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sre.go 3.91 KB
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yzsunjianguo authored 2023-09-19 21:35 . init
package circuitbreaker
import (
// Option is sre breaker option function.
type Option func(*options)
const (
// StateOpen when circuit breaker open, request not allowed, after sleep
// some duration, allow one single request for testing the health, if ok
// then state reset to closed, if not continue the step.
StateOpen int32 = iota
// StateClosed when circuit breaker closed, request allowed, the breaker
// calc the succeed ratio, if request num greater request setting and
// ratio lower than the setting ratio, then reset state to open.
var (
_ CircuitBreaker = &Breaker{}
// options is a breaker options.
type options struct {
success float64
request int64
bucket int
window time.Duration
// WithSuccess with the K = 1 / Success value of sre breaker, default success is 0.5
// Reducing the K will make adaptive throttling behave more aggressively,
// Increasing the K will make adaptive throttling behave less aggressively.
func WithSuccess(s float64) Option {
return func(c *options) {
c.success = s
// WithRequest with the minimum number of requests allowed.
func WithRequest(r int64) Option {
return func(c *options) {
c.request = r
// WithWindow with the duration size of the statistical window.
func WithWindow(d time.Duration) Option {
return func(c *options) {
c.window = d
// WithBucket set the bucket number in a window duration.
func WithBucket(b int) Option {
return func(c *options) {
c.bucket = b
// Breaker is a sre CircuitBreaker pattern.
type Breaker struct {
stat window.RollingCounter
r *rand.Rand
// rand.New(...) returns a non thread safe object
randLock sync.Mutex
// Reducing the k will make adaptive throttling behave more aggressively,
// Increasing the k will make adaptive throttling behave less aggressively.
k float64
request int64
state int32
// NewBreaker return a sreBresker with options
func NewBreaker(opts ...Option) CircuitBreaker {
opt := options{
success: 0.6,
request: 100,
bucket: 10,
window: 3 * time.Second,
for _, o := range opts {
counterOpts := window.RollingCounterOpts{
Size: opt.bucket,
BucketDuration: time.Duration(int64(opt.window) / int64(opt.bucket)),
stat := window.NewRollingCounter(counterOpts)
return &Breaker{
stat: stat,
r: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),
request: opt.request,
k: 1 / opt.success,
state: StateClosed,
func (b *Breaker) summary() (success int64, total int64) {
b.stat.Reduce(func(iterator window.Iterator) float64 {
for iterator.Next() {
bucket := iterator.Bucket()
total += bucket.Count
for _, p := range bucket.Points {
success += int64(p)
return 0
return //nolint
// Allow request if error returns nil.
func (b *Breaker) Allow() error {
// The number of requests accepted by the backend
accepts, total := b.summary()
// The number of requests attempted by the application layer(at the client, on top of the adaptive throttling system)
requests := b.k * float64(accepts)
// check overflow requests = K * accepts
if total < b.request || float64(total) < requests {
atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&b.state, StateOpen, StateClosed)
return nil
atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&b.state, StateClosed, StateOpen)
dr := math.Max(0, (float64(total)-requests)/float64(total+1))
drop := b.trueOnProba(dr)
if drop {
return ErrNotAllowed
return nil
// MarkSuccess mark requeest is success.
func (b *Breaker) MarkSuccess() {
// MarkFailed mark request is failed.
func (b *Breaker) MarkFailed() {
// NOTE: when client reject request locally, keep adding counter let the drop ratio higher.
func (b *Breaker) trueOnProba(proba float64) (truth bool) {
truth = b.r.Float64() < proba
return truth
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