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package cluster
import (
// ConnByCertMap maps certificates represented as strings
// to gRPC connections
type ConnByCertMap map[string]*grpc.ClientConn
// Lookup looks up a certificate and returns the connection that was mapped
// to the certificate, and whether it was found or not
func (cbc ConnByCertMap) Lookup(cert []byte) (*grpc.ClientConn, bool) {
conn, ok := cbc[string(cert)]
return conn, ok
// Put associates the given connection to the certificate
func (cbc ConnByCertMap) Put(cert []byte, conn *grpc.ClientConn) {
cbc[string(cert)] = conn
// Remove removes the connection that is associated to the given certificate
func (cbc ConnByCertMap) Remove(cert []byte) {
delete(cbc, string(cert))
func (cbc ConnByCertMap) Size() int {
return len(cbc)
// MemberMapping defines NetworkMembers by their ID
type MemberMapping map[uint64]*Stub
// Put inserts the given stub to the MemberMapping
func (mp MemberMapping) Put(stub *Stub) {
mp[stub.ID] = stub
// ByID retrieves the Stub with the given ID from the MemberMapping
func (mp MemberMapping) ByID(ID uint64) *Stub {
return mp[ID]
// LookupByClientCert retrieves a Stub with the given client certificate
func (mp MemberMapping) LookupByClientCert(cert []byte) *Stub {
for _, stub := range mp {
if bytes.Equal(stub.ClientTLSCert, cert) {
return stub
return nil
// ServerCertificates returns a set of the server certificates
// represented as strings
func (mp MemberMapping) ServerCertificates() StringSet {
res := make(StringSet)
for _, member := range mp {
res[string(member.ServerTLSCert)] = struct{}{}
return res
// StringSet is a set of strings
type StringSet map[string]struct{}
// union adds the elements of the given set to the StringSet
func (ss StringSet) union(set StringSet) {
for k := range set {
ss[k] = struct{}{}
// subtract removes all elements in the given set from the StringSet
func (ss StringSet) subtract(set StringSet) {
for k := range set {
delete(ss, k)
// PredicateDialer creates gRPC connections
// that are only established if the given predicate
// is fulfilled
type PredicateDialer struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
func (dialer *PredicateDialer) UpdateRootCAs(serverRootCAs [][]byte) {
defer dialer.lock.Unlock()
dialer.ClientConfig.SecOpts.ServerRootCAs = serverRootCAs
// Dial creates a new gRPC connection that can only be established, if the remote node's
// certificate chain satisfy verifyFunc
func (dialer *PredicateDialer) Dial(address string, verifyFunc RemoteVerifier) (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
cfg := dialer.ClientConfig.Clone()
cfg.SecOpts.VerifyCertificate = verifyFunc
client, err := comm.NewGRPCClient(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
return client.NewConnection(address, "", func(tlsConfig *tls.Config) {
// We need to dynamically overwrite the TLS root CAs,
// as they may be updated.
serverRootCAs := dialer.ClientConfig.Clone().SecOpts.ServerRootCAs
tlsConfig.RootCAs = x509.NewCertPool()
for _, pem := range serverRootCAs {
// DERtoPEM returns a PEM representation of the DER
// encoded certificate
func DERtoPEM(der []byte) string {
return string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Bytes: der,
// StandardDialer wraps an AtomicClientConfig,
// and provides a means to connect according to given EndpointCriteria.
type StandardDialer struct {
// Dial dials an address according to the given EndpointCriteria
func (dialer *StandardDialer) Dial(endpointCriteria EndpointCriteria) (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
cfg := dialer.ClientConfig.Clone()
cfg.SecOpts.ServerRootCAs = endpointCriteria.TLSRootCAs
client, err := comm.NewGRPCClient(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed creating gRPC client")
return client.NewConnection(endpointCriteria.Endpoint, "")
//go:generate mockery -dir . -name BlockVerifier -case underscore -output ./mocks/
// BlockVerifier verifies block signatures.
type BlockVerifier interface {
// VerifyBlockSignature verifies a signature of a block.
