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replication.go 22.74 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package cluster
import (
const (
// RetryTimeout is the time the block puller retries.
RetryTimeout = time.Second * 10
// ChannelPredicate accepts channels according to their names.
type ChannelPredicate func(channelName string) bool
// AnyChannel accepts all channels.
func AnyChannel(_ string) bool {
return true
// PullerConfigFromTopLevelConfig creates a PullerConfig from a TopLevel config,
// and from a signer and TLS key cert pair.
// The PullerConfig's channel is initialized to be the system channel.
func PullerConfigFromTopLevelConfig(systemChannel string, conf *localconfig.TopLevel, tlsKey, tlsCert []byte, signer crypto.LocalSigner) PullerConfig {
return PullerConfig{
Channel: systemChannel,
MaxTotalBufferBytes: conf.General.Cluster.ReplicationBufferSize,
Timeout: conf.General.Cluster.RPCTimeout,
TLSKey: tlsKey,
TLSCert: tlsCert,
Signer: signer,
//go:generate mockery -dir . -name LedgerWriter -case underscore -output mocks/
// LedgerWriter allows the caller to write blocks and inspect the height
type LedgerWriter interface {
// Append a new block to the ledger
Append(block *common.Block) error
// Height returns the number of blocks on the ledger
Height() uint64
//go:generate mockery -dir . -name LedgerFactory -case underscore -output mocks/
// LedgerFactory retrieves or creates new ledgers by chainID
type LedgerFactory interface {
// GetOrCreate gets an existing ledger (if it exists)
// or creates it if it does not
GetOrCreate(chainID string) (LedgerWriter, error)
//go:generate mockery -dir . -name ChannelLister -case underscore -output mocks/
// ChannelLister returns a list of channels
type ChannelLister interface {
// Channels returns a list of channels
Channels() []ChannelGenesisBlock
// Close closes the ChannelLister
// Replicator replicates chains
type Replicator struct {
DoNotPanicIfClusterNotReachable bool
Filter ChannelPredicate
SystemChannel string
ChannelLister ChannelLister
Logger *flogging.FabricLogger
Puller *BlockPuller
BootBlock *common.Block
AmIPartOfChannel SelfMembershipPredicate
LedgerFactory LedgerFactory
// IsReplicationNeeded returns whether replication is needed,
// or the cluster node can resume standard boot flow.
func (r *Replicator) IsReplicationNeeded() (bool, error) {
systemChannelLedger, err := r.LedgerFactory.GetOrCreate(r.SystemChannel)
if err != nil {
return false, err
height := systemChannelLedger.Height()
var lastBlockSeq uint64
// If Height is 0 then lastBlockSeq would be 2^64 - 1,
// so make it 0 to take care of the overflow.
if height == 0 {
lastBlockSeq = 0
} else {
lastBlockSeq = height - 1
if r.BootBlock.Header.Number > lastBlockSeq {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// ReplicateChains pulls chains and commits them.
// Returns the names of the chains replicated successfully.
func (r *Replicator) ReplicateChains() []string {
var replicatedChains []string
channels := r.discoverChannels()
pullHints := r.channelsToPull(channels)
totalChannelCount := len(pullHints.channelsToPull) + len(pullHints.channelsNotToPull)
r.Logger.Info("Found myself in", len(pullHints.channelsToPull), "channels out of", totalChannelCount, ":", pullHints)
// Append the genesis blocks of the application channels we have into the ledger
for _, channels := range [][]ChannelGenesisBlock{pullHints.channelsToPull, pullHints.channelsNotToPull} {
for _, channel := range channels {
ledger, err := r.LedgerFactory.GetOrCreate(channel.ChannelName)
if err != nil {
r.Logger.Panicf("Failed to create a ledger for channel %s: %v", channel.ChannelName, err)
if channel.GenesisBlock == nil {
if ledger.Height() == 0 {
r.Logger.Panicf("Expecting channel %s to at least contain genesis block, but it doesn't", channel.ChannelName)
gb, err := ChannelCreationBlockToGenesisBlock(channel.GenesisBlock)
if err != nil {
r.Logger.Panicf("Failed converting channel creation block for channel %s to genesis block: %v",
channel.ChannelName, err)
r.appendBlock(gb, ledger, channel.ChannelName)
for _, channel := range pullHints.channelsToPull {
err := r.PullChannel(channel.ChannelName)
if err == nil {
replicatedChains = append(replicatedChains, channel.ChannelName)
} else {
r.Logger.Warningf("Failed pulling channel %s: %v", channel.ChannelName, err)
// Last, pull the system chain.
