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sys.go 3.44 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
k3x 提交于 2021-06-04 14:09 . init
package sys
import (
var startTime = time.Now()
type Status struct {
Uptime string `json:"uptime,omitempty"`
NumGoroutine int `json:"num_goroutine,omitempty"`
// General statistics.
MemAllocated string `json:"mem_allocated"` // bytes allocated and still in use
MemTotal string `json:"mem_total"` // bytes allocated (even if freed)
MemSys string `json:"mem_sys"` // bytes obtained from system (sum of XxxSys below)
Lookups uint64 `json:"lookups"` // number of pointer lookups
MemMallocs uint64 `json:"mem_mallocs"` // number of malloc
MemFrees uint64 `json:"mem_frees"` // number of frees
// Main allocation heap statistics.
HeapAlloc string `json:"heap_alloc"` // bytes allocated and still in use
HeapSys string `json:"heap_sys"` // bytes obtained from system
HeapIdle string `json:"heap_idle"` // bytes in idle spans
HeapInuse string `json:"heap_inuse"` // bytes in non-idle span
HeapReleased string `json:"heap_released"` // bytes released to the OS
HeapObjects uint64 `json:"heap_objects"` // total number of allocated objects
// Low-level fixed-size structure allocator statistics.
// Inuse is bytes used now.
// Sys is bytes obtained from system.
StackInuse string `json:"stack_inuse"` // bootstrap stacks
StackSys string `json:"stack_sys"`
MSpanInuse string `json:"m_span_inuse"`
MSpanSys string `json:"m_span_sys"`
MCacheInuse string `json:"m_cache_inuse"`
MCacheSys string `json:"m_cache_sys"`
BuckHashSys string `json:"buck_hash_sys"` // profiling bucket hash table
GCSys string `json:"gc_sys"` // GC metadata
OtherSys string `json:"other_sys"` // other system allocations
// Garbage collector statistics.
NextGC string `json:"next_gc"` // next run in HeapAlloc time (bytes)
LastGC string `json:"last_gc"` // last run in absolute time (ns)
PauseTotalNs string `json:"pause_total_ns"`
PauseNs string `json:"pause_ns"` // circular buffer of recent GC pause times, most recent at [(NumGC+255)%256]
NumGC uint32 `json:"num_gc"`
func GetStatus() (status Status) {
m := new(runtime.MemStats)
status.Uptime = timeSince(startTime)
status.NumGoroutine = runtime.NumGoroutine()
status.MemAllocated = unitBytes(m.Alloc)
status.MemTotal = unitBytes(m.TotalAlloc)
status.MemSys = unitBytes(m.Sys)
status.Lookups = m.Lookups
status.MemMallocs = m.Mallocs
status.MemFrees = m.Frees
status.HeapAlloc = unitBytes(m.HeapAlloc)
status.HeapSys = unitBytes(m.HeapSys)
status.HeapIdle = unitBytes(m.HeapIdle)
status.HeapInuse = unitBytes(m.HeapInuse)
status.HeapReleased = unitBytes(m.HeapReleased)
status.HeapObjects = m.HeapObjects
status.StackInuse = unitBytes(m.StackInuse)
status.StackSys = unitBytes(m.StackSys)
status.MSpanInuse = unitBytes(m.MSpanInuse)
status.MSpanSys = unitBytes(m.MSpanSys)
status.MCacheInuse = unitBytes(m.MCacheInuse)
status.MCacheSys = unitBytes(m.MCacheSys)
status.BuckHashSys = unitBytes(m.BuckHashSys)
status.GCSys = unitBytes(m.GCSys)
status.OtherSys = unitBytes(m.OtherSys)
status.NextGC = unitBytes(m.NextGC)
status.LastGC = fmt.Sprintf("%.1fs", float64(time.Now().UnixNano()-int64(m.LastGC))/1000/1000/1000)
status.PauseTotalNs = fmt.Sprintf("%.1fs", float64(m.PauseTotalNs)/1000/1000/1000)
status.PauseNs = fmt.Sprintf("%.3fs", float64(m.PauseNs[(m.NumGC+255)%256])/1000/1000/1000)
status.NumGC = m.NumGC
return status


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