment in database, myems-api and myems-admin
  • added bath delete and update actions for web messages in myems-api and myems-web
  • added camera url to equipments and combined equipments in database
  • added French language to myems-admin
  • added Spanish language to myems-admin
  • added offline meter data input to myems-web and myems-api


  • updated database demo scripts
  • updated notification list style


  • updated translations of API responses in myems-admin and myems-web
  • fixed issue in querying meter start value of metertracking report in myems-api
  • fixed display format issue for decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0 in meter realtime report
  • fixed unable to redirect to login page issue when user session expires
  • fixed issue of working calendar setting in myems-admin
  • fixed issue of privilege setting in myems-admin


  • removed unnecessary error message at the first login in myems-web
  • removed tenant equipments from monitoring
  • removed shopfloor equipments from monitoring
  • removed store equipments from monitoring

[v3.7.0] - 2023-07-08


  • added access control to tenant in myems-api, myems-admin and myems-web
  • added point real time report to myems-api
  • added access control to equipment in myems-api, myems-admin and myems-web
  • added access control to combined equipment in myems-api, myems-admin and myems-web
  • added access control to meter, offline meter and virtual meter in myems-api, myems-admin and myems-web
  • added access control to space in myems-api, myems-admin and myems-web
  • added access control to distribution system in myems-api, myems-admin and myems-web
  • added access control to microgrid in myems-api, myems-admin and myems-web
  • added access control to all core objects in myems-api, myems-admin and myems-web
  • added api key access control to all reports in myems-api



  • fixed datetime picker issue in myems-web
  • fixed ECharts DEPRECATE warning in myems-web


  • removed unused getXXX services from myems-admin

[v3.6.0] - 2023-06-22


  • added microgrid battery actions to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added microgrid evcharger actions to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added microgrid generator actions to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added microgrid grid actions to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added microgrid heatpump actions to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added microgrid load actions to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added microgrid photovoltaic actions to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added microgrid windturbine to system database
  • added microgrid windturbine actions to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added get all associated objects of microgrid to myems-api
  • added new access_control procedure to mymes-api
  • added svg, inverters and converters to microgrid in system database
  • added svg to microgrid in myems-api and myems-admin
  • added API Key to database, myems-api and myems-admin
  • added access control to shopfloor in myems-api, myems-admin and myems-web
  • added access control to store in myems-api, myems-admin and myems-web


  • renamed access_control to admin_control in myems-api
  • changed forgot password and user register processes


  • fixed dialog doesn't close after myems-admin logging out automatically
  • fixed warning of dependencies in myems-web


  • None

[v3.5.0] - 2023-06-09


  • added bind command to meter feature to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added bind command to space feature to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added forgot password function to myems-api and myems-web
  • added user register function to myems-api and myems-web
  • added postal code to microgrid in database, myems-api, myems-admin
  • added bind command to equipment feature to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added bind command to combined equipment feature to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added new user approval function to myems-admin
  • added bind command to tenant feature to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added bind command to store feature to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added bind command to shopfloor feature to myems-api and myems-admin
  • added new tables for microgrids to system database


  • updated the default tariff type and default tariff valid through date time in tariff editor


  • fixed save button issue of tariff dialog in myems-admin
  • fixed save button issue of email server dialog in myems-admin


  • removed tariff type 'block'(or tiered) from database, myems-api and myems-admin

[v3.4.0] - 2023-06-01


  • added tbl_commands to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_combianed_equipments_commands to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_equipments_commands to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_meters_commands to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_microgrids_commands to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_spaces_commands to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_stores_commands to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_shopfloors_commands to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_tenants_commands to myems_system_db database
  • added command actions to myems-api
  • added command feature to myems-admin
  • added tbl_new_users to myems_user_db database
  • added tbl_email_messages and tbl_email_message_sessions to myems_user_db database


  • updated translations of myems-admin
  • changed theme of BarChart and MultiTrendChart in myems-web
  • swapped columns color in dashboard of myems-web
  • compacted distribution system in myems-web
  • updated supported protocols of datasource in myems-api


  • fixed HTTPError Deprecated Warning in myems-api
  • fixed edit user issue in myems-api
  • fixed save button issue of energy item dialog in myems-admin
  • fixed validator issue of equipment parameter form in myems-admin
  • fixed validator issue of combined equipment parameter form in myems-admin
  • fixed webpack-dev-server version 4.12.0 caused compile errors
  • fixed save button issue of non-working-day dialog in myems-admin


  • None

[v3.3.0] - 2023-05-21


  • Added captcha to myems-web login form
  • Added captcha to myems-admin login form
  • Added higher limit and lower limit to tbl_points in database
  • Added is_in_alarm to tbl_points in database
  • Added new rule fdd codes to myems-admin
  • Added data zoom to y axis of MultipleLineChart in myems-web


  • Updated English Translation in myems-admin
  • Updated Meter, Point, User and Space editor dialogs in myems-admin
  • Replaced telnetlib with telentlib3 in myems-modbus-tcp
  • Added maximum limit of user password length


  • Fixed typo in database
  • Fixed typo of error description in myems-api
  • Fixed errors when marking as read, acknowledging and deleteing alarms from myems-web


[v3.2.0] - 2023-03-31


  • added automatic logout action when myems-admin is idle for more than 5 minutes
  • Add Environment Monitor to Space Data