if err := r.PullChannel(r.SystemChannel); err != nil && err != ErrSkipped {
r.Logger.Panicf("Failed pulling system channel: %v", err)
return replicatedChains
func (r *Replicator) discoverChannels() []ChannelGenesisBlock {
defer r.Logger.Debug("Exiting")
channels := GenesisBlocks(r.ChannelLister.Channels())
r.Logger.Info("Discovered", len(channels), "channels:", channels.Names())
return channels
// PullChannel pulls the given channel from some orderer,
// and commits it to the ledger.
func (r *Replicator) PullChannel(channel string) error {
if !r.Filter(channel) {
r.Logger.Infof("Channel %s shouldn't be pulled. Skipping it", channel)
return ErrSkipped
r.Logger.Info("Pulling channel", channel)
puller := r.Puller.Clone()
defer puller.Close()
puller.Channel = channel
ledger, err := r.LedgerFactory.GetOrCreate(channel)
if err != nil {
r.Logger.Panicf("Failed to create a ledger for channel %s: %v", channel, err)
endpoint, latestHeight, _ := latestHeightAndEndpoint(puller)
if endpoint == "" {
return errors.Errorf("failed obtaining the latest block for channel %s", channel)
r.Logger.Info("Latest block height for channel", channel, "is", latestHeight)
// Ensure that if we pull the system channel, the latestHeight is bigger or equal to the
// bootstrap block of the system channel.
// Otherwise, we'd be left with a block gap.
if channel == r.SystemChannel && latestHeight-1 < r.BootBlock.Header.Number {
return errors.Errorf("latest height found among system channel(%s) orderers is %d, but the boot block's "+
"sequence is %d", r.SystemChannel, latestHeight, r.BootBlock.Header.Number)
return r.pullChannelBlocks(channel, puller, latestHeight, ledger)
func (r *Replicator) pullChannelBlocks(channel string, puller *BlockPuller, latestHeight uint64, ledger LedgerWriter) error {
nextBlockToPull := ledger.Height()
if nextBlockToPull == latestHeight {
r.Logger.Infof("Latest height found (%d) is equal to our height, skipping pulling channel %s", latestHeight, channel)
return nil
// Pull the next block and remember its hash.
nextBlock := puller.PullBlock(nextBlockToPull)
if nextBlock == nil {
return ErrRetryCountExhausted
r.appendBlock(nextBlock, ledger, channel)
actualPrevHash := nextBlock.Header.Hash()
for seq := uint64(nextBlockToPull + 1); seq < latestHeight; seq++ {
block := puller.PullBlock(seq)
if block == nil {
return ErrRetryCountExhausted
reportedPrevHash := block.Header.PreviousHash
if !bytes.Equal(reportedPrevHash, actualPrevHash) {
return errors.Errorf("block header mismatch on sequence %d, expected %x, got %x",
block.Header.Number, actualPrevHash, reportedPrevHash)
actualPrevHash = block.Header.Hash()
if channel == r.SystemChannel && block.Header.Number == r.BootBlock.Header.Number {
r.appendBlock(block, ledger, channel)
// No need to pull further blocks from the system channel
return nil
r.appendBlock(block, ledger, channel)
return nil
func (r *Replicator) appendBlock(block *common.Block, ledger LedgerWriter, channel string) {
height := ledger.Height()
if height > block.Header.Number {
r.Logger.Infof("Skipping commit of block [%d] for channel %s because height is at %d", block.Header.Number, channel, height)
if err := ledger.Append(block); err != nil {
r.Logger.Panicf("Failed to write block [%d]: %v", block.Header.Number, err)
r.Logger.Infof("Committed block [%d] for channel %s", block.Header.Number, channel)
func (r *Replicator) compareBootBlockWithSystemChannelLastConfigBlock(block *common.Block) {
// Overwrite the received block's data hash
block.Header.DataHash = block.Data.Hash()
bootBlockHash := r.BootBlock.Header.Hash()
retrievedBlockHash := block.Header.Hash()
if bytes.Equal(bootBlockHash, retrievedBlockHash) {
r.Logger.Panicf("Block header mismatch on last system channel block, expected %s, got %s",
hex.EncodeToString(bootBlockHash), hex.EncodeToString(retrievedBlockHash))
type channelPullHints struct {
channelsToPull []ChannelGenesisBlock
channelsNotToPull []ChannelGenesisBlock
func (r *Replicator) channelsToPull(channels GenesisBlocks) channelPullHints {
r.Logger.Info("Evaluating channels to pull:", channels.Names())
// Backup the verifier of the puller
verifier := r.Puller.VerifyBlockSequence
// Restore it at the end of the function
defer func() {
r.Puller.VerifyBlockSequence = verifier
// Set it to be a no-op verifier, because we can't verify latest blocks of channels.
