// Package ntrip provides functions for the Ntrip protocol
// The HTTP-based NtripClient to NtripCaster communication is fully compatible to
// HTTP 1.1, but in this context Ntrip uses only non-persistent connections.
// A loss of the TCP connection between communicating system-components (NtripClient to
// NtripCaster, NtripServer to NtripCaster) will be automatically recognized by the TCPsockets.
// This effect can be used to trigger software events such as an automated reconnection.
// The chunked transfer encoding is used to transfer a series of chunks, each with its own
// size information. This allows the transfer of streaming data together with information to
// verify the completeness of transfer. Every NTRIP 2.0 component must be able to handle
// this transfer encoding. The basic idea is to send the size of the following data block before
// the block itself as hexadecimal number.
// The net/http package automatically uses chunked encoding for request bodies when the content
// length is not known and the application did not explicitly set the transfer encoding to "identity".
package ntrip
import (
// yml config: https://github.com/valasek/timesheet/tree/master/server
// Options provides additional information for connecting to a Ntripcaster.
type Options struct {
// Username is the Caster username
Username string
// Password is the Caster password
Password string
// Proxy configures the Proxy function on the HTTP client.
//Proxy func(req *http.Request) (*url.URL, error)
//Proxy string
//request *http.Request
// UserAgent is the http User Agent, defaults to "InfluxDBClient".
// For accessing the (BKG) casters websites (not sourcetable), it must not contain "NTRIP",
// for accesing a stream, it MUST contain "NTRIP"
UserAgent string
// Timeout for GET requests in seconds. Defaults to 5 seconds.
Timeout int
// UnsafeSSL gets passed to the http client, if true, it will skip https certificate verification.
// Defaults to false.
UnsafeSSL bool
// TLSConfig allows the user to set their own TLS config for the HTTP
// Client. If set, this option overrides UnsafeSSL.
TLSConfig *tls.Config
// Transfered
//DataChan chan []byte
//ErrorChan chan error // errorChan := make(chan error)
// Client is a caster client for http connections.
// The http.Client's Transport typically has internal state (cached TCP connections), so Clients should be reused
// instead of created as needed. Clients are safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
type Client struct {
URL *url.URL // // URL specifies the URL to access, for client requests.
Username string
Password string
Useragent string
req *http.Request // save request for reconnect
// Quit chan struct{}
//errorChan chan error
//dataChan chan []byte
// NewClient returns a new Ntrip Client with the given caster address and additional options.
// The caster addr should have the form "http://host:port". It uses HTTP proxies
// as directed by the $HTTP_PROXY and $NO_PROXY (or $http_proxy and
// $no_proxy) environment variables.
func NewClient(addr string, opts Options) (*Client, error) {
casterURL, err := url.Parse(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if casterURL.Scheme != "http" && casterURL.Scheme != "https" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported protocol scheme: %s: your address must start with http:// or https://", casterURL.Scheme)
if opts.UserAgent == "" {
opts.UserAgent = "NTRIP Go Client" // Must start with NTRIP !!!!!!!!!!!!
// Transport see http DefaultTransport settings
/* tr := &http.Transport{
Proxy: ProxyFromEnvironment,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: opts.UnsafeSSL},
} */
// Set proxy
/* if opts.Proxy != "" {
proxyURL, err := url.Parse(opts.Proxy)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse proxy %s", opts.Proxy)
tr.Proxy = http.ProxyURL(proxyURL)
} */
// if opts.TLSConfig != nil {
// tr.TLSClientConfig = opts.TLSConfig
// }
timeout := 15 * time.Second // default
if opts.Timeout != 0 {
timeout = time.Duration(opts.Timeout) * time.Second
return &Client{
Client: &http.Client{
Timeout: timeout,
//Transport: tr, // see http DefaultTransport settings
URL: casterURL,
Username: opts.Username,
Password: opts.Password,
Useragent: opts.UserAgent,
}, nil
// IsCasterAlive checks whether the caster is alive.