  • None


  • None


  • Removed table tbl_shopfloor_working_days from myems_production_db

[v3.1.0] - 2023-03-03


  • added working-days/non-working-days data into tenant energy categroy report
  • added working-days/non-working-days data into store energy categroy report
  • added working-days/non-working-days data into shopfloor energy categroy report
  • added automatic logout action when myems-admin is idle for more than 5 minutes


  • None


  • fixed null tooltip issue in MultiTrendChart.js


  • None

[v3.0.0] - 2023-02-25


  • added tbl_spaces_non_working_days to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_working_calendars_non_working_days to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_shopfloors_working_calendars to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_spaces_working_calendars to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_stores_working_calendars to myems_system_db database
  • added tbl_tenants_working_calendars to myems_system_db database
  • added calendars and non-working-days settings to myems-admin
  • added working-days/non-working-days data into space energy categroy report


  • upgraded bootstrap to v3.4.1 in myems-admin


  • fixed make the implicitly inserted semicolon explicit in myems-web
  • fixed use of AngularJS markup in URL-valued attribute in myems-admin
  • fixed variable defined multiple times in myems-api
  • fixed unused local variable in myems-api
  • fixed semicolon insertion in myems-web
  • fixed unused variable, import, function or class in myems-web
  • fixed unused variable, import, function or class in myems-admin
  • fixed semicolon insertion in myems-admin


  • removed access control from GET action of offlinemeterfile in myems-api

[v2.11.0] - 2023-01-09


  • added base period data to Combined Equipment reports
  • added read only property to administrator


  • updated translations of API errors in myems-web
  • updated myems-web to redirect URL to login page after 10 minutes of user idling


  • fixed pagination caused issue in DetailedDataTable of myems-web
  • fixed issue of increment_rate_saving in combined equipment saving report


[v2.10.0] - 2022-12-24


  • added offline meter saving report
  • added base period data to Tenant reports
  • added child spaces percentage data to excel of spaceenergycategory report
  • added base period data to Store reports
  • added child spaces percentages to spaceenergycategory in myems-web
  • added base period data to Shopfloor reports



  • fixed issue of increment_rate_saving in tenant saving report
  • fixed issue of increment_rate_saving in equipment saving report
  • fixed issue of increment_rate_saving in space saving report
  • fixed issue of electricity time-of-use pie chart in Excel exporters
  • fixed issue of increment_rate_saving in store saving report
  • fixed quick mode issue in combinedequipmentoutput report
  • fixed issue of increment_rate_saving in shopfloor saving report


[v2.9.0] - 2022-12-19


  • added base period data to Equipment reports
  • added base period data to Meter reports
  • added base period data to Virtual Meter reports
  • added base period data to Offline Meter reports


  • updated format statements by period types in execel exporters
  • Replaced LineChart with MultipleLineChart for related parameters of space reports in myems-web
  • Replaced LineChart with MultipleLineChart for related parameters of combined equipment reports in myems-web


  • fixed user calendar cannot fully display issue
  • fixed issues of comparing decimal with zero
  • fixed issue of increment_rate_saving in meter saving report


[v2.8.0] - 2022-12-01


  • added DateRangePickerWrapper to myems-web
  • added base period data to Space Energy Category report
  • added base period data to Space Energy Item report
  • added base period data to Space Carbon report
  • added base period data to Space Cost report
  • added base period data to Space Efficiency report
  • added base period data to Space Income report
  • added base period data to Space Load report
  • added base period data to Space Output report
  • added base period data to Space Saving report
  • added base period data to Space Statistics report


  • Changed basePeriodDateRangePickerDisabled from readonly to disabled
  • Decreased web message drop down list length in myems-admin
  • Replaced LGTM with CodeQL for code scanning in README
  • Replaced LineChart with MultipleLineChart for related parameters of meter reports in myems-web
  • Replaced LineChart with MultipleLineChart for trend data of meter trend report in myems-web
  • Replaced LineChart with MultipleLineChart for related parameters of equipment reports in myems-web
  • Replaced LineChart with MultipleLineChart for related parameters of store reports in myems-web
  • Replaced LineChart with MultipleLineChart for related parameters of shopfloor reports in myems-web
  • Replaced LineChart with MultipleLineChart for related parameters of tenant reports in myems-web
  • Upgraded angular.js to v1.8.3 in myems-admin


  • fixed File is not always closed
  • fixed Explicit returns mixed with implicit (fall through) returns
  • fixed Empty except in myems-api
  • fixed Variable defined multiple times
  • fixed Unused local variable in myems-api


[v2.7.0] - 2022-11-03


  • added energy categories filter to meter tracking report
  • added meter energy report hyperlink with meter uuid as query string
  • added hyperlink to energy report page for all meters in meter tracking
  • added updating latest value of virtul point in myems-normalization
  • added difference values to meter comparison report
  • added quickmode parameter to most APIs in myems-api


  • added translations of TARIFF in myems-api
  • updated query panel of web messages in myems-admin
  • replaced chartjs with echarts for MultipleLineChart in myems-web


  • fixed error translations in myems-web
  • added required parameters to webmessages api request in myems-admin
  • fixed base period timestamps index out of range error in myems-api
  • fixed PEP 8 warnings in myems-api


[v2.6.0] - 2022-10-20


  • added API error message for failing to save offline meter file
  • added base period data to meter enegy report excel exporter in myems-api


