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githubvip / go配置文件解析器

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shirdon 提交于 2019-07-07 15:08 . 上传
//Fighting for great,share generate value!
//Build the best soft by golang,let's go!
//Author:ShirDon <http://www.shirdon.com>
//Email:hcbsts@163.com; 823923263@qq.com
package config
import (
const (
tmp = "testdata/__test.go"
source = "testdata/source.cfg"
target = "testdata/target.cfg"
muti = "testdata/muti.cfg"
func testGet(t *testing.T, c *Config, section string, option string,
expected interface{}) {
ok := false
switch expected.(type) {
case string:
v, _ := c.String(section, option)
if v == expected.(string) {
ok = true
case int:
v, _ := c.Int(section, option)
if v == expected.(int) {
ok = true
case bool:
v, _ := c.Bool(section, option)
if v == expected.(bool) {
ok = true
t.Fatalf("Bad test case")
if !ok {
v, _ := c.String(section, option)
t.Errorf("Get failure: expected different value for %s %s (expected: [%#v] got: [%#v])", section, option, expected, v)
func testGetMuti(t *testing.T, c *Config, section string, option string,
expected interface{}) {
ok := false
switch expected.(type) {
case []string:
v, err := c.StringMuti(section, option)
if nil != err {
t.Fatalf("fail of err:%s", err)
if len(v) == len(expected.([]string)) {
ok = true
for index, expectedEle := range expected.([]string) {
if expectedEle != v[index] {
ok = false
case []int:
v, err := c.IntMuti(section, option)
if nil != err {
t.Fatalf("fail of err:%s", err)
if len(v) == len(expected.([]int)) {
ok = true
for index, expectedEle := range expected.([]int) {
if expectedEle != v[index] {
ok = false
case []bool:
v, err := c.BoolMuti(section, option)
if nil != err {
t.Fatalf("fail of err:%s", err)
if len(v) == len(expected.([]bool)) {
ok = true
for index, expectedEle := range expected.([]bool) {
if expectedEle != v[index] {
ok = false
t.Fatalf("Bad test case:section:%s,option:%s", section, option)
if !ok {
v, _ := c.StringMuti(section, option)
t.Errorf("GetMuti failure: expected different value for %s %s (expected: [%#v] got: [%#v])", section, option, expected, v)
// TestInMemory creates configuration representation and run multiple tests in-memory.
func TestInMemory(t *testing.T) {
c := NewDefault()
// == Test empty structure
// should be empty
if len(c.Sections()) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Sections failure: invalid length")
// test presence of missing section
if c.HasSection("no-section") {
t.Errorf("HasSection failure: invalid section")
// get options for missing section
_, err := c.Options("no-section")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Options failure: invalid section")
// test presence of option for missing section
if c.HasOption("no-section", "no-option") {
t.Errorf("HasSection failure: invalid/section/option")
// get value from missing section/option
_, err = c.String("no-section", "no-option")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("String failure: got value for missing section/option")
// get value from missing section/option
_, err = c.Int("no-section", "no-option")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Int failure: got value for missing section/option")
// remove missing section
if c.RemoveSection("no-section") {
t.Errorf("RemoveSection failure: removed missing section")
// remove missing section/option
if c.RemoveOption("no-section", "no-option") {
t.Errorf("RemoveOption failure: removed missing section/option")
// == Fill up structure
// add section
if !c.AddSection("section1") {
t.Errorf("AddSection failure: false on first insert")
// re-add same section
if c.AddSection("section1") {
t.Errorf("AddSection failure: true on second insert")
// default section always exists
if c.AddSection(DEFAULT_SECTION) {
t.Errorf("AddSection failure: true on default section insert")
// add option/value
if !c.AddOption("section1", "option1", "value1") {
t.Errorf("AddOption failure: false on first insert")
testGet(t, c, "section1", "option1", "value1") // read it back
// overwrite value
if c.AddOption("section1", "option1", "value2") {
t.Errorf("AddOption failure: true on second insert")
testGet(t, c, "section1", "option1", "value2") // read it back again
// remove option/value
if !c.RemoveOption("section1", "option1") {
t.Errorf("RemoveOption failure: false on first remove")
// remove again
if c.RemoveOption("section1", "option1") {
t.Errorf("RemoveOption failure: true on second remove")
// read it back again
_, err = c.String("section1", "option1")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("String failure: got value for removed section/option")
// remove existing section
if !c.RemoveSection("section1") {
t.Errorf("RemoveSection failure: false on first remove")
// remove again
if c.RemoveSection("section1") {
t.Errorf("RemoveSection failure: true on second remove")
// == Test types
// add section
if !c.AddSection("section2") {
t.Errorf("AddSection failure: false on first insert")
// add number
if !c.AddOption("section2", "test-number", "666") {
t.Errorf("AddOption failure: false on first insert")
testGet(t, c, "section2", "test-number", 666) // read it back
// add 'yes' (bool)
if !c.AddOption("section2", "test-yes", "yes") {
t.Errorf("AddOption failure: false on first insert")
testGet(t, c, "section2", "test-yes", true) // read it back
// add 'false' (bool)
if !c.AddOption("section2", "test-false", "false") {
t.Errorf("AddOption failure: false on first insert")
testGet(t, c, "section2", "test-false", false) // read it back
// == Test cycle
c.AddOption(DEFAULT_SECTION, "opt1", "%(opt2)s")
c.AddOption(DEFAULT_SECTION, "opt2", "%(opt1)s")
_, err = c.String(DEFAULT_SECTION, "opt1")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("String failure: no error for cycle")
} else if strings.Index(err.Error(), "cycle") < 0 {
t.Errorf("String failure: incorrect error for cycle")
// TestReadFile creates a 'tough' configuration file and test (read) parsing.
