存放各种docker image构建脚本或者快速启动的docker-compose文件。
A image for running kubectl inside a container
The purpose of Components Contrib is to provide open, community driven reusable components for building distributed applications. These components are being used by the Dapr project, but are separate and decoupled from it.
Docker Desktop enables you to create virtual desktops that can be accessed remotely. It comes with Firefox and Libreoffice already installed!
chfs的docker化 支持amdx64 armx64 chfs2.0
Dockerfile for nginx-rtmp-module + njs (dynamic) + FFmpeg from source, buile on Alpine linux.
人人都会用的数据集成产品,并提供一站式、开箱即用的 DataOps 数据中台,大幅提高ETL实时数仓构建效率