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endorsers.go 5.80 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
yacovm 提交于 2018-05-30 01:24 . [FAB-10459] Discovery CLI
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package discovery
import (
. "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/discovery"
// NewEndorsersCmd creates a new EndorsersCmd
func NewEndorsersCmd(stub Stub, parser ResponseParser) *EndorsersCmd {
return &EndorsersCmd{
stub: stub,
parser: parser,
// EndorsersCmd executes a command that retrieves endorsers for a chaincode invocation chain
type EndorsersCmd struct {
stub Stub
server *string
channel *string
chaincodes *[]string
collections *map[string]string
parser ResponseParser
// SetCollections sets the collections to be the given collections
func (pc *EndorsersCmd) SetCollections(collections *map[string]string) {
pc.collections = collections
// SetChaincodes sets the chaincodes to be the given chaincodes
func (pc *EndorsersCmd) SetChaincodes(chaincodes *[]string) {
pc.chaincodes = chaincodes
// SetServer sets the server
func (pc *EndorsersCmd) SetServer(server *string) {
pc.server = server
// SetChannel sets the channel
func (pc *EndorsersCmd) SetChannel(channel *string) {
pc.channel = channel
// Execute executes the command
func (pc *EndorsersCmd) Execute(conf common.Config) error {
if pc.channel == nil || *pc.channel == "" {
return errors.New("no channel specified")
if pc.server == nil || *pc.server == "" {
return errors.New("no server specified")
server := *pc.server
channel := *pc.channel
ccAndCol := &chaincodesAndCollections{
Chaincodes: pc.chaincodes,
Collections: pc.collections,
cc2collections, err := ccAndCol.parseInput()
if err != nil {
return err
var ccCalls []*ChaincodeCall
for _, cc := range *ccAndCol.Chaincodes {
ccCalls = append(ccCalls, &ChaincodeCall{
Name: cc,
CollectionNames: cc2collections[cc],
req, err := discovery.NewRequest().OfChannel(channel).AddEndorsersQuery(&ChaincodeInterest{Chaincodes: ccCalls})
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed creating request")
res, err := pc.stub.Send(server, conf, req)
if err != nil {
return err
return pc.parser.ParseResponse(channel, res)
// EndorserResponseParser parses endorsement responses from the peer
type EndorserResponseParser struct {
// ParseResponse parses the given response for the given channel
func (parser *EndorserResponseParser) ParseResponse(channel string, res ServiceResponse) error {
rawResponse := res.Raw()
if len(rawResponse.Results) == 0 {
return errors.New("empty results")
if e := rawResponse.Results[0].GetError(); e != nil {
return errors.Errorf("server returned: %s", e.Content)
ccQueryRes := rawResponse.Results[0].GetCcQueryRes()
if ccQueryRes == nil {
return errors.Errorf("server returned response of unexpected type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(rawResponse.Results[0]))
jsonBytes, _ := json.MarshalIndent(parseEndorsementDescriptors(ccQueryRes.Content), "", "\t")
fmt.Fprintln(parser.Writer, string(jsonBytes))
return nil
type chaincodesAndCollections struct {
Chaincodes *[]string
Collections *map[string]string
func (ec *chaincodesAndCollections) existsInChaincodes(chaincodeName string) bool {
for _, cc := range *ec.Chaincodes {
if chaincodeName == cc {
return true
return false
func (ec *chaincodesAndCollections) parseInput() (map[string][]string, error) {
var emptyChaincodes []string
if ec.Chaincodes == nil {
ec.Chaincodes = &emptyChaincodes
var emptyCollections map[string]string
if ec.Collections == nil {
ec.Collections = &emptyCollections
res := make(map[string][]string)
for _, cc := range *ec.Chaincodes {
res[cc] = nil
for cc, collections := range *ec.Collections {
if !ec.existsInChaincodes(cc) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("a collection specified chaincode %s but it wasn't specified with a chaincode flag", cc)
res[cc] = strings.Split(collections, ",")
return res, nil
func parseEndorsementDescriptors(descriptors []*EndorsementDescriptor) []endorsermentDescriptor {
var res []endorsermentDescriptor
for _, desc := range descriptors {
endorsersByGroups := make(map[string][]peer)
for grp, endorsers := range desc.EndorsersByGroups {
for _, p := range endorsers.Peers {
endorsersByGroups[grp] = append(endorsersByGroups[grp], endorserFromRaw(p))
res = append(res, endorsermentDescriptor{
Chaincode: desc.Chaincode,
Layouts: desc.Layouts,
EndorsersByGroups: endorsersByGroups,
return res
type endorsermentDescriptor struct {
Chaincode string
EndorsersByGroups map[string][]peer
Layouts []*Layout
func endorserFromRaw(p *Peer) peer {
sId := &msp.SerializedIdentity{}
proto.Unmarshal(p.Identity, sId)
return peer{
MSPID: sId.Mspid,
Endpoint: endpointFromEnvelope(p.MembershipInfo),
LedgerHeight: ledgerHeightFromEnvelope(p.StateInfo),
Identity: string(sId.IdBytes),
func endpointFromEnvelope(env *gossip.Envelope) string {
if env == nil {
return ""
aliveMsg, _ := env.ToGossipMessage()
if aliveMsg == nil {
return ""
if !aliveMsg.IsAliveMsg() {
return ""
if aliveMsg.GetAliveMsg().Membership == nil {
return ""
return aliveMsg.GetAliveMsg().Membership.Endpoint
func ledgerHeightFromEnvelope(env *gossip.Envelope) uint64 {
if env == nil {
return 0
stateInfoMsg, _ := env.ToGossipMessage()
if stateInfoMsg == nil {
return 0
if !stateInfoMsg.IsStateInfoMsg() {
return 0
if stateInfoMsg.GetStateInfo().Properties == nil {
return 0
return stateInfoMsg.GetStateInfo().Properties.LedgerHeight
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