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endorser.go 20.45 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package endorser
import (
pb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/peer"
putils "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/utils"
// >>>>> begin errors section >>>>>
//chaincodeError is a fabric error signifying error from chaincode
type chaincodeError struct {
status int32
msg string
func (ce chaincodeError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("chaincode error (status: %d, message: %s)", ce.status, ce.msg)
// <<<<< end errors section <<<<<<
var endorserLogger = flogging.MustGetLogger("endorser")
// The Jira issue that documents Endorser flow along with its relationship to
// the lifecycle chaincode - https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/FAB-181
type privateDataDistributor func(channel string, txID string, privateData *rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet) error
// Support contains functions that the endorser requires to execute its tasks
type Support interface {
// IsSysCCAndNotInvokableExternal returns true if the supplied chaincode is
// ia system chaincode and it NOT invokable
IsSysCCAndNotInvokableExternal(name string) bool
// GetTxSimulator returns the transaction simulator for the specified ledger
// a client may obtain more than one such simulator; they are made unique
// by way of the supplied txid
GetTxSimulator(ledgername string, txid string) (ledger.TxSimulator, error)
// GetHistoryQueryExecutor gives handle to a history query executor for the
// specified ledger
GetHistoryQueryExecutor(ledgername string) (ledger.HistoryQueryExecutor, error)
// GetTransactionByID retrieves a transaction by id
GetTransactionByID(chid, txID string) (*pb.ProcessedTransaction, error)
//IsSysCC returns true if the name matches a system chaincode's
//system chaincode names are system, chain wide
IsSysCC(name string) bool
//Execute - execute proposal, return original response of chaincode
Execute(ctxt context.Context, cid, name, version, txid string, syscc bool, signedProp *pb.SignedProposal, prop *pb.Proposal, spec interface{}) (*pb.Response, *pb.ChaincodeEvent, error)
// GetChaincodeDefinition returns resourcesconfig.ChaincodeDefinition for the chaincode with the supplied name
GetChaincodeDefinition(ctx context.Context, chainID string, txid string, signedProp *pb.SignedProposal, prop *pb.Proposal, chaincodeID string, txsim ledger.TxSimulator) (resourcesconfig.ChaincodeDefinition, error)
//CheckACL checks the ACL for the resource for the channel using the
//SignedProposal from which an id can be extracted for testing against a policy
CheckACL(signedProp *pb.SignedProposal, chdr *common.ChannelHeader, shdr *common.SignatureHeader, hdrext *pb.ChaincodeHeaderExtension) error
// IsJavaCC returns true if the CDS package bytes describe a chaincode
// that requires the java runtime environment to execute
IsJavaCC(buf []byte) (bool, error)
// CheckInstantiationPolicy returns an error if the instantiation in the supplied
// ChaincodeDefinition differs from the instantiation policy stored on the ledger
CheckInstantiationPolicy(name, version string, cd resourcesconfig.ChaincodeDefinition) error
// GetApplicationConfig returns the configtxapplication.SharedConfig for the channel
// and whether the Application config exists
GetApplicationConfig(cid string) (channelconfig.Application, bool)
// Endorser provides the Endorser service ProcessProposal
type Endorser struct {
distributePrivateData privateDataDistributor
s Support
// validateResult provides the result of endorseProposal verification
type validateResult struct {
prop *pb.Proposal
hdrExt *pb.ChaincodeHeaderExtension
chainID string
txid string
resp *pb.ProposalResponse
// NewEndorserServer creates and returns a new Endorser server instance.