// It has an optional argument of a configuration envelope
// which would make the block verification to use validation rules
// based on the given configuration in the ConfigEnvelope.
// If the config envelope passed is nil, then the validation rules used
// are the ones that were applied at commit of previous blocks.
VerifyBlockSignature(sd []*common.SignedData, config *common.ConfigEnvelope) error
// BlockSequenceVerifier verifies that the given consecutive sequence
// of blocks is valid.
type BlockSequenceVerifier func(blocks []*common.Block, channel string) error
// Dialer creates a gRPC connection to a remote address
type Dialer interface {
Dial(endpointCriteria EndpointCriteria) (*grpc.ClientConn, error)
// VerifyBlocks verifies the given consecutive sequence of blocks is valid,
// and returns nil if it's valid, else an error.
func VerifyBlocks(blockBuff []*common.Block, signatureVerifier BlockVerifier) error {
if len(blockBuff) == 0 {
return errors.New("buffer is empty")
// First, we verify that the block hash in every block is:
// Equal to the hash in the header
// Equal to the previous hash in the succeeding block
for i := range blockBuff {
if err := VerifyBlockHash(i, blockBuff); err != nil {
return err
var config *common.ConfigEnvelope
var isLastBlockConfigBlock bool
// Verify all configuration blocks that are found inside the block batch,
// with the configuration that was committed (nil) or with one that is picked up
// during iteration over the block batch.
for _, block := range blockBuff {
configFromBlock, err := ConfigFromBlock(block)
if err == errNotAConfig {
isLastBlockConfigBlock = false
if err != nil {
return err
// The block is a configuration block, so verify it
if err := VerifyBlockSignature(block, signatureVerifier, config); err != nil {
return err
config = configFromBlock
isLastBlockConfigBlock = true
// Verify the last block's signature
lastBlock := blockBuff[len(blockBuff)-1]
// If last block is a config block, we verified it using the policy of the previous block, so it's valid.
if isLastBlockConfigBlock {
return nil
return VerifyBlockSignature(lastBlock, signatureVerifier, config)
var errNotAConfig = errors.New("not a config block")
// ConfigFromBlock returns a ConfigEnvelope if exists, or a *NotAConfigBlock error.
// It may also return some other error in case parsing failed.
func ConfigFromBlock(block *common.Block) (*common.ConfigEnvelope, error) {
if block == nil || block.Data == nil || len(block.Data.Data) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("empty block")
txn := block.Data.Data[0]
env, err := utils.GetEnvelopeFromBlock(txn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
payload, err := utils.GetPayload(env)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
if block.Header.Number == 0 {
configEnvelope, err := configtx.UnmarshalConfigEnvelope(payload.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "invalid config envelope")
return configEnvelope, nil
if payload.Header == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil header in payload")
chdr, err := utils.UnmarshalChannelHeader(payload.Header.ChannelHeader)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
if common.HeaderType(chdr.Type) != common.HeaderType_CONFIG {
return nil, errNotAConfig
configEnvelope, err := configtx.UnmarshalConfigEnvelope(payload.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "invalid config envelope")
return configEnvelope, nil
// VerifyBlockHash verifies the hash chain of the block with the given index
// among the blocks of the given block buffer.
func VerifyBlockHash(indexInBuffer int, blockBuff []*common.Block) error {
if len(blockBuff) <= indexInBuffer {
return errors.Errorf("index %d out of bounds (total %d blocks)", indexInBuffer, len(blockBuff))
block := blockBuff[indexInBuffer]
if block.Header == nil {
return errors.New("missing block header")
seq := block.Header.Number
dataHash := block.Data.Hash()
// Verify data hash matches the hash in the header
if !bytes.Equal(dataHash, block.Header.DataHash) {
computedHash := hex.EncodeToString(dataHash)
claimedHash := hex.EncodeToString(block.Header.DataHash)
return errors.Errorf("computed hash of block (%d) (%s) doesn't match claimed hash (%s)",
seq, computedHash, claimedHash)
// We have a previous block in the buffer, ensure current block's previous hash matches the previous one.