func TestReadFile(t *testing.T) {
file, err := os.Create(tmp)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Test cannot run because cannot write temporary file: " + tmp)
err = os.Setenv("GO_CONFIGFILE_TEST_ENV_VAR", "configvalue12345")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test cannot run because cannot set environment variable GO_CONFIGFILE_TEST_ENV_VAR: %#v", err)
buf := bufio.NewWriter(file)
buf.WriteString(" option1=value1 ; This is a comment\n")
buf.WriteString(" option2 : 2#Not a comment\t#Now this is a comment after a TAB\n")
buf.WriteString(" # Let me put another comment\n")
buf.WriteString(" option3= line1\nline2 \n\tline3 # Comment\n")
buf.WriteString("; Another comment\n")
buf.WriteString("[" + DEFAULT_SECTION + "]\n")
buf.WriteString("[section-1]\n") // continue again [section-1]
c, err := ReadDefault(tmp)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadDefault failure: %s", err)
// check number of sections
if len(c.Sections()) != 3 {
t.Errorf("Sections failure: wrong number of sections")
// check number of options 6 of [section-1] plus 2 of [default]
opts, err := c.Options("section-1")
if len(opts) != 8 {
t.Errorf("Options failure: wrong number of options: %d", len(opts))
testGet(t, c, "section-1", "option1", "value1")
testGet(t, c, "section-1", "option2", "2#Not a comment")
testGet(t, c, "section-1", "option3", "line1\nline2\nline3")
testGet(t, c, "section-1", "option4", "this_is_a_part_of_a_small_test.")
testGet(t, c, "section-1", "envoption1", "this_uses_configvalue12345_env")
testGet(t, c, "section-1", "optionInDefaultSection", false)
testGet(t, c, "section-2", "optionInDefaultSection", true)
testGet(t, c, "secTION-2", "IS-flag-TRUE", true) // case-sensitive
// TestWriteReadFile tests writing and reading back a configuration file.
func TestWriteReadFile(t *testing.T) {
cw := NewDefault()
// write file; will test only read later on
cw.AddOption("First-Section", "option1", "value option1")
cw.AddOption("First-Section", "option2", "2")
cw.AddOption("", "host", "www.example.com")
cw.AddOption(DEFAULT_SECTION, "protocol", "https://")
cw.AddOption(DEFAULT_SECTION, "base-url", "%(protocol)s%(host)s")
cw.AddOption("Another-Section", "useHTTPS", "y")
cw.AddOption("Another-Section", "url", "%(base-url)s/some/path")
cw.WriteFile(tmp, 0644, "Test file for test-case")
// read back file and test
cr, err := ReadDefault(tmp)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadDefault failure: %s", err)
testGet(t, cr, "First-Section", "option1", "value option1")
testGet(t, cr, "First-Section", "option2", 2)
testGet(t, cr, "Another-Section", "useHTTPS", true)
testGet(t, cr, "Another-Section", "url", "https://www.example.com/some/path")
defer os.Remove(tmp)
// TestWriteReadFileMuti tests writing and reading back a configuration file.
