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1. Steven Bick – Polymath Forester 

    Professional Experience

    Principal Consultant. Northeast Forests LLC. Research Education & Stewardship. This work is a combination of soft money funded projects for original ideas and consulting on projects originating with private landowners universities and regional organizations. Responsibilities include forestry project oversight and conservation planning services throughout the US. Example work includes appraisals project assessments forest carbon accounting and management for higher education institutions business planning timber sales recreation planning valuations investment analysis timber management timber trespass evaluations biomass evaluations conservation easement design and analysis lectures on conservation software and development and timber income tax calculations. Thendara New York. 1993 - present. 

    Director. Vermont Forest Business School. Design instruction and administration of a lean non-traditional program for mid-career forest entrepreneurs and those who support them. Fayston Vermont. 2019-present. 

    Adjunct Professor. Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Syracuse New York. 2004 – 2012; 2016 - 2018 (Adjunct Assistant Professor 1997 – 2003).

    Project Manager. Hardwood Value Improvement Project. Oversee and coordinate US Forest Service funded hardwood log bucking train-the-trainer program for a 30-state area for the Ohio Forestry Association. Columbus OH. 2006 – 2008

    Research Associate. Department of Forestry. College of Forestry and Wildlife Resources. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg Virginia. 1996-1997. 

    Forester. Adirondack League Club. Multiple-use management for a 50000-acre private non-industrial forest. 1988-1989; 1990-1993. 


    Ph.D. Forest Management and Economics. 1996. College of Forestry and Wildlife Resources. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg Virginia. 

    M.S. Forest Resources Management. 1990. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Syracuse New York. 

    B.S. Environmental Studies. 1988. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Syracuse New York. 

    750 Dunbar Hill Road Fayston VT 05660; Phone: 315-369-8007; steve@northeastforests.com www.northeastforests.com

    A.S. Conservation. 1986. Herkimer County Community College. Herkimer New York. 

    Certificate. Forest Appraisal. 1998. Nicholas School of the Environment. Duke University. Durham North Carolina. 

    Other Affiliations

    External Graduate Faculty. School of Forest Resources. University of Maine – Orono. 

    Visiting Professor. University of Maine-Fort Kent. 2015 2016; On-going lectures. 

    Selected Publications

    Bick S. S. Lyon and A. Berry. 2023. Wisconsin Timberland Inventory Report for Market Growth & Retention. WI DNR. 142p. https://bit.ly/LS-Timber-Market-Reports

    Bick S. A. Berry P. Frederick and A. Steele. 2019. Climate Adaptations in the Northeast’s Forest Products Supply Chain. USDA Forest Service Cooperative Agreement #18-CA- 11420004-203. http://bit.ly/CANEFPS

    Bick S. A. Berry P. Frederick and A. Steele. 2019. Northeastern Forest Products Supply Chain Climate Adaptation Toolkit. USDA Forest Service Cooperative Agreement #18-CA- 11420004-203. http://bit.ly/FPSCToolkit

    Berry A and S.Bick 2019. Will New Climate Targets Kill Biomass in New York State?. November 2019 issue of The Northern Logger and Timber Processor. Old Forge NY : Northeastern Loggers’ Association. 

    Bick. S. 2019. SoilWeb : A Mobile Phone-Friendly Soils App for Logging. June 2019 issue of The Northern Logger and Timber Processor. Old Forge NY : Northeastern Loggers’ Association. 

    Bick S. and C. Lindgren. 2018. Small Business Planning for Loggers : Busines Plan Template and Instruction Manual. Barre VT : University of Vermont Extension Forest Business Program. 19 p. 

    Bick S. and J. Benjamin. 2017. Continuous Improvement in Logging. Thendara NY: Forest Enterprise Institute. 134 p. 

    Bick S A. Berry F. Bick and A. Steele. 2019. Seasonal Climate Change in Vermont : County-level monthly temperature and and precipitation data compilation for the forest products supply chain. Thendara NY : Northeast Forests LLC. 36 p. 

    750 Dunbar Hill Road Fayston VT 05660; Phone: 315-369-8007; steve@northeastforests.com www.northeastforests.com

    Berry A S.Bick P. Frederick M. McLarty A. Steele and D. Hollinger. 2019. Warmer wetter logging. May 2019 issue of The Northern Logger and Timber Processor. Old Forge NY : Northeastern Loggers’ Association. 

