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credrequest.go 4.18 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package idemix
import (
// credRequestLabel is the label used in zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) to identify that this ZKP is a credential request
const credRequestLabel = "credRequest"
// Credential issuance is an interactive protocol between a user and an issuer
// The issuer takes its secret and public keys and user attribute values as input
// The user takes the issuer public key and user secret as input
// The issuance protocol consists of the following steps:
// 1) The issuer sends a random nonce to the user
// 2) The user creates a Credential Request using the public key of the issuer, user secret, and the nonce as input
// The request consists of a commitment to the user secret (can be seen as a public key) and a zero-knowledge proof
// of knowledge of the user secret key
// The user sends the credential request to the issuer
// 3) The issuer verifies the credential request by verifying the zero-knowledge proof
// If the request is valid, the issuer issues a credential to the user by signing the commitment to the secret key
// together with the attribute values and sends the credential back to the user
// 4) The user verifies the issuer's signature and stores the credential that consists of
// the signature value, a randomness used to create the signature, the user secret, and the attribute values
// NewCredRequest creates a new Credential Request, the first message of the interactive credential issuance protocol
// (from user to issuer)
func NewCredRequest(sk *FP256BN.BIG, IssuerNonce []byte, ipk *IssuerPublicKey, rng *amcl.RAND) *CredRequest {
// Set Nym as h_{sk}^{sk}
HSk := EcpFromProto(ipk.HSk)
Nym := HSk.Mul(sk)
// generate a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge (ZK PoK) of the secret key
// Sample the randomness needed for the proof
rSk := RandModOrder(rng)
// Step 1: First message (t-values)
t := HSk.Mul(rSk) // t = h_{sk}^{r_{sk}}, cover Nym
// Step 2: Compute the Fiat-Shamir hash, forming the challenge of the ZKP.
// proofData is the data being hashed, it consists of:
// the credential request label
// 3 elements of G1 each taking 2*FieldBytes+1 bytes
// hash of the issuer public key of length FieldBytes
// issuer nonce of length FieldBytes
proofData := make([]byte, len([]byte(credRequestLabel))+3*(2*FieldBytes+1)+2*FieldBytes)
index := 0
index = appendBytesString(proofData, index, credRequestLabel)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, t)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, HSk)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, Nym)
index = appendBytes(proofData, index, IssuerNonce)
copy(proofData[index:], ipk.Hash)
proofC := HashModOrder(proofData)
// Step 3: reply to the challenge message (s-values)
proofS := Modadd(FP256BN.Modmul(proofC, sk, GroupOrder), rSk, GroupOrder) // s = r_{sk} + C \cdot sk
// Done
return &CredRequest{
Nym: EcpToProto(Nym),
IssuerNonce: IssuerNonce,
ProofC: BigToBytes(proofC),
ProofS: BigToBytes(proofS)}
// Check cryptographically verifies the credential request
func (m *CredRequest) Check(ipk *IssuerPublicKey) error {
Nym := EcpFromProto(m.GetNym())
IssuerNonce := m.GetIssuerNonce()
ProofC := FP256BN.FromBytes(m.GetProofC())
ProofS := FP256BN.FromBytes(m.GetProofS())
HSk := EcpFromProto(ipk.HSk)
if Nym == nil || IssuerNonce == nil || ProofC == nil || ProofS == nil {
return errors.Errorf("one of the proof values is undefined")
// Verify Proof
// Recompute t-values using s-values
t := HSk.Mul(ProofS)
t.Sub(Nym.Mul(ProofC)) // t = h_{sk}^s / Nym^C
// Recompute challenge
proofData := make([]byte, len([]byte(credRequestLabel))+3*(2*FieldBytes+1)+2*FieldBytes)
index := 0
index = appendBytesString(proofData, index, credRequestLabel)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, t)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, HSk)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, Nym)
index = appendBytes(proofData, index, IssuerNonce)
copy(proofData[index:], ipk.Hash)
if *ProofC != *HashModOrder(proofData) {
return errors.Errorf("zero knowledge proof is invalid")
return nil
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