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ByteBuf.h 2.09 KB
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beykery authored 2014-03-03 16:58 . 修改utf8的内容
* File: ByteBuf.h
* Author: beykery
* Created on 2013年12月31日, 上午10:34
#ifndef BYTEBUF_H
#define BYTEBUF_H
class ByteBuf {
ByteBuf(int len);
virtual ~ByteBuf();
int Capacity();
* 扩展容量
* @param newCapacity
* @return
ByteBuf* Capacity(int newCapacity);
int ReaderIndex();
ByteBuf* ReaderIndex(int readerIndex);
int WriterIndex();
ByteBuf* WriterIndex(int writerIndex);
ByteBuf* SetIndex(int readerIndex, int writerIndex);
int ReadableBytes();
int WritableBytes();
int MaxWritableBytes();
const ByteBuf* Clear();
ByteBuf* MarkReaderIndex();
ByteBuf* ResetReaderIndex();
ByteBuf* MarkWriterIndex();
ByteBuf* ResetWriterIndex();
bool GetBoolean(int index);
char GetByte(int index);
short GetShort(int index);
int GetInt(int index);
long GetLong(int index);
float GetFloat(int index);
ByteBuf* SetBoolean(int index, bool value);
ByteBuf* SetByte(int index, char value);
ByteBuf* SetShort(int index, short value);
ByteBuf* SetInt(int index, int value);
ByteBuf* SetLong(int index, long value);
ByteBuf* SetFloat(int index, float value);
ByteBuf* SetBytes(int index, char* src, int len);
bool ReadBool();
char ReadByte();
short ReadShort();
int ReadInt();
long ReadLong();
float ReadFloat();
char* ReadUTF8();
ByteBuf* SkipBytes(int length);
ByteBuf* WriteBoolean(bool value);
ByteBuf* WriteByte(char value);
ByteBuf* WriteShort(short value);
ByteBuf* WriteInt(int value);
ByteBuf* WriteLong(long value);
ByteBuf* WriteFloat(float value);
ByteBuf* WriteBytes(ByteBuf* in);
ByteBuf* WriteUTF8(char* value);
const ByteBuf* Copy();
char* GetRaw();
static wchar_t* UTF82Unicode(char* utf8);
static char* Unicode2UTF8(wchar_t* uni);
char* data; //数据
int len; //长度,可扩展长度
int readerIndex; //读指针
int writerIndex; //写指针
int markReader; //读指针标记
int markWriter; //写指针标记
#endif /* BYTEBUF_H */
