Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package pbft
import (
_ "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core" // Needed for logging format init
// =============================================================================
// init
// =============================================================================
var logger *logging.Logger // package-level logger
func init() {
logger = logging.MustGetLogger("consensus/pbft")
const (
// UnreasonableTimeout is an ugly thing, we need to create timers, then stop them before they expire, so use a large timeout
UnreasonableTimeout = 100 * time.Hour
// =============================================================================
// custom interfaces and structure definitions
// =============================================================================
// Event Types
// workEvent is a temporary type, to inject work
type workEvent func()
// viewChangeTimerEvent is sent when the view change timer expires
type viewChangeTimerEvent struct{}
// execDoneEvent is sent when an execution completes
type execDoneEvent struct{}
// pbftMessageEvent is sent when a consensus messages is received to be sent to pbft
type pbftMessageEvent pbftMessage
// viewChangedEvent is sent when the view change timer expires
type viewChangedEvent struct{}
// viewChangeResendTimerEvent is sent when the view change resend timer expires
type viewChangeResendTimerEvent struct{}
// returnRequestBatchEvent is sent by pbft when we are forwarded a request
type returnRequestBatchEvent *RequestBatch
// nullRequestEvent provides "keep-alive" null requests
type nullRequestEvent struct{}
// Unless otherwise noted, all methods consume the PBFT thread, and should therefore
// not rely on PBFT accomplishing any work while that thread is being held
type innerStack interface {
broadcast(msgPayload []byte)
unicast(msgPayload []byte, receiverID uint64) (err error)
execute(seqNo uint64, reqBatch *RequestBatch) // This is invoked on a separate thread
getState() []byte
getLastSeqNo() (uint64, error)
skipTo(seqNo uint64, snapshotID []byte, peers []uint64)
sign(msg []byte) ([]byte, error)
verify(senderID uint64, signature []byte, message []byte) error
// This structure is used for incoming PBFT bound messages
type pbftMessage struct {
sender uint64
msg *Message
type checkpointMessage struct {
seqNo uint64
id []byte
type stateUpdateTarget struct {
replicas []uint64
type pbftCore struct {
// internal data
internalLock sync.Mutex
executing bool // signals that application is executing
idleChan chan struct{} // Used to detect idleness for testing
injectChan chan func() // Used as a hack to inject work onto the PBFT thread, to be removed eventually
consumer innerStack
// PBFT data
activeView bool // view change happening
byzantine bool // whether this node is intentionally acting as Byzantine; useful for debugging on the testnet
f int // max. number of faults we can tolerate
N int // max.number of validators in the network
h uint64 // low watermark
id uint64 // replica ID; PBFT `i`
K uint64 // checkpoint period
logMultiplier uint64 // use this value to calculate log size : k*logMultiplier
L uint64 // log size
lastExec uint64 // last request we executed
replicaCount int // number of replicas; PBFT `|R|`
seqNo uint64 // PBFT "n", strictly monotonic increasing sequence number
view uint64 // current view
chkpts map[uint64]string // state checkpoints; map lastExec to global hash
pset map[uint64]*ViewChange_PQ
qset map[qidx]*ViewChange_PQ
skipInProgress bool // Set when we have detected a fall behind scenario until we pick a new starting point
stateTransferring bool // Set when state transfer is executing
highStateTarget *stateUpdateTarget // Set to the highest weak checkpoint cert we have observed
hChkpts map[uint64]uint64 // highest checkpoint sequence number observed for each replica
currentExec *uint64 // currently executing request
timerActive bool // is the timer running?
vcResendTimer events.Timer // timer triggering resend of a view change
newViewTimer events.Timer // timeout triggering a view change
requestTimeout time.Duration // progress timeout for requests
vcResendTimeout time.Duration // timeout before resending view change
newViewTimeout time.Duration // progress timeout for new views
newViewTimerReason string // what triggered the timer
lastNewViewTimeout time.Duration // last timeout we used during this view change
broadcastTimeout time.Duration // progress timeout for broadcast
outstandingReqBatches map[string]*RequestBatch // track whether we are waiting for request batches to execute
nullRequestTimer events.Timer // timeout triggering a null request
nullRequestTimeout time.Duration // duration for this timeout
viewChangePeriod uint64 // period between automatic view changes
viewChangeSeqNo uint64 // next seqNo to perform view change
missingReqBatches map[string]bool // for all the assigned, non-checkpointed request batches we might be missing during view-change
// implementation of PBFT `in`
reqBatchStore map[string]*RequestBatch // track request batches
certStore map[msgID]*msgCert // track quorum certificates for requests
checkpointStore map[Checkpoint]bool // track checkpoints as set
viewChangeStore map[vcidx]*ViewChange // track view-change messages
newViewStore map[uint64]*NewView // track last new-view we received or sent
type qidx struct {
d string
n uint64
type msgID struct { // our index through certStore
v uint64
n uint64
type msgCert struct {
digest string
prePrepare *PrePrepare
sentPrepare bool
prepare []*Prepare
sentCommit bool
commit []*Commit
type vcidx struct {
v uint64
id uint64
type sortableUint64Slice []uint64
func (a sortableUint64Slice) Len() int {
return len(a)
func (a sortableUint64Slice) Swap(i, j int) {
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
func (a sortableUint64Slice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return a[i] < a[j]
// =============================================================================
// constructors
// =============================================================================
func newPbftCore(id uint64, config *viper.Viper, consumer innerStack, etf events.TimerFactory) *pbftCore {
var err error
instance := &pbftCore{}
instance.id = id
instance.consumer = consumer
instance.newViewTimer = etf.CreateTimer()
instance.vcResendTimer = etf.CreateTimer()
instance.nullRequestTimer = etf.CreateTimer()
instance.N = config.GetInt("general.N")
instance.f = config.GetInt("general.f")
if instance.f*3+1 > instance.N {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("need at least %d enough replicas to tolerate %d byzantine faults, but only %d replicas configured", instance.f*3+1, instance.f, instance.N))
instance.K = uint64(config.GetInt("general.K"))
instance.logMultiplier = uint64(config.GetInt("general.logmultiplier"))