// This is done by checking if the caster responds with its sourcetable.
func (c *Client) IsCasterAlive() bool {
if _, err := c.GetSourcetable(); err != nil {
return false
return true
// GetSourcetable downloads the sourcetable and returns the contents.
func (c *Client) GetSourcetable() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", c.URL.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Add("Ntrip-Version", "Ntrip/2.0")
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", c.Useragent)
req.Header.Set("Connection", "close")
resp, err := c.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Debug
/* fmt.Println("The request header is:")
re, _ := httputil.DumpRequest(req, false)
fmt.Println("The response header is:")
dump, _ := httputil.DumpResponse(resp, false)
fmt.Printf("%q", dump)
//fmt.Print(string(dump)) */
// servername := resp.Header.Get("Server")
// fmt.Printf("Server: %s\n", servername)
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { // / if resp.Status != "200 OK"
return nil, fmt.Errorf("GET failed: %d (%s)", resp.StatusCode, resp.Status)
if resp.Header.Get("Content-Type") != "gnss/sourcetable" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sourcetable %s with content-type %s", c.URL.String(), resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
return resp.Body, nil
// ParseSourcetable downloads the sourcetable and parses its contents.
func (c *Client) ParseSourcetable() (*Sourcetable, error) {
reader, err := c.GetSourcetable()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer reader.Close()
st := &Sourcetable{}
st.Casters = make([]Caster, 0, 5)
st.Networks = make([]Network, 0, 5)
st.Streams = make([]Stream, 0, 200)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
ln := ""
for scanner.Scan() {
ln = scanner.Text()
if strings.HasPrefix(ln, "#") { // comment
fields := strings.Split(ln, ";")
switch fields[0] {
case "CAS":
if ca, err := parseCAS(ln); err == nil {
st.Casters = append(st.Casters, ca)
case "NET":
if netw, err := parseNET(ln); err == nil {
st.Networks = append(st.Networks, netw)
case "STR":
if str, err := parseSTR(ln); err == nil {
st.Streams = append(st.Streams, str)
break readln
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: illegal sourcetable line: '%s'", c.URL.String(), ln)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid sourcetable: missing string \"ENDSOURCETABLE\"")
return st, nil
// GetStream requests a GNSS stream from the NtripCaster.
func (c *Client) GetStream(mp string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
/* https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cfhttp/blob/master/v2/client.go
func WithStreamingDefaults() Option {
return func(c *config) {
c.tcpKeepAliveTimeout = 30 * time.Second
c.disableKeepAlives = false
c.requestTimeout = 0
} */
// // Transport see http DefaultTransport settings
// tr := &http.Transport{
// Dial: (&net.Dialer{ // -> establishment of the connection
// Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
// KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
// }).Dial,
// Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
// IdleConnTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
// TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
// ResponseHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second, // e.g. for using the wrong proxy!
// //TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
// }
// if cl.Proxy != nil {
// tr.Proxy = http.ProxyURL(cl.Proxy)
// }
// httpClient := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
c.URL.Path = mp // Set mountpoint
// ctx
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", c.URL.String(), nil)
// retry
// ctx := context.Background()
// req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", c.URL.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", c.Useragent)
req.Header.Add("Ntrip-Version", "Ntrip/2.0")
req.SetBasicAuth(c.Username, c.Password)
req.Header.Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
req.Header.Set("Connection", "close")
c.req = req
return c.do()
func (c *Client) do() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
re, _ := httputil.DumpRequest(c.req, false)
// Send request
resp, err := c.Do(c.req)
if err != nil {
fmt.Print(string(re)) // if verbose
return nil, err
//respi, _ := httputil.DumpResponse(resp, false)
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { // / if resp.Status != "200 OK"
return resp.Body, fmt.Errorf("GET failed: %d (%s)", resp.StatusCode, resp.Status)
if resp.Header.Get("Content-Type") != "gnss/data" { // Ntrip 2.0
return resp.Body, fmt.Errorf("stream %s: invalid content-type %s", c.URL.String(), resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
return resp.Body, nil
// Reconnect tries to reconnect to the caster.
func (c *Client) Reconnect() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return c.do()
// Caster specifies a sourcetable record for a caster.
