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coordinator.go 33.30 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
senthil 提交于 2019-07-30 15:54 . rollback: fix capability usage at gossip
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package privdata
import (
vsccErrors "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/common/errors"
util2 "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/common/util"
privdatacommon "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/gossip/privdata/common"
transientstore2 "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/transientstore"
const pullRetrySleepInterval = time.Second
var logger = util.GetLogger(util.PrivateDataLogger, "")
//go:generate mockery -dir ../../core/common/privdata/ -name CollectionStore -case underscore -output mocks/
//go:generate mockery -dir ../../core/committer/ -name Committer -case underscore -output mocks/
// TransientStore holds private data that the corresponding blocks haven't been committed yet into the ledger
type TransientStore interface {
// PersistWithConfig stores the private write set of a transaction along with the collection config
// in the transient store based on txid and the block height the private data was received at
PersistWithConfig(txid string, blockHeight uint64, privateSimulationResultsWithConfig *transientstore2.TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo) error
// Persist stores the private write set of a transaction in the transient store
Persist(txid string, blockHeight uint64, privateSimulationResults *rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet) error
// GetTxPvtRWSetByTxid returns an iterator due to the fact that the txid may have multiple private
// write sets persisted from different endorsers (via Gossip)
GetTxPvtRWSetByTxid(txid string, filter ledger.PvtNsCollFilter) (transientstore.RWSetScanner, error)
// PurgeByTxids removes private read-write sets for a given set of transactions from the
// transient store
PurgeByTxids(txids []string) error
// PurgeByHeight removes private write sets at block height lesser than
// a given maxBlockNumToRetain. In other words, Purge only retains private write sets
// that were persisted at block height of maxBlockNumToRetain or higher. Though the private
// write sets stored in transient store is removed by coordinator using PurgebyTxids()
// after successful block commit, PurgeByHeight() is still required to remove orphan entries (as
// transaction that gets endorsed may not be submitted by the client for commit)
PurgeByHeight(maxBlockNumToRetain uint64) error
// Coordinator orchestrates the flow of the new
// blocks arrival and in flight transient data, responsible
// to complete missing parts of transient data for given block.
type Coordinator interface {
// StoreBlock deliver new block with underlined private data
// returns missing transaction ids
StoreBlock(block *common.Block, data util.PvtDataCollections) error
// StorePvtData used to persist private data into transient store
StorePvtData(txid string, privData *transientstore2.TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo, blckHeight uint64) error
// GetPvtDataAndBlockByNum get block by number and returns also all related private data
// the order of private data in slice of PvtDataCollections doesn't implies the order of
// transactions in the block related to these private data, to get the correct placement
// need to read TxPvtData.SeqInBlock field
GetPvtDataAndBlockByNum(seqNum uint64, peerAuth common.SignedData) (*common.Block, util.PvtDataCollections, error)
// Get recent block sequence number
LedgerHeight() (uint64, error)
// Close coordinator, shuts down coordinator service
type dig2sources map[privdatacommon.DigKey][]*peer.Endorsement
func (d2s dig2sources) keys() []privdatacommon.DigKey {
res := make([]privdatacommon.DigKey, 0, len(d2s))
for dig := range d2s {
res = append(res, dig)
return res
// Fetcher interface which defines API to fetch missing
// private data elements