func TestWriteReadFileMuti(t *testing.T) {
cw := NewDefault()
// write file; will test only read later on
cw.AddOption("First-Section", MUTI_KEY_IDENTIFIER+"option1", "value option1")
cw.AddOption("First-Section", MUTI_KEY_IDENTIFIER+"option1", "value option2")
cw.AddOption("First-Section", "option2", "2")
cw.AddOption("", "host", "www.example.com")
cw.AddOption(DEFAULT_SECTION, "protocol", "https://")
cw.AddOption(DEFAULT_SECTION, "base-url", "%(protocol)s%(host)s")
cw.AddOption("Another-Section", MUTI_KEY_IDENTIFIER+"useHTTPS", "y")
cw.AddOption("Another-Section", MUTI_KEY_IDENTIFIER+"useHTTPS", "n")
cw.AddOption("Another-Section", MUTI_KEY_IDENTIFIER+"useHTTPS", "y")
cw.AddOption("Another-Section", "url", "%(base-url)s/some/path")
cw.WriteFile(tmp, 0644, "Test file for test-case")
// read back file and test
cr, err := ReadDefault(tmp)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadDefault failure: %s", err)
testGetMuti(t, cr, "First-Section", "option1", []string{"value option1", "value option2"})
testGet(t, cr, "First-Section", "option2", 2)
testGetMuti(t, cr, "Another-Section", "useHTTPS", []bool{true, false, true})
testGet(t, cr, "Another-Section", "url", "https://www.example.com/some/path")
//defer os.Remove(tmp)
// TestSectionOptions tests read options in a section without default options.
func TestSectionOptions(t *testing.T) {
cw := NewDefault()
// write file; will test only read later on
cw.AddOption("First-Section", "option1", "value option1")
cw.AddOption("First-Section", "option2", "2")
cw.AddOption("", "host", "www.example.com")
cw.AddOption(DEFAULT_SECTION, "protocol", "https://")
cw.AddOption(DEFAULT_SECTION, "base-url", "%(protocol)s%(host)s")
cw.AddOption("Another-Section", "useHTTPS", "y")
cw.AddOption("Another-Section", "url", "%(base-url)s/some/path")
cw.WriteFile(tmp, 0644, "Test file for test-case")
// read back file and test
cr, err := ReadDefault(tmp)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadDefault failure: %s", err)
options, err := cr.SectionOptions("First-Section")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("SectionOptions failure: %s", err)
if len(options) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("SectionOptions reads wrong data: %v", options)
expected := map[string]bool{
"option1": true,
"option2": true,
actual := map[string]bool{}
for _, v := range options {
actual[v] = true
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, actual) {
t.Fatalf("SectionOptions reads wrong data: %v", options)
options, err = cr.SectionOptions(DEFAULT_SECTION)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("SectionOptions failure: %s", err)
expected = map[string]bool{
"host": true,
"protocol": true,
"base-url": true,
actual = map[string]bool{}
for _, v := range options {
actual[v] = true
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, actual) {
t.Fatalf("SectionOptions reads wrong data: %v", options)
defer os.Remove(tmp)
// TestReadFileMuti creates a 'tough' configuration file and test (read) parsing.
func TestReadFileMuti(t *testing.T) {
file, err := os.Create(muti)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Test cannot run because cannot write temporary file: " + muti)
err = os.Setenv("GO_CONFIGFILE_TEST_ENV_VAR", "configvalue12345")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test cannot run because cannot set environment variable GO_CONFIGFILE_TEST_ENV_VAR: %#v", err)
buf := bufio.NewWriter(file)
buf.WriteString(" @option1=value1.1 ; This is a comment\n")
buf.WriteString(" @option1=value1.2 ; This is a comment\n")
buf.WriteString(" @option2 : 2.1#Not a comment\t#Now this is a comment after a TAB\n")
buf.WriteString(" @option2 : 2.2#Not a comment\t#Now this is a comment after a TAB\n")
buf.WriteString(" # Let me put another comment\n")
buf.WriteString("; Another comment\n")
buf.WriteString("[" + DEFAULT_SECTION + "]\n")
buf.WriteString("[section-1]\n") // continue again [section-1]
c, err := ReadDefault(muti)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadDefault failure: %s", err)
// check number of sections
if len(c.Sections()) != 3 {
t.Errorf("Sections failure: wrong number of sections")
// check number of options 6 of [section-1] plus 2 of [default]
opts, err := c.Options("section-1")
if len(opts) != 9 {
t.Errorf("Options failure: wrong number of options: %d", len(opts))
testGetMuti(t, c, "section-1", "option1", []string{"value1.1", "value1.2"})
testGetMuti(t, c, "section-1", "option2", []string{"2.1#Not a comment", "2.2#Not a comment"})
testGetMuti(t, c, "section-1", "option5", []bool{true, false, false})
testGetMuti(t, c, "section-1", "option6", []int{985, 211})
testGetMuti(t, c, "section-1", "optionInDefaultSection", []bool{false})
testGetMuti(t, c, "section-2", "optionInDefaultSection", []bool{true, false})
testGetMuti(t, c, "secTION-2", "IS-flag-TRUE", []bool{true, false}) // case-sensitive
