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kerrydu / kgitee

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kerrydu 提交于 2024-02-09 17:42 . added packages


​ list/install Stata packages in gitee.com/kerrydu

  • 安装方法
net install kgitee, from(https://gitee.com/kerrydu/kgitee/raw/master) replace
  • 使用方法




    kgitee pkgname, [replace force]

​ 其中,pkgname为kgitee显示的程序包名称,replace和force是可选的选项。

  • 致谢

    kgitee所提供的程序是国家自然科学基金项目(编号:72074184 和 71603148)开展过程中所开发的,我们对国家自然科学基金委的资助表示感谢。在此,我们也感谢读者对程序bugs的反馈和建议。

  • 目前提供的命令:

    1. kgitee: list/install Stata packages in gitee.com/kerrydu
    2. gitee: Install Stata package in Gitee
    3. xtplfc: Stata module to estimate partially linear functional-coefficient panel data models
    4. mepi: Malmquist Energy Productivity Index in Stata
    5. gtfpch: Total Factor Productivity with Undesirable Outputs in Stata
    6. malmq2: Malmquist Productivity index in Stata
    7. sbmeff: Slacks-based Measure of Efficiency in Stata
    8. ddfeff: Directional Distance Function for Efficiency/Productivity Analysis in Stata
    9. installpkg: install Stata packages from zipfiles or pkgfiles in directory
    10. txls: transform excel xls/xlsx files
    11. xlstocsv: convert excel xls/xlsx files to csv files
    12. calk: Calculate capital stock by the perpetual inventory method
    13. calrgdp: Calculate real GDP
    14. segmindex: Estimate regional market segmentation index
    15. permute2: Simulation of estimating treatment effect by randomly matching treatment policy with individuals
    16. placebotest: placebosim for unblanced panel data
    17. dflp: Estimating input/output/directional distance using LP techniques
    18. updatecmd: an automatic routine to update user-written package
    19. deadual: SBM/NDDF dual models
    20. sopen: open anything with Stata
    21. mwithdistance: merge data within given distance
    22. xtsfsp: Fitting Spatial Panel SF models in STATA
    23. hanoitower: Play Tower of Hanoi in Stata
    24. sdsfe: Spatial Durbin stochastic frontier model with endogeneous variables
    25. spsfe: Spatial autoregressive stochastic frontier model with endogeneous variables
    26. efficiencybook: Installing packages for efficiencybook
    27. labone: labels the variables using the contents from the specified rows in the data
    28. lmdi: Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) Decomposition
    29. translog: creates new variables for a translog function
    30. reshape3: converts data from wide to long and vice-versa
    31. psecta: logt test and Club convergence clustering (logtreg/psecta)

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