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rscc.go 8.68 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package rscc
import (
pb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/peer"
const (
//CHANNEL name
CHANNEL = "channel"
//POLICY for the channel
POLICY = "policy"
//Init Errors (for UT)
//NOCHANNEL channel not found
NOCHANNEL = "nochannel"
//NOPOLICY policy not found for channel
NOPOLICY = "nopolicy"
//BADPOLICY bad policy
BADPOLICY = "badpolicy"
//the basic policyProvider for the channel, consists of a
//default and rscc policy providers
type policyProvider struct {
//maybe we should use a separate default policy provider
//than the only from aclmgmt (which is 1.0 defaults)
defaultProvider aclmgmt.ACLProvider
rsccProvider rsccPolicyProvider
//Rscc SCC implementing resouce->Policy mapping for the fabric
type Rscc struct {
//the cache of RSCC policies for all the channels
policyCache map[string]*policyProvider
var rsccLogger = flogging.MustGetLogger("rscc")
//NewRscc get an initialzed new Rscc
func NewRscc() *Rscc {
return &Rscc{policyCache: make(map[string]*policyProvider)}
//--------- errors ---------
//NoPolicyProviderInCache in cache for channel
type NoPolicyProviderInCache string
func (e NoPolicyProviderInCache) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cannot find policy provider in cache for channel %s", string(e))
//PolicyProviderNotFound for channel
type PolicyProviderNotFound string
func (e PolicyProviderNotFound) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cannot find policy provider for channel %s", string(e))
//-------- ACLProvider interface ------
//CheckACL rscc implements AClProvider's CheckACL interface. This is the key interface
// . CheckACL works off the cache
// . CheckACL uses two providers - the RSCC provider from channel config and default provider
// that implements 1.0 functions
// . If a resource in RSCC Provider it'll use the policy defined there. Otherwise it'll defer
// to default provider
func (rscc *Rscc) CheckACL(resName string, channelID string, idinfo interface{}) error {
rsccLogger.Debugf("rscc acl check(%s, %s)", resName, channelID)
defer rscc.RUnlock()
pp := rscc.policyCache[channelID]
if pp == nil {
return NoPolicyProviderInCache(channelID)
//found policyProvider
if pp.rsccProvider != nil {
//get the policy mapping if any
if policyName := pp.rsccProvider.GetPolicyName(resName); policyName != "" {
return pp.rsccProvider.CheckACL(policyName, idinfo)
//try default provider
if pp.defaultProvider != nil {
return pp.defaultProvider.CheckACL(resName, channelID, idinfo)
return PolicyProviderNotFound(channelID)
//GenerateSimulationResults called to add config state. Currently only handles "join" requests.
//Note that this is just a ledger hook and does not modify RSCC data structures
func (rscc *Rscc) GenerateSimulationResults(txEnv *common.Envelope, sim ledger.TxSimulator) error {
//should never happen, but check anyway
if txEnv == nil || sim == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("nil parameters")
payl := &common.Payload{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(txEnv.Payload, payl); err != nil {
rsccLogger.Errorf("error on Payload unmarshal %s", err)
return err
cenv := &common.ConfigEnvelope{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(payl.Data, cenv); err != nil {
rsccLogger.Errorf("error on ConfigEnvelope unmarshal %s", err)
return err
if cenv.Config.Sequence != 1 {
rsccLogger.Errorf("ignore non genesis block config updates (%d) for modifying resource policies", cenv.Config.Sequence)
return nil
if cenv.LastUpdate == nil {
rsccLogger.Errorf("nil LastUpdate")
return fmt.Errorf("nil LastUpdate")
if err := proto.Unmarshal(cenv.LastUpdate.Payload, payl); err != nil {
rsccLogger.Errorf("error on LastUpdate unmarshal %s", err)
return err
coe := &common.ConfigUpdateEnvelope{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(payl.Data, coe); err != nil {
rsccLogger.Errorf("error on ConfigUpdateEnvelope unmarshal %s", err)
return err
cup := &common.ConfigUpdate{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(coe.ConfigUpdate, cup); err != nil {
rsccLogger.Errorf("error on ConfigUpdate unmarshal %s", err)
