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blockcutter.go 7.22 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package blockcutter
import (
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
var logger = logging.MustGetLogger("orderer/common/blockcutter")
// Receiver defines a sink for the ordered broadcast messages
type Receiver interface {
// Ordered should be invoked sequentially as messages are ordered
// If the current message valid, and no batches need to be cut:
// - Ordered will return nil, nil, and true (indicating valid Tx).
// If the current message valid, and batches need to be cut:
// - Ordered will return 1 or 2 batches of messages, 1 or 2 batches of committers, and true (indicating valid Tx).
// If the current message is invalid:
// - Ordered will return nil, nil, and false (to indicate invalid Tx).
// Given a valid message, if the current message needs to be isolated (as determined during filtering).
// - Ordered will return:
// * The pending batch of (if not empty), and a second batch containing only the isolated message.
// * The corresponding batches of committers.
// * true (indicating ok).
// Otherwise, given a valid message, the pending batch, if not empty, will be cut and returned if:
// - The current message needs to be isolated (as determined during filtering).
// - The current message will cause the pending batch size in bytes to exceed BatchSize.PreferredMaxBytes.
// - After adding the current message to the pending batch, the message count has reached BatchSize.MaxMessageCount.
// In any case, `pending` is set to true if there are still messages pending in the receiver after cutting the block.
Ordered(msg *cb.Envelope) (messageBatches [][]*cb.Envelope, committers [][]filter.Committer, validTx bool, pending bool)
// Cut returns the current batch and starts a new one
Cut() ([]*cb.Envelope, []filter.Committer)
type receiver struct {
sharedConfigManager config.Orderer
filters *filter.RuleSet
pendingBatch []*cb.Envelope
pendingBatchSizeBytes uint32
pendingCommitters []filter.Committer
// NewReceiverImpl creates a Receiver implementation based on the given configtxorderer manager and filters
func NewReceiverImpl(sharedConfigManager config.Orderer, filters *filter.RuleSet) Receiver {
return &receiver{
sharedConfigManager: sharedConfigManager,
filters: filters,
// Ordered should be invoked sequentially as messages are ordered
// If the current message valid, and no batches need to be cut:
// - Ordered will return nil, nil, true (indicating valid tx) and true (indicating there are pending messages).
// If the current message valid, and batches need to be cut:
// - Ordered will return 1 or 2 batches of messages, 1 or 2 batches of committers, and true (indicating valid tx).
// If the current message is invalid:
// - Ordered will return nil, nil, and false (to indicate invalid tx).
// Given a valid message, if the current message needs to be isolated (as determined during filtering).
// - Ordered will return:
// * The pending batch of (if not empty), and a second batch containing only the isolated message.
// * The corresponding batches of committers.
// * true (indicating valid tx).
// Otherwise, given a valid message, the pending batch, if not empty, will be cut and returned if:
// - The current message needs to be isolated (as determined during filtering).
// - The current message will cause the pending batch size in bytes to exceed BatchSize.PreferredMaxBytes.
// - After adding the current message to the pending batch, the message count has reached BatchSize.MaxMessageCount.
// In any case, `pending` is set to true if there are still messages pending in the receiver after cutting the block.
func (r *receiver) Ordered(msg *cb.Envelope) (messageBatches [][]*cb.Envelope, committerBatches [][]filter.Committer, validTx bool, pending bool) {
// The messages must be filtered a second time in case configuration has changed since the message was received
committer, err := r.filters.Apply(msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Debugf("Rejecting message: %s", err)
return // We don't bother to determine `pending` here as it's not processed in error case
// message is valid
validTx = true
messageSizeBytes := messageSizeBytes(msg)
if committer.Isolated() || messageSizeBytes > r.sharedConfigManager.BatchSize().PreferredMaxBytes {
if committer.Isolated() {
logger.Debugf("Found message which requested to be isolated, cutting into its own batch")
} else {
logger.Debugf("The current message, with %v bytes, is larger than the preferred batch size of %v bytes and will be isolated.", messageSizeBytes, r.sharedConfigManager.BatchSize().PreferredMaxBytes)
// cut pending batch, if it has any messages
if len(r.pendingBatch) > 0 {
messageBatch, committerBatch := r.Cut()
messageBatches = append(messageBatches, messageBatch)
committerBatches = append(committerBatches, committerBatch)
// create new batch with single message
messageBatches = append(messageBatches, []*cb.Envelope{msg})
committerBatches = append(committerBatches, []filter.Committer{committer})
messageWillOverflowBatchSizeBytes := r.pendingBatchSizeBytes+messageSizeBytes > r.sharedConfigManager.BatchSize().PreferredMaxBytes
if messageWillOverflowBatchSizeBytes {
logger.Debugf("The current message, with %v bytes, will overflow the pending batch of %v bytes.", messageSizeBytes, r.pendingBatchSizeBytes)
logger.Debugf("Pending batch would overflow if current message is added, cutting batch now.")
messageBatch, committerBatch := r.Cut()
messageBatches = append(messageBatches, messageBatch)
committerBatches = append(committerBatches, committerBatch)
logger.Debugf("Enqueuing message into batch")
r.pendingBatch = append(r.pendingBatch, msg)
r.pendingBatchSizeBytes += messageSizeBytes
r.pendingCommitters = append(r.pendingCommitters, committer)
pending = true
if uint32(len(r.pendingBatch)) >= r.sharedConfigManager.BatchSize().MaxMessageCount {
logger.Debugf("Batch size met, cutting batch")
messageBatch, committerBatch := r.Cut()
messageBatches = append(messageBatches, messageBatch)
committerBatches = append(committerBatches, committerBatch)
pending = false
// Cut returns the current batch and starts a new one
func (r *receiver) Cut() ([]*cb.Envelope, []filter.Committer) {
batch := r.pendingBatch
r.pendingBatch = nil
committers := r.pendingCommitters
r.pendingCommitters = nil
r.pendingBatchSizeBytes = 0
return batch, committers
func messageSizeBytes(message *cb.Envelope) uint32 {
return uint32(len(message.Payload) + len(message.Signature))
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