  • refactored base_period_start_datetime_local and reporting_period_start_datetime_local of all reports in myems-api
  • normalized base period start datetime and reporting period start datetime of all reports in myems-api
  • split bulk insert data into small ones for meter/offlinemeter/virtualmeter billing/carbon procedures in myems-aggregation


  • fixed PEP 8: W605 invalid escape sequence Z in myems-api
  • fixed finally statement issues in myems-aggregation
  • fixed unclosed database connections issues in myems-api
  • replaced unnecessary energy_category_list with single variable in myems-aggregation


[v2.5.0] - 2022-10-11


  • added base period data and change rates to meter energy report in myems-web
  • added filters to FDD alarm report and notifications in myems-web


  • Split batch inserts into small ones in myems-aggregation
  • Updated min_datetime issue in myems-cleaning (NOTE: add START_DATETIME_UTC to myems-cleaning/.env for upgrading)
  • Set access_log off in nginx.conf for myems-admin and myems-web (NOTE: modify myems-web/nginx.conf and myems-admin/nginx.conf for upgrading)


  • updated translations in Excel exporters
  • added try except statements to virtualmeter of myems-api
  • fixed TypeError: Object of type IntegrityError is not JSON serializable in myems-api
  • fixed wrong meter2 name in Excel exporter of MeterComparison report


[v2.4.0] - 2022-09-30


  • added config entry to indicate if the tariff appended to parameters data (NOTE: add IS_TARIFF_APPENDED to myems-api/.env for upgrading)


  • changed table color in the Excel exporters
  • refactored FDD Fault Alarm database, api and web
  • updated child spaces data in Dashboard
  • changed associated points query order in myems-api


  • updated combined equipment energy category Excel exporter to show parameters data even if there is no energy data
  • fixed wrong multiple energy categories in Excel exporters


  • None

[v2.3.0] - 2022-09-23


  • added i18n to excel exporters of store
  • added i18n to excel exporters of tenant
  • added i18n to excel exporters of shopfloor
  • added i18n to excel exporters of combined equipment
  • added difference value to meter tracking report
  • added translation of TARIFF in myems-web
  • added barchart to Dashboard in myems-web
  • added translation of API errors in myems-web


  • updated ChildSpacesTable of Dashboard in myems-web
  • updated FDD Faults Report in myems-web


  • updated datetime picker format pattern
  • fixed integrity rate issue of MeterTracking report
  • fixed MultipleLineChart blank screen issue in myems-web


[v2.2.0] - 2022-09-18


  • added i18n to excel exporters of space
  • added i18n to excel exporters of meter
  • added i18n to excel exporters of virtual meter
  • added i18n to excel exporters of offline meter
  • added i18n to excel exporters of equipment
  • added OceanBase to README



  • updated if/else statements for excelexporters in myems-api


[v2.1.0] - 2022-09-09


  • added MAX/MIN/AVG to parameters line charts
  • added associated equipments trend data to combined equipment input energy category report
  • added new protocol to datasource in myems-api
  • added meter saving report
  • added meter comparison report
  • added virtual meter saving report


  • updated demo database
  • updated docker build instruction in README
  • updated daterange picker in myems-web


  • fixed start datetime issue for virtual point in myems-normalization


[v2.0.0] - 2022-08-18


  • added combined equipment carbon dioxide emissions report
  • added equipment carbon dioxide emissions report
  • added shopfloor carbon dioxide emissions report
  • added store carbon dioxide emissions report
  • added space carbon dioxide emissions report
  • added tenant carbon dioxide emissions report
  • added data repair file UI to myems-admin



  • fixed issues when energy item list refreshing with energy category in myems-admin
  • fixed virtual meter editor issue when refreshing meter list with meter type in myems-admin
  • fixed virtual point issue of conversion from Float to Decimal in myems-normalization


[v1.9.6] - 2022-08-05


  • added data integrity rates to meter tracking report in myems-api & myems-web
  • added piecewise function to virtual point in myems-normalization



  • fixed energy category index error of storebatch report in myems-api
  • fixed setDetailedDataTableData async issue of meterenergy report in myems-web
  • fixed warnings on mouse over by set rsuite version to 5.16.3 in myems-web


[v1.9.5] - 2022-07-18


  • added subtotal to meter/offlinemeter/virtualmeter batch report
  • added mqtt to data source protocol in myems-api
  • added tbl_template_files to myems_reporting_db
  • added tbl_integrators to myems_system_db
  • added alarm audio for notification in myems-web
  • added alarm lottie for notification in myems-web
  • added tbl_data_repair_files to myems_historical_db
  • added data repair file actions to myems-api
  • added data repair file procedure to myems-normalization


  • changed parameter line chart to multiple line chart for meterenergy report in myems-web


  • removed invalid ORDER BY clause from myems-api
  • fixed point timestamps issue of metertrend report in myems-web
  • fixed error of DELETE a Virtual Meter from Store in myems-api
  • fixed error of GET a Parameter of an Equipment in myems-api
  • fixed typo in postman collection


[v1.9.4] - 2022-06-18


  • Added meter id column to virtual meter editor.
  • Added virtual meter batch analysis report.
  • Added offline meter batch analysis report.
  • Added offline meter carbon dioxide emissions report.
  • Added sums by time of use types to meter energy report.


  • Changed default user expiration datetime to one year from the creation.
  • Reduced insert values length each time in myems-modbus-tcp service.
  • Updated routes and menu items name in myems-web (Database Update Required).
  • Updated translations of myems-admin.