// See http://software.rtcm-ntrip.org/wiki/CAS.
type Caster struct {
Host string // host name or IP address
Port int // numeric port number
Identifier string // Name of Caster or Caster provider
Operator string // Name of institution or company operating the caster
Nmea bool // Caster accepts NMEA input (1, true) or not (0)
Country string // 3 char ISO 3166 country code
Lat, Lon float32 // Position, Latitude and Longitude in degree
FallbackHost string // Fallback Caster Internet address
FallbackPort int // Fallback Caster Port number
Misc string // Miscellaneous information
// Network specifies a sourcetable record for a network.
// See http://software.rtcm-ntrip.org/wiki/NET.
type Network struct {
Identifier string // Network Identifier
Operator string // Name of institution or company operating the network
Auth string // access protection for data streams: None (N), Basic (B) or Digest (D)
Fee bool // User fee for data access: yes (Y) or no (N)
WebNet string // URL, Web address for network information
WebStream string // URL, Web address for stream information
WebReg string // URL or e-mail, Web or mail address for registration
Misc string // Miscellaneous information
// Stream specifies a sourcetable record for a stream.
// See http://software.rtcm-ntrip.org/wiki/STR.
type Stream struct {
MP string // datastream mountpoint name
Identifier string // Source identifier (most time nearest city)
Format string // Data format (see http://software.rtcm-ntrip.org/wiki/STR)
FormatDetails string // Specifics of data format (see http://software.rtcm-ntrip.org/wiki/STR)
Carrier int // Phase information (see http://software.rtcm-ntrip.org/wiki/STR)
SatSystem []string // satellite navigation system (see http://software.rtcm-ntrip.org/wiki/STR)
Network string // network name (Network.Identifier)
Country string // 3 char ISO 3166 country code
Lat, Lon float32 // Position, Latitude and Longitude in degree
Nmea bool // Caster accepts NMEA input (1, true) or not (0)
Solution int // Generated by single base (0) or network (1)
Generator string // Generating soft- or hardware
Compression string // Compression algorithm
Auth string // access protection for data streams: None (N), Basic (B) or Digest (D)
Fee bool // User fee for data access: yes (Y) or no (N)
Bitrate int // Datarate in bits per second
Misc string // Miscellaneous information
// Sourcetable holds the streams from an NtripCasters' sourcetable.
type Sourcetable struct {
Casters []Caster
Networks []Network
Streams []Stream
// Write writes a RTCM formated sourcetable to the specified writer.
func (st *Sourcetable) Write(w io.Writer) error {
for _, ca := range st.Casters {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s;%s;%d;%s;%s;%d;%s;%.2f;%.2f;%s;%d;%s\n",
"CAS", ca.Host, ca.Port, ca.Identifier, ca.Operator, printNMEA(ca.Nmea), ca.Country, ca.Lat, ca.Lon, ca.FallbackHost, ca.FallbackPort, ca.Misc)
for _, net := range st.Networks {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n",
"NET", net.Identifier, net.Operator, net.Auth, printFee(net.Fee), net.WebNet, net.WebStream, net.WebReg, net.Misc)
for _, str := range st.Streams {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%d;%s;%s;%s;%.2f;%.2f;%d;%d;%s;%s;%s;%s;%d;%s\n",
"STR", str.MP, str.Identifier, str.Format, str.FormatDetails, str.Carrier, strings.Join(str.SatSystem, "+"), str.Network,
str.Country, str.Lat, str.Lon, printNMEA(str.Nmea), str.Solution, str.Generator, str.Compression, str.Auth, printFee(str.Fee), str.Bitrate, str.Misc)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", "ENDSOURCETABLE")
return nil
// HasStream checks if the sourcetable contains the specified stream/mountpoint.