type Fetcher interface {
fetch(dig2src dig2sources) (*privdatacommon.FetchedPvtDataContainer, error)
//go:generate mockery -dir ./ -name CapabilityProvider -case underscore -output mocks/
// CapabilityProvider contains functions to retrieve capability information for a channel
type CapabilityProvider interface {
// Capabilities defines the capabilities for the application portion of this channel
Capabilities() channelconfig.ApplicationCapabilities
// Support encapsulates set of interfaces to
// aggregate required functionality by single struct
type Support struct {
ChainID string
type coordinator struct {
selfSignedData common.SignedData
transientBlockRetention uint64
metrics *metrics.PrivdataMetrics
pullRetryThreshold time.Duration
skipPullingInvalidTransactions bool
type CoordinatorConfig struct {
TransientBlockRetention uint64
PullRetryThreshold time.Duration
SkipPullingInvalidTransactions bool
// NewCoordinator creates a new instance of coordinator
func NewCoordinator(support Support, selfSignedData common.SignedData, metrics *metrics.PrivdataMetrics,
config CoordinatorConfig) Coordinator {
return &coordinator{Support: support,
selfSignedData: selfSignedData,
transientBlockRetention: config.TransientBlockRetention,
metrics: metrics,
pullRetryThreshold: config.PullRetryThreshold,
skipPullingInvalidTransactions: config.SkipPullingInvalidTransactions}
// StorePvtData used to persist private date into transient store
func (c *coordinator) StorePvtData(txID string, privData *transientstore2.TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo, blkHeight uint64) error {
return c.TransientStore.PersistWithConfig(txID, blkHeight, privData)
// StoreBlock stores block with private data into the ledger
func (c *coordinator) StoreBlock(block *common.Block, privateDataSets util.PvtDataCollections) error {
if block.Data == nil {
return errors.New("Block data is empty")
if block.Header == nil {
return errors.New("Block header is nil")
logger.Infof("[%s] Received block [%d] from buffer", c.ChainID, block.Header.Number)
logger.Debugf("[%s] Validating block [%d]", c.ChainID, block.Header.Number)
validationStart := time.Now()
err := c.Validator.Validate(block)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Validation failed: %+v", err)
return err
blockAndPvtData := &ledger.BlockAndPvtData{
Block: block,
PvtData: make(ledger.TxPvtDataMap),
MissingPvtData: make(ledger.TxMissingPvtDataMap),
exist, err := c.DoesPvtDataInfoExistInLedger(block.Header.Number)
if err != nil {
return err
if exist {
commitOpts := &ledger.CommitOptions{FetchPvtDataFromLedger: true}
return c.CommitWithPvtData(blockAndPvtData, commitOpts)
listMissingStart := time.Now()
ownedRWsets, err := computeOwnedRWsets(block, privateDataSets)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Failed computing owned RWSets", err)
return err
privateInfo, err := c.listMissingPrivateData(block, ownedRWsets)
if err != nil {
return err
// if the peer is configured to not pull private rwset of invalid
// transaction during block commit, we need to delete those
// missing entries from the missingKeys list (to be used for pulling rwset
// from other peers). Instead add them to the block's private data
// missing list so that the private data reconciler can pull them later.
if c.skipPullingInvalidTransactions {
txsFilter := txValidationFlags(block.Metadata.Metadata[common.BlockMetadataIndex_TRANSACTIONS_FILTER])
for missingRWS := range privateInfo.missingKeys {
if txsFilter[missingRWS.seqInBlock] != uint8(peer.TxValidationCode_VALID) {
blockAndPvtData.MissingPvtData.Add(missingRWS.seqInBlock, missingRWS.namespace, missingRWS.collection, true)
delete(privateInfo.missingKeys, missingRWS)
retryThresh := c.pullRetryThreshold
var bFetchFromPeers bool // defaults to false
if len(privateInfo.missingKeys) == 0 {
logger.Debugf("[%s] No missing collection private write sets to fetch from remote peers", c.ChainID)
} else {
bFetchFromPeers = true