  • Fixed remove file error in user_logger decorator of myems-api.
  • Fixed email address validator issue in myems-api.
  • Reduced length of title in Excel exporters of carbon reports.


  • None.

[v1.9.3] - 2022-06-03


  • Added quick mode to meterenergy report in myems-api.
  • Added quick mode to spaceenergycategory report in myems-api.
  • Added quick mode to spaceload report in myems-api.
  • Added object ID to editor title of model dialogs in myems-admin.
  • Added ID column to MeterBatch report in myems-web.
  • Added ID column to MeterTracking report in myems-api and myems-web.
  • Added energy value point name to Meter RealtimeChart in myems-web.


  • Updated translations of myems-admin.
  • Updated MeterTracking Excel exporter.
  • Updated MeterBatch Excel exporter.
  • Deleted width limit from cascader-menu in myems-web.
  • Updated falcon web framework version to the latest (3.1.0) in myems-api


  • updated meterrealtime report to display right units of energy value.


  • None.

[v1.9.2] - 2022-05-22


  • added bilibili link to README.


  • updated Dockerfile of myems-web.
  • updated translations of myems-admin.
  • updated modbus acquisition procedure.
  • simplified database update queries in myems-cleaning.
  • simplified database insert queries in myems-normalization.
  • updated pagination of meterRealtime in myems-web.
  • moved menu tariff settings upper than cost center settings in myems-admin.


  • fixed wrong http status for XXX_NAME_IS_ALREADY_IN_USE.
  • fixed tuple indices type error in metertracking report.


  • None.

[v1.9.1] - 2022-05-05


  • added API reverse proxy in Apache conf.


  • replaced true with 1 in SQL statements of myems-api.
  • updated user insert sql statement for failed_login_count.
  • updated icons for vertical menu items.
  • updated acquisition procedure of myems-modbus-tcp.
  • updated myems-web for SCADA visualization system.
  • updated Dockerfile of myems-web.


  • fixed typo in virtualmetercarbon.
  • updated database upgrade1.4.0 sql script
  • set proxy_buffering off in nginx.conf files.
  • fixed row meters index error in meterbatch report api.


  • None.

[v1.9.0] - 2022-04-16


  • added myems_production_db to database.
  • added column to myems_production_db.tbl_teams in database.
  • added instruction for running myems-api with waitress on Windows.
  • added nano to Dockfile.
  • added telnet to Dockerfile.


  • renamed folder admin to myems-admin, and folder web to myems-web.
  • updated nginx configs for myems-admin and myems-web.
  • updated upload folder path.
  • renamed index tbl_tariffs_index in database.
  • replaced TRUE/FALSE with 1/0 in SQL statements in myems-cleaning service.
  • replaced TRUE/FALSE with 1/0 in SQL statements in myems-normalization service.
  • updated example.env for myems-normalization.
  • replaced TRUE/FALSE with 1/0 in SQL statements in myems-aggregation service.
  • replaced FALSE with 0 in SQL statements.
  • changed linechart background color when web ui is in light mode.
  • removed dictionary parameter from cursor in myems-cleaning service.
  • removed dictionary parameter from cursor in myems-normalization service.
  • updated database demo scripts.
  • removed dictionary parameter from cursor of combinedequipment api functions.
  • updated Dockerfile and README of Web UI.
  • updated .env path for docker run in README.
  • updated docker instruction in README.


  • Fixed Meter list search and clear issue.
  • moved cnx.close after cursor.close in useractivity.write_log procedure.
  • fixed no such file error in admin ui.
  • moved cursor.close before cnx.close in myems aggregation service.


  • Removed search box from navbar of web ui.

[v1.8.2] - 2022-03-16


  • None.


  • replaced cnx.disconnect() with cnx.close() according to PEP 249
  • updated docker compose version to 3.8
  • updated README
  • renamed database files


  • fixed common time slot issues in aggregation service


  • None.

[v1.8.1] - 2022-03-05


  • added integration testing plan to README
  • added StreamHandler to send logging output to sys.stderr


  • replaced DateTime with DateRangePicker for Advanced reports in Web UI
  • replaced DateTime with DateRangePicker for EnergyFlowDiagram in Web UI
  • updated Tariff Editor in Admin UI


  • None.


  • None.

[v1.8.0] - 2022-02-28


  • added Meter Carbon Dioxide Emissions Report to Web UI
  • added Virtual Meter Carbon Dioxide Emissions Report


  • updated Dashboard report in Web UI
  • updated README for docker
  • added limit 1 to number of ENERGY_VALUE points of meter
  • updated docker compose files for windows host and for linux host
  • replaced DateTime with DateRangePicker for Meter reports in Web UI
  • replaced DateTime with DateRangePicker for Space reports in Web UI
  • replaced DateTime with DateRangePicker for Store reports in Web UI
  • replaced DateTime with DateRangePicker for Tenant reports in Web UI
  • replaced DateTime with DateRangePicker for Shopfloor reports in Web UI
  • replaced DateTime with DateRangePicker for Equipment reports in Web UI
  • replaced DateTime with DateRangePicker for CombinedEquipment reports in Web UI


  • fixed TypeError cased by undefined decimal value in Web UI
  • fixed issues in CombinedEquipmentEfficiency report and EquipmentEfficiency report


  • None.