if instance.logMultiplier < 2 {
panic("Log multiplier must be greater than or equal to 2")
instance.L = instance.logMultiplier * instance.K // log size
instance.viewChangePeriod = uint64(config.GetInt("general.viewchangeperiod"))
instance.byzantine = config.GetBool("general.byzantine")
instance.requestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.request"))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse request timeout: %s", err))
instance.vcResendTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.resendviewchange"))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse request timeout: %s", err))
instance.newViewTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.viewchange"))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse new view timeout: %s", err))
instance.nullRequestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.nullrequest"))
if err != nil {
instance.nullRequestTimeout = 0
instance.broadcastTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.broadcast"))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse new broadcast timeout: %s", err))
instance.activeView = true
instance.replicaCount = instance.N
logger.Infof("PBFT type = %T", instance.consumer)
logger.Infof("PBFT Max number of validating peers (N) = %v", instance.N)
logger.Infof("PBFT Max number of failing peers (f) = %v", instance.f)
logger.Infof("PBFT byzantine flag = %v", instance.byzantine)
logger.Infof("PBFT request timeout = %v", instance.requestTimeout)
logger.Infof("PBFT view change timeout = %v", instance.newViewTimeout)
logger.Infof("PBFT Checkpoint period (K) = %v", instance.K)
logger.Infof("PBFT broadcast timeout = %v", instance.broadcastTimeout)
logger.Infof("PBFT Log multiplier = %v", instance.logMultiplier)
logger.Infof("PBFT log size (L) = %v", instance.L)
if instance.nullRequestTimeout > 0 {
logger.Infof("PBFT null requests timeout = %v", instance.nullRequestTimeout)
} else {
logger.Infof("PBFT null requests disabled")
if instance.viewChangePeriod > 0 {
logger.Infof("PBFT view change period = %v", instance.viewChangePeriod)
} else {
logger.Infof("PBFT automatic view change disabled")
// init the logs
instance.certStore = make(map[msgID]*msgCert)
instance.reqBatchStore = make(map[string]*RequestBatch)
instance.checkpointStore = make(map[Checkpoint]bool)
instance.chkpts = make(map[uint64]string)
instance.viewChangeStore = make(map[vcidx]*ViewChange)
instance.pset = make(map[uint64]*ViewChange_PQ)
instance.qset = make(map[qidx]*ViewChange_PQ)
instance.newViewStore = make(map[uint64]*NewView)
// initialize state transfer
instance.hChkpts = make(map[uint64]uint64)
instance.chkpts[0] = "XXX GENESIS"
instance.lastNewViewTimeout = instance.newViewTimeout
instance.outstandingReqBatches = make(map[string]*RequestBatch)
instance.missingReqBatches = make(map[string]bool)
instance.viewChangeSeqNo = ^uint64(0) // infinity
return instance
// close tears down resources opened by newPbftCore
func (instance *pbftCore) close() {
// allow the view-change protocol to kick-off when the timer expires
func (instance *pbftCore) ProcessEvent(e events.Event) events.Event {
var err error
logger.Debugf("Replica %d processing event", instance.id)
switch et := e.(type) {
case viewChangeTimerEvent:
logger.Infof("Replica %d view change timer expired, sending view change: %s", instance.id, instance.newViewTimerReason)
instance.timerActive = false
case *pbftMessage:
return pbftMessageEvent(*et)
case pbftMessageEvent:
msg := et
logger.Debugf("Replica %d received incoming message from %v", instance.id, msg.sender)
next, err := instance.recvMsg(msg.msg, msg.sender)
if err != nil {
return next
case *RequestBatch:
err = instance.recvRequestBatch(et)
case *PrePrepare:
err = instance.recvPrePrepare(et)
case *Prepare:
err = instance.recvPrepare(et)
case *Commit:
err = instance.recvCommit(et)
case *Checkpoint:
return instance.recvCheckpoint(et)
case *ViewChange:
return instance.recvViewChange(et)
case *NewView:
return instance.recvNewView(et)
case *FetchRequestBatch:
err = instance.recvFetchRequestBatch(et)
case returnRequestBatchEvent:
return instance.recvReturnRequestBatch(et)
case stateUpdatedEvent:
update := et.chkpt
instance.stateTransferring = false
// If state transfer did not complete successfully, or if it did not reach our low watermark, do it again
if et.target == nil || update.seqNo < instance.h {
if et.target == nil {
logger.Warningf("Replica %d attempted state transfer target was not reachable (%v)", instance.id, et.chkpt)
} else {
logger.Warningf("Replica %d recovered to seqNo %d but our low watermark has moved to %d", instance.id, update.seqNo, instance.h)
if instance.highStateTarget == nil {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d has no state targets, cannot resume state transfer yet", instance.id)
} else if update.seqNo < instance.highStateTarget.seqNo {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d has state target for %d, transferring", instance.id, instance.highStateTarget.seqNo)
} else {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d has no state target above %d, highest is %d", instance.id, update.seqNo, instance.highStateTarget.seqNo)
return nil
logger.Infof("Replica %d application caught up via state transfer, lastExec now %d", instance.id, update.seqNo)
instance.lastExec = update.seqNo
instance.moveWatermarks(instance.lastExec) // The watermark movement handles moving this to a checkpoint boundary
instance.skipInProgress = false
instance.Checkpoint(update.seqNo, update.id)
case execDoneEvent:
if instance.skipInProgress {
// We will delay new view processing sometimes
return instance.processNewView()
case nullRequestEvent:
case workEvent:
et() // Used to allow the caller to steal use of the main thread, to be removed
case viewChangeQuorumEvent:
logger.Debugf("Replica %d received view change quorum, processing new view", instance.id)
if instance.primary(instance.view) == instance.id {
return instance.sendNewView()
return instance.processNewView()
case viewChangedEvent:
// No-op, processed by plugins if needed
case viewChangeResendTimerEvent:
if instance.activeView {
logger.Warningf("Replica %d had its view change resend timer expire but it's in an active view, this is benign but may indicate a bug", instance.id)
return nil
logger.Debugf("Replica %d view change resend timer expired before view change quorum was reached, resending", instance.id)
instance.view-- // sending the view change increments this
return instance.sendViewChange()
logger.Warningf("Replica %d received an unknown message type %T", instance.id, et)
if err != nil {
return nil
// =============================================================================
// helper functions for PBFT
// =============================================================================
// Given a certain view n, what is the expected primary?