func NewEndorserServer(privDist privateDataDistributor, s Support) pb.EndorserServer {
e := &Endorser{
distributePrivateData: privDist,
s: s,
return e
//call specified chaincode (system or user)
func (e *Endorser) callChaincode(ctxt context.Context, chainID string, version string, txid string, signedProp *pb.SignedProposal, prop *pb.Proposal, cis *pb.ChaincodeInvocationSpec, cid *pb.ChaincodeID, txsim ledger.TxSimulator) (*pb.Response, *pb.ChaincodeEvent, error) {
endorserLogger.Debugf("[%s][%s] Entry chaincode: %s version: %s", chainID, shorttxid(txid), cid, version)
defer endorserLogger.Debugf("[%s][%s] Exit", chainID, shorttxid(txid))
var err error
var res *pb.Response
var ccevent *pb.ChaincodeEvent
if txsim != nil {
ctxt = context.WithValue(ctxt, chaincode.TXSimulatorKey, txsim)
//is this a system chaincode
scc := e.s.IsSysCC(cid.Name)
res, ccevent, err = e.s.Execute(ctxt, chainID, cid.Name, version, txid, scc, signedProp, prop, cis)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
//per doc anything < 400 can be sent as TX.
//fabric errors will always be >= 400 (ie, unambiguous errors )
//"lscc" will respond with status 200 or 500 (ie, unambiguous OK or ERROR)
if res.Status >= shim.ERRORTHRESHOLD {
return res, nil, nil
//if this a call to deploy a chaincode, We need a mechanism
//to pass TxSimulator into LSCC. Till that is worked out this
//special code does the actual deploy, upgrade here so as to collect
//all state under one TxSimulator
//NOTE that if there's an error all simulation, including the chaincode
//table changes in lscc will be thrown away
if cid.Name == "lscc" && len(cis.ChaincodeSpec.Input.Args) >= 3 && (string(cis.ChaincodeSpec.Input.Args[0]) == "deploy" || string(cis.ChaincodeSpec.Input.Args[0]) == "upgrade") {
var cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec
cds, err = putils.GetChaincodeDeploymentSpec(cis.ChaincodeSpec.Input.Args[2])
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
//this should not be a system chaincode
if e.s.IsSysCC(cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Name) {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("attempting to deploy a system chaincode %s/%s", cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Name, chainID)
_, _, err = e.s.Execute(ctxt, chainID, cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Name, cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Version, txid, false, signedProp, prop, cds)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
//----- END -------
return res, ccevent, err
//disableJavaCCInst if trying to install, instantiate or upgrade Java CC
func (e *Endorser) disableJavaCCInst(cid *pb.ChaincodeID, cis *pb.ChaincodeInvocationSpec) error {
//if not lscc we don't care
if cid.Name != "lscc" {
return nil
//non-nil spec ? leave it to callers to handle error if this is an error
if cis.ChaincodeSpec == nil || cis.ChaincodeSpec.Input == nil {
return nil
//should at least have a command arg, leave it to callers if this is an error
if len(cis.ChaincodeSpec.Input.Args) < 1 {
return nil
var argNo int
switch string(cis.ChaincodeSpec.Input.Args[0]) {
case "install":
argNo = 1
case "deploy", "upgrade":
argNo = 2
//what else can it be ? leave it caller to handle it if error
return nil
if argNo >= len(cis.ChaincodeSpec.Input.Args) {
return errors.Errorf("too few arguments passed. expected %d", argNo)
if javaEnabled() {
endorserLogger.Debug("java chaincode enabled")
} else {
endorserLogger.Debug("java chaincode disabled")
//finally, if JAVA not enabled error out
isjava, err := e.s.IsJavaCC(cis.ChaincodeSpec.Input.Args[argNo])
if err != nil {
return err
if isjava {
return errors.New("Java chaincode is work-in-progress and disabled")
//not a java install, instantiate or upgrade op
return nil
//simulate the proposal by calling the chaincode
func (e *Endorser) simulateProposal(ctx context.Context, chainID string, txid string, signedProp *pb.SignedProposal, prop *pb.Proposal, cid *pb.ChaincodeID, txsim ledger.TxSimulator) (resourcesconfig.ChaincodeDefinition, *pb.Response, []byte, *pb.ChaincodeEvent, error) {
endorserLogger.Debugf("[%s][%s] Entry chaincode: %s", chainID, shorttxid(txid), cid)
defer endorserLogger.Debugf("[%s][%s] Exit", chainID, shorttxid(txid))
//we do expect the payload to be a ChaincodeInvocationSpec
//if we are supporting other payloads in future, this be glaringly point
//as something that should change
cis, err := putils.GetChaincodeInvocationSpec(prop)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
//disable Java install,instantiate,upgrade for now
if err = e.disableJavaCCInst(cid, cis); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
