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chaincode.go 39.64 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package shim provides APIs for the chaincode to access its state
// variables, transaction context and call other chaincodes.
package shim
import (
commonledger "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/common/ledger"
pb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/peer"
logging "github.com/op/go-logging"
// Logger for the shim package.
var chaincodeLogger = logging.MustGetLogger("shim")
var logOutput = os.Stderr
var key string
var cert string
const (
minUnicodeRuneValue = 0 //U+0000
maxUnicodeRuneValue = utf8.MaxRune //U+10FFFF - maximum (and unallocated) code point
compositeKeyNamespace = "\x00"
emptyKeySubstitute = "\x01"
// ChaincodeStub is an object passed to chaincode for shim side handling of
// APIs.
type ChaincodeStub struct {
TxID string
ChannelId string
chaincodeEvent *pb.ChaincodeEvent
args [][]byte
handler *Handler
signedProposal *pb.SignedProposal
proposal *pb.Proposal
validationParameterMetakey string
// Additional fields extracted from the signedProposal
creator []byte
transient map[string][]byte
binding []byte
decorations map[string][]byte
// Peer address derived from command line or env var
var peerAddress string
//this separates the chaincode stream interface establishment
//so we can replace it with a mock peer stream
type peerStreamGetter func(name string) (PeerChaincodeStream, error)
//UTs to setup mock peer stream getter
var streamGetter peerStreamGetter
//the non-mock user CC stream establishment func
func userChaincodeStreamGetter(name string) (PeerChaincodeStream, error) {
flag.StringVar(&peerAddress, "peer.address", "", "peer address")
if viper.GetBool("peer.tls.enabled") {
keyPath := viper.GetString("tls.client.key.path")
certPath := viper.GetString("tls.client.cert.path")
data, err1 := ioutil.ReadFile(keyPath)
if err1 != nil {
err1 = errors.Wrap(err1, fmt.Sprintf("error trying to read file content %s", keyPath))
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("%+v", err1)
return nil, err1
key = string(data)
data, err1 = ioutil.ReadFile(certPath)
if err1 != nil {
err1 = errors.Wrap(err1, fmt.Sprintf("error trying to read file content %s", certPath))
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("%+v", err1)
return nil, err1
cert = string(data)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Peer address: %s", getPeerAddress())
// Establish connection with validating peer
clientConn, err := newPeerClientConnection()
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "error trying to connect to local peer")
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("%+v", err)
return nil, err
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("os.Args returns: %s", os.Args)
chaincodeSupportClient := pb.NewChaincodeSupportClient(clientConn)
// Establish stream with validating peer
stream, err := chaincodeSupportClient.Register(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("error chatting with leader at address=%s", getPeerAddress()))
return stream, nil
// chaincodes.
func Start(cc Chaincode) error {
// If Start() is called, we assume this is a standalone chaincode and set
// up formatted logging.
chaincodename := viper.GetString("chaincode.id.name")
if chaincodename == "" {
return errors.New("error chaincode id not provided")
err := factory.InitFactories(factory.GetDefaultOpts())
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "internal error, BCCSP could not be initialized with default options")
//mock stream not set up ... get real stream
if streamGetter == nil {
streamGetter = userChaincodeStreamGetter
stream, err := streamGetter(chaincodename)
if err != nil {
return err
err = chatWithPeer(chaincodename, stream, cc)
return err
// IsEnabledForLogLevel checks to see if the chaincodeLogger is enabled for a specific logging level
// used primarily for testing
func IsEnabledForLogLevel(logLevel string) bool {
lvl, _ := logging.LogLevel(logLevel)
return chaincodeLogger.IsEnabledFor(lvl)
var loggingSetup sync.Once
// SetupChaincodeLogging sets the chaincode logging format and the level
// and CORE_CHAINCODE_LOGGING_SHIM set from core.yaml by chaincode_support.go
func SetupChaincodeLogging() {
func setupChaincodeLogging() {
// This is the default log config from 1.2
const defaultLogFormat = "%{color}%{time:2006-01-02 15:04:05.000 MST} [%{module}] %{shortfunc} -> %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}"
const defaultLevel = logging.INFO
replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_")
// setup process-wide logging backend
logFormat := viper.GetString("chaincode.logging.format")
if logFormat == "" {
logFormat = defaultLogFormat
formatter := logging.MustStringFormatter(logFormat)
backend := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stderr, "", 0)
backendFormatter := logging.NewBackendFormatter(backend, formatter)
logging.SetBackend(backendFormatter).SetLevel(defaultLevel, "")
// set default log level for all modules
chaincodeLogLevelString := viper.GetString("chaincode.logging.level")
if chaincodeLogLevelString == "" {
chaincodeLogger.Infof("Chaincode log level not provided; defaulting to: %s", defaultLevel.String())
chaincodeLogLevelString = defaultLevel.String()
_, err := LogLevel(chaincodeLogLevelString)
if err != nil {
chaincodeLogger.Warningf("Error: '%s' for chaincode log level: %s; defaulting to %s", err, chaincodeLogLevelString, defaultLevel.String())
chaincodeLogLevelString = defaultLevel.String()
initFromSpec(chaincodeLogLevelString, defaultLevel)
// override the log level for the shim logging module - note: if this value is
// blank or an invalid log level, then the above call to
// `initFromSpec` already set the default log level so no action
// is required here.