    Germain R J. Regula S. Bick and L. Zhang. Factors impacting logging costs : a caste study in the Northeast US. The Forestry Chronicle. Vol. 95 No 1. 

    Bick S. 2014. Throughput accounting. The Northern Logger and Timber Processor. (63) 5: 26- 27. 

    Bick Steven. 2012. Harvesting Woody Biomass: A Small Business Guide. Old Forge NY: Northeastern Loggers Association 256 p. 

    Bick Steven. 2012. Striking a C(h)ord on Firewood. June 2012 issue of Northern Logger and Timber Processor Old Forge NY. Northeastern Loggers Association. 

    Kelly M. R.H. Germain and S. Bick. 2017. Impacts of forestry Best Management Practices on logging costs and productivity in the Northeast U.S.A. Journal of Forestry. 

    Germain R.H. S. Bick M. Kelley J. Benjamin and W. Farrand. 2016. A Case Study of Three High- Performing Contract Loggers with Distinct Harvest Systems: Are they thriving striving or just surviving? Forest Products Journal. 66(1/2): 97-105

    Bick Steven. 2011. Vermont Schools the Nation in Biomass Heating. Bozeman MT: Property & Environment Research Center. 8 p. 

    Bick Steven. 2008. Forest Enterprises of the Adirondacks. Syracuse NY: Forest Enterprise Institute. 231 p. 

    Bick Steven. 2008. Northern Tree Timber and Woody Biomass Volume Tables. Old Forge NY: Northeastern Loggers Association. 162 p. 

    Bick Steven. 2008. The Hardwood Log Desktop Reference Book. Old Forge NY: Northeastern Loggers Association 348 p. 

    Bick Steven. 2007. Adirondack Forest Owner’s Manual. Syracuse NY: Forest Enterprise Institute. 240 p. 

    Bick Steven. 2007. Timber Measurements: A Practical Guide for Working in the Woods. Old Forge NY: Northeastern Loggers Association 217 p. 

    Bick Steven. 2007. Forest Products: What are they and how do we get them? Old Forge NY. Northeastern Loggers Association. 28 p. 

    750 Dunbar Hill Road Fayston VT 05660; Phone: 315-369-8007; steve@northeastforests.com www.northeastforests.com

    Bick Steven and Harry L. Haney Jr. 2001. The Landowners Guide to Conservation Easements. Dubuque IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. 179 p. 

    Bick Steven. 1999. Timber Talk Column - August Issue. Northern Logger and Timber Processor Old Forge NY. Northeastern Loggers Association. 

    Bick Steven. 1999. Timber Talk Column - August Issue. Northern Logger and Timber Processor Old Forge NY. Northeastern Loggers Association. 

    Bick Steven. and Harry L. Haney Jr. 1997. Conservation easements for forest landowners. Forest landowner. Vol. 56 # 2. p.36. Forest Landowners Association. Atlanta GA. 

    Bick Steven. and Harry L. Haney Jr. 1997. Tax implications of conservation easements. Tree Farmer. Nov/Dec. pp. 16-18. American Forest Foundation. Washington DC. 

    Bick Steven Haney Harry L. Jr. and Chad P. Dawson. 1997. Recreational aspects of forestland easements in the northern forest region of New York State. Forthcoming in: Proceedings of the 1997 northeastern recreation research symposium. USDA Forest Service Northeast Forest Experiment Station. 

    Bick Steven Haney Harry L. Jr. and Cynthia D. West. 1996. An analysis of deeds to conservation easements on forestland in northern new york. Redefining roles in forest economics research: Proceedings of the 26th annual southern forest economics workshop Gatlinburg Tennessee March 27-29 1996. pp. 63-69. USDA Forest Service Southern Forest Experiment Station. New Orleans LA. 

    Bick Steven Haney Harry L. Jr. and Cynthia D. West. 1996. Profiles of forestland easements in the northern forest region of New York State. Abstract of presentation at the 1996 Forest Products Society Convention. Minneapolis MN. 

    Bick Steven Haney Harry L. Jr. West Cynthia D. and Donald F. Dennis. 1996. Voluntary landowner participation in landscape management through conservation easements. Proceedings of 1996 society of american foresters national convention Albuquerque NM. Society of American Foresters. Bethesda MD. 