if indexInBuffer > 0 {
prevBlock := blockBuff[indexInBuffer-1]
currSeq := block.Header.Number
if prevBlock.Header == nil {
return errors.New("previous block header is nil")
prevSeq := prevBlock.Header.Number
if prevSeq+1 != currSeq {
return errors.Errorf("sequences %d and %d were received consecutively", prevSeq, currSeq)
if !bytes.Equal(block.Header.PreviousHash, prevBlock.Header.Hash()) {
claimedPrevHash := hex.EncodeToString(block.Header.PreviousHash)
actualPrevHash := hex.EncodeToString(prevBlock.Header.Hash())
return errors.Errorf("block [%d]'s hash (%s) mismatches %d's prev block hash (%s)",
prevSeq, actualPrevHash, currSeq, claimedPrevHash)
return nil
// SignatureSetFromBlock creates a signature set out of a block.
func SignatureSetFromBlock(block *common.Block) ([]*common.SignedData, error) {
if block.Metadata == nil || len(block.Metadata.Metadata) <= int(common.BlockMetadataIndex_SIGNATURES) {
return nil, errors.New("no metadata in block")
metadata, err := utils.GetMetadataFromBlock(block, common.BlockMetadataIndex_SIGNATURES)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("failed unmarshaling medatata for signatures: %v", err)
var signatureSet []*common.SignedData
for _, metadataSignature := range metadata.Signatures {
sigHdr, err := utils.GetSignatureHeader(metadataSignature.SignatureHeader)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("failed unmarshaling signature header for block with id %d: %v",
block.Header.Number, err)
signatureSet = append(signatureSet,
Identity: sigHdr.Creator,
Data: util.ConcatenateBytes(metadata.Value,
metadataSignature.SignatureHeader, block.Header.Bytes()),
Signature: metadataSignature.Signature,
return signatureSet, nil
// VerifyBlockSignature verifies the signature on the block with the given BlockVerifier and the given config.
func VerifyBlockSignature(block *common.Block, verifier BlockVerifier, config *common.ConfigEnvelope) error {
signatureSet, err := SignatureSetFromBlock(block)
if err != nil {
return err
return verifier.VerifyBlockSignature(signatureSet, config)
// EndpointCriteria defines criteria of how to connect to a remote orderer node.
type EndpointCriteria struct {
Endpoint string // Endpoint of the form host:port
TLSRootCAs [][]byte // PEM encoded TLS root CA certificates
// EndpointconfigFromConfigBlock retrieves TLS CA certificates and endpoints
// from a config block.
func EndpointconfigFromConfigBlock(block *common.Block) ([]EndpointCriteria, error) {
if block == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil block")
envelopeConfig, err := utils.ExtractEnvelope(block, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bundle, err := channelconfig.NewBundleFromEnvelope(envelopeConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed extracting bundle from envelope")
msps, err := bundle.MSPManager().GetMSPs()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed obtaining MSPs from MSPManager")
ordererConfig, ok := bundle.OrdererConfig()
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("failed obtaining orderer config from bundle")
mspIDsToCACerts := make(map[string][][]byte)
var aggregatedTLSCerts [][]byte
for _, org := range ordererConfig.Organizations() {
// Validate that every orderer org has a corresponding MSP instance in the MSP Manager.
msp, exists := msps[org.MSPID()]
if !exists {
return nil, errors.Errorf("no MSP found for MSP with ID of %s", org.MSPID())
// Build a per org mapping of the TLS CA certs for this org,
// and aggregate all TLS CA certs into aggregatedTLSCerts to be used later on.
var caCerts [][]byte
caCerts = append(caCerts, msp.GetTLSIntermediateCerts()...)
caCerts = append(caCerts, msp.GetTLSRootCerts()...)
mspIDsToCACerts[org.MSPID()] = caCerts
aggregatedTLSCerts = append(aggregatedTLSCerts, caCerts...)
