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deliveryclient.go 12.16 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package deliverclient
import (
var logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("deliveryClient")
const (
defaultReConnectTotalTimeThreshold = time.Second * 60 * 60
defaultConnectionTimeout = time.Second * 3
defaultReConnectBackoffThreshold = time.Hour
func getReConnectTotalTimeThreshold() time.Duration {
return util.GetDurationOrDefault("peer.deliveryclient.reconnectTotalTimeThreshold", defaultReConnectTotalTimeThreshold)
func getConnectionTimeout() time.Duration {
return util.GetDurationOrDefault("peer.deliveryclient.connTimeout", defaultConnectionTimeout)
func getReConnectBackoffThreshold() time.Duration {
return util.GetDurationOrDefault("peer.deliveryclient.reConnectBackoffThreshold", defaultReConnectBackoffThreshold)
func staticRootsEnabled() bool {
return viper.GetBool("peer.deliveryclient.staticRootsEnabled")
// DeliverService used to communicate with orderers to obtain
// new blocks and send them to the committer service
type DeliverService interface {
// StartDeliverForChannel dynamically starts delivery of new blocks from ordering service
// to channel peers.
// When the delivery finishes, the finalizer func is called
StartDeliverForChannel(chainID string, ledgerInfo blocksprovider.LedgerInfo, finalizer func()) error
// StopDeliverForChannel dynamically stops delivery of new blocks from ordering service
// to channel peers.
StopDeliverForChannel(chainID string) error
// UpdateEndpoints updates the ordering endpoints for the given chain.
UpdateEndpoints(chainID string, connCriteria ConnectionCriteria) error
// Stop terminates delivery service and closes the connection
// deliverServiceImpl the implementation of the delivery service
// maintains connection to the ordering service and maps of
// blocks providers
type deliverServiceImpl struct {
connConfig ConnectionCriteria
conf *Config
deliverClients map[string]*deliverClient
lock sync.RWMutex
stopping bool
type deliverClient struct {
bp blocksprovider.BlocksProvider
bclient *broadcastClient
// Config dictates the DeliveryService's properties,
// namely how it connects to an ordering service endpoint,
// how it verifies messages received from it,
// and how it disseminates the messages to other peers
type Config struct {
IsStaticLeader bool
// ConnFactory returns a function that creates a connection to an endpoint
ConnFactory func(channelID string, endpointOverrides map[string]*comm.OrdererEndpoint) func(endpointCriteria comm.EndpointCriteria) (*grpc.ClientConn, error)
// ABCFactory creates an AtomicBroadcastClient out of a connection
ABCFactory func(*grpc.ClientConn) orderer.AtomicBroadcastClient
// CryptoSvc performs cryptographic actions like message verification and signing
// and identity validation
CryptoSvc api.MessageCryptoService
// Gossip enables to enumerate peers in the channel, send a message to peers,
// and add a block to the gossip state transfer layer
Gossip blocksprovider.GossipServiceAdapter
// ConnectionCriteria defines how to connect to ordering service nodes.
type ConnectionCriteria struct {
// Endpoints specifies the endpoints of the ordering service.
OrdererEndpoints []string
// Organizations denotes a list of organizations
Organizations []string
// OrdererEndpointsByOrg specifies the endpoints of the ordering service grouped by orgs.
OrdererEndpointsByOrg map[string][]string
// OrdererEndpointOverrides specifies a map of endpoints to override. The map
// key is the configured endpoint address to match and the value is the
// endpoint to use instead.
OrdererEndpointOverrides map[string]*comm.OrdererEndpoint
func (cc ConnectionCriteria) toEndpointCriteria() []comm.EndpointCriteria {
var res []comm.EndpointCriteria
// Iterate over per org criteria
for _, org := range cc.Organizations {
endpoints := cc.OrdererEndpointsByOrg[org]
if len(endpoints) == 0 {
// No endpoints for that org
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
// check if we need to override the endpoint
if override, ok := cc.OrdererEndpointOverrides[endpoint]; ok {
endpoint = override.Address
res = append(res, comm.EndpointCriteria{
Organizations: []string{org},
Endpoint: endpoint,
// If we have some per organization endpoint, don't continue further.
if len(res) > 0 {
return res
for _, endpoint := range cc.OrdererEndpoints {
// check if we need to override the endpoint
if override, ok := cc.OrdererEndpointOverrides[endpoint]; ok {
endpoint = override.Address
res = append(res, comm.EndpointCriteria{
Organizations: cc.Organizations,
Endpoint: endpoint,
return res
// NewDeliverService construction function to create and initialize
// delivery service instance. It tries to establish connection to
// the specified in the configuration ordering service, in case it
// fails to dial to it, return nil
func NewDeliverService(conf *Config, connConfig ConnectionCriteria) (*deliverServiceImpl, error) {
ds := &deliverServiceImpl{
connConfig: connConfig,
conf: conf,
deliverClients: make(map[string]*deliverClient),
if err := ds.validateConfiguration(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ds, nil
func (d *deliverServiceImpl) UpdateEndpoints(chainID string, connCriteria ConnectionCriteria) error {
defer d.lock.RUnlock()
// update the overrides
connCriteria.OrdererEndpointOverrides = d.connConfig.OrdererEndpointOverrides
// Use chainID to obtain blocks provider and pass endpoints
// for update
if dc, ok := d.deliverClients[chainID]; ok {
// We have found specified channel so we can safely update it
return nil
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Channel with %s id was not found", chainID))
func (d *deliverServiceImpl) validateConfiguration() error {
if d.conf.Gossip == nil {
return errors.New("no gossip provider specified")
if d.conf.ABCFactory == nil {
return errors.New("no AtomicBroadcast factory specified")
if d.conf.ConnFactory == nil {
return errors.New("no connection factory specified")
if d.conf.CryptoSvc == nil {
return errors.New("no crypto service specified")
if len(d.connConfig.OrdererEndpoints) == 0 && len(d.connConfig.OrdererEndpointsByOrg) == 0 {
return errors.New("no endpoints specified")
return nil
// StartDeliverForChannel starts blocks delivery for channel
// initializes the grpc stream for given chainID, creates blocks provider instance
// that spawns in go routine to read new blocks starting from the position provided by ledger
// info instance.