logger.Debugf("[%s] Could not find all collection private write sets in local peer transient store for block [%d].", c.ChainID, block.Header.Number)
logger.Debugf("[%s] Fetching %d collection private write sets from remote peers for a maximum duration of %s", c.ChainID, len(privateInfo.missingKeys), retryThresh)
startPull := time.Now()
limit := startPull.Add(retryThresh)
for len(privateInfo.missingKeys) > 0 && time.Now().Before(limit) {
c.fetchFromPeers(block.Header.Number, ownedRWsets, privateInfo)
// If succeeded to fetch everything, no need to sleep before
// retry
if len(privateInfo.missingKeys) == 0 {
elapsedPull := int64(time.Since(startPull) / time.Millisecond) // duration in ms
// Only log results if we actually attempted to fetch
if bFetchFromPeers {
if len(privateInfo.missingKeys) == 0 {
logger.Infof("[%s] Fetched all missing collection private write sets from remote peers for block [%d] (%dms)", c.ChainID, block.Header.Number, elapsedPull)
} else {
logger.Warningf("[%s] Could not fetch all missing collection private write sets from remote peers. Will commit block [%d] with missing private write sets:[%v]",
c.ChainID, block.Header.Number, privateInfo.missingKeys)
// populate the private RWSets passed to the ledger
for seqInBlock, nsRWS := range ownedRWsets.bySeqsInBlock() {
rwsets := nsRWS.toRWSet()
logger.Debugf("[%s] Added %d namespace private write sets for block [%d], tran [%d]", c.ChainID, len(rwsets.NsPvtRwset), block.Header.Number, seqInBlock)
blockAndPvtData.PvtData[seqInBlock] = &ledger.TxPvtData{
SeqInBlock: seqInBlock,
WriteSet: rwsets,
// populate missing RWSets to be passed to the ledger
for missingRWS := range privateInfo.missingKeys {
blockAndPvtData.MissingPvtData.Add(missingRWS.seqInBlock, missingRWS.namespace, missingRWS.collection, true)
// populate missing RWSets for ineligible collections to be passed to the ledger
for _, missingRWS := range privateInfo.missingRWSButIneligible {
blockAndPvtData.MissingPvtData.Add(missingRWS.seqInBlock, missingRWS.namespace, missingRWS.collection, false)
// commit block and private data
commitStart := time.Now()
err = c.CommitWithPvtData(blockAndPvtData, &ledger.CommitOptions{})
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "commit failed")
purgeStart := time.Now()
if len(blockAndPvtData.PvtData) > 0 {
// Finally, purge all transactions in block - valid or not valid.
if err := c.PurgeByTxids(privateInfo.txns); err != nil {
logger.Error("Purging transactions", privateInfo.txns, "failed:", err)
seq := block.Header.Number
if seq%c.transientBlockRetention == 0 && seq > c.transientBlockRetention {
err := c.PurgeByHeight(seq - c.transientBlockRetention)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed purging data from transient store at block", seq, ":", err)
return nil
func (c *coordinator) fetchFromPeers(blockSeq uint64, ownedRWsets map[rwSetKey][]byte, privateInfo *privateDataInfo) {
dig2src := make(map[privdatacommon.DigKey][]*peer.Endorsement)
privateInfo.missingKeys.foreach(func(k rwSetKey) {
logger.Debug("Fetching", k, "from peers")
dig := privdatacommon.DigKey{
TxId: k.txID,
SeqInBlock: k.seqInBlock,
Collection: k.collection,
Namespace: k.namespace,
BlockSeq: blockSeq,
dig2src[dig] = privateInfo.sources[k]
fetchedData, err := c.fetch(dig2src)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Failed fetching private data for block", blockSeq, "from peers:", err)
// Iterate over data fetched from peers
for _, element := range fetchedData.AvailableElements {
dig := element.Digest
for _, rws := range element.Payload {
hash := hex.EncodeToString(util2.ComputeSHA256(rws))
key := rwSetKey{
txID: dig.TxId,
namespace: dig.Namespace,
collection: dig.Collection,
seqInBlock: dig.SeqInBlock,
hash: hash,
if _, isMissing := privateInfo.missingKeys[key]; !isMissing {
logger.Debug("Ignoring", key, "because it wasn't found in the block")
ownedRWsets[key] = rws
delete(privateInfo.missingKeys, key)
// If we fetch private data that is associated to block i, then our last block persisted must be i-1
// so our ledger height is i, since blocks start from 0.