    Education & Outreach Compilations

    Productivity & Continuous improvement Workshop Instructor Manual. 2017. NY: New York Logger Training. 181 p. http://bit.ly/PCI-Manual

    Forest Ecology & Silviculture Instructor Manual. 2013. Rensselaer NY: New York Logger Training. 164 p. http://bit.ly/3bgkEWk

    750 Dunbar Hill Road Fayston VT 05660; Phone: 315-369-8007; steve@northeastforests.com www.northeastforests.com

    Timber Measurement Instructor Manual. 2017. NY: New York Logger Training. 110 p. http://bit.ly/2pHH1Pw

    NYLT Online Continuing Education Sourcebook. 2017. NY: New York Logger Training. 75 p. http://bit.ly/NYLTOnline2017

    Logging Small Business Essential Workshop Instructor Manual. 2017. NY: New York Logger Training. 134 p. http://bit.ly/NYLT-LSBE-Workshop

    A Biomass Demonstration Guide for Northern Loggers. 2012. Old Forge NY: Northeastern Loggers Association 256 p. http://bit.ly/biomassdemo

    Planning & Analysis in Timber Harvesting: Version 3.0. Spreadsheet Utility & Instruction Manual. 2021 Old Forge NY: Northeastern Loggers Association (www.loggingchance.com/path-3- 0) 

    Planning & Analysis in Timber Harvesting: Version 2.1 Spreadsheet Utility & Instruction Manual. 2017. Old Forge NY: Northeastern Loggers Association 42 p. http://bit.ly/PATH-VT-2017

    Planning & Analysis in Timber Harvesting: Spreadsheet Utility & Instruction Manual. 2010. Old Forge NY: Northeastern Loggers Association 39 p. 

    Various Forestry Mobile Apps – LiVT (www.loginVT.com); Northern Logger App (www.northernloggerapp.com; BARK (www.bicksapp.com); & i-Saw-VT (www.iSawVT.com) 

    Web-Based Mobile Applications

    Northern Logger App (www.northernloggerapp.com) – forest and wood conversions; Log-in-Vermont (www.loginvt.com) – throughput accounting for logging iSawVT (www.iSawvV.com) – throughput accounting for small sawmills WARP (www.bit.ly/WARP2023) – project management for rural enterprises BOLT (www.boltplanner.com) – business plan writing utility Sawmill Badger (www.sawmillbadger.com) – sawmill analysis & profitability PAC & LIM (www.michiganforestapps.com) – benchmarking profits costs and productivity BARK (www.bicksapp.com) – forestry calculations and references

    Recent Funded Research & Projects

    Climate Adaptation for Vermont’s Forests and Forest Products Supply Chains (USFS Landscape Scale Restoration subgrant https://apps.fs.usda.gov/nicportal/temppdf/sfs/naweb/vt_brief.pdf) 

    750 Dunbar Hill Road Fayston VT 05660; Phone: 315-369-8007; steve@northeastforests.com www.northeastforests.com

    Vermont Forest Business School. Vermont Department of Agriculture Working Lands Enterprise Initiative. 2020-23. www.vtfbs.com

    Peer Network for Vermont Loggers. Vermont Housing & Conservation Board Forest Viability Program. 2020-present. 

    Vulnerability Assessment of the Primary Forest Products Sector in the Northeast US. USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry Cooperative Agreement. 2018. 

    Woody Biomass Feedstock Resource Assessment for the Biorefinery Development and Commercialization Center and Full Commercial Biorefineries. SUNY Research Foundation. 2017. http://bit.ly/ASWoodyBiomassSupply-Final

    Production Technology in Logging. Northern Borders Regional Commission via Northern Forest Center. 2016. 

    Wood Fuel Energy Return Study. New York State Energy Research & Development Project 32981 addendum. 2013

    Process Development for Low Moisture Content Wood Chips. New York State Energy Research & Development Project 32981. 2012

    Strengthening Logging Businesses in the Northern Forest – Innovation and Best Business Practices. Northeastern States Research Cooperative via University of Maine. 2012. https://nsrcforest.org/project/strengthening-logging-businesses-northern-forest-%E2%80%93-innovation-and-best- business-practices

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