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H26xBinaryReader.cpp 14.90 KB
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#include "H26xBinaryReader.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include "H26xUltis.h"
namespace Mmp
namespace Codec
// Quick Note:
// See also : ISO 14496/10(2020) - 7.2 Specification of syntax functions, categories, and descriptors
// - ae(v): context-adaptive arithmetic entropy-coded syntax element. The parsing process for this descriptor is specified
// in subclause 9.3.
// - b(8): byte having any pattern of bit string (8 bits). The parsing process for this descriptor is specified by the return
// value of the function read_bits( 8 ).
// - ce(v): context-adaptive variable-length entropy-coded syntax element with the left bit first. The parsing process for
// this descriptor is specified in subclause 9.2.
// - f(n): fixed-pattern bit string using n bits written (from left to right) with the left bit first. The parsing process for this
// descriptor is specified by the return value of the function read_bits( n ).
// - i(n): signed integer using n bits. When n is "v" in the syntax table, the number of bits varies in a manner dependent
// on the value of other syntax elements. The parsing process for this descriptor is specified by the return value of the
// function read_bits( n ) interpreted as a two's complement integer representation with most significant bit written first.
// - me(v): mapped Exp-Golomb-coded syntax element with the left bit first. The parsing process for this descriptor is
// specified in subclause 9.1.
// - se(v): signed integer Exp-Golomb-coded syntax element with the left bit first. The parsing process for this descriptor
// is specified in subclause 9.1.
// - te(v): truncated Exp-Golomb-coded syntax element with left bit first. The parsing process for this descriptor is
// specified in subclause 9.1.
// - u(n): unsigned integer using n bits. When n is "v" in the syntax table, the number of bits varies in a manner
// dependent on the value of other syntax elements. The parsing process for this descriptor is specified by the return
// value of the function read_bits( n ) interpreted as a binary representation of an unsigned integer with most significant
// bit written first.
// - ue(v): unsigned integer Exp-Golomb-coded syntax element with the left bit first. The parsing process for this
// descriptor is specified in subclause 9.1.
static uint8_t kLeftAndLookUp[8] = {0xFF, 0x7F, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01};
static uint8_t kRightAndLookUp[8] = {0x80, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xFF};
H26xBinaryReader::H26xBinaryReader(AbstractH26xByteReader::ptr reader)
_rbspEndByte = 0;
_curBitPos = 8;
_curValue = 0;
_reader = reader;
_inNalUnit = false;
_zeroCount = 0;
void H26xBinaryReader::UE(uint32_t& value)
// See also : ISO 14496/10(2020) - 9.1 Parsing process for Exp-Golomb codes
int32_t leadingZeroBits = -1;
uint64_t tmp = 0;
for (uint8_t b = 0; b == 0; leadingZeroBits++)
U(1, b);
assert(b == 0 || b == 1);
U(leadingZeroBits, tmp);
value = (uint32_t)((1 << leadingZeroBits) - 1 + tmp);
void H26xBinaryReader::SE(int32_t& value)
// See also : ISO 14496/10(2020) - Table 9-3 – Assignment of syntax element to codeNum for signed Exp-Golomb coded syntax elements se(v)}
uint32_t codeNum = 0;
if (codeNum % 2 == 0)
value = -static_cast<int32_t>(codeNum >> 1);
value = static_cast<int32_t>((codeNum >> 1) + 1);
#define MMP_U_OPERATION(bits, value) value = 0;\