c.TransientStore.Persist(dig.TxId, blockSeq, key.toTxPvtReadWriteSet(rws))
logger.Debug("Fetched", key)
// Iterate over purged data
for _, dig := range fetchedData.PurgedElements {
// delete purged key from missing keys
for missingPvtRWKey := range privateInfo.missingKeys {
if missingPvtRWKey.namespace == dig.Namespace &&
missingPvtRWKey.collection == dig.Collection &&
missingPvtRWKey.txID == dig.TxId {
delete(privateInfo.missingKeys, missingPvtRWKey)
logger.Warningf("Missing key because was purged or will soon be purged, "+
"continue block commit without [%+v] in private rwset", missingPvtRWKey)
func (c *coordinator) fetchMissingFromTransientStore(missing rwSetKeysByTxIDs, ownedRWsets map[rwSetKey][]byte) {
// Check transient store
for txAndSeq, filter := range missing.FiltersByTxIDs() {
c.fetchFromTransientStore(txAndSeq, filter, ownedRWsets)
func (c *coordinator) fetchFromTransientStore(txAndSeq txAndSeqInBlock, filter ledger.PvtNsCollFilter, ownedRWsets map[rwSetKey][]byte) {
iterator, err := c.TransientStore.GetTxPvtRWSetByTxid(txAndSeq.txID, filter)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Failed obtaining iterator from transient store:", err)
defer iterator.Close()
for {
res, err := iterator.NextWithConfig()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed iterating:", err)
if res == nil {
// End of iteration
if res.PvtSimulationResultsWithConfig == nil {
logger.Warning("Resultset's PvtSimulationResultsWithConfig for", txAndSeq.txID, "is nil, skipping")
simRes := res.PvtSimulationResultsWithConfig
if simRes.PvtRwset == nil {
logger.Warning("The PvtRwset of PvtSimulationResultsWithConfig for", txAndSeq.txID, "is nil, skipping")
for _, ns := range simRes.PvtRwset.NsPvtRwset {
for _, col := range ns.CollectionPvtRwset {
key := rwSetKey{
txID: txAndSeq.txID,
seqInBlock: txAndSeq.seqInBlock,
collection: col.CollectionName,
namespace: ns.Namespace,
hash: hex.EncodeToString(util2.ComputeSHA256(col.Rwset)),
// populate the ownedRWsets with the RW set from the transient store
ownedRWsets[key] = col.Rwset
} // iterating over all collections
} // iterating over all namespaces
} // iterating over the TxPvtRWSet results
// computeOwnedRWsets identifies which block private data we already have
func computeOwnedRWsets(block *common.Block, blockPvtData util.PvtDataCollections) (rwsetByKeys, error) {
lastBlockSeq := len(block.Data.Data) - 1
ownedRWsets := make(map[rwSetKey][]byte)
for _, txPvtData := range blockPvtData {
if lastBlockSeq < int(txPvtData.SeqInBlock) {
logger.Warningf("Claimed SeqInBlock %d but block has only %d transactions", txPvtData.SeqInBlock, len(block.Data.Data))
env, err := utils.GetEnvelopeFromBlock(block.Data.Data[txPvtData.SeqInBlock])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
payload, err := utils.GetPayload(env)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chdr, err := utils.UnmarshalChannelHeader(payload.Header.ChannelHeader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, ns := range txPvtData.WriteSet.NsPvtRwset {
for _, col := range ns.CollectionPvtRwset {
computedHash := hex.EncodeToString(util2.ComputeSHA256(col.Rwset))
txID: chdr.TxId,
seqInBlock: txPvtData.SeqInBlock,
collection: col.CollectionName,
namespace: ns.Namespace,
hash: computedHash,
}] = col.Rwset
} // iterate over collections in the namespace
} // iterate over the namespaces in the WSet
} // iterate over the transactions in the block
return ownedRWsets, nil
type readWriteSets []readWriteSet
func (s readWriteSets) toRWSet() *rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet {
namespaces := make(map[string]*rwset.NsPvtReadWriteSet)
dataModel := rwset.TxReadWriteSet_KV
for _, rws := range s {
if _, exists := namespaces[rws.namespace]; !exists {
namespaces[rws.namespace] = &rwset.NsPvtReadWriteSet{
Namespace: rws.namespace,
col := &rwset.CollectionPvtReadWriteSet{
CollectionName: rws.collection,
Rwset: rws.rws,
namespaces[rws.namespace].CollectionPvtRwset = append(namespaces[rws.namespace].CollectionPvtRwset, col)
var namespaceSlice []*rwset.NsPvtReadWriteSet
for _, nsRWset := range namespaces {
namespaceSlice = append(namespaceSlice, nsRWset)
return &rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet{
DataModel: dataModel,
NsPvtRwset: namespaceSlice,
type readWriteSet struct {
rws []byte
type rwsetByKeys map[rwSetKey][]byte
func (s rwsetByKeys) bySeqsInBlock() map[uint64]readWriteSets {
res := make(map[uint64]readWriteSets)
for k, rws := range s {
res[k.seqInBlock] = append(res[k.seqInBlock], readWriteSet{
rws: rws,
rwSetKey: k,
return res
type rwsetKeys map[rwSetKey]struct{}
// String returns a string representation of the rwsetKeys
func (s rwsetKeys) String() string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for k := range s {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", k.String()))
return buffer.String()
// foreach invokes given function in each key
func (s rwsetKeys) foreach(f func(key rwSetKey)) {
for k := range s {
// exclude removes all keys accepted by the given predicate.