shimLogLevelString := viper.GetString("chaincode.logging.shim")
if shimLogLevelString != "" {
shimLogLevel, err := LogLevel(shimLogLevelString)
if err == nil {
} else {
chaincodeLogger.Warningf("Error: %s for shim log level: %s", err, shimLogLevelString)
//now that logging is setup, print build level. This will help making sure
//chaincode is matched with peer.
buildLevel := viper.GetString("chaincode.buildlevel")
chaincodeLogger.Infof("Chaincode (build level: %s) starting up ...", buildLevel)
// this has been moved from the 1.2 logging implementation
func initFromSpec(spec string, defaultLevel logging.Level) {
levelAll := defaultLevel
var err error
fields := strings.Split(spec, ":")
for _, field := range fields {
split := strings.Split(field, "=")
switch len(split) {
case 1:
if levelAll, err = logging.LogLevel(field); err != nil {
chaincodeLogger.Warningf("Logging level '%s' not recognized, defaulting to '%s': %s", field, defaultLevel, err)
levelAll = defaultLevel // need to reset cause original value was overwritten
case 2:
// <module>[,<module>...]=<level>
levelSingle, err := logging.LogLevel(split[1])
if err != nil {
chaincodeLogger.Warningf("Invalid logging level in '%s' ignored", field)
if split[0] == "" {
chaincodeLogger.Warningf("Invalid logging override specification '%s' ignored - no module specified", field)
} else {
modules := strings.Split(split[0], ",")
for _, module := range modules {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Setting logging level for module '%s' to '%s'", module, levelSingle)
logging.SetLevel(levelSingle, module)
chaincodeLogger.Warningf("Invalid logging override '%s' ignored - missing ':'?", field)
logging.SetLevel(levelAll, "") // set the logging level for all modules
// StartInProc is an entry point for system chaincodes bootstrap. It is not an
// API for chaincodes.
func StartInProc(env []string, args []string, cc Chaincode, recv <-chan *pb.ChaincodeMessage, send chan<- *pb.ChaincodeMessage) error {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("in proc %v", args)
var chaincodename string
for _, v := range env {
if strings.Index(v, "CORE_CHAINCODE_ID_NAME=") == 0 {
p := strings.SplitAfter(v, "CORE_CHAINCODE_ID_NAME=")
chaincodename = p[1]
if chaincodename == "" {
return errors.New("error chaincode id not provided")
stream := newInProcStream(recv, send)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("starting chat with peer using name=%s", chaincodename)
err := chatWithPeer(chaincodename, stream, cc)
return err
func getPeerAddress() string {
if peerAddress != "" {
return peerAddress
if peerAddress = viper.GetString("peer.address"); peerAddress == "" {
chaincodeLogger.Fatalf("peer.address not configured, can't connect to peer")
return peerAddress
func newPeerClientConnection() (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
var peerAddress = getPeerAddress()
// set the keepalive options to match static settings for chaincode server
kaOpts := &comm.KeepaliveOptions{
ClientInterval: time.Duration(1) * time.Minute,
ClientTimeout: time.Duration(20) * time.Second,
if viper.GetBool("peer.tls.enabled") {
return comm.NewClientConnectionWithAddress(peerAddress, true, true,
comm.InitTLSForShim(key, cert), kaOpts)
return comm.NewClientConnectionWithAddress(peerAddress, true, false, nil, kaOpts)
func chatWithPeer(chaincodename string, stream PeerChaincodeStream, cc Chaincode) error {
// Create the shim handler responsible for all control logic
handler := newChaincodeHandler(stream, cc)
defer stream.CloseSend()
// Send the ChaincodeID during register.