func (d *deliverServiceImpl) StartDeliverForChannel(chainID string, ledgerInfo blocksprovider.LedgerInfo, finalizer func()) error {
defer d.lock.Unlock()
if d.stopping {
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Delivery service is stopping cannot join a new channel %s", chainID)
return errors.New(errMsg)
if _, exist := d.deliverClients[chainID]; exist {
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Delivery service - block provider already exists for %s found, can't start delivery", chainID)
return errors.New(errMsg)
} else {
client := d.newClient(chainID, ledgerInfo)
logger.Info("This peer will retrieve blocks from ordering service and disseminate to other peers in the organization for channel", chainID)
d.deliverClients[chainID] = &deliverClient{
bp: blocksprovider.NewBlocksProvider(chainID, client, d.conf.Gossip, d.conf.CryptoSvc),
bclient: client,
go d.launchBlockProvider(chainID, finalizer)
return nil
func (d *deliverServiceImpl) launchBlockProvider(chainID string, finalizer func()) {
dc := d.deliverClients[chainID]
if dc == nil {
logger.Info("Block delivery for channel", chainID, "was stopped before block provider started")
// StopDeliverForChannel stops blocks delivery for channel by stopping channel block provider
func (d *deliverServiceImpl) StopDeliverForChannel(chainID string) error {
defer d.lock.Unlock()
if d.stopping {
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Delivery service is stopping, cannot stop delivery for channel %s", chainID)
return errors.New(errMsg)
if dc, exist := d.deliverClients[chainID]; exist {
delete(d.deliverClients, chainID)
logger.Debug("This peer will stop pass blocks from orderer service to other peers")
} else {
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Delivery service - no block provider for %s found, can't stop delivery", chainID)
return errors.New(errMsg)
return nil
// Stop all service and release resources
func (d *deliverServiceImpl) Stop() {
defer d.lock.Unlock()
// Marking flag to indicate the shutdown of the delivery service
d.stopping = true
for _, dc := range d.deliverClients {
func (d *deliverServiceImpl) newClient(chainID string, ledgerInfoProvider blocksprovider.LedgerInfo) *broadcastClient {
reconnectBackoffThreshold := getReConnectBackoffThreshold()
reconnectTotalTimeThreshold := getReConnectTotalTimeThreshold()
requester := &blocksRequester{
tls: viper.GetBool("peer.tls.enabled"),
chainID: chainID,
broadcastSetup := func(bd blocksprovider.BlocksDeliverer) error {
return requester.RequestBlocks(ledgerInfoProvider)
backoffPolicy := func(attemptNum int, elapsedTime time.Duration) (time.Duration, bool) {
if elapsedTime >= reconnectTotalTimeThreshold {
if !d.conf.IsStaticLeader {
return 0, false
logger.Warning("peer is a static leader, ignoring peer.deliveryclient.reconnectTotalTimeThreshold")
sleepIncrement := float64(time.Millisecond * 500)
attempt := float64(attemptNum)
return time.Duration(math.Min(math.Pow(2, attempt)*sleepIncrement, float64(reconnectBackoffThreshold))), true
connProd := comm.NewConnectionProducer(d.conf.ConnFactory(chainID, d.connConfig.OrdererEndpointOverrides), d.connConfig.toEndpointCriteria())
bClient := NewBroadcastClient(connProd, d.conf.ABCFactory, broadcastSetup, backoffPolicy)
requester.client = bClient
return bClient
func DefaultConnectionFactory(channelID string, endpointOverrides map[string]*comm.OrdererEndpoint) func(endpointCriteria comm.EndpointCriteria) (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
return func(criteria comm.EndpointCriteria) (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
dialOpts := []grpc.DialOption{grpc.WithBlock()}
// set max send/recv msg sizes
dialOpts = append(dialOpts, grpc.WithDefaultCallOptions(grpc.MaxCallRecvMsgSize(comm.MaxRecvMsgSize),
// set the keepalive options
kaOpts := comm.DefaultKeepaliveOptions
if viper.IsSet("peer.keepalive.deliveryClient.interval") {
kaOpts.ClientInterval = viper.GetDuration(
if viper.IsSet("peer.keepalive.deliveryClient.timeout") {
kaOpts.ClientTimeout = viper.GetDuration(
dialOpts = append(dialOpts, comm.ClientKeepaliveOptions(kaOpts)...)
if viper.GetBool("peer.tls.enabled") {
creds, err := comm.GetCredentialSupport().GetDeliverServiceCredentials(channelID, staticRootsEnabled(), criteria.Organizations, endpointOverrides)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed obtaining credentials for channel %s: %v", channelID, err)
dialOpts = append(dialOpts, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(creds))
} else {
dialOpts = append(dialOpts, grpc.WithInsecure())
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), getConnectionTimeout())
defer cancel()
return grpc.DialContext(ctx, criteria.Endpoint, dialOpts...)
func DefaultABCFactory(conn *grpc.ClientConn) orderer.AtomicBroadcastClient {
return orderer.NewAtomicBroadcastClient(conn)
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