func (s rwsetKeys) exclude(exists func(key rwSetKey) bool) {
for k := range s {
if exists(k) {
delete(s, k)
type txAndSeqInBlock struct {
txID string
seqInBlock uint64
type rwSetKeysByTxIDs map[txAndSeqInBlock][]rwSetKey
func (s rwSetKeysByTxIDs) flatten() rwsetKeys {
m := make(map[rwSetKey]struct{})
for _, keys := range s {
for _, k := range keys {
m[k] = struct{}{}
return m
func (s rwSetKeysByTxIDs) FiltersByTxIDs() map[txAndSeqInBlock]ledger.PvtNsCollFilter {
filters := make(map[txAndSeqInBlock]ledger.PvtNsCollFilter)
for txAndSeq, rwsKeys := range s {
filter := ledger.NewPvtNsCollFilter()
for _, rwskey := range rwsKeys {
filter.Add(rwskey.namespace, rwskey.collection)
filters[txAndSeq] = filter
return filters
type rwSetKey struct {
txID string
seqInBlock uint64
namespace string
collection string
hash string
// String returns a string representation of the rwSetKey
func (k *rwSetKey) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("txID: %s, seq: %d, namespace: %s, collection: %s, hash: %s", k.txID, k.seqInBlock, k.namespace, k.collection, k.hash)
func (k *rwSetKey) toTxPvtReadWriteSet(rws []byte) *rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet {
return &rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet{
DataModel: rwset.TxReadWriteSet_KV,
NsPvtRwset: []*rwset.NsPvtReadWriteSet{
Namespace: k.namespace,
CollectionPvtRwset: []*rwset.CollectionPvtReadWriteSet{
CollectionName: k.collection,
Rwset: rws,
type txns []string
type blockData [][]byte
type blockConsumer func(seqInBlock uint64, chdr *common.ChannelHeader, txRWSet *rwsetutil.TxRwSet, endorsers []*peer.Endorsement) error
func (data blockData) forEachTxn(storePvtDataOfInvalidTx bool, txsFilter txValidationFlags, consumer blockConsumer) (txns, error) {
var txList []string
for seqInBlock, envBytes := range data {
env, err := utils.GetEnvelopeFromBlock(envBytes)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Invalid envelope:", err)
payload, err := utils.GetPayload(env)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Invalid payload:", err)
chdr, err := utils.UnmarshalChannelHeader(payload.Header.ChannelHeader)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Invalid channel header:", err)
if chdr.Type != int32(common.HeaderType_ENDORSER_TRANSACTION) {
txList = append(txList, chdr.TxId)
if txsFilter[seqInBlock] != uint8(peer.TxValidationCode_VALID) && !storePvtDataOfInvalidTx {
logger.Debugf("Skipping Tx", seqInBlock, "because it's invalid. Status is", txsFilter[seqInBlock])
respPayload, err := utils.GetActionFromEnvelope(envBytes)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Failed obtaining action from envelope", err)
tx, err := utils.GetTransaction(payload.Data)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Invalid transaction in payload data for tx ", chdr.TxId, ":", err)
ccActionPayload, err := utils.GetChaincodeActionPayload(tx.Actions[0].Payload)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Invalid chaincode action in payload for tx", chdr.TxId, ":", err)
if ccActionPayload.Action == nil {
logger.Warning("Action in ChaincodeActionPayload for", chdr.TxId, "is nil")
txRWSet := &rwsetutil.TxRwSet{}
if err = txRWSet.FromProtoBytes(respPayload.Results); err != nil {
logger.Warning("Failed obtaining TxRwSet from ChaincodeAction's results", err)
err = consumer(uint64(seqInBlock), chdr, txRWSet, ccActionPayload.Action.Endorsements)
if err != nil {
return txList, err
return txList, nil
func endorsersFromOrgs(ns string, col string, endorsers []*peer.Endorsement, orgs []string) []*peer.Endorsement {
var res []*peer.Endorsement