return err
rsccLogger.Debugf("RSCC processing config tx for channel %s", cup.ChannelId)
//preparation for extracting RWSet from transaction
if err := sim.SetState("rscc", CHANNEL, []byte(cup.ChannelId)); err != nil {
rsccLogger.Errorf("error on setting channel state %s", err)
return err
iso := cup.IsolatedData
if err := sim.SetState("rscc", POLICY, iso[pb.RSCCSeedDataKey]); err != nil {
rsccLogger.Errorf("error on setting policy state %s", err)
return err
return nil
//---------- misc functions ---------
func (rscc *Rscc) putPolicyProvider(channel string, pp *policyProvider) {
defer rscc.Unlock()
rscc.policyCache[channel] = pp
func (rscc *Rscc) setPolicyProvider(channel string, defProv aclmgmt.ACLProvider, rsccProv rsccPolicyProvider) {
pp := &policyProvider{defProv, rsccProv}
rscc.putPolicyProvider(channel, pp)
func (rscc *Rscc) getEnvelopeFromConfig(channel string, cfgb []byte) (*common.Envelope, error) {
cfg := &common.Config{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(cfgb, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cenv := &common.ConfigEnvelope{Config: cfg}
data, err := proto.Marshal(cenv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chdr, _ := proto.Marshal(&common.ChannelHeader{
ChannelId: channel,
Type: int32(common.HeaderType_CONFIG),
payl, _ := proto.Marshal(&common.Payload{
Header: &common.Header{
ChannelHeader: chdr,
Data: data,
return &common.Envelope{Payload: payl}, nil
//create the evaluator to provide evaluation services for resources
func (rscc *Rscc) createPolicyEvaluator(env *common.Envelope, mspMgr msp.MSPManager, polMgr policies.Manager) (policyEvaluator, error) {
bundle, err := resourcesconfig.New(env, mspMgr, polMgr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &policyEvaluatorImpl{bundle}, nil
//NOTE - this is the core method that should be called to set the entire
//configuration of the RSCC. For now this is at Join time only but will
//have to export with proper interfacing for update processing via Invoke flow
func (rscc *Rscc) updateConfig(channel string, cfgb []byte, defProv aclmgmt.ACLProvider) error {
var rsccProv rsccPolicyProvider
//guranteed to set policy provider at least with the default provider
defer func() {
rscc.setPolicyProvider(channel, defProv, rsccProv)
env, err := rscc.getEnvelopeFromConfig(channel, cfgb)
if err != nil {
return err
mspMgr := mgmt.GetManagerForChain(channel)
if mspMgr == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("msp manager not found for %s", channel)
polMgr := peer.GetPolicyManager(channel)
if polMgr == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("policies manager not found for %s", channel)
//associate the evaluator with the managers
pEvaluator, err := rscc.createPolicyEvaluator(env, mspMgr, polMgr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot create provider for channel %s(%s)", channel, err)
//this will get set by the deferred func
rsccProv = &rsccPolicyProviderImpl{channel, pEvaluator}
return nil
//-------- CC interface ------------
// Init RSCC - Init is just used to initialize policy assuming it is found in the
// channel ledger. Don't return error and get out. For example, we might still serve
// Invokes to set policy
func (rscc *Rscc) Init(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) pb.Response {
rsccLogger.Info("Init RSCC")
b, err := stub.GetState(CHANNEL)
if err != nil || len(b) == 0 {
rsccLogger.Errorf("cannot find channel name")
return shim.Success([]byte(NOCHANNEL))
channel := string(b)
defProv := aclmgmt.NewDefaultACLProvider()
b, err = stub.GetState(POLICY)
if err != nil || len(b) == 0 {
//we do not have policy, create just defaults
rscc.setPolicyProvider(channel, defProv, nil)
rsccLogger.Errorf("cannot find policy for channel %s", channel)
return shim.Success([]byte(NOPOLICY))
//update the config
if err = rscc.updateConfig(channel, b, defProv); err != nil {
rsccLogger.Errorf("error on update config %s\n", err)
return shim.Success([]byte(BADPOLICY))
return shim.Success(nil)
//Invoke - update policies
func (rscc *Rscc) Invoke(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) pb.Response {
return shim.Error("--TBD---")
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