chaincodeID := &pb.ChaincodeID{Name: chaincodename}
payload, err := proto.Marshal(chaincodeID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error marshalling chaincodeID during chaincode registration")
// Register on the stream
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Registering.. sending %s", pb.ChaincodeMessage_REGISTER)
if err = handler.serialSend(&pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_REGISTER, Payload: payload}); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "error sending chaincode REGISTER")
// holds return values from gRPC Recv below
type recvMsg struct {
msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage
err error
msgAvail := make(chan *recvMsg, 1)
errc := make(chan error)
receiveMessage := func() {
in, err := stream.Recv()
msgAvail <- &recvMsg{in, err}
go receiveMessage()
for {
select {
case rmsg := <-msgAvail:
switch {
case rmsg.err == io.EOF:
err = errors.Wrapf(rmsg.err, "received EOF, ending chaincode stream")
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("%+v", err)
return err
case rmsg.err != nil:
err := errors.Wrap(rmsg.err, "receive failed")
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("Received error from server, ending chaincode stream: %+v", err)
return err
case rmsg.msg == nil:
err := errors.New("received nil message, ending chaincode stream")
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("%+v", err)
return err
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received message %s from peer", shorttxid(rmsg.msg.Txid), rmsg.msg.Type)
err := handler.handleMessage(rmsg.msg, errc)
if err != nil {
err = errors.WithMessage(err, "error handling message")
return err
go receiveMessage()
case sendErr := <-errc:
if sendErr != nil {
err := errors.Wrap(sendErr, "error sending")
return err
// -- init stub ---
// ChaincodeInvocation functionality
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) init(handler *Handler, channelId string, txid string, input *pb.ChaincodeInput, signedProposal *pb.SignedProposal) error {
stub.TxID = txid
stub.ChannelId = channelId
stub.args = input.Args
stub.handler = handler
stub.signedProposal = signedProposal
stub.decorations = input.Decorations
stub.validationParameterMetakey = pb.MetaDataKeys_VALIDATION_PARAMETER.String()
// TODO: sanity check: verify that every call to init with a nil
// signedProposal is a legitimate one, meaning it is an internal call
// to system chaincodes.
if signedProposal != nil {
var err error
stub.proposal, err = utils.GetProposal(signedProposal.ProposalBytes)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "failed extracting signedProposal from signed signedProposal")
// Extract creator, transient, binding...