for _, e := range endorsers {
sID := &msp.SerializedIdentity{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(e.Endorser, sID)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Failed unmarshalling endorser:", err)
if !util.Contains(sID.Mspid, orgs) {
logger.Debug(sID.Mspid, "isn't among the collection's orgs:", orgs, "for namespace", ns, ",collection", col)
res = append(res, e)
return res
type privateDataInfo struct {
sources map[rwSetKey][]*peer.Endorsement
missingKeysByTxIDs rwSetKeysByTxIDs
missingKeys rwsetKeys
txns txns
missingRWSButIneligible []rwSetKey
// listMissingPrivateData identifies missing private write sets and attempts to retrieve them from local transient store
func (c *coordinator) listMissingPrivateData(block *common.Block, ownedRWsets map[rwSetKey][]byte) (*privateDataInfo, error) {
if block.Metadata == nil || len(block.Metadata.Metadata) <= int(common.BlockMetadataIndex_TRANSACTIONS_FILTER) {
return nil, errors.New("Block.Metadata is nil or Block.Metadata lacks a Tx filter bitmap")
txsFilter := txValidationFlags(block.Metadata.Metadata[common.BlockMetadataIndex_TRANSACTIONS_FILTER])
if len(txsFilter) != len(block.Data.Data) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Block data size(%d) is different from Tx filter size(%d)", len(block.Data.Data), len(txsFilter))
sources := make(map[rwSetKey][]*peer.Endorsement)
privateRWsetsInBlock := make(map[rwSetKey]struct{})
missing := make(rwSetKeysByTxIDs)
data := blockData(block.Data.Data)
bi := &transactionInspector{
sources: sources,
missingKeys: missing,
ownedRWsets: ownedRWsets,
privateRWsetsInBlock: privateRWsetsInBlock,
coordinator: c,
storePvtDataOfInvalidTx := c.Support.CapabilityProvider.Capabilities().StorePvtDataOfInvalidTx()
txList, err := data.forEachTxn(storePvtDataOfInvalidTx, txsFilter, bi.inspectTransaction)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
privateInfo := &privateDataInfo{
sources: sources,
missingKeysByTxIDs: missing,
txns: txList,
missingRWSButIneligible: bi.missingRWSButIneligible,
logger.Debug("Retrieving private write sets for", len(privateInfo.missingKeysByTxIDs), "transactions from transient store")
// Put into ownedRWsets RW sets that are missing and found in the transient store
c.fetchMissingFromTransientStore(privateInfo.missingKeysByTxIDs, ownedRWsets)
// In the end, iterate over the ownedRWsets, and if the key doesn't exist in
// the privateRWsetsInBlock - delete it from the ownedRWsets
for k := range ownedRWsets {
if _, exists := privateRWsetsInBlock[k]; !exists {
logger.Warning("Removed", k.namespace, k.collection, "hash", k.hash, "from the data passed to the ledger")
delete(ownedRWsets, k)
privateInfo.missingKeys = privateInfo.missingKeysByTxIDs.flatten()
// Remove all keys we already own
privateInfo.missingKeys.exclude(func(key rwSetKey) bool {
_, exists := ownedRWsets[key]
return exists
return privateInfo, nil
type transactionInspector struct {
privateRWsetsInBlock map[rwSetKey]struct{}
missingKeys rwSetKeysByTxIDs
sources map[rwSetKey][]*peer.Endorsement
ownedRWsets map[rwSetKey][]byte
missingRWSButIneligible []rwSetKey
func (bi *transactionInspector) inspectTransaction(seqInBlock uint64, chdr *common.ChannelHeader, txRWSet *rwsetutil.TxRwSet, endorsers []*peer.Endorsement) error {
for _, ns := range txRWSet.NsRwSets {
for _, hashedCollection := range ns.CollHashedRwSets {
if !containsWrites(chdr.TxId, ns.NameSpace, hashedCollection) {
// If an error occurred due to the unavailability of database, we should stop committing
// blocks for the associated chain. The policy can never be nil for a valid collection.