[v1.7.2] - 2022-02-19


  • added default character set and collate to database
  • added Mark All As Read action to notification


  • updated docker-compose guide
  • added DateRangePicker to MeterEnergy report in Web UI


  • updated Notification of Web UI


  • None.

[v1.7.1] - 2022-02-11


  • added myems_carbon_db to recalculating script


  • updated mysql-connector-python version in README
  • updated installation guide in README
  • updated docs
  • updated comment of tbl_web_messages in database
  • updated database upgrade scripts
  • Bump node-sass from 6.0.1 to 7.0.0 in Web
  • updated Web Message actions in API and Notification Page in Web UI
  • updated POSTMAN file


  • fixed issue of Notification in Web UI
  • fixed issue of tbl_users in database


  • None.

[v1.7.0] - 2022-01-28


  • added new database myems_carbon_db
  • added alternative uuid parameter to reports of combined equipment, equipment, meter, shopfloor, store and tenant
  • added meter carbon dioxide emission report to api
  • added meter carbon dioxide emission aggregation procedure
  • added virtual meter carbon dioxide emission aggregation procedure
  • added offline meter carbon dioxide emission aggregation procedure


  • updated architecture images in README
  • updated components images in docs


  • fixed select statements issue in tenant reports.
  • fixed fraction numerator and denominator issue in combinedequipmentefficiency and equipmentefficiency reports
  • fixed issue of config in aggregation service
  • fixed issue of carbon_dioxide_emission_factor in aggregation service
  • fixed issues in README


  • None.

[v1.6.1] - 2022-01-18


  • added docker image immigration to readme.
  • added QRCode in String to Space/Meter/Store/Tenant/Equipment/CombinedEquipment in API


  • added alternative parameter meteruuid to meter reports
  • updated docker installation in README
  • improved virtual meter editor in admin ui.
  • upgraded echarts version to 5.2.2 in web ui.


  • None.


  • None.

[v1.6.0] - 2021-12-31


  • added energy output and input to combined equipment efficiency report
  • added energy output and input to equipment efficiency report
  • added offline meter billing procedure to aggregation service
  • added virtual meter billing procedure to aggregation service
  • added PUT actions to text/wechat/email messages in api
  • added POST actions to create new email/wechat/text messages
  • added lock/unlock user who failed login some times to admin and api
  • added bind-mount upload file folder to containers of myems-api and admin


  • updated dependencies in web ui
  • updated react-countup to v6.1.0 in web ui
  • updated Meter RealtimeChart in web ui
  • updated web for latest Node.js version
  • updated get messages by date range in admin and api
  • updated get emailmessages api in postman and readme
  • updated config.py in myems-aggregation service


  • None


  • None.

[v1.5.1] - 2021-12-18


  • Added lock/unlock user function if user failed login with wrong password.


  • Updated email message api and view with start/end datetime parameters.
  • Changed all datatype JSON columns to datatype LONGTEXT in database.


  • None.


  • None.

[v1.5.0] - 2021-12-12


  • Added energy model database
  • Added access control to all core entities in api and admin ui.


  • Updated notification(web message) in web and api
  • Updated command of myems-api service in docker-compose.
  • Updated Dockerfile of myems-api.
  • Updated virtual meter procedure in normalization service.


  • None.


  • None.

[v1.4.0] - 2021-11-14


  • added installation on docker to myems-modbus-tcp.


  • Merged expression table into virtual meter table in database. NOTE: THIS CHANGE MAY BREAK YOUR SYSTEM.

    Upgrade procedure for this change:

    1. Stop the myems-normalization service or container.
    2. Backup your database.
    3. Upgrade myems/admin, myems/myems-api, and myems/myems-normalization source code, and keep previous .env files unchanged.
    4. Run database/upgrade/upgrade1.4.0.sql to merge expression into virtual meter
    5. Check the virtual meters in Admin UI.
    6. Start the myems-normalization service or container.
  • updated virtual meter model view in admin ui

  • updated docker hub address in README

  • updated excel exporters to make them print friendly

  • added access control to actions of user in api


  • fixed issue in on_delete of gateway in API
  • upgraded falcon framework to v3.0.1 in API to fix warnings


  • None.

[v1.3.4] - 2021-11-06


  • added notification drop down list and notification page.
  • added new period type 'weekly'.
  • added installation on docker to README.


  • updated Dockerfiles.
  • added default gateway token to database and myems_modbus_tcp


  • fixed NoneType errors in detailed data formatters of Web UI.


  • None.

[v1.3.3] - 2021-10-30


  • added missing rule_id in myems_fdd_db.


  • updated package.json in web ui
  • updated README and database test procedure
  • added validation of offline meter hourly values to myems-normalization service
  • updated offline meter data template file
  • added new period type 'weekly' to meterenergy and aggregate_hourly_data_by_period in API
  • updated comments in aggregate_hourly_data_by_period of API
  • updated myems-api installation.


  • fixed NoneType error in myems-cleaning service
  • fixed warnings in myems-aggregation service
  • fixed detailed data sort issues in Web UI


  • removed duplicate entry in i18n of Web UI
  • removed unused import from API.

[v1.3.2] - 2021-10-22


  • added associated equipments data to combinedequipmentefficiency report.
  • added Pie Charts of TCE/TCO2E to excelexporters of equipmentenergycategory, combinedequipmentenergycategory and storeenergycategory.
  • added Pie charts of TCE and TCO2E to excel exporter of shopfloorenergycategory report.
  • added validation for area of shopfloor, space, store and tenant in API.