func (instance *pbftCore) primary(n uint64) uint64 {
return n % uint64(instance.replicaCount)
// Is the sequence number between watermarks?
func (instance *pbftCore) inW(n uint64) bool {
return n-instance.h > 0 && n-instance.h <= instance.L
// Is the view right? And is the sequence number between watermarks?
func (instance *pbftCore) inWV(v uint64, n uint64) bool {
return instance.view == v && instance.inW(n)
// Given a digest/view/seq, is there an entry in the certLog?
// If so, return it. If not, create it.
func (instance *pbftCore) getCert(v uint64, n uint64) (cert *msgCert) {
idx := msgID{v, n}
cert, ok := instance.certStore[idx]
if ok {
cert = &msgCert{}
instance.certStore[idx] = cert
// =============================================================================
// preprepare/prepare/commit quorum checks
// =============================================================================
// intersectionQuorum returns the number of replicas that have to
// agree to guarantee that at least one correct replica is shared by
// two intersection quora
func (instance *pbftCore) intersectionQuorum() int {
return (instance.N + instance.f + 2) / 2
// allCorrectReplicasQuorum returns the number of correct replicas (N-f)
func (instance *pbftCore) allCorrectReplicasQuorum() int {
return (instance.N - instance.f)
func (instance *pbftCore) prePrepared(digest string, v uint64, n uint64) bool {
_, mInLog := instance.reqBatchStore[digest]
if digest != "" && !mInLog {
return false
if q, ok := instance.qset[qidx{digest, n}]; ok && q.View == v {
return true
cert := instance.certStore[msgID{v, n}]
if cert != nil {
p := cert.prePrepare
if p != nil && p.View == v && p.SequenceNumber == n && p.BatchDigest == digest {
return true
logger.Debugf("Replica %d does not have view=%d/seqNo=%d pre-prepared",
instance.id, v, n)
return false
func (instance *pbftCore) prepared(digest string, v uint64, n uint64) bool {
if !instance.prePrepared(digest, v, n) {
return false
if p, ok := instance.pset[n]; ok && p.View == v && p.BatchDigest == digest {
return true
quorum := 0
cert := instance.certStore[msgID{v, n}]
if cert == nil {
return false
for _, p := range cert.prepare {
if p.View == v && p.SequenceNumber == n && p.BatchDigest == digest {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d prepare count for view=%d/seqNo=%d: %d",
instance.id, v, n, quorum)
return quorum >= instance.intersectionQuorum()-1
func (instance *pbftCore) committed(digest string, v uint64, n uint64) bool {
if !instance.prepared(digest, v, n) {
return false
quorum := 0
cert := instance.certStore[msgID{v, n}]
if cert == nil {
return false
for _, p := range cert.commit {
if p.View == v && p.SequenceNumber == n {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d commit count for view=%d/seqNo=%d: %d",
instance.id, v, n, quorum)
return quorum >= instance.intersectionQuorum()
// =============================================================================
// receive methods
// =============================================================================
func (instance *pbftCore) nullRequestHandler() {
if !instance.activeView {
if instance.primary(instance.view) != instance.id {
// backup expected a null request, but primary never sent one
logger.Info("Replica %d null request timer expired, sending view change", instance.id)
} else {
// time for the primary to send a null request
// pre-prepare with null digest
logger.Info("Primary %d null request timer expired, sending null request", instance.id)
instance.sendPrePrepare(nil, "")
func (instance *pbftCore) recvMsg(msg *Message, senderID uint64) (interface{}, error) {
if reqBatch := msg.GetRequestBatch(); reqBatch != nil {
return reqBatch, nil
} else if preprep := msg.GetPrePrepare(); preprep != nil {
if senderID != preprep.ReplicaId {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Sender ID included in pre-prepare message (%v) doesn't match ID corresponding to the receiving stream (%v)", preprep.ReplicaId, senderID)
return preprep, nil
} else if prep := msg.GetPrepare(); prep != nil {
if senderID != prep.ReplicaId {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Sender ID included in prepare message (%v) doesn't match ID corresponding to the receiving stream (%v)", prep.ReplicaId, senderID)
return prep, nil
} else if commit := msg.GetCommit(); commit != nil {
if senderID != commit.ReplicaId {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Sender ID included in commit message (%v) doesn't match ID corresponding to the receiving stream (%v)", commit.ReplicaId, senderID)
return commit, nil
} else if chkpt := msg.GetCheckpoint(); chkpt != nil {
if senderID != chkpt.ReplicaId {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Sender ID included in checkpoint message (%v) doesn't match ID corresponding to the receiving stream (%v)", chkpt.ReplicaId, senderID)
return chkpt, nil
} else if vc := msg.GetViewChange(); vc != nil {
if senderID != vc.ReplicaId {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Sender ID included in view-change message (%v) doesn't match ID corresponding to the receiving stream (%v)", vc.ReplicaId, senderID)
return vc, nil
} else if nv := msg.GetNewView(); nv != nil {
if senderID != nv.ReplicaId {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Sender ID included in new-view message (%v) doesn't match ID corresponding to the receiving stream (%v)", nv.ReplicaId, senderID)
