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status.go 6.89 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package context
import (
type (
// Status is the package type, location, and presence indicators.
Status struct {
Type StatusType // program, package
Location StatusLocation // vendor, local, external, stdlib
Presence StatusPresence // missing, unused, tree, excluded
Not bool // Not indicates boolean operation "not" on above.
StatusType byte // StatusType is main or not-main.
StatusLocation byte // StatusLocation is where the package is.
StatusPresence byte // StatusPresence is if it can be found or referenced.
// StatusGroup is the logical filter for status with "and", "not", and grouping.
StatusGroup struct {
Status []Status
Group []StatusGroup
And bool
Not bool
func (s Status) String() string {
t := ' '
l := ' '
p := ' '
not := ""
if s.Not {
not = "!"
switch s.Type {
panic("Unknown Type type")
case TypeUnknown:
t = '_'
case TypePackage:
t = ' '
case TypeProgram:
t = 'p'
switch s.Location {
panic("Unkown Location type")
case LocationUnknown:
l = '_'
case LocationNotFound:
l = ' '
case LocationLocal:
l = 'l'
case LocationExternal:
l = 'e'
case LocationVendor:
l = 'v'
case LocationStandard:
l = 's'
switch s.Presence {
panic("Unknown Presence type")
case PresenceUnknown:
p = '_'
case PresenceFound:
p = ' '
case PresenceMissing:
p = 'm'
case PresenceUnused:
p = 'u'
case PresenceTree:
p = 't'
case PresenceExcluded:
p = 'x'
return not + string(t) + string(l) + string(p)
func (sg StatusGroup) String() string {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if sg.And {
} else {
for i, s := range sg.Status {
if i != 0 {
if len(sg.Status) > 0 && len(sg.Group) > 0 {
for i, ssg := range sg.Group {
if i != 0 {
return buf.String()
func (pkgSt Status) Match(filterSt Status) bool {
// not: true, pkg: A, filter: B
// true == (A == B) -> true == false -> false
// not: false, pkg: A, filter: B
// false == (A == B) -> false == false -> true
// not: true, pkg: A, filter: A
// true == (A == A) -> true == true) -> true
// not: false, pkg: A, filter: A
// false == (A == A) -> false == true -> false
if filterSt.Location != LocationUnknown && filterSt.Not == (pkgSt.Location == filterSt.Location) {
return false
if filterSt.Type != TypeUnknown && filterSt.Not == (pkgSt.Type == filterSt.Type) {
return false
if filterSt.Presence != PresenceUnknown && filterSt.Not == (pkgSt.Presence == filterSt.Presence) {
return false
return true
func (status Status) MatchGroup(filter StatusGroup) bool {
or := !filter.And
for _, fs := range filter.Status {
if status.Match(fs) == or {
return or != filter.Not
for _, fg := range filter.Group {
if status.MatchGroup(fg) == or {
return or != filter.Not
return filter.And
const (
TypeUnknown StatusType = iota // TypeUnknown is unset StatusType.
TypePackage // TypePackage package is a non-main package.
TypeProgram // TypeProgram package is a main package.
const (
LocationUnknown StatusLocation = iota // LocationUnknown is unset StatusLocation.
LocationNotFound // LocationNotFound package is not to be found (use PresenceMissing).
LocationStandard // LocationStandard package is in the standard library.
LocationLocal // LocationLocal package is in a project, not in a vendor folder.
LocationExternal // LocationExternal package is not in a project, in GOPATH.
LocationVendor // LocationVendor package is in a vendor folder.
const (
PresenceUnknown StatusPresence = iota // PresenceUnknown is unset StatusPresence.
PresenceFound // PresenceFound package exists.
PresenceMissing // PresenceMissing package is referenced but not found.
PresenceUnused // PresenceUnused package is found locally but not referenced.
PresenceTree // PresenceTree package is in vendor folder, in a tree, but not referenced.
PresenceExcluded // PresenceExcluded package exists, but should not be vendored.
// ListItem represents a package in the current project.
type StatusItem struct {
Status Status
Pkg *pkgspec.Pkg
VersionExact string
Local string
ImportedBy []*Package
func (li StatusItem) String() string {
if li.Local == li.Pkg.Path {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s < %q", li.Status, li.Pkg.Path, li.ImportedBy)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s [%s] < %q", li.Status, li.Local, li.Pkg.Path, li.ImportedBy)
type statusItemSort []StatusItem
func (li statusItemSort) Len() int { return len(li) }
func (li statusItemSort) Swap(i, j int) { li[i], li[j] = li[j], li[i] }
func (li statusItemSort) Less(i, j int) bool {
if li[i].Status.Location != li[j].Status.Location {
return li[i].Status.Location > li[j].Status.Location
return li[i].Local < li[j].Local
// Status obtains the current package status list.
func (ctx *Context) updateStatusCache() error {
var err error
if !ctx.loaded || ctx.dirty {
err = ctx.loadPackage()
if err != nil {
return err
list := make([]StatusItem, 0, len(ctx.Package))
for _, pkg := range ctx.Package {
version := ""
versionExact := ""
if vp := ctx.VendorFilePackagePath(pkg.Path); vp != nil {
version = vp.Version
versionExact = vp.VersionExact
origin := ""
if pkg.Origin != pkg.Path {
origin = pkg.Origin
if len(pkg.Origin) == 0 && pkg.Path != pkg.Local {
origin = pkg.Local
li := StatusItem{
Status: pkg.Status,
Pkg: &pkgspec.Pkg{Path: pkg.Path, IncludeTree: pkg.IncludeTree, Origin: origin, Version: version},
Local: pkg.Local,
VersionExact: versionExact,
ImportedBy: make([]*Package, 0, len(pkg.referenced)),
for _, ref := range pkg.referenced {
li.ImportedBy = append(li.ImportedBy, ref)
list = append(list, li)
// Sort li by Status, then Path.
ctx.statusCache = list
return nil
// Status obtains the current package status list.
func (ctx *Context) Status() ([]StatusItem, error) {
var err error
if !ctx.loaded || ctx.dirty {
err = ctx.loadPackage()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ctx.statusCache == nil {
err = ctx.updateStatusCache()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ctx.statusCache, nil
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