stub.creator, stub.transient, err = utils.GetChaincodeProposalContext(stub.proposal)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "failed extracting signedProposal fields")
stub.binding, err = utils.ComputeProposalBinding(stub.proposal)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "failed computing binding from signedProposal")
return nil
// GetTxID returns the transaction ID for the proposal
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetTxID() string {
return stub.TxID
// GetChannelID returns the channel for the proposal
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetChannelID() string {
return stub.ChannelId
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetDecorations() map[string][]byte {
return stub.decorations
// ------------- Call Chaincode functions ---------------
// InvokeChaincode documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) InvokeChaincode(chaincodeName string, args [][]byte, channel string) pb.Response {
// Internally we handle chaincode name as a composite name
if channel != "" {
chaincodeName = chaincodeName + "/" + channel
return stub.handler.handleInvokeChaincode(chaincodeName, args, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
// --------- State functions ----------
// GetState documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetState(key string) ([]byte, error) {
// Access public data by setting the collection to empty string
collection := ""
return stub.handler.handleGetState(collection, key, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
// SetStateValidationParameter documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) SetStateValidationParameter(key string, ep []byte) error {
return stub.handler.handlePutStateMetadataEntry("", key, stub.validationParameterMetakey, ep, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
// GetStateValidationParameter documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetStateValidationParameter(key string) ([]byte, error) {
md, err := stub.handler.handleGetStateMetadata("", key, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ep, ok := md[stub.validationParameterMetakey]; ok {
return ep, nil
return nil, nil
// PutState documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) PutState(key string, value []byte) error {
if key == "" {
return errors.New("key must not be an empty string")
// Access public data by setting the collection to empty string
collection := ""
return stub.handler.handlePutState(collection, key, value, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) createStateQueryIterator(response *pb.QueryResponse) *StateQueryIterator {
return &StateQueryIterator{CommonIterator: &CommonIterator{
handler: stub.handler,
channelId: stub.ChannelId,
txid: stub.TxID,
response: response,
currentLoc: 0}}
// GetQueryResult documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetQueryResult(query string) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, error) {
// Access public data by setting the collection to empty string
collection := ""
// ignore QueryResponseMetadata as it is not applicable for a rich query without pagination
iterator, _, err := stub.handleGetQueryResult(collection, query, nil)
return iterator, err
// DelState documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) DelState(key string) error {
// Access public data by setting the collection to empty string
collection := ""
return stub.handler.handleDelState(collection, key, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
// --------- private state functions ---------
// GetPrivateData documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetPrivateData(collection string, key string) ([]byte, error) {
if collection == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("collection must not be an empty string")
return stub.handler.handleGetState(collection, key, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
// PutPrivateData documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) PutPrivateData(collection string, key string, value []byte) error {
if collection == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("collection must not be an empty string")
if key == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("key must not be an empty string")
return stub.handler.handlePutState(collection, key, value, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
// DelPrivateData documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) DelPrivateData(collection string, key string) error {
if collection == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("collection must not be an empty string")
return stub.handler.handleDelState(collection, key, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
// GetPrivateDataByRange documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetPrivateDataByRange(collection, startKey, endKey string) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, error) {
if collection == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("collection must not be an empty string")
if startKey == "" {
startKey = emptyKeySubstitute
if err := validateSimpleKeys(startKey, endKey); err != nil {
return nil, err
// ignore QueryResponseMetadata as it is not applicable for a range query without pagination
iterator, _, err := stub.handleGetStateByRange(collection, startKey, endKey, nil)
return iterator, err
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) createRangeKeysForPartialCompositeKey(objectType string, attributes []string) (string, string, error) {
partialCompositeKey, err := stub.CreateCompositeKey(objectType, attributes)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
startKey := partialCompositeKey
endKey := partialCompositeKey + string(maxUnicodeRuneValue)
return startKey, endKey, nil
// GetPrivateDataByPartialCompositeKey documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetPrivateDataByPartialCompositeKey(collection, objectType string, attributes []string) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, error) {
if collection == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("collection must not be an empty string")
startKey, endKey, err := stub.createRangeKeysForPartialCompositeKey(objectType, attributes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ignore QueryResponseMetadata as it is not applicable for a partial composite key query without pagination
iterator, _, err := stub.handleGetStateByRange(collection, startKey, endKey, nil)