  • reformatted excel exporters of shopfloor reports.
  • reformatted excel exporters of store reports.
  • reformatted excel exporters of tenant reports
  • reformatted excel exporters of equipment reports
  • renamed parameter worksheet names in excel exporters.
  • updated database demo data in German.
  • updated Database Demo in English.


  • fixed PEP8 warnings.
  • fixed warnings in Excel exporters.


  • Remove Child Space Data Section from EquipmentEnergyCategory Excel Exporter.
  • deleted unused comments from excelexporters.

[v1.3.1] - 2021-10-15


  • added maximum load to tenantbatch report


  • updated config.py files to move all variables to .env files via Python Decouple
  • modified the doc for docker-compose
  • updated database installation script and README
  • reformatted excel exporters
  • changed name font from Constantia to Arial in Excel exporters.


  • fixed error when opening CombinedEquipmentEfficiency Excel report
  • fixed issue for editing user name and password in Admin UI
  • fixed NoneType issues in ExcelExporters.


  • None.

[v1.3.0] - 2021-09-04


  • added expiration datetimes to User in Admin UI
  • added expiration datetimes to user actions in API
  • added expiration datetimes to user table in database
  • added column ID to StoreBatch Excel Exporter in API
  • added meter ID to meterbatch excel exporter in API
  • added new datasource protocols to API
  • added API error messages to translations.js and i18n.js
  • added spinners to Dashboard of Web UI.


  • replaced Chinese with English in Excel Exporters of API
  • changed start&end datetime formatter for tariff from timestamp to strftime
  • changed lease start&end datetime formatter for tenant from timestamp to strftime
  • changed last run datetime and next run datetime formatter for rule from timestamp to strftime
  • changed last seen datetime formatter for gateway from timestamp to strftime
  • changed last seen datetime formatter of datasource from timestamp to strftime
  • changed upload datetime formatter of knowledgefile and offlinemeterfile from timestamp to strftime
  • changed cost file upload datetime formatter from timestamp to strftime
  • updated translation of Admin UI
  • updated database README
  • updated demo database for database ingestion service
  • updated distibutionssystem point value timeout value to 30 minutes
  • updated Admin UI to make error messages more specific
  • updated translations of KGCE & KGCO2E in Admin UI
  • updated userlogger in API to pass HTTPError to client.


  • fixed PEP8 warnings in API
  • fixed typo in contact controller of Admin UI
  • added try_files directive to avoid 404 error while refreshing pages in Web UI
  • modified API error message for knowledge file cannot be removed from disk.


  • removed cookies usages from API

[v1.2.3] - 2021-09-04


  • added tbl_reports to myems_reporting_db in database.
  • added trusted-host to Dockerfiles


  • updated README.
  • renamed language cn to zh-cn in Admin UI


  • fixed Local Storage conflicts in Admin UI and Web UI .
  • fixed issues in database demo script


  • None.

[v1.2.2] - 2021-08-28


  • added user log to UserLogin, ChangePassword and ResetPassword in API
  • implemented user_logger decorators in API
  • added default passwords to README.


  • updated myems_user_db.tbl_logs in database
  • updated i18n of WebUI
  • changed user token hash algorithm from sha1 to sha256 in API
  • upgraded dropzone js library in Admin UI
  • moved css files for dropzone from js folder to css folder in Admin UI


  • fixed code style warnings in README
  • fixed PEP8 warnings in API
  • fixed code style warnings in API
  • fixed translation errors in Admin UI
  • fixed issues of markdown in README files
  • fixed typeof issue of dropzone js in Admin UI
  • fixed issue of 'typeof' expression compared to 'null' in Web UI
  • fixed toaster issues for uploading file in Admin UI


  • removed unnecessary dropzone-amd-module library from Admin UI

[v1.2.1] - 2021-08-19


  • Added Missing Error Messages Words of API to Web UI i18n
  • Added rule_id to messages tables of fdd database
  • added version tags to images in Dockerfile


  • renamed virtualmeter.model.html in Admin UI
  • replaced stateChangeStart with transitions.onStart in Admin UI
  • added filters for jstree action types of menu and space in Admin UI
  • updated README of Web UI
  • replaced href with ng-href in Admin UI
  • upgraded Highcharts JS to v9.1.2
  • upgraded jquery-ui to v1.12.1
  • updated Admin UI translations for Error Messages of API
  • upgraded ocLazyLoad to v1.0.10 in Admin UI
  • updated Dockerfiles to add pip mirrors
  • upgraded AngularJS to v1.8.2


  • removed unnecessary jc.jsextend library from Admin UI
  • fixed debugging code issues in Admin UI
  • fixed unused code issues in Admin UI
  • fixed self assignment error in Web UI
  • fixed 'Clear-text logging of sensitive information' in API
  • fixed 'The variable binary_file_data does not seem to be defined for all execution paths' in API
  • replaced == with === to avoid casting in Admin UI
  • fixed response body of Restore actions
  • fixed typos in database
  • fixed typo in API
  • fixed typo in demo data of database


  • removed unused logs
  • removed diff-match-patch library from Admin UI
  • removed jeditable library from Admin UI
  • removed js plugins codemirror and summernote from Admin UI
  • removed 'unused import' from API
  • removed uncessary pass from acquisition.py of myems-modbus-tcp
  • removed unused import from meterbatch.py of API
  • removed unnecessary library mathjax from Admin UI
  • removed unnecessary libraries d3, and3, nvd3 and c3 from Admin UI
  • removed unnecessary library nggrid from Admin UI