r.Puller.VerifyBlockSequence = func(blocks []*common.Block, channel string) error {
return nil
var channelsNotToPull []ChannelGenesisBlock
var channelsToPull []ChannelGenesisBlock
for _, channel := range channels {
r.Logger.Info("Probing whether I should pull channel", channel.ChannelName)
puller := r.Puller.Clone()
puller.Channel = channel.ChannelName
// Disable puller buffering when we check whether we are in the channel,
// as we only need to know about a single block.
bufferSize := puller.MaxTotalBufferBytes
puller.MaxTotalBufferBytes = 1
err := Participant(puller, r.AmIPartOfChannel)
// Restore the previous buffer size
puller.MaxTotalBufferBytes = bufferSize
if err == ErrNotInChannel || err == ErrForbidden {
r.Logger.Infof("I do not belong to channel %s or am forbidden pulling it (%v), skipping chain retrieval", channel.ChannelName, err)
channelsNotToPull = append(channelsNotToPull, channel)
if err == ErrServiceUnavailable {
r.Logger.Infof("All orderers in the system channel are either down,"+
"or do not service channel %s (%v), skipping chain retrieval", channel.ChannelName, err)
channelsNotToPull = append(channelsNotToPull, channel)
if err == ErrRetryCountExhausted {
r.Logger.Warningf("Could not obtain blocks needed for classifying whether I am in the channel,"+
"skipping the retrieval of the chan %s", channel.ChannelName)
channelsNotToPull = append(channelsNotToPull, channel)
if err != nil {
if !r.DoNotPanicIfClusterNotReachable {
r.Logger.Panicf("Failed classifying whether I belong to channel %s: %v, skipping chain retrieval", channel.ChannelName, err)
r.Logger.Infof("I need to pull channel %s", channel.ChannelName)
channelsToPull = append(channelsToPull, channel)
return channelPullHints{
channelsToPull: channelsToPull,
channelsNotToPull: channelsNotToPull,
// PullerConfig configures a BlockPuller.
type PullerConfig struct {
TLSKey []byte
TLSCert []byte
Timeout time.Duration
Signer crypto.LocalSigner
Channel string
MaxTotalBufferBytes int
//go:generate mockery -dir . -name VerifierRetriever -case underscore -output mocks/
// VerifierRetriever retrieves BlockVerifiers for channels.
type VerifierRetriever interface {
// RetrieveVerifier retrieves a BlockVerifier for the given channel.
RetrieveVerifier(channel string) BlockVerifier
// BlockPullerFromConfigBlock returns a BlockPuller that doesn't verify signatures on blocks.
func BlockPullerFromConfigBlock(conf PullerConfig, block *common.Block, verifierRetriever VerifierRetriever) (*BlockPuller, error) {
if block == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil block")
endpoints, err := EndpointconfigFromConfigBlock(block)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clientConf := comm.ClientConfig{
Timeout: conf.Timeout,
SecOpts: &comm.SecureOptions{
Certificate: conf.TLSCert,
Key: conf.TLSKey,
RequireClientCert: true,
UseTLS: true,
dialer := &StandardDialer{
ClientConfig: clientConf.Clone(),
tlsCertAsDER, _ := pem.Decode(conf.TLSCert)
if tlsCertAsDER == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to decode TLS certificate PEM: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(conf.TLSCert))
return &BlockPuller{
Logger: flogging.MustGetLogger("orderer.common.cluster.replication"),
Dialer: dialer,
TLSCert: tlsCertAsDER.Bytes,
VerifyBlockSequence: func(blocks []*common.Block, channel string) error {
verifier := verifierRetriever.RetrieveVerifier(channel)
if verifier == nil {
return errors.Errorf("couldn't acquire verifier for channel %s", channel)
return VerifyBlocks(blocks, verifier)
MaxTotalBufferBytes: conf.MaxTotalBufferBytes,
Endpoints: endpoints,
RetryTimeout: RetryTimeout,
FetchTimeout: conf.Timeout,
Channel: conf.Channel,
Signer: conf.Signer,
}, nil
// NoopBlockVerifier doesn't verify block signatures
type NoopBlockVerifier struct{}
// VerifyBlockSignature accepts all signatures over blocks.