return nv, nil
} else if fr := msg.GetFetchRequestBatch(); fr != nil {
if senderID != fr.ReplicaId {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Sender ID included in fetch-request-batch message (%v) doesn't match ID corresponding to the receiving stream (%v)", fr.ReplicaId, senderID)
return fr, nil
} else if reqBatch := msg.GetReturnRequestBatch(); reqBatch != nil {
// it's ok for sender ID and replica ID to differ; we're sending the original request message
return returnRequestBatchEvent(reqBatch), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid message: %v", msg)
func (instance *pbftCore) recvRequestBatch(reqBatch *RequestBatch) error {
digest := hash(reqBatch)
logger.Debugf("Replica %d received request batch %s", instance.id, digest)
instance.reqBatchStore[digest] = reqBatch
instance.outstandingReqBatches[digest] = reqBatch
if instance.activeView {
instance.softStartTimer(instance.requestTimeout, fmt.Sprintf("new request batch %s", digest))
if instance.primary(instance.view) == instance.id && instance.activeView {
instance.sendPrePrepare(reqBatch, digest)
} else {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d is backup, not sending pre-prepare for request batch %s", instance.id, digest)
return nil
func (instance *pbftCore) sendPrePrepare(reqBatch *RequestBatch, digest string) {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d is primary, issuing pre-prepare for request batch %s", instance.id, digest)
n := instance.seqNo + 1
for _, cert := range instance.certStore { // check for other PRE-PREPARE for same digest, but different seqNo
if p := cert.prePrepare; p != nil {
if p.View == instance.view && p.SequenceNumber != n && p.BatchDigest == digest && digest != "" {
logger.Infof("Other pre-prepare found with same digest but different seqNo: %d instead of %d", p.SequenceNumber, n)
if !instance.inWV(instance.view, n) || n > instance.h+instance.L/2 {
// We don't have the necessary stable certificates to advance our watermarks
logger.Warningf("Primary %d not sending pre-prepare for batch %s - out of sequence numbers", instance.id, digest)
if n > instance.viewChangeSeqNo {
logger.Info("Primary %d about to switch to next primary, not sending pre-prepare with seqno=%d", instance.id, n)
logger.Debugf("Primary %d broadcasting pre-prepare for view=%d/seqNo=%d and digest %s", instance.id, instance.view, n, digest)
instance.seqNo = n
preprep := &PrePrepare{
View: instance.view,
SequenceNumber: n,
BatchDigest: digest,
RequestBatch: reqBatch,
ReplicaId: instance.id,
cert := instance.getCert(instance.view, n)
cert.prePrepare = preprep
cert.digest = digest
instance.innerBroadcast(&Message{Payload: &Message_PrePrepare{PrePrepare: preprep}})
instance.maybeSendCommit(digest, instance.view, n)
func (instance *pbftCore) resubmitRequestBatches() {
if instance.primary(instance.view) != instance.id {
var submissionOrder []*RequestBatch
for d, reqBatch := range instance.outstandingReqBatches {
for _, cert := range instance.certStore {
if cert.digest == d {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d already has certificate for request batch %s - not going to resubmit", instance.id, d)
continue outer
logger.Debugf("Replica %d has detected request batch %s must be resubmitted", instance.id, d)
submissionOrder = append(submissionOrder, reqBatch)
if len(submissionOrder) == 0 {
for _, reqBatch := range submissionOrder {
// This is a request batch that has not been pre-prepared yet
// Trigger request batch processing again
func (instance *pbftCore) recvPrePrepare(preprep *PrePrepare) error {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d received pre-prepare from replica %d for view=%d/seqNo=%d",
instance.id, preprep.ReplicaId, preprep.View, preprep.SequenceNumber)
if !instance.activeView {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d ignoring pre-prepare as we are in a view change", instance.id)
return nil
if instance.primary(instance.view) != preprep.ReplicaId {
logger.Warningf("Pre-prepare from other than primary: got %d, should be %d", preprep.ReplicaId, instance.primary(instance.view))
return nil
if !instance.inWV(preprep.View, preprep.SequenceNumber) {
if preprep.SequenceNumber != instance.h && !instance.skipInProgress {
logger.Warningf("Replica %d pre-prepare view different, or sequence number outside watermarks: preprep.View %d, expected.View %d, seqNo %d, low-mark %d", instance.id, preprep.View, instance.primary(instance.view), preprep.SequenceNumber, instance.h)
} else {
// This is perfectly normal
logger.Debugf("Replica %d pre-prepare view different, or sequence number outside watermarks: preprep.View %d, expected.View %d, seqNo %d, low-mark %d", instance.id, preprep.View, instance.primary(instance.view), preprep.SequenceNumber, instance.h)
return nil
if preprep.SequenceNumber > instance.viewChangeSeqNo {
logger.Info("Replica %d received pre-prepare for %d, which should be from the next primary", instance.id, preprep.SequenceNumber)
return nil
cert := instance.getCert(preprep.View, preprep.SequenceNumber)
if cert.digest != "" && cert.digest != preprep.BatchDigest {
logger.Warningf("Pre-prepare found for same view/seqNo but different digest: received %s, stored %s", preprep.BatchDigest, cert.digest)
return nil
cert.prePrepare = preprep
