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simpleBox.go 6.32 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright 2021 The pdfcpu Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package primitives
import (
// SimpleBox is a positioned rectangular region within content.
type SimpleBox struct {
pdf *PDF
content *Content
Name string
Position [2]float64 `json:"pos"` // x,y
x, y float64
Dx, Dy float64
Anchor string
anchor types.Anchor
anchored bool
Width float64
Height float64
Margin *Margin
Border *Border
FillColor string `json:"fillCol"`
fillCol *color.SimpleColor
Rotation float64 `json:"rot"`
Hide bool
func (sb *SimpleBox) validate() error {
sb.x = sb.Position[0]
sb.y = sb.Position[1]
if sb.Name == "$" {
return errors.New("pdfcpu: invalid box reference $")
if sb.Anchor != "" {
if sb.Position[0] != 0 || sb.Position[1] != 0 {
return errors.New("pdfcpu: Please supply \"pos\" or \"anchor\"")
a, err := types.ParseAnchor(sb.Anchor)
if err != nil {
return err
sb.anchor = a
sb.anchored = true
if sb.Margin != nil {
if err := sb.Margin.validate(); err != nil {
return err
if sb.Border != nil {
sb.Border.pdf = sb.pdf
if err := sb.Border.validate(); err != nil {
return err
if sb.FillColor != "" {
sc, err := sb.pdf.parseColor(sb.FillColor)
if err != nil {
return err
sb.fillCol = sc
return nil
func (sb *SimpleBox) margin(name string) *Margin {
return sb.content.namedMargin(name)
func (sb *SimpleBox) border(name string) *Border {
return sb.content.namedBorder(name)
func (sb *SimpleBox) mergeIn(sb0 *SimpleBox) {
if sb.Width == 0 {
sb.Width = sb0.Width
if sb.Height == 0 {
sb.Height = sb0.Height
if !sb.anchored && sb.x == 0 && sb.y == 0 {
sb.x = sb0.x
sb.y = sb0.y
sb.anchor = sb0.anchor
sb.anchored = sb0.anchored
if sb.Dx == 0 {
sb.Dx = sb0.Dx
if sb.Dy == 0 {
sb.Dy = sb0.Dy
if sb.Margin == nil {
sb.Margin = sb0.Margin
if sb.Border == nil {
sb.Border = sb0.Border
if sb.fillCol == nil {
sb.fillCol = sb0.fillCol
if sb.Rotation == 0 {
sb.Rotation = sb0.Rotation
if !sb.Hide {
sb.Hide = sb0.Hide
func (sb *SimpleBox) calcBorder() (float64, *color.SimpleColor, types.LineJoinStyle, error) {
bWidth := 0.
var bCol *color.SimpleColor
bStyle := types.LJMiter
if sb.Border != nil {
b := sb.Border
if b.Name != "" && b.Name[0] == '$' {
// Use named border
bName := b.Name[1:]
b0 := sb.border(bName)
if b0 == nil {
return bWidth, bCol, bStyle, errors.Errorf("pdfcpu: unknown named border %s", bName)
if b.Width >= 0 {
bWidth = float64(b.Width)
if b.col != nil {
bCol = b.col
bStyle = b.style
return bWidth, bCol, bStyle, nil
func (sb *SimpleBox) calcMargin() (float64, float64, float64, float64, error) {
mTop, mRight, mBottom, mLeft := 0., 0., 0., 0.
if sb.Margin != nil {
m := sb.Margin
if m.Name != "" && m.Name[0] == '$' {
// use named margin
mName := m.Name[1:]
m0 := sb.margin(mName)
if m0 == nil {
return mTop, mRight, mBottom, mLeft, errors.Errorf("pdfcpu: unknown named margin %s", mName)
if m.Width > 0 {
mTop = m.Width
mRight = m.Width
mBottom = m.Width
mLeft = m.Width
} else {
mTop = m.Top
mRight = m.Right
mBottom = m.Bottom
mLeft = m.Left
return mTop, mRight, mBottom, mLeft, nil
func (sb *SimpleBox) calcTransform(mLeft, mBottom, mRight, mTop, bWidth float64) (matrix.Matrix, *types.Rectangle) {
pdf := sb.content.page.pdf
cBox := sb.content.Box()
r := sb.content.Box().CroppedCopy(0)
r.LL.X += mLeft
r.LL.Y += mBottom
r.UR.X -= mRight
r.UR.Y -= mTop
var x, y float64
if sb.anchored {
x, y = types.AnchorPosition(sb.anchor, r, sb.Width, sb.Height)
} else {
x, y = types.NormalizeCoord(sb.x, sb.y, cBox, pdf.origin, false)
if y < 0 {
y = cBox.Center().Y - sb.Height/2 - r.LL.Y
} else if y > 0 {
y -= mBottom
if x < 0 {
x = cBox.Center().X - sb.Width/2 - r.LL.X
} else if x > 0 {
x -= mLeft
dx, dy := types.NormalizeOffset(sb.Dx, sb.Dy, pdf.origin)
x += r.LL.X + dx
y += r.LL.Y + dy
if x < r.LL.X {
x = r.LL.X
} else if x > r.UR.X-sb.Width {
x = r.UR.X - sb.Width
if y < r.LL.Y {
y = r.LL.Y
} else if y > r.UR.Y-sb.Height {
y = r.UR.Y - sb.Height
r = types.RectForWidthAndHeight(x, y, sb.Width, sb.Height)
r.LL.X += bWidth / 2
r.LL.Y += bWidth / 2
r.UR.X -= bWidth / 2
r.UR.Y -= bWidth / 2
sin := math.Sin(float64(sb.Rotation) * float64(matrix.DegToRad))
cos := math.Cos(float64(sb.Rotation) * float64(matrix.DegToRad))
dx = r.LL.X
dy = r.LL.Y
r.Translate(-r.LL.X, -r.LL.Y)
dx += r.Width()/2 + sin*(r.Height()/2) - cos*r.Width()/2
dy += r.Height()/2 - cos*(r.Height()/2) - sin*r.Width()/2
m := matrix.CalcTransformMatrix(1, 1, sin, cos, dx, dy)
return m, r
func (sb *SimpleBox) render(p *model.Page) error {
bWidth, bCol, bStyle, err := sb.calcBorder()
if err != nil {
return err
mTop, mRight, mBottom, mLeft, err := sb.calcMargin()
if err != nil {
return err
m, r := sb.calcTransform(mTop, mRight, mBottom, mLeft, bWidth)
fmt.Fprintf(p.Buf, "q %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f cm ", m[0][0], m[0][1], m[1][0], m[1][1], m[2][0], m[2][1])
if sb.fillCol != nil {
draw.FillRect(p.Buf, r, bWidth, bCol, *sb.fillCol, &bStyle)
if sb.pdf.Debug {
draw.DrawCircle(p.Buf, r.LL.X, r.LL.Y, 5, color.Black, &color.Red)
fmt.Fprint(p.Buf, "Q ")
return nil
draw.DrawRect(p.Buf, r, bWidth, bCol, &bStyle)
if sb.pdf.Debug {
draw.DrawCircle(p.Buf, r.LL.X, r.LL.Y, 5, color.Black, &color.Red)
fmt.Fprint(p.Buf, "Q ")
return nil
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