var cdLedger resourcesconfig.ChaincodeDefinition
var version string
if !e.s.IsSysCC(cid.Name) {
cdLedger, err = e.s.GetChaincodeDefinition(ctx, chainID, txid, signedProp, prop, cid.Name, txsim)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("make sure the chaincode %s has been successfully instantiated and try again", cid.Name))
version = cdLedger.CCVersion()
err = e.s.CheckInstantiationPolicy(cid.Name, version, cdLedger)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
} else {
version = util.GetSysCCVersion()
//---3. execute the proposal and get simulation results
var simResult *ledger.TxSimulationResults
var pubSimResBytes []byte
var res *pb.Response
var ccevent *pb.ChaincodeEvent
res, ccevent, err = e.callChaincode(ctx, chainID, version, txid, signedProp, prop, cis, cid, txsim)
if err != nil {
endorserLogger.Errorf("[%s][%s] failed to invoke chaincode %s, error: %+v", chainID, shorttxid(txid), cid, err)
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
if txsim != nil {
if simResult, err = txsim.GetTxSimulationResults(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
if simResult.PvtSimulationResults != nil {
if cid.Name == "lscc" {
// TODO: remove once we can store collection configuration outside of LSCC
return nil, nil, nil, nil, errors.New("Private data is forbidden to be used in instantiate")
if err := e.distributePrivateData(chainID, txid, simResult.PvtSimulationResults); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
if pubSimResBytes, err = simResult.GetPubSimulationBytes(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
return cdLedger, res, pubSimResBytes, ccevent, nil
//endorse the proposal by calling the ESCC
func (e *Endorser) endorseProposal(ctx context.Context, chainID string, txid string, signedProp *pb.SignedProposal, proposal *pb.Proposal, response *pb.Response, simRes []byte, event *pb.ChaincodeEvent, visibility []byte, ccid *pb.ChaincodeID, txsim ledger.TxSimulator, cd resourcesconfig.ChaincodeDefinition) (*pb.ProposalResponse, error) {
endorserLogger.Debugf("[%s][%s] Entry chaincode: %s", chainID, shorttxid(txid), ccid)
defer endorserLogger.Debugf("[%s][%s] Exit", chainID, shorttxid(txid))
isSysCC := cd == nil
// 1) extract the name of the escc that is requested to endorse this chaincode
var escc string
//ie, "lscc" or system chaincodes
if isSysCC {
escc = "escc"
} else {
escc = cd.Endorsement()
endorserLogger.Debugf("[%s][%s] escc for chaincode %s is %s", chainID, shorttxid(txid), ccid, escc)
// marshalling event bytes
var err error
var eventBytes []byte
if event != nil {
eventBytes, err = putils.GetBytesChaincodeEvent(event)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal event bytes")
resBytes, err := putils.GetBytesResponse(response)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal response bytes")
// set version of executing chaincode
if isSysCC {
// if we want to allow mixed fabric levels we should
// set syscc version to ""
ccid.Version = util.GetSysCCVersion()
} else {
ccid.Version = cd.CCVersion()
ccidBytes, err := putils.Marshal(ccid)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal ChaincodeID")
// 3) call the ESCC we've identified
// arguments:
// args[0] - function name (not used now)
// args[1] - serialized Header object
// args[2] - serialized ChaincodeProposalPayload object
// args[3] - ChaincodeID of executing chaincode
// args[4] - result of executing chaincode
// args[5] - binary blob of simulation results
// args[6] - serialized events
// args[7] - payloadVisibility
args := [][]byte{[]byte(""), proposal.Header, proposal.Payload, ccidBytes, resBytes, simRes, eventBytes, visibility}
version := util.GetSysCCVersion()
ecccis := &pb.ChaincodeInvocationSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: pb.ChaincodeSpec_GOLANG, ChaincodeId: &pb.ChaincodeID{Name: escc}, Input: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: args}}}
res, _, err := e.callChaincode(ctx, chainID, version, txid, signedProp, proposal, ecccis, &pb.ChaincodeID{Name: escc}, txsim)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if res.Status >= shim.ERRORTHRESHOLD {
return &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: res}, nil
prBytes := res.Payload
// Note that we do not extract any simulation results from
// the call to ESCC. This is intentional becuse ESCC is meant
// to endorse (i.e. sign) the simulation results of a chaincode,
// but it can't obviously sign its own. Furthermore, ESCC runs
// on private input (its own signing key) and so if it were to
// produce simulationr results, they are likely to be different
// from other ESCCs, which would stand in the way of the
// endorsement process.