bool firstFlag = false;\
size_t readBits = bits <= (size_t)(8 - _curBitPos)? bits : (size_t)(8 - (uint8_t)_curBitPos);\
bits = (size_t)(bits - readBits);\
value <<= readBits;\
if (readBits < 8 && !firstFlag)\
value |= (_curValue & kLeftAndLookUp[_curBitPos]) >> (8 - _curBitPos - readBits);\
else if (readBits < 8)\
value |= (_curValue & kRightAndLookUp[readBits - 1]) >> (8 - _curBitPos - readBits);\
value |= _curValue;\
_curBitPos = _curBitPos + (uint8_t)readBits;\
firstFlag = true;\
} while (bits != 0);
#define MMP_U_PRED_OPERATION(bits, value) uint8_t curBitPos = _curBitPos;\
size_t curPosByte = curBitPos == 8 ? _reader->Tell() : _reader->Tell() - 1;\
MMP_U_OPERATION(bits, value);\
if (curBitPos != 8)\
_curBitPos = curBitPos;
#define MMP_I_OPERATION(bits, value) MMP_U_OPERATION(bits, value)
#define MMP_I_PRED_OPERATION(bits, value) MMP_U_PRED_OPERATION(bits, value)
void H26xBinaryReader::U(size_t bits, uint64_t& value)
if (bits > 64)
throw std::out_of_range(std::string());
MMP_U_OPERATION(bits, value);
void H26xBinaryReader::U(size_t bits, uint32_t& value, bool probe)
if (bits > 32)
throw std::out_of_range(std::string());
if (!probe)
MMP_U_OPERATION(bits, value);
MMP_U_PRED_OPERATION(bits, value);
void H26xBinaryReader::U(size_t bits, uint16_t& value)
if (bits > 16)
throw std::out_of_range(std::string());
MMP_U_OPERATION(bits, value);
void H26xBinaryReader::U(size_t bits, uint8_t& value, bool probe)
if (bits > 8)
throw std::out_of_range(std::string());
if (!probe)
MMP_U_OPERATION(bits, value);
MMP_U_PRED_OPERATION(bits, value);
void H26xBinaryReader::I(size_t bits, int64_t& value)
if (bits > 64)
throw std::out_of_range(std::string());
MMP_I_OPERATION(bits, value);
void H26xBinaryReader::I(size_t bits, int32_t& value)
if (bits > 32)
throw std::out_of_range(std::string());
MMP_I_OPERATION(bits, value);
void H26xBinaryReader::I(size_t bits, int16_t& value)
if (bits > 16)
throw std::out_of_range(std::string());
MMP_I_OPERATION(bits, value);
void H26xBinaryReader::I(size_t bits, int8_t& value)
if (bits > 8)
throw std::out_of_range(std::string());
MMP_I_OPERATION(bits, value);
void H26xBinaryReader::B8(uint8_t& value)
U(8, value);
void H26xBinaryReader::Skip(size_t bits)
if (bits + _curBitPos < 8) // 不需要跳转至下一个字节
_curBitPos = uint8_t(bits + _curBitPos);
else // 需要跳转的 bits 先用消费当前 byte 剩余的 bits
bits = bits - (8 - _curBitPos);
_curBitPos = 8;
size_t skipByte = bits / 8; // 计算需要跳转的字节数
if (skipByte)
_reader->Seek(_reader->Tell() + skipByte);
_curBitPos = bits % 8;
void H26xBinaryReader::MoveNextByte()
_curBitPos = 8;
bool H26xBinaryReader::Eof()
return _reader->Eof() && _curBitPos == 8;
void H26xBinaryReader::BeginNalUnit()
_inNalUnit = true;
void H26xBinaryReader::EndNalUnit()
_inNalUnit = false;
size_t H26xBinaryReader::CurBits()
return _reader->Tell() * 8 + (_curBitPos % 8);
bool H26xBinaryReader::more_rbsp_data()
// Hint :
// more_rbsp_data( ) is specified as follows:
// - If there is no more data in the RBSP, the return value of more_rbsp_data( ) is equal to FALSE.
// - Otherwise, the RBSP data is searched for the last (least significant, right-most) bit equal to 1 that is present in the
// RBSP. Given the position of this bit, which is the first bit (rbsp_stop_one_bit) of the rbsp_trailing_bits( ) syntax
// structure, the following applies:
// - If there is more data in an RBSP before the rbsp_trailing_bits( ) syntax structure, the return value of
// more_rbsp_data( ) is equal to TRUE.
// - Otherwise, the return value of more_rbsp_data( ) is equal to FALSE.