// For collections which were never defined, the policy would be nil and we can safely
// move on to the next collection.
policy, err := bi.accessPolicyForCollection(chdr, ns.NameSpace, hashedCollection.CollectionName)
if err != nil {
return &vsccErrors.VSCCExecutionFailureError{Err: err}
if policy == nil {
logger.Errorf("Failed to retrieve collection config for channel [%s], chaincode [%s], collection name [%s] for txID [%s]. Skipping.",
chdr.ChannelId, ns.NameSpace, hashedCollection.CollectionName, chdr.TxId)
key := rwSetKey{
txID: chdr.TxId,
seqInBlock: seqInBlock,
hash: hex.EncodeToString(hashedCollection.PvtRwSetHash),
namespace: ns.NameSpace,
collection: hashedCollection.CollectionName,
if !bi.isEligible(policy, ns.NameSpace, hashedCollection.CollectionName) {
logger.Debugf("Peer is not eligible for collection, channel [%s], chaincode [%s], "+
"collection name [%s], txID [%s] the policy is [%#v]. Skipping.",
chdr.ChannelId, ns.NameSpace, hashedCollection.CollectionName, chdr.TxId, policy)
bi.missingRWSButIneligible = append(bi.missingRWSButIneligible, key)
bi.privateRWsetsInBlock[key] = struct{}{}
if _, exists := bi.ownedRWsets[key]; !exists {
txAndSeq := txAndSeqInBlock{
txID: chdr.TxId,
seqInBlock: seqInBlock,
bi.missingKeys[txAndSeq] = append(bi.missingKeys[txAndSeq], key)
bi.sources[key] = endorsersFromOrgs(ns.NameSpace, hashedCollection.CollectionName, endorsers, policy.MemberOrgs())
} // for all hashed RW sets
} // for all RW sets
return nil
// accessPolicyForCollection retrieves a CollectionAccessPolicy for a given namespace, collection name
// that corresponds to a given ChannelHeader
func (c *coordinator) accessPolicyForCollection(chdr *common.ChannelHeader, namespace string, col string) (privdata.CollectionAccessPolicy, error) {
cp := common.CollectionCriteria{
Channel: chdr.ChannelId,
Namespace: namespace,
Collection: col,
TxId: chdr.TxId,
sp, err := c.CollectionStore.RetrieveCollectionAccessPolicy(cp)
if _, isNoSuchCollectionError := err.(privdata.NoSuchCollectionError); err != nil && !isNoSuchCollectionError {
logger.Warning("Failed obtaining policy for", cp, "due to database unavailability:", err)
return nil, err
return sp, nil
// isEligible checks if this peer is eligible for a given CollectionAccessPolicy
func (c *coordinator) isEligible(ap privdata.CollectionAccessPolicy, namespace string, col string) bool {
filt := ap.AccessFilter()
eligible := filt(c.selfSignedData)
if !eligible {
logger.Debug("Skipping namespace", namespace, "collection", col, "because we're not eligible for the private data")
return eligible
type seqAndDataModel struct {
seq uint64
dataModel rwset.TxReadWriteSet_DataModel
// map from seqAndDataModel to:
// maap from namespace to []*rwset.CollectionPvtReadWriteSet
type aggregatedCollections map[seqAndDataModel]map[string][]*rwset.CollectionPvtReadWriteSet
func (ac aggregatedCollections) addCollection(seqInBlock uint64, dm rwset.TxReadWriteSet_DataModel, namespace string, col *rwset.CollectionPvtReadWriteSet) {
seq := seqAndDataModel{
dataModel: dm,
seq: seqInBlock,
if _, exists := ac[seq]; !exists {
ac[seq] = make(map[string][]*rwset.CollectionPvtReadWriteSet)
ac[seq][namespace] = append(ac[seq][namespace], col)
func (ac aggregatedCollections) asPrivateData() []*ledger.TxPvtData {
var data []*ledger.TxPvtData
for seq, ns := range ac {
txPrivateData := &ledger.TxPvtData{
SeqInBlock: seq.seq,
WriteSet: &rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet{
DataModel: seq.dataModel,