cert.digest = preprep.BatchDigest
// Store the request batch if, for whatever reason, we haven't received it from an earlier broadcast
if _, ok := instance.reqBatchStore[preprep.BatchDigest]; !ok && preprep.BatchDigest != "" {
digest := hash(preprep.GetRequestBatch())
if digest != preprep.BatchDigest {
logger.Warningf("Pre-prepare and request digest do not match: request %s, digest %s", digest, preprep.BatchDigest)
return nil
instance.reqBatchStore[digest] = preprep.GetRequestBatch()
logger.Debugf("Replica %d storing request batch %s in outstanding request batch store", instance.id, digest)
instance.outstandingReqBatches[digest] = preprep.GetRequestBatch()
instance.softStartTimer(instance.requestTimeout, fmt.Sprintf("new pre-prepare for request batch %s", preprep.BatchDigest))
if instance.primary(instance.view) != instance.id && instance.prePrepared(preprep.BatchDigest, preprep.View, preprep.SequenceNumber) && !cert.sentPrepare {
logger.Debugf("Backup %d broadcasting prepare for view=%d/seqNo=%d", instance.id, preprep.View, preprep.SequenceNumber)
prep := &Prepare{
View: preprep.View,
SequenceNumber: preprep.SequenceNumber,
BatchDigest: preprep.BatchDigest,
ReplicaId: instance.id,
cert.sentPrepare = true
return instance.innerBroadcast(&Message{Payload: &Message_Prepare{Prepare: prep}})
return nil
func (instance *pbftCore) recvPrepare(prep *Prepare) error {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d received prepare from replica %d for view=%d/seqNo=%d",
instance.id, prep.ReplicaId, prep.View, prep.SequenceNumber)
if instance.primary(prep.View) == prep.ReplicaId {
logger.Warningf("Replica %d received prepare from primary, ignoring", instance.id)
return nil
if !instance.inWV(prep.View, prep.SequenceNumber) {
if prep.SequenceNumber != instance.h && !instance.skipInProgress {
logger.Warningf("Replica %d ignoring prepare for view=%d/seqNo=%d: not in-wv, in view %d, low water mark %d", instance.id, prep.View, prep.SequenceNumber, instance.view, instance.h)
} else {
// This is perfectly normal
logger.Debugf("Replica %d ignoring prepare for view=%d/seqNo=%d: not in-wv, in view %d, low water mark %d", instance.id, prep.View, prep.SequenceNumber, instance.view, instance.h)
return nil
cert := instance.getCert(prep.View, prep.SequenceNumber)
for _, prevPrep := range cert.prepare {
if prevPrep.ReplicaId == prep.ReplicaId {
logger.Warningf("Ignoring duplicate prepare from %d", prep.ReplicaId)
return nil
cert.prepare = append(cert.prepare, prep)
return instance.maybeSendCommit(prep.BatchDigest, prep.View, prep.SequenceNumber)
func (instance *pbftCore) maybeSendCommit(digest string, v uint64, n uint64) error {
cert := instance.getCert(v, n)
if instance.prepared(digest, v, n) && !cert.sentCommit {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d broadcasting commit for view=%d/seqNo=%d",
instance.id, v, n)
commit := &Commit{
View: v,
SequenceNumber: n,
BatchDigest: digest,
ReplicaId: instance.id,
cert.sentCommit = true
return instance.innerBroadcast(&Message{&Message_Commit{commit}})
return nil
func (instance *pbftCore) recvCommit(commit *Commit) error {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d received commit from replica %d for view=%d/seqNo=%d",
instance.id, commit.ReplicaId, commit.View, commit.SequenceNumber)
if !instance.inWV(commit.View, commit.SequenceNumber) {
if commit.SequenceNumber != instance.h && !instance.skipInProgress {
logger.Warningf("Replica %d ignoring commit for view=%d/seqNo=%d: not in-wv, in view %d, high water mark %d", instance.id, commit.View, commit.SequenceNumber, instance.view, instance.h)
} else {
// This is perfectly normal
logger.Debugf("Replica %d ignoring commit for view=%d/seqNo=%d: not in-wv, in view %d, high water mark %d", instance.id, commit.View, commit.SequenceNumber, instance.view, instance.h)
return nil
cert := instance.getCert(commit.View, commit.SequenceNumber)
for _, prevCommit := range cert.commit {
if prevCommit.ReplicaId == commit.ReplicaId {
logger.Warningf("Ignoring duplicate commit from %d", commit.ReplicaId)
return nil
cert.commit = append(cert.commit, commit)
if instance.committed(commit.BatchDigest, commit.View, commit.SequenceNumber) {
instance.lastNewViewTimeout = instance.newViewTimeout
delete(instance.outstandingReqBatches, commit.BatchDigest)
if commit.SequenceNumber == instance.viewChangeSeqNo {
logger.Infof("Replica %d cycling view for seqNo=%d", instance.id, commit.SequenceNumber)
return nil
func (instance *pbftCore) updateHighStateTarget(target *stateUpdateTarget) {
if instance.highStateTarget != nil && instance.highStateTarget.seqNo >= target.seqNo {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d not updating state target to seqNo %d, has target for seqNo %d", instance.id, target.seqNo, instance.highStateTarget.seqNo)
instance.highStateTarget = target
func (instance *pbftCore) stateTransfer(optional *stateUpdateTarget) {
if !instance.skipInProgress {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d is out of sync, pending state transfer", instance.id)
instance.skipInProgress = true
func (instance *pbftCore) retryStateTransfer(optional *stateUpdateTarget) {
if instance.currentExec != nil {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d is currently mid-execution, it must wait for the execution to complete before performing state transfer", instance.id)