[v1.2.0] - 2021-08-08


  • Added demo data to database


  • Replaced every_day_* to periodic_* in excelexporters of API
  • Updated Dockerfiles


  • Replaced every_day_* to periodic_* in excelexporters of API
  • Fixed data issues of tbl_menus in database


  • Deleted unnecessary words in translations of Admin UI

[v1.1.6] - 2021-08-02


  • Added Meter Batch Analysis Report
  • Added Child Space Share Pies for SpaceCost in Web UI
  • Added Web UI & Admin UI Installation Guide on Apache Web Server
  • Added Dockerfiles
  • Added Customized Menus in Web UI, API and Admin UI


  • None.


  • Upgraded jquery to v2.2.4 in Admin UI


  • None.

[v1.1.5] - 2021-07-20


  • None.


  • changed all worksheet names of Excel exporters in API


  • updated upgrade1.1.4 sql
  • fixed issue of gitignore in Admin UI


  • None.

[v1.1.4] - 2021-07-19


  • added tbl_email_messages to myems_reporting_db
  • added data sort to FDD messages in Admin UI
  • added new category to FDD rule in API & Admin UI
  • added Search Input for meters in Web UI
  • added last year data to dashboard
  • added ChildSpaceProportion SharePies to Space Energy Category report of Web UI
  • added ORDER BY utc_date_time to all digital parameters data in API
  • added the pagination for meter realtime page
  • added pagination to MeterRealtime in Web UI
  • added internationalization of Vertical Navigation Bar in Web UI
  • added Equipment Batch Analysis report API
  • added Cost File to API and Admin UI
  • added restore button to offline meter file in API and Admin UI


  • changed GET Data Source Point Collection to order by ID
  • changed equipment and combined equipment associated points name to parameters name in reports API
  • updated validate expression of rule in API
  • updated i18n in Web UI
  • upgraded Web UI library to 2.10.2


  • fixed typo for deleting email messages in Admin UI
  • fixed issues of deleting text message and wechat message in Admin UI
  • fixed base period cost units issue of Dashboard API
  • fixed selected meter issues in onSearchMeter of Web UI
  • fixed wrong HTTP Status Code issues in API
  • fixed Child Space Share Pie issue in Excel exporter of spaceenergycategory


  • Drop table tbl_sms_recipients from myems_fdd_db
  • deleted parameters data from Dashboard

[v1.1.3] - 2021-05-25


  • added Combined Equipment Batch Analysis Report
  • added Shopfloor Batch Analysis Report
  • added Store Batch Analysis Report
  • added Tenant Batch Analysis Report
  • implemented virtual point calculating in myems-normalization service
  • added is_virtual to tbl_points in database
  • added gateway process to myems-modbus-tcp service
  • added gateway process to myems-bacnet service
  • added procedure to update last seen datetime of data source in myems-modbus service
  • added last seen datetime to data source setting in Admin UI
  • added last seen datetime to Gateway Setting in Admin UI
  • added excel exporter of spaceefficiency report in API


  • updated Dashboard in web to display energy data of this year
  • updated tbl_expressions in database
  • added start value and end value to metertracking report
  • updated comments and log messages in myems-modbus-tcp service
  • improved theme of energyflowdiagram in Web UI


  • updated metertracking report to reduce duplicated meters
  • fixed detailed value missing issue in SpaceEfficiency report in Web UI


  • None.

[v1.1.2] - 2021-04-23


  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of shopfloorstatistics in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of shopfloorsaving in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of shopfloorload in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of shopfloorenergyitem in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of shopfloorenergycategory in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of shopfloorcost in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of storestatistics in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of storesaving in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of storeload in API
  • added associated parameters data to storeenergyitem in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of storeenergycategory in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of storecost in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of spacestatistics in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of spacesaving in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of spaceoutput in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of spaceload in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of spaceincome in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of spaceenergyitem in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of spaceenergycategory in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel export of spacecost in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of metertrend in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of meterenergy in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of metersubmetersbalance in API
  • added parameters data to excel exporter of metercost in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of tenantstatistics in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of tenantsaving in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of tenantload in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of tenantenergyitem in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of tenantenergycategory in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of tenantcost in API
  • added associated parameters data to excel exporter of combinedequipmentstatistics in API
  • added associated parameters data to combinedequipmentsaving in API
  • added associated parameters data to combinedequipmentload in API
  • added associated parameters data to combinedequipmentoutput in API
  • added associated parameters data to combinedequipmentincome in API
  • added associated parameters data to combinedequipmentenergyitem in API
  • added associated parameters data to combinedequipmentenergycategory in API
  • added associated parameters data to combinedequipmentcost in API
  • added quickmode to HTTP request parameters of MeterTrend report in API
  • added parameter data to excel exporter of EquipmentStatistics in API
  • added parameter data to excel exporter of EquipmentSaving in API
  • added parameter data to excel exporter of EquipmentOutput in API
  • added parameter data to excel exporter of EquipmentLoad in API
  • added parameters data to excel exporter of EquipmentEnergyItem in API
  • added parameters data to excel exporter of EquipmentEnergyCategory in API