return iterator, err
// GetPrivateDataQueryResult documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetPrivateDataQueryResult(collection, query string) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, error) {
if collection == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("collection must not be an empty string")
// ignore QueryResponseMetadata as it is not applicable for a range query without pagination
iterator, _, err := stub.handleGetQueryResult(collection, query, nil)
return iterator, err
// GetPrivateDataValidationParameter documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetPrivateDataValidationParameter(collection, key string) ([]byte, error) {
md, err := stub.handler.handleGetStateMetadata(collection, key, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ep, ok := md[stub.validationParameterMetakey]; ok {
return ep, nil
return nil, nil
// SetPrivateDataValidationParameter documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) SetPrivateDataValidationParameter(collection, key string, ep []byte) error {
return stub.handler.handlePutStateMetadataEntry(collection, key, stub.validationParameterMetakey, ep, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
// CommonIterator documentation can be found in interfaces.go
type CommonIterator struct {
handler *Handler
channelId string
txid string
response *pb.QueryResponse
currentLoc int
// StateQueryIterator documentation can be found in interfaces.go
type StateQueryIterator struct {
// HistoryQueryIterator documentation can be found in interfaces.go
type HistoryQueryIterator struct {
type resultType uint8
const (
STATE_QUERY_RESULT resultType = iota + 1
func createQueryResponseMetadata(metadataBytes []byte) (*pb.QueryResponseMetadata, error) {
metadata := &pb.QueryResponseMetadata{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(metadataBytes, metadata)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return metadata, nil
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) handleGetStateByRange(collection, startKey, endKey string,
metadata []byte) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, *pb.QueryResponseMetadata, error) {
response, err := stub.handler.handleGetStateByRange(collection, startKey, endKey, metadata, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
iterator := stub.createStateQueryIterator(response)
responseMetadata, err := createQueryResponseMetadata(response.Metadata)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return iterator, responseMetadata, nil
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) handleGetQueryResult(collection, query string,
metadata []byte) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, *pb.QueryResponseMetadata, error) {
response, err := stub.handler.handleGetQueryResult(collection, query, metadata, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
iterator := stub.createStateQueryIterator(response)
responseMetadata, err := createQueryResponseMetadata(response.Metadata)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return iterator, responseMetadata, nil
// GetStateByRange documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetStateByRange(startKey, endKey string) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, error) {
if startKey == "" {
startKey = emptyKeySubstitute
if err := validateSimpleKeys(startKey, endKey); err != nil {
return nil, err
collection := ""
// ignore QueryResponseMetadata as it is not applicable for a range query without pagination
iterator, _, err := stub.handleGetStateByRange(collection, startKey, endKey, nil)
return iterator, err
// GetHistoryForKey documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetHistoryForKey(key string) (HistoryQueryIteratorInterface, error) {
response, err := stub.handler.handleGetHistoryForKey(key, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &HistoryQueryIterator{CommonIterator: &CommonIterator{stub.handler, stub.ChannelId, stub.TxID, response, 0}}, nil
//CreateCompositeKey documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) CreateCompositeKey(objectType string, attributes []string) (string, error) {
return createCompositeKey(objectType, attributes)
//SplitCompositeKey documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) SplitCompositeKey(compositeKey string) (string, []string, error) {
return splitCompositeKey(compositeKey)
func createCompositeKey(objectType string, attributes []string) (string, error) {
if err := validateCompositeKeyAttribute(objectType); err != nil {
return "", err
ck := compositeKeyNamespace + objectType + string(minUnicodeRuneValue)
for _, att := range attributes {
if err := validateCompositeKeyAttribute(att); err != nil {
return "", err
ck += att + string(minUnicodeRuneValue)
return ck, nil
func splitCompositeKey(compositeKey string) (string, []string, error) {
componentIndex := 1
components := []string{}
for i := 1; i < len(compositeKey); i++ {
if compositeKey[i] == minUnicodeRuneValue {
components = append(components, compositeKey[componentIndex:i])
componentIndex = i + 1
return components[0], components[1:], nil
func validateCompositeKeyAttribute(str string) error {
if !utf8.ValidString(str) {
return errors.Errorf("not a valid utf8 string: [%x]", str)
for index, runeValue := range str {
if runeValue == minUnicodeRuneValue || runeValue == maxUnicodeRuneValue {
return errors.Errorf(`input contain unicode %#U starting at position [%d]. %#U and %#U are not allowed in the input attribute of a composite key`,
runeValue, index, minUnicodeRuneValue, maxUnicodeRuneValue)
return nil
//To ensure that simple keys do not go into composite key namespace,
//we validate simplekey to check whether the key starts with 0x00 (which
//is the namespace for compositeKey). This helps in avoding simple/composite
//key collisions.
func validateSimpleKeys(simpleKeys ...string) error {
for _, key := range simpleKeys {
if len(key) > 0 && key[0] == compositeKeyNamespace[0] {
return errors.Errorf(`first character of the key [%s] contains a null character which is not allowed`, key)
return nil
//GetStateByPartialCompositeKey function can be invoked by a chaincode to query the
//state based on a given partial composite key. This function returns an
//iterator which can be used to iterate over all composite keys whose prefix
//matches the given partial composite key. This function should be used only for
//a partial composite key. For a full composite key, an iter with empty response
//would be returned.