//3 -- respond
pResp, err := putils.GetProposalResponse(prBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return pResp, nil
//preProcess checks the tx proposal headers, uniqueness and ACL
func (e *Endorser) preProcess(signedProp *pb.SignedProposal) (*validateResult, error) {
vr := &validateResult{}
// at first, we check whether the message is valid
prop, hdr, hdrExt, err := validation.ValidateProposalMessage(signedProp)
if err != nil {
vr.resp = &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: &pb.Response{Status: 500, Message: err.Error()}}
return vr, err
chdr, err := putils.UnmarshalChannelHeader(hdr.ChannelHeader)
if err != nil {
vr.resp = &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: &pb.Response{Status: 500, Message: err.Error()}}
return vr, err
shdr, err := putils.GetSignatureHeader(hdr.SignatureHeader)
if err != nil {
vr.resp = &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: &pb.Response{Status: 500, Message: err.Error()}}
return vr, err
// block invocations to security-sensitive system chaincodes
if e.s.IsSysCCAndNotInvokableExternal(hdrExt.ChaincodeId.Name) {
endorserLogger.Errorf("Error: an attempt was made by %#v to invoke system chaincode %s",
shdr.Creator, hdrExt.ChaincodeId.Name)
err = errors.Errorf("chaincode %s cannot be invoked through a proposal", hdrExt.ChaincodeId.Name)
vr.resp = &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: &pb.Response{Status: 500, Message: err.Error()}}
return vr, err
chainID := chdr.ChannelId
// Check for uniqueness of prop.TxID with ledger
// Notice that ValidateProposalMessage has already verified
// that TxID is computed properly
txid := chdr.TxId
if txid == "" {
err = errors.New("invalid txID. It must be different from the empty string")
vr.resp = &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: &pb.Response{Status: 500, Message: err.Error()}}
return vr, err
endorserLogger.Debugf("[%s][%s] processing txid: %s", chainID, shorttxid(txid), txid)
if chainID != "" {
// here we handle uniqueness check and ACLs for proposals targeting a chain
if _, err = e.s.GetTransactionByID(chainID, txid); err == nil {
return vr, errors.Errorf("duplicate transaction found [%s]. Creator [%x]", txid, shdr.Creator)
// check ACL only for application chaincodes; ACLs
// for system chaincodes are checked elsewhere
if !e.s.IsSysCC(hdrExt.ChaincodeId.Name) {
// check that the proposal complies with the channel's writers
if err = e.s.CheckACL(signedProp, chdr, shdr, hdrExt); err != nil {
vr.resp = &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: &pb.Response{Status: 500, Message: err.Error()}}
return vr, err
} else {
// chainless proposals do not/cannot affect ledger and cannot be submitted as transactions
// ignore uniqueness checks; also, chainless proposals are not validated using the policies
// of the chain since by definition there is no chain; they are validated against the local
// MSP of the peer instead by the call to ValidateProposalMessage above
vr.prop, vr.hdrExt, vr.chainID, vr.txid = prop, hdrExt, chainID, txid
return vr, nil
// ProcessProposal process the Proposal
func (e *Endorser) ProcessProposal(ctx context.Context, signedProp *pb.SignedProposal) (*pb.ProposalResponse, error) {
addr := util.ExtractRemoteAddress(ctx)
endorserLogger.Debug("Entering: Got request from", addr)
defer endorserLogger.Debugf("Exit: request from", addr)
//0 -- check and validate
vr, err := e.preProcess(signedProp)
if err != nil {
resp := vr.resp
return resp, err