for namespaceName, cols := range ns {
txPrivateData.WriteSet.NsPvtRwset = append(txPrivateData.WriteSet.NsPvtRwset, &rwset.NsPvtReadWriteSet{
Namespace: namespaceName,
CollectionPvtRwset: cols,
data = append(data, txPrivateData)
return data
// GetPvtDataAndBlockByNum get block by number and returns also all related private data
// the order of private data in slice of PvtDataCollections doesn't implies the order of
// transactions in the block related to these private data, to get the correct placement
// need to read TxPvtData.SeqInBlock field
func (c *coordinator) GetPvtDataAndBlockByNum(seqNum uint64, peerAuthInfo common.SignedData) (*common.Block, util.PvtDataCollections, error) {
blockAndPvtData, err := c.Committer.GetPvtDataAndBlockByNum(seqNum)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
seqs2Namespaces := aggregatedCollections(make(map[seqAndDataModel]map[string][]*rwset.CollectionPvtReadWriteSet))
data := blockData(blockAndPvtData.Block.Data.Data)
storePvtDataOfInvalidTx := c.Support.CapabilityProvider.Capabilities().StorePvtDataOfInvalidTx()
data.forEachTxn(storePvtDataOfInvalidTx, make(txValidationFlags, len(data)),
func(seqInBlock uint64, chdr *common.ChannelHeader, txRWSet *rwsetutil.TxRwSet, _ []*peer.Endorsement) error {
item, exists := blockAndPvtData.PvtData[seqInBlock]
if !exists {
return nil
for _, ns := range item.WriteSet.NsPvtRwset {
for _, col := range ns.CollectionPvtRwset {
cc := common.CollectionCriteria{
Channel: chdr.ChannelId,
TxId: chdr.TxId,
Namespace: ns.Namespace,
Collection: col.CollectionName,
sp, err := c.CollectionStore.RetrieveCollectionAccessPolicy(cc)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Failed obtaining policy for", cc, ":", err)
isAuthorized := sp.AccessFilter()
if isAuthorized == nil {
logger.Warning("Failed obtaining filter for", cc)
if !isAuthorized(peerAuthInfo) {
logger.Debug("Skipping", cc, "because peer isn't authorized")
seqs2Namespaces.addCollection(seqInBlock, item.WriteSet.DataModel, ns.Namespace, col)
return nil
return blockAndPvtData.Block, seqs2Namespaces.asPrivateData(), nil
func (c *coordinator) reportValidationDuration(time time.Duration) {
c.metrics.ValidationDuration.With("channel", c.ChainID).Observe(time.Seconds())
func (c *coordinator) reportListMissingPrivateDataDuration(time time.Duration) {
c.metrics.ListMissingPrivateDataDuration.With("channel", c.ChainID).Observe(time.Seconds())
func (c *coordinator) reportFetchDuration(time time.Duration) {
c.metrics.FetchDuration.With("channel", c.ChainID).Observe(time.Seconds())
func (c *coordinator) reportCommitDuration(time time.Duration) {
c.metrics.CommitPrivateDataDuration.With("channel", c.ChainID).Observe(time.Seconds())
func (c *coordinator) reportPurgeDuration(time time.Duration) {
c.metrics.PurgeDuration.With("channel", c.ChainID).Observe(time.Seconds())
// containsWrites checks whether the given CollHashedRwSet contains writes
func containsWrites(txID string, namespace string, colHashedRWSet *rwsetutil.CollHashedRwSet) bool {
if colHashedRWSet.HashedRwSet == nil {
logger.Warningf("HashedRWSet of tx %s, namespace %s, collection %s is nil", txID, namespace, colHashedRWSet.CollectionName)
return false
if len(colHashedRWSet.HashedRwSet.HashedWrites) == 0 && len(colHashedRWSet.HashedRwSet.MetadataWrites) == 0 {
logger.Debugf("HashedRWSet of tx %s, namespace %s, collection %s doesn't contain writes", txID, namespace, colHashedRWSet.CollectionName)
return false
return true
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