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetStateByPartialCompositeKey(objectType string, attributes []string) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, error) {
collection := ""
startKey, endKey, err := stub.createRangeKeysForPartialCompositeKey(objectType, attributes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ignore QueryResponseMetadata as it is not applicable for a partial composite key query without pagination
iterator, _, err := stub.handleGetStateByRange(collection, startKey, endKey, nil)
return iterator, err
func createQueryMetadata(pageSize int32, bookmark string) ([]byte, error) {
// Construct the QueryMetadata with a page size and a bookmark needed for pagination
metadata := &pb.QueryMetadata{PageSize: pageSize, Bookmark: bookmark}
metadataBytes, err := proto.Marshal(metadata)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return metadataBytes, nil
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetStateByRangeWithPagination(startKey, endKey string, pageSize int32,
bookmark string) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, *pb.QueryResponseMetadata, error) {
if startKey == "" {
startKey = emptyKeySubstitute
if err := validateSimpleKeys(startKey, endKey); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
collection := ""
metadata, err := createQueryMetadata(pageSize, bookmark)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return stub.handleGetStateByRange(collection, startKey, endKey, metadata)
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetStateByPartialCompositeKeyWithPagination(objectType string, keys []string,
pageSize int32, bookmark string) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, *pb.QueryResponseMetadata, error) {
collection := ""
metadata, err := createQueryMetadata(pageSize, bookmark)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
startKey, endKey, err := stub.createRangeKeysForPartialCompositeKey(objectType, keys)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return stub.handleGetStateByRange(collection, startKey, endKey, metadata)
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetQueryResultWithPagination(query string, pageSize int32,
bookmark string) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, *pb.QueryResponseMetadata, error) {
// Access public data by setting the collection to empty string
collection := ""
metadata, err := createQueryMetadata(pageSize, bookmark)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return stub.handleGetQueryResult(collection, query, metadata)
func (iter *StateQueryIterator) Next() (*queryresult.KV, error) {
if result, err := iter.nextResult(STATE_QUERY_RESULT); err == nil {
return result.(*queryresult.KV), err
} else {
return nil, err
func (iter *HistoryQueryIterator) Next() (*queryresult.KeyModification, error) {
if result, err := iter.nextResult(HISTORY_QUERY_RESULT); err == nil {
return result.(*queryresult.KeyModification), err
} else {
return nil, err
// HasNext documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (iter *CommonIterator) HasNext() bool {
if iter.currentLoc < len(iter.response.Results) || iter.response.HasMore {
return true
return false
// getResultsFromBytes deserializes QueryResult and return either a KV struct
// or KeyModification depending on the result type (i.e., state (range/execute)
// query, history query). Note that commonledger.QueryResult is an empty golang
// interface that can hold values of any type.
func (iter *CommonIterator) getResultFromBytes(queryResultBytes *pb.QueryResultBytes,
rType resultType) (commonledger.QueryResult, error) {
stateQueryResult := &queryresult.KV{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(queryResultBytes.ResultBytes, stateQueryResult); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error unmarshaling result from bytes")
return stateQueryResult, nil
} else if rType == HISTORY_QUERY_RESULT {
historyQueryResult := &queryresult.KeyModification{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(queryResultBytes.ResultBytes, historyQueryResult); err != nil {
return nil, err
return historyQueryResult, nil
return nil, errors.New("wrong result type")
func (iter *CommonIterator) fetchNextQueryResult() error {
if response, err := iter.handler.handleQueryStateNext(iter.response.Id, iter.channelId, iter.txid); err == nil {
iter.currentLoc = 0
iter.response = response
return nil
} else {
return err
// nextResult returns the next QueryResult (i.e., either a KV struct or KeyModification)
// from the state or history query iterator. Note that commonledger.QueryResult is an
// empty golang interface that can hold values of any type.