if instance.stateTransferring {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d is currently mid state transfer, it must wait for this state transfer to complete before initiating a new one", instance.id)
target := optional
if target == nil {
if instance.highStateTarget == nil {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d has no targets to attempt state transfer to, delaying", instance.id)
target = instance.highStateTarget
instance.stateTransferring = true
logger.Debugf("Replica %d is initiating state transfer to seqNo %d", instance.id, target.seqNo)
instance.consumer.skipTo(target.seqNo, target.id, target.replicas)
func (instance *pbftCore) executeOutstanding() {
if instance.currentExec != nil {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d not attempting to executeOutstanding because it is currently executing %d", instance.id, *instance.currentExec)
logger.Debugf("Replica %d attempting to executeOutstanding", instance.id)
for idx := range instance.certStore {
if instance.executeOne(idx) {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d certstore %+v", instance.id, instance.certStore)
func (instance *pbftCore) executeOne(idx msgID) bool {
cert := instance.certStore[idx]
if idx.n != instance.lastExec+1 || cert == nil || cert.prePrepare == nil {
return false
if instance.skipInProgress {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d currently picking a starting point to resume, will not execute", instance.id)
return false
// we now have the right sequence number that doesn't create holes
digest := cert.digest
reqBatch := instance.reqBatchStore[digest]
if !instance.committed(digest, idx.v, idx.n) {
return false
// we have a commit certificate for this request batch
currentExec := idx.n
instance.currentExec = ¤tExec
// null request
if digest == "" {
logger.Infof("Replica %d executing/committing null request for view=%d/seqNo=%d",
instance.id, idx.v, idx.n)
} else {
logger.Infof("Replica %d executing/committing request batch for view=%d/seqNo=%d and digest %s",
instance.id, idx.v, idx.n, digest)
// synchronously execute, it is the other side's responsibility to execute in the background if needed
instance.consumer.execute(idx.n, reqBatch)
return true
func (instance *pbftCore) Checkpoint(seqNo uint64, id []byte) {
if seqNo%instance.K != 0 {
logger.Errorf("Attempted to checkpoint a sequence number (%d) which is not a multiple of the checkpoint interval (%d)", seqNo, instance.K)
idAsString := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(id)
logger.Debugf("Replica %d preparing checkpoint for view=%d/seqNo=%d and b64 id of %s",
instance.id, instance.view, seqNo, idAsString)
chkpt := &Checkpoint{
SequenceNumber: seqNo,
ReplicaId: instance.id,
Id: idAsString,
instance.chkpts[seqNo] = idAsString
instance.persistCheckpoint(seqNo, id)
instance.innerBroadcast(&Message{Payload: &Message_Checkpoint{Checkpoint: chkpt}})
func (instance *pbftCore) execDoneSync() {
if instance.currentExec != nil {
logger.Infof("Replica %d finished execution %d, trying next", instance.id, *instance.currentExec)
instance.lastExec = *instance.currentExec
if instance.lastExec%instance.K == 0 {
instance.Checkpoint(instance.lastExec, instance.consumer.getState())
} else {
// XXX This masks a bug, this should not be called when currentExec is nil
logger.Warningf("Replica %d had execDoneSync called, flagging ourselves as out of date", instance.id)
instance.skipInProgress = true
instance.currentExec = nil
func (instance *pbftCore) moveWatermarks(n uint64) {
// round down n to previous low watermark
h := n / instance.K * instance.K
for idx, cert := range instance.certStore {
if idx.n <= h {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d cleaning quorum certificate for view=%d/seqNo=%d",
instance.id, idx.v, idx.n)
delete(instance.reqBatchStore, cert.digest)
delete(instance.certStore, idx)
for testChkpt := range instance.checkpointStore {
if testChkpt.SequenceNumber <= h {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d cleaning checkpoint message from replica %d, seqNo %d, b64 snapshot id %s",
instance.id, testChkpt.ReplicaId, testChkpt.SequenceNumber, testChkpt.Id)
delete(instance.checkpointStore, testChkpt)
for n := range instance.pset {
if n <= h {
delete(instance.pset, n)
for idx := range instance.qset {
if idx.n <= h {
delete(instance.qset, idx)
for n := range instance.chkpts {
if n < h {
delete(instance.chkpts, n)
instance.h = h
logger.Debugf("Replica %d updated low watermark to %d",
instance.id, instance.h)
func (instance *pbftCore) weakCheckpointSetOutOfRange(chkpt *Checkpoint) bool {
H := instance.h + instance.L
// Track the last observed checkpoint sequence number if it exceeds our high watermark, keyed by replica to prevent unbounded growth
if chkpt.SequenceNumber < H {
// For non-byzantine nodes, the checkpoint sequence number increases monotonically
delete(instance.hChkpts, chkpt.ReplicaId)
} else {
// We do not track the highest one, as a byzantine node could pick an arbitrarilly high sequence number
// and even if it recovered to be non-byzantine, we would still believe it to be far ahead
instance.hChkpts[chkpt.ReplicaId] = chkpt.SequenceNumber
// If f+1 other replicas have reported checkpoints that were (at one time) outside our watermarks
// we need to check to see if we have fallen behind.
