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config.go 10.90 KB
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huqiuyun 提交于 2024-07-02 11:51 . build
package build
import (
// Build contains the build configuration section.
type Build struct {
ID string `yaml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"`
Goos []string `yaml:"goos,omitempty" json:"goos,omitempty"`
GoArch []string `yaml:"goarch,omitempty" json:"goarch,omitempty"`
GoArm []string `yaml:"goarm,omitempty" json:"goarm,omitempty"`
GoMips []string `yaml:"gomips,omitempty" json:"gomips,omitempty"`
GoAmd64 []string `yaml:"goamd64,omitempty" json:"goamd64,omitempty"`
Executor map[string]string `yaml:"executor" json:"executor"` //生成的执行文件名,不同的操作系统对应不同的执行文件,"drawin":"projectName-mac",“linux":"projectName-linux","windows":"projectName-win.exe"
ModulePath string `yaml:"module_path" json:"module_path"`
ProductId string `yaml:"product_id" json:"product_id"`
ProjectName string `yaml:"project_name" json:"project_name"`
Target string `yaml:"target,omitempty" json:"target,omitempty"` //生成目标目录
Dir string `yaml:"dir,omitempty" json:"dir,omitempty"`
Main string `yaml:"main,omitempty" json:"main,omitempty"`
GoBinary string `yaml:"go_binary,omitempty" json:"go_binary,omitempty"`
Command string `yaml:"command,omitempty" json:"command,omitempty"`
Package Package `yaml:"package" json:"package"`
Details `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` // nolint: tagliatelle
type Details struct {
Buildmode string `yaml:"buildmode,omitempty" json:"buildmode,omitempty"`
Ldflags StringArray `yaml:"ldflags,omitempty" json:"ldflags,omitempty"`
Tags FlagArray `yaml:"tags,omitempty" json:"tags,omitempty"`
Flags FlagArray `yaml:"flags,omitempty" json:"flags,omitempty"`
AsmFlags StringArray `yaml:"asm_flags,omitempty" json:"asm_flags,omitempty"`
GcFlags StringArray `yaml:"gc_flags,omitempty" json:"gc_flags,omitempty"`
Env []string `yaml:"env,omitempty" json:"env,omitempty"`
type PackCheck func(path, name string, isDir bool) bool
type PackCompleted func(out *PackOut, pf *PackFile, completed bool)
type PackOut struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
Path string `json:"path"` // ./build
PackagePath string `json:"packagePath"`
PublishPath string `json:"publishPath"`
Name string `json:"name"` // file name
Ext string `json:"ext"` // file ext
Target string `json:"target"`
Url string `json:"url"`
Hash string `json:"hash"` // updates.json 文件名(包括路径)
Data interface{} `json:"-"` //自定义
const (
OutHashFile = 0x00001 // 输出updates.json(hash文件)
HashNeedProject = 0x00002 // hash文件需要用程序名
HashNeedVersion = 0x00004 // hash文件需要带版本号
HashNeedModel = 0x00008 // hash输出带model
HashNeedOs = 0x00010 // hash输出带os
TargetNeedVersion = 0x00020
TargetNeedModel = 0x00040
TargetNeedOs = 0x00080
TargetNeedDate = 0x00100
NeedArchiveHash = 0x02000 // hashFile需要添加到压缩文件中
OnlyPackOut = 0x04000
NotArchive = 0x08000 //不需要压缩
ArchiveVersion = 0x10000 //压缩目录带版本
ArchiveProject = 0x20000 //压缩目录带产品名(ProjectName)
NotCheckTpl = 0x40000 //不需要检测模板 *.tpl
NotCheckPackFile = 0x80000 //不对 exclude, include 检测
var flagMap = map[string]int{
"OutHashFile": OutHashFile,
"HashNeedProject": HashNeedProject, // hash文件需要用程序名
"HashNeedVersion": HashNeedVersion, // hash文件需要带版本号
"HashNeedModel": HashNeedModel, // hash输出带model
"HashNeedOs": HashNeedOs, // hash输出带os
"TargetNeedVersion": TargetNeedVersion,
"TargetNeedModel": TargetNeedModel,
"TargetNeedOs": TargetNeedOs,
"TargetNeedDate": TargetNeedDate,
"NeedArchiveHash": NeedArchiveHash, // hashFile需要添加到压缩文件中
"OnlyPackOut": OnlyPackOut,
"NotArchive": NotArchive, //不需要压缩
"ArchiveVersion": ArchiveVersion, //压缩目录带版本
"ArchiveProject": ArchiveProject, //压缩目录带产品名(ProjectName)
"NotCheckTpl": NotCheckTpl, //不需要检测模板 *.tpl
"NotCheckPackFile": NotCheckPackFile,
func AddFlag(f string, bit int) {
flagMap[f] = bit
func GetFlag(f string) int {
ret, ok := flagMap[f]
if ok {
return ret
return 0
type Package struct {
ProductCode string `yaml:"productCode" json:"productCode"` //产品编号
Model string `yaml:"model" json:"model"` //prod, test, dev
Os string `yaml:"os" json:"os"` //操作系统 windows,linux,darwin
Format string `yaml:"format" json:"format"` //zip, tar.gz, tgz, tar, cab(windows), setup
Dist string `yaml:"dist" json:"dist"` //输出目录
PackagePath string `yaml:"packagePath" json:"packagePath"` // 包目录 dist/package_path, 默认 dist/packages
PublishPath string `yaml:"publishPath" json:"publishPath"` // 发布目录 dist/publish_path 默认 dist/publishes
Target string `yaml:"target" json:"target"` //输出文件名,可以为空
Hash string `yaml:"hash" json:"hash"` //输出pack 总的包描述文件,如: updates.json
BaseUrl string `yaml:"baseUrl" json:"baseUrl"` //文件存储基本地址(oss,如阿里云)
MgrHost string `yaml:"mgrHost" json:"mgrHost"` //版本管理后台host,需要把打包的信息保存到后台进行管理,比如: http://xxx.com:port
