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tcpclient.go 9.03 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
hongjl 提交于 2024-11-05 17:36 . fix: connection leaks
package gos7
// Copyright 2018 Trung Hieu Le. All rights reserved.
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
import (
const (
// Default TCP timeout is not set
tcpTimeout = 10 * time.Second
tcpIdleTimeout = 60 * time.Second
tcpMaxLength = 2084
pduSizeRequested = 480
isoTCP = 102 //default isotcp port
isoHSize = 7 // TPKT+COTP Header Size
minPduSize = 16
// Client Connection Type
connectionTypePG = 1 // Connect to the PLC as a PG
connectionTypeOP = 2 // Connect to the PLC as an OP
connectionTypeBasic = 3 // Basic connection
// TCPClientHandler implements Packager and Transporter interface.
type TCPClientHandler struct {
// NewTCPClientHandler allocates a new TCPClientHandler.
func NewTCPClientHandler(address string, rack int, slot int) *TCPClientHandler {
h := &TCPClientHandler{}
h.Address = address
h.Timeout = tcpTimeout
h.IdleTimeout = tcpIdleTimeout
h.ConnectionType = connectionTypePG // Connect to the PLC as a PG
remoteTSAP := uint16(h.ConnectionType)<<8 + (uint16(rack) * 0x20) + uint16(slot)
h.setConnectionParameters(address, 0x0100, remoteTSAP)
return h
// NewTCPClientHandlerWithConnectType allocates a new TCPClientHandler with connection type.
func NewTCPClientHandlerWithConnectType(address string, rack int, slot int, connectType int) *TCPClientHandler {
h := &TCPClientHandler{}
h.Address = address
h.Timeout = tcpTimeout
h.IdleTimeout = tcpIdleTimeout
h.ConnectionType = connectType
remoteTSAP := uint16(h.ConnectionType)<<8 + (uint16(rack) * 0x20) + uint16(slot)
h.setConnectionParameters(address, 0x0100, remoteTSAP)
return h
// TCPClient creator for a TCP client with address, rack and slot, implement from interface client
func TCPClient(address string, rack int, slot int) Client {
handler := NewTCPClientHandler(address, rack, slot)
return NewClient(handler)
// TCPClientWithConnectType creator for a TCP client with address, rack, slot and connect type, implement from interface client
func TCPClientWithConnectType(address string, rack int, slot int, connectType int) Client {
handler := NewTCPClientHandlerWithConnectType(address, rack, slot, connectType)
return NewClient(handler)
// tcpPackager implements Packager interface.
type tcpPackager struct {
//reserve for future use, this package should be pass into trans ID, pack ID
//or somethingelse to verify the request and response
// tcpTransporter implements Transporter interface.
type tcpTransporter struct {
// Connect string
Address string
// Connect & Read timeout
Timeout time.Duration
// Idle timeout to close the connection
IdleTimeout time.Duration
// Transmission logger
Logger *log.Logger
// TCP connection
mu sync.Mutex
conn net.Conn
closeTimer *time.Timer
lastActivity time.Time
localTSAP, remoteTSAP uint16
localTSAPHigh, localTSAPLow byte
remoteTSAPHigh, remoteTSAPLow byte
ConnectionType int
LastPDUType byte
PDULength int
func (mb *tcpTransporter) setConnectionParameters(address string, localTSAP uint16, remoteTSAP uint16) {
locTSAP := localTSAP & 0x0000FFFF
remTSAP := remoteTSAP & 0x0000FFFF
if len(strings.Split(address, ":")) < 2 {
mb.Address = address + ":" + strconv.Itoa(isoTCP) //ip:102
} else {
mb.Address = address
mb.localTSAPHigh = byte(locTSAP >> 8)
mb.localTSAPLow = byte(locTSAP & 0x00FF)
mb.remoteTSAPHigh = byte(remTSAP >> 8)
mb.remoteTSAPLow = byte(remTSAP & 0x00FF)
// Send sends data to server and ensures response length is greater than header length.