if len(instance.hChkpts) >= instance.f+1 {
chkptSeqNumArray := make([]uint64, len(instance.hChkpts))
index := 0
for replicaID, hChkpt := range instance.hChkpts {
chkptSeqNumArray[index] = hChkpt
if hChkpt < H {
delete(instance.hChkpts, replicaID)
// If f+1 nodes have issued checkpoints above our high water mark, then
// we will never record 2f+1 checkpoints for that sequence number, we are out of date
// (This is because all_replicas - missed - me = 3f+1 - f - 1 = 2f)
if m := chkptSeqNumArray[len(chkptSeqNumArray)-(instance.f+1)]; m > H {
logger.Warningf("Replica %d is out of date, f+1 nodes agree checkpoint with seqNo %d exists but our high water mark is %d", instance.id, chkpt.SequenceNumber, H)
instance.reqBatchStore = make(map[string]*RequestBatch) // Discard all our requests, as we will never know which were executed, to be addressed in #394
instance.outstandingReqBatches = make(map[string]*RequestBatch)
instance.skipInProgress = true
// TODO, reprocess the already gathered checkpoints, this will make recovery faster, though it is presently correct
return true
return false
func (instance *pbftCore) witnessCheckpointWeakCert(chkpt *Checkpoint) {
checkpointMembers := make([]uint64, instance.f+1) // Only ever invoked for the first weak cert, so guaranteed to be f+1
i := 0
for testChkpt := range instance.checkpointStore {
if testChkpt.SequenceNumber == chkpt.SequenceNumber && testChkpt.Id == chkpt.Id {
checkpointMembers[i] = testChkpt.ReplicaId
logger.Debugf("Replica %d adding replica %d (handle %v) to weak cert", instance.id, testChkpt.ReplicaId, checkpointMembers[i])
snapshotID, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(chkpt.Id)
if nil != err {
err = fmt.Errorf("Replica %d received a weak checkpoint cert which could not be decoded (%s)", instance.id, chkpt.Id)
target := &stateUpdateTarget{
checkpointMessage: checkpointMessage{
seqNo: chkpt.SequenceNumber,
id: snapshotID,
replicas: checkpointMembers,
if instance.skipInProgress {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d is catching up and witnessed a weak certificate for checkpoint %d, weak cert attested to by %d of %d (%v)",
instance.id, chkpt.SequenceNumber, i, instance.replicaCount, checkpointMembers)
// The view should not be set to active, this should be handled by the yet unimplemented SUSPECT, see https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/issues/1120
func (instance *pbftCore) recvCheckpoint(chkpt *Checkpoint) events.Event {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d received checkpoint from replica %d, seqNo %d, digest %s",
instance.id, chkpt.ReplicaId, chkpt.SequenceNumber, chkpt.Id)
if instance.weakCheckpointSetOutOfRange(chkpt) {
return nil
if !instance.inW(chkpt.SequenceNumber) {
if chkpt.SequenceNumber != instance.h && !instance.skipInProgress {
// It is perfectly normal that we receive checkpoints for the watermark we just raised, as we raise it after 2f+1, leaving f replies left
logger.Warningf("Checkpoint sequence number outside watermarks: seqNo %d, low-mark %d", chkpt.SequenceNumber, instance.h)
} else {
logger.Debugf("Checkpoint sequence number outside watermarks: seqNo %d, low-mark %d", chkpt.SequenceNumber, instance.h)
return nil
instance.checkpointStore[*chkpt] = true
// Track how many different checkpoint values we have for the seqNo in question
diffValues := make(map[string]struct{})
diffValues[chkpt.Id] = struct{}{}
matching := 0
for testChkpt := range instance.checkpointStore {
if testChkpt.SequenceNumber == chkpt.SequenceNumber {
if testChkpt.Id == chkpt.Id {
} else {
if _, ok := diffValues[testChkpt.Id]; !ok {
diffValues[testChkpt.Id] = struct{}{}
logger.Debugf("Replica %d found %d matching checkpoints for seqNo %d, digest %s",
instance.id, matching, chkpt.SequenceNumber, chkpt.Id)
// If f+2 different values have been observed, we'll never be able to get a stable cert for this seqNo
if count := len(diffValues); count > instance.f+1 {
logger.Panicf("Network unable to find stable certificate for seqNo %d (%d different values observed already)",
chkpt.SequenceNumber, count)
if matching == instance.f+1 {
// We have a weak cert
// If we have generated a checkpoint for this seqNo, make sure we have a match
if ownChkptID, ok := instance.chkpts[chkpt.SequenceNumber]; ok {
if ownChkptID != chkpt.Id {
logger.Panicf("Own checkpoint for seqNo %d (%s) different from weak checkpoint certificate (%s)",
chkpt.SequenceNumber, ownChkptID, chkpt.Id)
if matching < instance.intersectionQuorum() {
// We do not have a quorum yet
return nil
// It is actually just fine if we do not have this checkpoint
// and should not trigger a state transfer
// Imagine we are executing sequence number k-1 and we are slow for some reason
// then everyone else finishes executing k, and we receive a checkpoint quorum
// which we will agree with very shortly, but do not move our watermarks until
// we have reached this checkpoint
// Note, this is not divergent from the paper, as the paper requires that
// the quorum certificate must contain 2f+1 messages, including its own
if _, ok := instance.chkpts[chkpt.SequenceNumber]; !ok {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d found checkpoint quorum for seqNo %d, digest %s, but it has not reached this checkpoint itself yet",