Flag string `yaml:"flag" json:"flag"` //标识 @see OutHashFile
Exclude []string `yaml:"exclude" json:"exclude"` //打包不包括的选项
Include []string `yaml:"include" json:"include"` //打包包括的选项
flag Bit
excludeR []Regex
includeR []Regex
excludeCheck PackCheck
includeCheck PackCheck
packCompleted PackCompleted
type Bit int32
func ToBit(b string) Bit {
var ret int
bits := strings.Split(b, "|")
for i := range bits {
bit, err := strconv.Atoi(bits[i])
if err != nil {
bit = GetFlag(bits[i])
ret |= bit
return Bit(ret)
func (a Bit) Bit(bit int32) bool {
return int32(a)&bit == bit
type Regex struct {
Path bool
Exp *regexp.Regexp
func (p *Package) Parse() {
p.flag = ToBit(p.Flag)
func (p *Package) IsFlag(o int32) bool {
return p.flag.Bit(o)
func (p *Package) WithExcludeCheck(check PackCheck) {
p.excludeCheck = check
func (p *Package) WithIncludeCheck(check PackCheck) {
p.includeCheck = check
func (p *Package) WithCompleted(check PackCompleted) {
p.packCompleted = check
func (p *Package) buildCheck() {
if len(p.Exclude) > 0 && len(p.excludeR) == 0 {
p.excludeR = make([]Regex, len(p.Exclude))
if len(p.Include) > 0 && len(p.includeR) == 0 {
p.includeR = make([]Regex, len(p.Include))
const (
RegexPrefix = "regex|"
PathPrefix = "path|"
func (p *Package) IncludeCheck(path, name string, isDir bool) bool {
if p.includeCheck != nil {
if p.includeCheck(path, name, isDir) {
return true
for i := range p.Include {
if strings.EqualFold(p.Include[i], name) {
return true
if p.includeR[i].Exp == nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(p.Include[i], RegexPrefix) {
p.includeR[i].Exp, _ = regexp.Compile(strings.TrimPrefix(p.Include[i], RegexPrefix))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(p.Include[i], PathPrefix) {
p.includeR[i].Exp, _ = regexp.Compile(strings.TrimPrefix(p.Include[i], PathPrefix))
p.includeR[i].Path = true
if p.includeR[i].Exp == nil {
if p.includeR[i].Path && isDir {
if path != "" && p.includeR[i].Exp.MatchString(path) {
return true
} else if p.includeR[i].Exp.MatchString(name) {
return true
return false
func (p *Package) ExcludeCheck(path, name string, isDir bool) bool {
if p.excludeCheck != nil {
if p.excludeCheck(path, name, isDir) {
return true
for i := range p.Exclude {
if strings.EqualFold(p.Exclude[i], name) {
return true
if p.excludeR[i].Exp == nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(p.Exclude[i], RegexPrefix) {
p.excludeR[i].Exp, _ = regexp.Compile(strings.TrimPrefix(p.Exclude[i], RegexPrefix))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(p.Exclude[i], PathPrefix) {
p.excludeR[i].Exp, _ = regexp.Compile(strings.TrimPrefix(p.Exclude[i], PathPrefix))
p.excludeR[i].Path = true
if p.excludeR[i].Exp == nil {
if p.excludeR[i].Path && isDir {
if path != "" && p.excludeR[i].Exp.MatchString(path) {
return true
} else if p.excludeR[i].Exp.MatchString(name) {
return true
return false
func (p *Package) Ignore(path, name string, isDir bool) bool {
if p.IsFlag(NotCheckPackFile) {
return false
ss := strings.ToLower(name)
if p.CheckOs(ss) {
return true
if p.IncludeCheck(path, ss, isDir) {
return false
if p.ExcludeCheck(path, ss, isDir) {
return true
return false
func (p *Package) CheckOs(name string) bool {
if p.Model != "" {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "dev") && p.Model != "dev" {
return true
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "prod") && p.Model != "prod" {
return true
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "test") && p.Model != "test" {
return true
if p.Os != "" {
if p.Os == "windows" {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".sh") ||
strings.HasSuffix(name, "-mac") ||
strings.HasSuffix(name, "-linux") ||
strings.HasSuffix(name, ".so") {
return true
} else {
if p.Os == "darwin" {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "-linux") {
return true
} else if p.Os == "linux" {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "-mac") {
return true
if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".bat") ||
strings.HasSuffix(name, ".exe") ||
strings.HasSuffix(name, ".dll") {
return true
return strings.HasSuffix(name, ".lib") ||
strings.HasSuffix(name, ".go") ||
strings.HasSuffix(name, ".c") ||
strings.HasSuffix(name, ".h")
type PackFile struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
MD5 string `json:"md5"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`
type HashFile struct {
Os string `json:"os"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Model string `json:"model"`
ProductId string `json:"product_id"`
ProductCode string `json:"product_code"`
ProjectName string `json:"project_name"`
Packs []PackFile `json:"files"`
// StringArray is a wrapper for an array of strings.
type StringArray []string
type FlagArray []string
马建仓 AI 助手


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