func (mb *tcpTransporter) Send(request []byte) (response []byte, err error) {
defer mb.mu.Unlock()
// Set timer to close when idle
mb.lastActivity = time.Now()
// Set write and read timeout
var timeout time.Time
if mb.Timeout > 0 {
timeout = mb.lastActivity.Add(mb.Timeout)
if mb.conn == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Connection to address %s is null", mb.Address)
if err = mb.conn.SetDeadline(timeout); err != nil {
// Send data
mb.logf("s7: sending % x", request)
if _, err = mb.conn.Write(request); err != nil {
done := false
data := make([]byte, tcpMaxLength)
length := 0
for !done && err == nil {
// Get TPKT (4 bytes)
if _, err = io.ReadFull(mb.conn, data[:4]); err != nil {
log.Printf("%T %+v", err, err)
// Read length, ignore transaction & protocol id (4 bytes)
length = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[2:]))
if length == isoHSize {
_, err = io.ReadFull(mb.conn, data[4:7])
if err != nil { // Skip remaining 3 bytes and Done is still false
} else {
if length > pduSizeRequested+isoHSize || length < minPduSize {
err = fmt.Errorf("s7: invalid pdu")
done = true
// Skip remaining 3 COTP bytes
_, err = io.ReadFull(mb.conn, data[4:7])
if err != nil {
mb.LastPDUType = data[5] // Stores PDU Type, we need it
// Receives the S7 Payload
_, err = io.ReadFull(mb.conn, data[7:length])
if err != nil {
response = data[0:length]
mb.logf("s7: received % x\n", response)
// Connect establishes a new connection to the address in Address.
// Connect and Close are exported so that multiple requests can be done with one session
func (mb *tcpTransporter) Connect() error {
// mb.mu.Lock()
// defer mb.mu.Unlock()
return mb.connect()
func (mb *tcpTransporter) tcpConnect() error {
defer mb.mu.Unlock()
if mb.conn == nil {
dialer := net.Dialer{Timeout: mb.Timeout}
conn, err := dialer.Dial("tcp", mb.Address)
if err != nil {
if conn != nil {
_ = conn.Close()
return err
mb.conn = conn
return nil
func (mb *tcpTransporter) connect() error {
//first stage: TCP connection
err := mb.tcpConnect()
if err != nil {
return err
//second stage: ISOTCP (ISO 8073) Connection
err = mb.isoConnect()
if err != nil {
if mb.conn != nil {
_ = mb.conn.Close()
return err
// Third stage : S7 protocol data unit negotiation
return mb.negotiatePduLength()
func (mb *tcpTransporter) isoConnect() error {
msg := make([]byte, len(isoConnectionRequestTelegram))
copy(msg, isoConnectionRequestTelegram)
msg[16] = mb.localTSAPHigh
msg[17] = mb.localTSAPLow
msg[20] = mb.remoteTSAPHigh
msg[21] = mb.remoteTSAPLow
// Sends the connection request telegram
response, err := mb.Send(msg)
if size := len(response); size == 22 {
if mb.LastPDUType != byte(0xD0) { // 0xD0 = CC Connection confirm
err = fmt.Errorf("errIsoConnect")
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf(ErrorText(errIsoInvalidPDU))
return err
func (mb *tcpTransporter) negotiatePduLength() error {
// Set PDU Size Requested //lth
pduSizePackage := make([]byte, len(s7PDUNegogiationTelegram))
copy(pduSizePackage, s7PDUNegogiationTelegram)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(pduSizePackage[23:], uint16(pduSizeRequested))
// Sends the connection request telegram
response, err := mb.Send(pduSizePackage)
length := len(response)
if length == 27 && response[17] == 0 && response[18] == 0 { // 20 = size of Negotiate Answer
// Get PDU Size Negotiated
mb.PDULength = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(response[25:]))
if mb.PDULength <= 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf(ErrorText(errCliNegotiatingPDU))
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf(ErrorText(errCliNegotiatingPDU))
return err
func (mb *tcpTransporter) startCloseTimer() {
if mb.IdleTimeout <= 0 {
if mb.closeTimer == nil {
mb.closeTimer = time.AfterFunc(mb.IdleTimeout, mb.closeIdle)
} else {
// Close closes current connection.
func (mb *tcpTransporter) Close() error {
defer mb.mu.Unlock()
return mb.close()
// flush flushes pending data in the connection,
// returns io.EOF if connection is closed.
func (mb *tcpTransporter) flush(b []byte) (err error) {
if err = mb.conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now()); err != nil {
// Timeout setting will be reset when reading
if _, err = mb.conn.Read(b); err != nil {
// Ignore timeout error
if netError, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && netError.Timeout() {
err = nil
func (mb *tcpTransporter) logf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if mb.Logger != nil {
mb.Logger.Printf(format, v...)
// closeLocked closes current connection. Caller must hold the mutex before calling this method.
func (mb *tcpTransporter) close() (err error) {
if mb.conn != nil {
err = mb.conn.Close()
mb.conn = nil
// closeIdle closes the connection if last activity is passed behind IdleTimeout.
func (mb *tcpTransporter) closeIdle() {
defer mb.mu.Unlock()
if mb.IdleTimeout <= 0 {
idle := time.Now().Sub(mb.lastActivity)
if idle >= mb.IdleTimeout {
mb.logf("s7: closing connection due to idle timeout: %v", idle)
// reserve for future use, need to verify the request and response
func (mb *tcpPackager) Verify(request []byte, response []byte) (err error) {
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