RunnerGo致力于打造成一款全栈式测试平台,采用了较为宽松的Apache-2.0 license开源协议,方便志同道合的朋友一起为开源贡献力量💪💪目前实现了接口测试、场景自动化测试、性能测试等测试能力。随着不断的迭代,我们将会推出更多的测试功能。我们的目的是为研发赋能,让测试更简单❤
你的 ⭐️ Star ⭐️,是作者生发的动力!
python3 + pytest + parametrize + requests / httpx + yaml + allure + redis + mysql + pydantic + log + 飞书 / 钉钉 /企微/ 邮箱通知... 低代码数据驱动接口自动化测试框架
UI Recorder is a multi-platform UI test recorder.
Air-Arena is a comprehensive framework for automating UAV testing and scene management in AirSim-based simulation environments.
Linux Kernel Performance tests
DAIBench (DiDi Cloud AI Benchmark) aims to provide a set of GPU evaluation sets for AI production environments, spanning different types of GPU servers and cloud environments
This repository is a merger of the formerly separate GoogleTest and GoogleMock projects.
Appium is an open-source, cross-platform test automation tool for native, hybrid, and mobile web and desktop apps.