// The first returned value is the Stream, the second value is boolean typed and will be
// true if the mountpont was found and otherwise false.
func (st *Sourcetable) HasStream(mountpoint string) (Stream, bool) {
for _, str := range st.Streams {
if str.MP == mountpoint {
return str, true
return Stream{}, false
// parseCAS parses a CAS sourcetable line.
func parseCAS(line string) (Caster, error) {
fields := strings.Split(line, ";")
if len(fields) < 12 {
return Caster{}, fmt.Errorf("missing fields at caster line: %s", line)
port, err := strconv.Atoi(fields[2])
if err != nil {
return Caster{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing the casters port in line: %s", line)
fbPort, err := strconv.Atoi(fields[10])
if err != nil {
return Caster{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing the casters fallback-port in line: %s", line)
nmea, err := strconv.ParseBool(fields[5])
if err != nil {
return Caster{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing the casters nmea in line: %s", line)
lat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fields[7], 32)
if err != nil {
return Caster{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing the casters latitude in line: %s", line)
lon, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fields[8], 32)
if err != nil {
return Caster{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing the casters longitude in line: %s", line)
return Caster{Host: fields[1], Port: port, Identifier: fields[3], Operator: fields[4],
Nmea: nmea, Country: fields[6], Lat: float32(lat), Lon: float32(lon), FallbackHost: fields[9],
FallbackPort: fbPort, Misc: fields[11]}, nil
// parseNET parses a NET sourcetable line.
func parseNET(line string) (Network, error) {
fields := strings.Split(line, ";")
if len(fields) < 9 {
return Network{}, fmt.Errorf("missing fields at network line: %s", line)
fee := false
if fields[4] == "Y" {
fee = true
return Network{Identifier: fields[1], Operator: fields[2], Auth: fields[3], Fee: fee,
WebNet: fields[5], WebStream: fields[6], WebReg: fields[7], Misc: fields[8]}, nil
// parseSTR parses a STR sourcetable line.
func parseSTR(line string) (Stream, error) {
fields := strings.Split(line, ";")
if len(fields) < 19 {
return Stream{}, fmt.Errorf("missing fields at stream line: %s", line)
carrier, err := strconv.Atoi(fields[5])
if err != nil {
return Stream{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing the streams carrier in line: %s", line)
satSystems := strings.Split(fields[6], "+")
lat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fields[9], 32)
if err != nil {
return Stream{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing the streams latitude in line: %s", line)
lon, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fields[10], 32)
if err != nil {
return Stream{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing the streams longitude in line: %s", line)
nmea, err := strconv.ParseBool(fields[11])
if err != nil {
return Stream{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing the streams nmea in line: %s", line)
sol, err := strconv.Atoi(fields[12])
if err != nil {
return Stream{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing the streams solution in line: %s", line)
fee := false
if fields[4] == "Y" {
fee = true
bitrate, err := strconv.Atoi(fields[17])
if err != nil {
return Stream{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing the streams carrier in line: %s", line)
return Stream{MP: fields[1], Identifier: fields[2], Format: fields[3], FormatDetails: fields[4],
Carrier: carrier, SatSystem: satSystems, Network: fields[7], Country: fields[8],
Lat: float32(lat), Lon: float32(lon), Nmea: nmea, Solution: sol, Generator: fields[13],
Compression: fields[14], Auth: fields[15], Fee: fee, Bitrate: bitrate, Misc: fields[18]}, nil
// MergeSourcetables merges several sourcetables to a single combined sourcetable where every stream record appears once.
func MergeSourcetables(stables ...*Sourcetable) (*Sourcetable, error) {
casMap := make(map[string]int, 10)
netMap := make(map[string]int, 10)
strMap := make(map[string]int, 200)
newST := new(Sourcetable)
for _, st := range stables {
for _, ca := range st.Casters {
if _, exists := casMap[ca.Identifier]; !exists {
newST.Casters = append(newST.Casters, ca)
for _, net := range st.Networks {
if _, exists := netMap[net.Identifier]; !exists {
newST.Networks = append(newST.Networks, net)
for _, str := range st.Streams {
if _, exists := strMap[str.MP]; !exists {
newST.Streams = append(newST.Streams, str)
return newST, nil
func printFee(fee bool) string {
if fee {
return "Y"
return "N"
func printNMEA(nmea bool) int {
if nmea {
return 1
return 0
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