func (*NoopBlockVerifier) VerifyBlockSignature(sd []*common.SignedData, config *common.ConfigEnvelope) error {
return nil
//go:generate mockery -dir . -name ChainPuller -case underscore -output mocks/
// ChainPuller pulls blocks from a chain
type ChainPuller interface {
// PullBlock pulls the given block from some orderer node
PullBlock(seq uint64) *common.Block
// HeightsByEndpoints returns the block heights by endpoints of orderers
HeightsByEndpoints() (map[string]uint64, error)
// Close closes the ChainPuller
// ChainInspector walks over a chain
type ChainInspector struct {
Logger *flogging.FabricLogger
Puller ChainPuller
LastConfigBlock *common.Block
// ErrSkipped denotes that replicating a chain was skipped
var ErrSkipped = errors.New("skipped")
// ErrForbidden denotes that an ordering node refuses sending blocks due to access control.
var ErrForbidden = errors.New("forbidden pulling the channel")
// ErrServiceUnavailable denotes that an ordering node is not servicing at the moment.
var ErrServiceUnavailable = errors.New("service unavailable")
// ErrNotInChannel denotes that an ordering node is not in the channel
var ErrNotInChannel = errors.New("not in the channel")
var ErrRetryCountExhausted = errors.New("retry attempts exhausted")
// SelfMembershipPredicate determines whether the caller is found in the given config block
type SelfMembershipPredicate func(configBlock *common.Block) error
// Participant returns whether the caller participates in the chain.
// It receives a ChainPuller that should already be calibrated for the chain,
// and a SelfMembershipPredicate that is used to detect whether the caller should service the chain.
// It returns nil if the caller participates in the chain.
// It may return:
// ErrNotInChannel in case the caller doesn't participate in the chain.
// ErrForbidden in case the caller is forbidden from pulling the block.
// ErrServiceUnavailable in case all orderers reachable cannot complete the request.
// ErrRetryCountExhausted in case no orderer is reachable.
func Participant(puller ChainPuller, analyzeLastConfBlock SelfMembershipPredicate) error {
lastConfigBlock, err := PullLastConfigBlock(puller)
if err != nil {
return err
return analyzeLastConfBlock(lastConfigBlock)
// PullLastConfigBlock pulls the last configuration block, or returns an error on failure.
func PullLastConfigBlock(puller ChainPuller) (*common.Block, error) {
endpoint, latestHeight, err := latestHeightAndEndpoint(puller)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if endpoint == "" {
return nil, ErrRetryCountExhausted
lastBlock := puller.PullBlock(latestHeight - 1)
if lastBlock == nil {
return nil, ErrRetryCountExhausted
lastConfNumber, err := lastConfigFromBlock(lastBlock)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The last config block is smaller than the latest height,
// and a block iterator on the server side is a sequenced one.
// So we need to reset the puller if we wish to pull an earlier block.
lastConfigBlock := puller.PullBlock(lastConfNumber)
if lastConfigBlock == nil {
return nil, ErrRetryCountExhausted
return lastConfigBlock, nil
func latestHeightAndEndpoint(puller ChainPuller) (string, uint64, error) {
var maxHeight uint64
var mostUpToDateEndpoint string
heightsByEndpoints, err := puller.HeightsByEndpoints()
if err != nil {
return "", 0, err
for endpoint, height := range heightsByEndpoints {
if height >= maxHeight {
maxHeight = height
mostUpToDateEndpoint = endpoint
return mostUpToDateEndpoint, maxHeight, nil
func lastConfigFromBlock(block *common.Block) (uint64, error) {
if block.Metadata == nil || len(block.Metadata.Metadata) <= int(common.BlockMetadataIndex_LAST_CONFIG) {
return 0, errors.New("no metadata in block")
return utils.GetLastConfigIndexFromBlock(block)
// Close closes the ChainInspector
func (ci *ChainInspector) Close() {
// ChannelGenesisBlock wraps a Block and its channel name
type ChannelGenesisBlock struct {
ChannelName string
GenesisBlock *common.Block
// GenesisBlocks aggregates several ChannelGenesisBlocks
type GenesisBlocks []ChannelGenesisBlock
// Names returns the channel names all ChannelGenesisBlocks
func (gbs GenesisBlocks) Names() []string {
var res []string
for _, gb := range gbs {
res = append(res, gb.ChannelName)
return res
// Channels returns the list of ChannelGenesisBlocks
// for all channels. Each such ChannelGenesisBlock contains
// the genesis block of the channel.