prop, hdrExt, chainID, txid := vr.prop, vr.hdrExt, vr.chainID, vr.txid
// obtaining once the tx simulator for this proposal. This will be nil
// for chainless proposals
// Also obtain a history query executor for history queries, since tx simulator does not cover history
var txsim ledger.TxSimulator
var historyQueryExecutor ledger.HistoryQueryExecutor
if chainID != "" {
if txsim, err = e.s.GetTxSimulator(chainID, txid); err != nil {
return &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: &pb.Response{Status: 500, Message: err.Error()}}, err
if historyQueryExecutor, err = e.s.GetHistoryQueryExecutor(chainID); err != nil {
return &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: &pb.Response{Status: 500, Message: err.Error()}}, err
// Add the historyQueryExecutor to context
// TODO shouldn't we also add txsim to context here as well? Rather than passing txsim parameter
// around separately, since eventually it gets added to context anyways
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, chaincode.HistoryQueryExecutorKey, historyQueryExecutor)
defer txsim.Done()
//this could be a request to a chainless SysCC
// TODO: if the proposal has an extension, it will be of type ChaincodeAction;
// if it's present it means that no simulation is to be performed because
// we're trying to emulate a submitting peer. On the other hand, we need
// to validate the supplied action before endorsing it
//1 -- simulate
cd, res, simulationResult, ccevent, err := e.simulateProposal(ctx, chainID, txid, signedProp, prop, hdrExt.ChaincodeId, txsim)
if err != nil {
return &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: &pb.Response{Status: 500, Message: err.Error()}}, err
if res != nil {
if res.Status >= shim.ERROR {
endorserLogger.Errorf("[%s][%s] simulateProposal() resulted in chaincode %s response status %d for txid: %s", chainID, shorttxid(txid), hdrExt.ChaincodeId, res.Status, txid)
var cceventBytes []byte
if ccevent != nil {
cceventBytes, err = putils.GetBytesChaincodeEvent(ccevent)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal event bytes")
pResp, err := putils.CreateProposalResponseFailure(prop.Header, prop.Payload, res, simulationResult, cceventBytes, hdrExt.ChaincodeId, hdrExt.PayloadVisibility)
if err != nil {
return &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: &pb.Response{Status: 500, Message: err.Error()}}, err
return pResp, &chaincodeError{res.Status, res.Message}
//2 -- endorse and get a marshalled ProposalResponse message
var pResp *pb.ProposalResponse
//TODO till we implement global ESCC, CSCC for system chaincodes
//chainless proposals (such as CSCC) don't have to be endorsed
if chainID == "" {
pResp = &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: res}
} else {
pResp, err = e.endorseProposal(ctx, chainID, txid, signedProp, prop, res, simulationResult, ccevent, hdrExt.PayloadVisibility, hdrExt.ChaincodeId, txsim, cd)
if err != nil {
return &pb.ProposalResponse{Response: &pb.Response{Status: 500, Message: err.Error()}}, err
if pResp != nil {
if res.Status >= shim.ERRORTHRESHOLD {
endorserLogger.Debugf("[%s][%s] endorseProposal() resulted in chaincode %s error for txid: %s", chainID, shorttxid(txid), hdrExt.ChaincodeId, txid)
return pResp, &chaincodeError{res.Status, res.Message}
// Set the proposal response payload - it
// contains the "return value" from the
// chaincode invocation
pResp.Response.Payload = res.Payload
return pResp, nil
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