  • updated README
  • updated excel exporter of metersubmetersbalance in API
  • updated excel exporter of meterenergy in API
  • updated excel exporter of metercost in API
  • updated panel width and height of costcenter in Admin UI
  • updated panel width and height of combinedequipment view in Admin UI
  • updated panel width and height of equipment view in Admin UI
  • changed query form column width from auto to xs={6} sm={3} in Web UI


  • fixed issues in excel exporters of combinedequipment in API
  • added parameters validator to statistics_hourly_data_by_period in API
  • added code to validate parameters of averaging_hourly_data_by_period in API
  • fixed issue in Excel exporter of equipmentincome in API
  • fixed unit issue in CombinedEquipmentCost report in API


  • deleted slim-scroll from and added maxheight to panel of views in Admin UI

[v1.1.1] - 2021-03-31


  • added associated equipment data to CombinedEquipmentCost report in API
  • added associated equipment data to CombinedEquipmentStatistics report in API
  • added associated equipment data to CombinedEquipmentSaving report in API
  • added associated equipment data to CombinedEquipmentOutput report in API
  • added associated equipment data to CombinedEquipmentLoad report in API
  • added associated equipment data to CombinedEquipmentIncome report in API
  • added associated equipment data to CombinedEquipmentEnergyItem report in API
  • added associated equipment data to CombinedEquipmentEnergyCategory report in API
  • added quickmode parameter to combinedequipmentefficiency report in API
  • added associated equipment data to CombinedEquipmentStatistics in Web UI
  • added associated equipment data to CombinedEquipmentLoad in Web UI
  • added excel exporter of equipmentcost reporter in API
  • added associated equipment data to CombinedEquipmentEnergyItem report in API
  • added AssociatedEquipmentTable to CombinedEquipmentIncome Report in web UI
  • added AssociatedEquipmentTable to CombinedEquipmentSaving Report in web UI
  • added AssociatedEquipmentTable to CombinedEquipmentOutput Report in web UI
  • added AssociatedEquipmentTable to CombinedEquipmentIncome Report in web UI
  • added AssociatedEquipmentTable to CombinedEquipmentCost Report in web UI
  • added AssociatedEquipmentTable to CombinedEquipmentEnergyCategory Report in web UI
  • added AssociatedEquipmentTable to CombinedEquipmentEnergyItem Report in web UI
  • added last_run_datetime and next_run_datetime to rule in API
  • added Deutsch (German) login language list in admin UI


  • reduced font size of meterrealtime in Web UI
  • moved category before fdd_code of rule in admin UI and API


  • fixed omission mistakes in myems-cleaning
  • fixed error for large number of parameters in combinedequipmentefficiency and equipmentefficiency in API
  • fixed error of None Comparison in API
  • fixed NoneType error in all Load reports API.


  • None.

[v1.1.0] - 2021-03-18


  • added excel exporter of equipmentefficiency report.
  • added excel exporter of conbinedequipmentefficiency report in API.
  • added 'optional' tips to meter,virtual meter and offline meter setting in admin UI.
  • added Optional key to translation in admin UI.
  • added cominbedequipmentefficiency report to api and web.
  • added equipmentefficiency report api.


  • updated cost file controller in admin UI
  • updated user login session expire time to 8 hours.
  • changed web UI and API to set contact of space is optional.


  • fixed http headers issues of offlinemeterfile, knowledgefile and costfile in admin UI
  • changed float datatype to Decimal datatype for offline meter normalization.
  • fixed issue of add space in web UI.
  • added historical database close and disconnect at the end of reports.


  • None.

[v1.0.8] - 2021-03-11


  • added excel exporter of combinedequipmentstatistics report
  • added translation for German
  • added excel exporter of storesaving report
  • added excel exporter of equipmentincome report
  • added excel exporter of shopfloorsaving report
  • added excel exporter of equipmentload report


  • Changed default reporting range in EnergyFlowDiagram.


  • None.


  • None.

[v1.0.7] - 2021-03-07


  • added excel exporter of storeload report
  • added excel exporter of spaceincome report
  • added excel exporter of equipmentsaving report
  • added excel exporter of combinedequipmentsaving report
  • added excel exporter of combinedequipmentload report
  • added excel exporter of spaceoutput report
  • added excel exporter of combinedequipmentoutput
  • added excel exporter of combinedequipmentcost report
  • added excel exporter of shopfloorcost report
  • added excel exporter of shopfloorload report
  • added excel exporter of combinedequipmentenergycategory report
  • added excel exporter of combinedequipmentitem report.
  • added excel exporter of equipmentenergyitem report.
  • added excel exporter of equipmentenergycategory report.
  • added excel exporter of shopfloorenergyitem report.


  • None.


  • fixed wrong HTTP headers in admin.
  • fixed typo in combinedequipment controller in admin.
  • fixed energy item undefined issue when edit virtual meter and offline meter.


  • removed 'required' property from equipment model in admin.

[v1.0.6] - 2021-02-26


  • added store statistics report excel exporter.
  • added equipment tracking excel exporter.
  • added store cost report excel exporter.
  • added equipment statistics report excel exporter.
  • added store energy item report excel exporter.
  • added shopfloor statistics report excel exporter.
  • merged myems-api.


  • modified database table tbl_energy_flow_diagrams_links


  • fixed energy category names and units issue in EnergyItem reports.


  • None.

[v1.0.5] - 2021-02-23


  • None.


  • None.


  • None.


  • None.
马建仓 AI 助手


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