func (iter *CommonIterator) nextResult(rType resultType) (commonledger.QueryResult, error) {
if iter.currentLoc < len(iter.response.Results) {
// On valid access of an element from cached results
queryResult, err := iter.getResultFromBytes(iter.response.Results[iter.currentLoc], rType)
if err != nil {
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("Failed to decode query results: %+v", err)
return nil, err
if iter.currentLoc == len(iter.response.Results) && iter.response.HasMore {
// On access of last item, pre-fetch to update HasMore flag
if err = iter.fetchNextQueryResult(); err != nil {
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("Failed to fetch next results: %+v", err)
return nil, err
return queryResult, err
} else if !iter.response.HasMore {
// On call to Next() without check of HasMore
return nil, errors.New("no such key")
// should not fall through here
// case: no cached results but HasMore is true.
return nil, errors.New("invalid iterator state")
// Close documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (iter *CommonIterator) Close() error {
_, err := iter.handler.handleQueryStateClose(iter.response.Id, iter.channelId, iter.txid)
return err
// GetArgs documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetArgs() [][]byte {
return stub.args
// GetStringArgs documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetStringArgs() []string {
args := stub.GetArgs()
strargs := make([]string, 0, len(args))
for _, barg := range args {
strargs = append(strargs, string(barg))
return strargs
// GetFunctionAndParameters documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetFunctionAndParameters() (function string, params []string) {
allargs := stub.GetStringArgs()
function = ""
params = []string{}
if len(allargs) >= 1 {
function = allargs[0]
params = allargs[1:]
// GetCreator documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetCreator() ([]byte, error) {
return stub.creator, nil
// GetTransient documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetTransient() (map[string][]byte, error) {
return stub.transient, nil
// GetBinding documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetBinding() ([]byte, error) {
return stub.binding, nil
// GetSignedProposal documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetSignedProposal() (*pb.SignedProposal, error) {
return stub.signedProposal, nil
// GetArgsSlice documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetArgsSlice() ([]byte, error) {
args := stub.GetArgs()
res := []byte{}
for _, barg := range args {
res = append(res, barg...)
return res, nil
// GetTxTimestamp documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) GetTxTimestamp() (*timestamp.Timestamp, error) {
hdr, err := utils.GetHeader(stub.proposal.Header)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chdr, err := utils.UnmarshalChannelHeader(hdr.ChannelHeader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return chdr.GetTimestamp(), nil
// ------------- ChaincodeEvent API ----------------------
// SetEvent documentation can be found in interfaces.go
func (stub *ChaincodeStub) SetEvent(name string, payload []byte) error {
if name == "" {
return errors.New("event name can not be nil string")
stub.chaincodeEvent = &pb.ChaincodeEvent{EventName: name, Payload: payload}
return nil
// ------------- Logging Control and Chaincode Loggers ---------------
// As independent programs, Go language chaincodes can use any logging
// methodology they choose, from simple fmt.Printf() to os.Stdout, to
// decorated logs created by the author's favorite logging package. The
// chaincode "shim" interface, however, is defined by the Hyperledger fabric
// and implements its own logging methodology. This methodology currently
// includes severity-based logging control and a standard way of decorating
// the logs.
// The facilities defined here allow a Go language chaincode to control the
// logging level of its shim, and to create its own logs formatted
// consistently with, and temporally interleaved with the shim logs without
// any knowledge of the underlying implementation of the shim, and without any
// other package requirements. The lack of package requirements is especially
// important because even if the chaincode happened to explicitly use the same
// logging package as the shim, unless the chaincode is physically included as
// part of the hyperledger fabric source code tree it could actually end up
// using a distinct binary instance of the logging package, with different
// formats and severity levels than the binary package used by the shim.
// Another approach that might have been taken, and could potentially be taken
// in the future, would be for the chaincode to supply a logging object for
// the shim to use, rather than the other way around as implemented
// here. There would be some complexities associated with that approach, so
// for the moment we have chosen the simpler implementation below. The shim
// provides one or more abstract logging objects for the chaincode to use via
// the NewLogger() API, and allows the chaincode to control the severity level
// of shim logs using the SetLoggingLevel() API.