instance.id, chkpt.SequenceNumber, chkpt.Id)
if instance.skipInProgress {
logSafetyBound := instance.h + instance.L/2
// As an optimization, if we are more than half way out of our log and in state transfer, move our watermarks so we don't lose track of the network
// if needed, state transfer will restart on completion to a more recent point in time
if chkpt.SequenceNumber >= logSafetyBound {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d is in state transfer, but, the network seems to be moving on past %d, moving our watermarks to stay with it", instance.id, logSafetyBound)
return nil
logger.Debugf("Replica %d found checkpoint quorum for seqNo %d, digest %s",
instance.id, chkpt.SequenceNumber, chkpt.Id)
return instance.processNewView()
// used in view-change to fetch missing assigned, non-checkpointed requests
func (instance *pbftCore) fetchRequestBatches() (err error) {
var msg *Message
for digest := range instance.missingReqBatches {
msg = &Message{Payload: &Message_FetchRequestBatch{FetchRequestBatch: &FetchRequestBatch{
BatchDigest: digest,
ReplicaId: instance.id,
func (instance *pbftCore) recvFetchRequestBatch(fr *FetchRequestBatch) (err error) {
digest := fr.BatchDigest
if _, ok := instance.reqBatchStore[digest]; !ok {
return nil // we don't have it either
reqBatch := instance.reqBatchStore[digest]
msg := &Message{Payload: &Message_ReturnRequestBatch{ReturnRequestBatch: reqBatch}}
msgPacked, err := proto.Marshal(msg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error marshalling return-request-batch message: %v", err)
receiver := fr.ReplicaId
err = instance.consumer.unicast(msgPacked, receiver)
func (instance *pbftCore) recvReturnRequestBatch(reqBatch *RequestBatch) events.Event {
digest := hash(reqBatch)
if _, ok := instance.missingReqBatches[digest]; !ok {
return nil // either the wrong digest, or we got it already from someone else
instance.reqBatchStore[digest] = reqBatch
delete(instance.missingReqBatches, digest)
return instance.processNewView()
// =============================================================================
// Misc. methods go here
// =============================================================================
// Marshals a Message and hands it to the Stack. If toSelf is true,
// the message is also dispatched to the local instance's RecvMsgSync.
func (instance *pbftCore) innerBroadcast(msg *Message) error {
msgRaw, err := proto.Marshal(msg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot marshal message %s", err)
doByzantine := false
if instance.byzantine {
rand1 := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
doIt := rand1.Intn(3) // go byzantine about 1/3 of the time
if doIt == 1 {
doByzantine = true
// testing byzantine fault.
if doByzantine {
rand2 := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
ignoreidx := rand2.Intn(instance.N)
for i := 0; i < instance.N; i++ {
if i != ignoreidx && uint64(i) != instance.id { //Pick a random replica and do not send message
instance.consumer.unicast(msgRaw, uint64(i))
} else {
logger.Debugf("PBFT byzantine: not broadcasting to replica %v", i)
} else {
return nil
func (instance *pbftCore) updateViewChangeSeqNo() {
if instance.viewChangePeriod <= 0 {
// Ensure the view change always occurs at a checkpoint boundary
instance.viewChangeSeqNo = instance.seqNo + instance.viewChangePeriod*instance.K - instance.seqNo%instance.K
logger.Debugf("Replica %d updating view change sequence number to %d", instance.id, instance.viewChangeSeqNo)
func (instance *pbftCore) startTimerIfOutstandingRequests() {
if instance.skipInProgress || instance.currentExec != nil {
// Do not start the view change timer if we are executing or state transferring, these take arbitrarilly long amounts of time
if len(instance.outstandingReqBatches) > 0 {
getOutstandingDigests := func() []string {
var digests []string
for digest := range instance.outstandingReqBatches {
digests = append(digests, digest)
return digests
instance.softStartTimer(instance.requestTimeout, fmt.Sprintf("outstanding request batches %v", getOutstandingDigests))
} else if instance.nullRequestTimeout > 0 {
timeout := instance.nullRequestTimeout
if instance.primary(instance.view) != instance.id {
// we're waiting for the primary to deliver a null request - give it a bit more time
timeout += instance.requestTimeout
instance.nullRequestTimer.Reset(timeout, nullRequestEvent{})
func (instance *pbftCore) softStartTimer(timeout time.Duration, reason string) {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d soft starting new view timer for %s: %s", instance.id, timeout, reason)
instance.newViewTimerReason = reason
instance.timerActive = true
instance.newViewTimer.SoftReset(timeout, viewChangeTimerEvent{})
func (instance *pbftCore) startTimer(timeout time.Duration, reason string) {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d starting new view timer for %s: %s", instance.id, timeout, reason)
instance.timerActive = true
instance.newViewTimer.Reset(timeout, viewChangeTimerEvent{})
func (instance *pbftCore) stopTimer() {
logger.Debugf("Replica %d stopping a running new view timer", instance.id)
instance.timerActive = false
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