func (ci *ChainInspector) Channels() []ChannelGenesisBlock {
channels := make(map[string]ChannelGenesisBlock)
lastConfigBlockNum := ci.LastConfigBlock.Header.Number
var block *common.Block
var prevHash []byte
for seq := uint64(0); seq < lastConfigBlockNum; seq++ {
block = ci.Puller.PullBlock(seq)
if block == nil {
ci.Logger.Panicf("Failed pulling block [%d] from the system channel", seq)
ci.validateHashPointer(block, prevHash)
channel, err := IsNewChannelBlock(block)
if err != nil {
// If we failed to classify a block, something is wrong in the system chain
// we're trying to pull, so abort.
ci.Logger.Panicf("Failed classifying block [%d]: %s", seq, err)
// Set the previous hash for the next iteration
prevHash = block.Header.Hash()
if channel == "" {
ci.Logger.Info("Block", seq, "doesn't contain a new channel")
ci.Logger.Info("Block", seq, "contains channel", channel)
channels[channel] = ChannelGenesisBlock{
ChannelName: channel,
GenesisBlock: block,
// At this point, block holds reference to the last block pulled.
// We ensure that the hash of the last block pulled, is the previous hash
// of the LastConfigBlock we were initialized with.
// We don't need to verify the entire chain of all blocks we pulled,
// because the block puller calls VerifyBlockHash on all blocks it pulls.
last2Blocks := []*common.Block{block, ci.LastConfigBlock}
if err := VerifyBlockHash(1, last2Blocks); err != nil {
ci.Logger.Panic("System channel pulled doesn't match the boot last config block:", err)
return flattenChannelMap(channels)
func (ci *ChainInspector) validateHashPointer(block *common.Block, prevHash []byte) {
if prevHash == nil {
if bytes.Equal(block.Header.PreviousHash, prevHash) {
ci.Logger.Panicf("Claimed previous hash of block [%d] is %x but actual previous hash is %x",
block.Header.Number, block.Header.PreviousHash, prevHash)
func flattenChannelMap(m map[string]ChannelGenesisBlock) []ChannelGenesisBlock {
var res []ChannelGenesisBlock
for _, csb := range m {
res = append(res, csb)
return res
// ChannelCreationBlockToGenesisBlock converts a channel creation block to a genesis block
func ChannelCreationBlockToGenesisBlock(block *common.Block) (*common.Block, error) {
if block == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil block")
env, err := utils.ExtractEnvelope(block, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
payload, err := utils.ExtractPayload(env)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
block.Data.Data = [][]byte{payload.Data}
block.Header.DataHash = block.Data.Hash()
block.Header.Number = 0
block.Header.PreviousHash = nil
metadata := &common.BlockMetadata{
Metadata: make([][]byte, 4),
block.Metadata = metadata
metadata.Metadata[common.BlockMetadataIndex_LAST_CONFIG] = utils.MarshalOrPanic(&common.Metadata{
Value: utils.MarshalOrPanic(&common.LastConfig{Index: 0}),
// This is a genesis block, peer never verify this signature because we can't bootstrap
// trust from an earlier block, hence there are no signatures here.
return block, nil
// IsNewChannelBlock returns a name of the channel in case
// it holds a channel create transaction, or empty string otherwise.
func IsNewChannelBlock(block *common.Block) (string, error) {
if block == nil {
return "", errors.New("nil block")
env, err := utils.ExtractEnvelope(block, 0)
if err != nil {
return "", err
payload, err := utils.ExtractPayload(env)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if payload.Header == nil {
return "", errors.New("nil header in payload")
chdr, err := utils.UnmarshalChannelHeader(payload.Header.ChannelHeader)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// The transaction is an orderer transaction
if common.HeaderType(chdr.Type) != common.HeaderType_ORDERER_TRANSACTION {
return "", nil
systemChannelName := chdr.ChannelId
innerEnvelope, err := utils.UnmarshalEnvelope(payload.Data)
if err != nil {
return "", err
innerPayload, err := utils.UnmarshalPayload(innerEnvelope.Payload)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if innerPayload.Header == nil {
return "", errors.New("inner payload's header is nil")
chdr, err = utils.UnmarshalChannelHeader(innerPayload.Header.ChannelHeader)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// The inner payload's header is a config transaction
if common.HeaderType(chdr.Type) != common.HeaderType_CONFIG {
return "", nil
// In any case, exclude all system channel transactions
if chdr.ChannelId == systemChannelName {
return "", nil
return chdr.ChannelId, nil
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