endpointsPerOrg := perOrgEndpoints(ordererConfig, mspIDsToCACerts)
if len(endpointsPerOrg) > 0 {
return endpointsPerOrg, nil
return globalEndpointsFromConfig(aggregatedTLSCerts, bundle), nil
func perOrgEndpoints(ordererConfig channelconfig.Orderer, mspIDsToCerts map[string][][]byte) []EndpointCriteria {
var endpointsPerOrg []EndpointCriteria
for _, org := range ordererConfig.Organizations() {
for _, endpoint := range org.Endpoints() {
endpointsPerOrg = append(endpointsPerOrg, EndpointCriteria{
TLSRootCAs: mspIDsToCerts[org.MSPID()],
Endpoint: endpoint,
return endpointsPerOrg
func globalEndpointsFromConfig(aggregatedTLSCerts [][]byte, bundle *channelconfig.Bundle) []EndpointCriteria {
var globalEndpoints []EndpointCriteria
for _, endpoint := range bundle.ChannelConfig().OrdererAddresses() {
globalEndpoints = append(globalEndpoints, EndpointCriteria{
Endpoint: endpoint,
TLSRootCAs: aggregatedTLSCerts,
return globalEndpoints
//go:generate mockery -dir . -name VerifierFactory -case underscore -output ./mocks/
// VerifierFactory creates BlockVerifiers.
type VerifierFactory interface {
// VerifierFromConfig creates a BlockVerifier from the given configuration.
VerifierFromConfig(configuration *common.ConfigEnvelope, channel string) (BlockVerifier, error)
// VerificationRegistry registers verifiers and retrieves them.
type VerificationRegistry struct {
LoadVerifier func(chain string) BlockVerifier
Logger *flogging.FabricLogger
VerifierFactory VerifierFactory
VerifiersByChannel map[string]BlockVerifier
// RegisterVerifier adds a verifier into the registry if applicable.
func (vr *VerificationRegistry) RegisterVerifier(chain string) {
if _, exists := vr.VerifiersByChannel[chain]; exists {
vr.Logger.Debugf("No need to register verifier for chain %s", chain)
v := vr.LoadVerifier(chain)
if v == nil {
vr.Logger.Errorf("Failed loading verifier for chain %s", chain)
vr.VerifiersByChannel[chain] = v
vr.Logger.Infof("Registered verifier for chain %s", chain)
// RetrieveVerifier returns a BlockVerifier for the given channel, or nil if not found.
func (vr *VerificationRegistry) RetrieveVerifier(channel string) BlockVerifier {
verifier, exists := vr.VerifiersByChannel[channel]
if exists {
return verifier
vr.Logger.Errorf("No verifier for channel %s exists", channel)
return nil
// BlockCommitted notifies the VerificationRegistry upon a block commit, which may
// trigger a registration of a verifier out of the block in case the block is a config block.
func (vr *VerificationRegistry) BlockCommitted(block *common.Block, channel string) {
conf, err := ConfigFromBlock(block)
// The block doesn't contain a config block, but is a valid block
if err == errNotAConfig {
vr.Logger.Debugf("Committed block [%d] for channel %s that is not a config block",
block.Header.Number, channel)
// The block isn't a valid block
if err != nil {
vr.Logger.Errorf("Failed parsing block of channel %s: %v, content: %s",
channel, err, BlockToString(block))
// The block contains a config block
verifier, err := vr.VerifierFactory.VerifierFromConfig(conf, channel)
if err != nil {
vr.Logger.Errorf("Failed creating a verifier from a config block for channel %s: %v, content: %s",
channel, err, BlockToString(block))
vr.VerifiersByChannel[channel] = verifier
vr.Logger.Debugf("Committed config block [%d] for channel %s", block.Header.Number, channel)
// BlockToString returns a string representation of this block.
func BlockToString(block *common.Block) string {
buff := &bytes.Buffer{}
protolator.DeepMarshalJSON(buff, block)
return buff.String()
// BlockCommitFunc signals a block commit.
type BlockCommitFunc func(block *common.Block, channel string)
// LedgerInterceptor intercepts block commits.
type LedgerInterceptor struct {
Channel string
InterceptBlockCommit BlockCommitFunc
// Append commits a block into the ledger, and also fires the configured callback.