// LoggingLevel is an enumerated type of severity levels that control
// chaincode logging.
type LoggingLevel logging.Level
// These constants comprise the LoggingLevel enumeration
const (
LogDebug = LoggingLevel(logging.DEBUG)
LogInfo = LoggingLevel(logging.INFO)
LogNotice = LoggingLevel(logging.NOTICE)
LogWarning = LoggingLevel(logging.WARNING)
LogError = LoggingLevel(logging.ERROR)
LogCritical = LoggingLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
var shimLoggingLevel = LogInfo // Necessary for correct initialization; See Start()
// SetLoggingLevel allows a Go language chaincode to set the logging level of
// its shim.
func SetLoggingLevel(level LoggingLevel) {
shimLoggingLevel = level
logging.SetLevel(logging.Level(level), "shim")
// LogLevel converts a case-insensitive string chosen from CRITICAL, ERROR,
// WARNING, NOTICE, INFO or DEBUG into an element of the LoggingLevel
// type. In the event of errors the level returned is LogError.
func LogLevel(levelString string) (LoggingLevel, error) {
l, err := logging.LogLevel(levelString)
level := LoggingLevel(l)
if err != nil {
level = LogError
return level, err
// ------------- Chaincode Loggers ---------------
// ChaincodeLogger is an abstraction of a logging object for use by
// chaincodes. These objects are created by the NewLogger API.
type ChaincodeLogger struct {
logger *logging.Logger
// NewLogger allows a Go language chaincode to create one or more logging
// objects whose logs will be formatted consistently with, and temporally
// interleaved with the logs created by the shim interface. The logs created
// by this object can be distinguished from shim logs by the name provided,
// which will appear in the logs.
func NewLogger(name string) *ChaincodeLogger {
return &ChaincodeLogger{logging.MustGetLogger(name)}
// SetLevel sets the logging level for a chaincode logger. Note that currently
// the levels are actually controlled by the name given when the logger is
// created, so loggers should be given unique names other than "shim".
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) SetLevel(level LoggingLevel) {
logging.SetLevel(logging.Level(level), c.logger.Module)
// IsEnabledFor returns true if the logger is enabled to creates logs at the
// given logging level.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) IsEnabledFor(level LoggingLevel) bool {
return c.logger.IsEnabledFor(logging.Level(level))
// Debug logs will only appear if the ChaincodeLogger LoggingLevel is set to
// LogDebug.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) Debug(args ...interface{}) {
// Info logs will appear if the ChaincodeLogger LoggingLevel is set to
// LogInfo or LogDebug.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) Info(args ...interface{}) {
// Notice logs will appear if the ChaincodeLogger LoggingLevel is set to
// LogNotice, LogInfo or LogDebug.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) Notice(args ...interface{}) {
// Warning logs will appear if the ChaincodeLogger LoggingLevel is set to
// LogWarning, LogNotice, LogInfo or LogDebug.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) Warning(args ...interface{}) {
// Error logs will appear if the ChaincodeLogger LoggingLevel is set to
// LogError, LogWarning, LogNotice, LogInfo or LogDebug.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) Error(args ...interface{}) {
// Critical logs always appear; They can not be disabled.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) Critical(args ...interface{}) {
// Debugf logs will only appear if the ChaincodeLogger LoggingLevel is set to
// LogDebug.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) Debugf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.logger.Debugf(format, args...)
// Infof logs will appear if the ChaincodeLogger LoggingLevel is set to
// LogInfo or LogDebug.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.logger.Infof(format, args...)
// Noticef logs will appear if the ChaincodeLogger LoggingLevel is set to
// LogNotice, LogInfo or LogDebug.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) Noticef(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.logger.Noticef(format, args...)
// Warningf logs will appear if the ChaincodeLogger LoggingLevel is set to
// LogWarning, LogNotice, LogInfo or LogDebug.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) Warningf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.logger.Warningf(format, args...)
// Errorf logs will appear if the ChaincodeLogger LoggingLevel is set to
// LogError, LogWarning, LogNotice, LogInfo or LogDebug.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.logger.Errorf(format, args...)
// Criticalf logs always appear; They can not be disabled.
func (c *ChaincodeLogger) Criticalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.logger.Criticalf(format, args...)
马建仓 AI 助手