// Hint : 寻找下一个 RBSP 起点 NAL START CODE (0x000003),
// 根据 ISO 描述, 在 rbsp_trailing_bits() 后可能存在几个字节的 zero, 此部分不算做 RBSP 范畴内
if (_rbspEndByte > _reader->Tell()) // cache hint
// * 可能最后一个字节完全是 rbsp_trailing_bits (1 rbsp_stop_one_bit + 7 rbsp_alignment_zero_bit)
if (_curBitPos == 8 && (_rbspEndByte == _reader->Tell() + 1))
if (_curValue == 0x80)
return false;
return true;
else if (_reader->Tell() == _rbspEndByte) // reach end of rbsp
return _curBitPos == 8 ? false : true;
else // update _rbspEndByte and try once again
bool inNalUnit = _inNalUnit;
_inNalUnit = false;
uint8_t curBitPos = _curBitPos;
size_t curPosByte = curBitPos == 8 ? _reader->Tell() : _reader->Tell() - 1;
// 1 - 寻找下一个 RBSP 起点 NAL START CODE (0x000003)
uint32_t next_24_bits = 0;
U(24, next_24_bits, true);
while (next_24_bits != 0x000001)
if ((next_24_bits & 0xFFFF) == 0)
else if ((next_24_bits & 0xFF) == 0)
_rbspEndByte = _reader->Tell();
U(24, next_24_bits, true);
catch (...)
// Hint : 剩余长度不足 3 时可以进入此异常
_rbspEndByte = _reader->Tell();
// 2 - 移除 rbsp_trailing_bits() 后的几个 zero byte (,如果存在的话)
uint8_t zeroByte = 0;
U(8, zeroByte, true);
if (zeroByte == 0)
_reader->Seek(_reader->Tell() - 1);
_rbspEndByte = _reader->Tell();
} while (zeroByte == 0);
catch (...)
// Hint : 无可读数据进入此异常
// nothing to do
if (curBitPos != 8)
_curBitPos = curBitPos;
_inNalUnit = inNalUnit;
return more_rbsp_data();
return true;
void H26xBinaryReader::rbsp_trailing_bits()
// See also : ISO 14496/10(2020) - RBSP trailing bits syntax
uint8_t rbsp_stop_one_bit = 0;
uint8_t rbsp_alignment_zero_bit;
U(1, rbsp_stop_one_bit);
assert(rbsp_stop_one_bit == 1);
while (!(_curBitPos == 0 || _curBitPos == 8) && more_data_in_byte_stream())
U(1, rbsp_alignment_zero_bit);
// assert(rbsp_alignment_zero_bit == 0);
bool H26xBinaryReader::more_data_in_byte_stream()
// Hint :
// more_data_in_byte_stream( ), which is used only in the byte stream NAL unit syntax structure specified in Annex B, is
// specified as follows:
// - If more data follow in the byte stream, the return value of more_data_in_byte_stream( ) is equal to TRUE.
// - Otherwise, the return value of more_data_in_byte_stream( ) is equal to FALSE.
return !(_reader->Eof() && _curBitPos == 8);
void H26xBinaryReader::byte_alignment()
bool H26xBinaryReader::End()
return true;
bool H26xBinaryReader::ReadBytes(size_t byte, uint8_t* value)
size_t readByte = _reader->Read(value, byte);
if (readByte != byte)
throw std::out_of_range("");
return readByte == byte;
void H26xBinaryReader::ReadOneByteAuto(bool force)
if (_curBitPos == 8 || force)
ReadBytes(1, &_curValue);
// Hint : 0x0000030x -> 0x00000x
// The RBSP data is searched for byte-aligned bits of the following binary patterns:
// '00000000 00000000 000000xx' (where xx represents any 2 bit pattern: 00, 01, 10, or 11),
// and a byte equal to 0x03 is inserted to replace these bit patterns with the patterns:
// '00000000 00000000 00000011 000000xx',
// and finally, when the last byte of the RBSP data is equal to 0x00 (which can only occur when the RBSP ends in a
// cabac_zero_word), a final byte equal to 0x03 is appended to the end of the data. The last zero byte of a byte-aligned
// three-byte sequence 0x000000 in the RBSP (which is replaced by the four-byte sequence 0x00000300) is taken into
// account when searching the RBSP data for the next occurrence of byte-aligned bits with the binary patterns
// specified above.
if (_inNalUnit && _zeroCount == 2 && _curValue == 3)
ReadBytes(1, &_curValue);
_zeroCount = 0;
if (_curValue == 0)
_zeroCount = (_zeroCount + 1) % 3;
_zeroCount = 0;
_curBitPos = 0;
} // namespace Codec
} // namespace Mmp
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