func (interceptor *LedgerInterceptor) Append(block *common.Block) error {
defer interceptor.InterceptBlockCommit(block, interceptor.Channel)
return interceptor.LedgerWriter.Append(block)
// BlockVerifierAssembler creates a BlockVerifier out of a config envelope
type BlockVerifierAssembler struct {
Logger *flogging.FabricLogger
// VerifierFromConfig creates a BlockVerifier from the given configuration.
func (bva *BlockVerifierAssembler) VerifierFromConfig(configuration *common.ConfigEnvelope, channel string) (BlockVerifier, error) {
bundle, err := channelconfig.NewBundle(channel, configuration.Config)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed extracting bundle from envelope")
policyMgr := bundle.PolicyManager()
return &BlockValidationPolicyVerifier{
Logger: bva.Logger,
PolicyMgr: policyMgr,
Channel: channel,
}, nil
// BlockValidationPolicyVerifier verifies signatures based on the block validation policy.
type BlockValidationPolicyVerifier struct {
Logger *flogging.FabricLogger
Channel string
PolicyMgr policies.Manager
// VerifyBlockSignature verifies the signed data associated to a block, optionally with the given config envelope.
func (bv *BlockValidationPolicyVerifier) VerifyBlockSignature(sd []*common.SignedData, envelope *common.ConfigEnvelope) error {
policyMgr := bv.PolicyMgr
// If the envelope passed isn't nil, we should use a different policy manager.
if envelope != nil {
bundle, err := channelconfig.NewBundle(bv.Channel, envelope.Config)
if err != nil {
buff := &bytes.Buffer{}
protolator.DeepMarshalJSON(buff, envelope.Config)
bv.Logger.Errorf("Failed creating a new bundle for channel %s, Config content is: %s", bv.Channel, buff.String())
return err
bv.Logger.Infof("Initializing new PolicyManager for channel %s", bv.Channel)
policyMgr = bundle.PolicyManager()
policy, exists := policyMgr.GetPolicy(policies.BlockValidation)
if !exists {
return errors.Errorf("policy %s wasn't found", policies.BlockValidation)
return policy.Evaluate(sd)
//go:generate mockery -dir . -name BlockRetriever -case underscore -output ./mocks/
// BlockRetriever retrieves blocks
type BlockRetriever interface {
// Block returns a block with the given number,
// or nil if such a block doesn't exist.
Block(number uint64) *common.Block
// LastConfigBlock returns the last config block relative to the given block.
func LastConfigBlock(block *common.Block, blockRetriever BlockRetriever) (*common.Block, error) {
if block == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil block")
if blockRetriever == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil blockRetriever")
if block.Metadata == nil || len(block.Metadata.Metadata) <= int(common.BlockMetadataIndex_LAST_CONFIG) {
return nil, errors.New("no metadata in block")
lastConfigBlockNum, err := utils.GetLastConfigIndexFromBlock(block)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lastConfigBlock := blockRetriever.Block(lastConfigBlockNum)
if lastConfigBlock == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to retrieve last config block [%d]", lastConfigBlockNum)
return lastConfigBlock, nil
// StreamCountReporter reports the number of streams currently connected to this node
type StreamCountReporter struct {
Metrics *Metrics
count uint32
func (scr *StreamCountReporter) Increment() {
count := atomic.AddUint32(&scr.count, 1)
func (scr *StreamCountReporter) Decrement() {
count := atomic.AddUint32(&scr.count, ^uint32(0))
type certificateExpirationCheck struct {
minimumExpirationWarningInterval time.Duration
expiresAt time.Time
expirationWarningThreshold time.Duration
lastWarning time.Time
nodeName string
endpoint string
alert func(string, ...interface{})
func (exp *certificateExpirationCheck) checkExpiration(currentTime time.Time, channel string) {
timeLeft := exp.expiresAt.Sub(currentTime)
if timeLeft > exp.expirationWarningThreshold {
timeSinceLastWarning := currentTime.Sub(exp.lastWarning)
if timeSinceLastWarning < exp.minimumExpirationWarningInterval {
exp.alert("Certificate of %s from %s for channel %s expires in less than %v",
exp.nodeName, exp.endpoint, channel, timeLeft)
exp.lastWarning = currentTime
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