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yadong.zhang authored 2021-11-29 23:16 . Merge branch 'dev'


v1.0.6 (2021-11-02)

  • feat: 正式支持 LDAP 中用户的登录认证
  • fix: 重构发布快照流水线。 (Github PR #15)
  • fix: Github PR #16
  • fix: Gitee Issue #I4FGZ1
  • change: 修改 JapUserService 接口中的 createAndGetHttpApiUser 方法名使其更符合语义。 (Github PR #13)
  • change: 为 AbstractJapStrategy 的子类增加构造函数,支持自定义 JapUserStore。(Gitee Issue #I4BHBJ
  • change: [jap-ids] 将 AccessToken 中的 LocalDateTime 改为 Date
  • change: 升级 hutool 的版本为 5.7.14
  • change: 升级 JustAuth 的版本为 1.16.5
  • change: 更新了一些错误的文案

  • feat: Support LDAP.
  • fix: Github PR #15
  • fix: Github PR #16
  • fix: Gitee Issue #I4FGZ1
  • change: optimize JapUserService interface to fix jap-http-api module. (Github PR #13)
  • change: Add a constructor for subclasses of AbstractJapStrategy, support custom JapUserStore. (Gitee Issue #I4BHBJ)
  • change: [jap-ids] Change the LocalDateTime in AccessToken to Date
  • change: Upgrade hutool to 5.7.14
  • change: Upgrade JustAuth to 1.16.5

v1.0.5 (2021-09-23)

  • feat: Add jap-http-api module. (Gitee Issue #I43ZS7)
  • feat: Add jap-ids-web module. Package the filter of ids as a separate component.
  • feat: add HTTP servlet adapter to decouple jakarta servlets. Note [1]
  • feat: [jap-social] Support to bind the account of the third-party platform. (Gitee Issue #I46J6W)
  • change: [jap-ids] scope changed to optional.
  • change: [jap-sso] Upgrade kisso to 3.7.7, Solve the vulnerability of jackson.
  • change: [jap-mfa] Upgrade googleauth to 1.5.0, Solve the vulnerability of apache httpclient.
  • change: Replace the theme of the document site https://justauth.plus to solve the problem of the soaring memory of the document site. (Gitee Issue I4958H | Github Issue 8)
  • change: Upgrade simple-http to 1.0.5.
  • change: Upgrade JustAuth to 1.16.4.
  • change: Optimize code.

Note [1]:

In versions prior to version 1.0.5 of jap, rely on the HttpServletRequest, Cookie, HttpServletResponse, and HttpSession under the javax.servlet.http package in jakarta-servlet, such as:

// Interface provided by jap
public interface JapStrategy {
  default JapResponse authenticate(AuthenticateConfig config, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    return null;
// Use jap in spring framework

In order to improve the adaptability of the framework, since version 1.0.5, JAP removed the dependency of jakarta-servlet and adopted a new set of interfaces (reference: jap-http ).

The developer needs to adapt the original request when calling the JAP interface.

For example, if the developer uses jakarta-servlet, then the HttpServletRequest needs to be adapted:

// Use 1.0.5 or higher version of jap in spring framework
XxJapStrategy.authenticate(config,new JakartaRequestAdapter(request),new JakartaResponseAdapter(response));

  • feat: 增加 jap-http-api 模块。 (Gitee Issue #I43ZS7)
  • feat: 增加 jap-ids-web 模块。 将 jap-ids 的过滤器打包为一个单独的组件。
  • feat: 添加 HTTP servlet 适配器以解耦 jakarta servlet。注[1]
  • feat: [jap-social] 支持绑定第三方平台账号,该版本将社会化登录和绑定账号独立开来,以使其更加使用与多场景。 (Gitee Issue #I46J6W)
  • change: [jap-ids] scope 在各个流程中都更改为可选,遵循 RFC6749 规范。
  • change: [jap-sso] 升级 kisso 的版本为 3.7.7, 解决 jackson 的漏洞
  • change: [jap-mfa] 升级 googleauth 的版本为 1.5.0, 解决 apache httpclient 的漏洞
  • change: 替换文档站主题 https://justauth.plus,解决文档站内存暴涨的问题。(Gitee Issue #I4958H | Github Issue #8
  • change: 升级 simple-http 的版本为 1.0.5.
  • change: 升级 JustAuth 的版本为 1.16.4.
  • change: 优化代码,添加 package-info。


在 1.0.5 以前版本,jap 中依赖 jakarta-servletjavax.servlet.http 包下的 HttpServletRequestCookieHttpServletResponseHttpSession,比如:

// jap 提供的接口
public interface JapStrategy {
  default JapResponse authenticate(AuthenticateConfig config, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    return null;
// 在spring框架中使用 jap

为了提高框架适配性,自 1.0.5 版本开始,JAP 去掉了 jakarta-servlet 依赖,采用了一套全新的接口(参考:jap-http),开发者在调用 JAP 接口时需要对原 request 进行适配。

比如,开发者使用了 jakarta-servlet,那么需要对 HttpServletRequest 进行适配处理:

// 在spring框架中使用 1.0.5 或更高级版本的 jap
XxJapStrategy.authenticate(config,new JakartaRequestAdapter(request),new JakartaResponseAdapter(response));

v1.0.4 (2021-08-15)

  • fix: [jap-ids] Support to generate custom token. (Gitee#I3U1ON)
  • fix: [jap-ids] Support custom verification of client_secret, such as: BCrypt, etc. ( Gitee#I44032)
  • feat: [jap-ids] When IdsConfig#enableDynamicIssuer is true, custom context-path is supported.
  • fix: [jap-ids] Solve the problem of "After refreshing the token, the user information cannot be obtained with the new access token". (#I3XHTK)
  • feat: [jap-oauth2] Oauth2Strategy supports the following methods: refreshToken, revokeToken, getUserInfo
  • fix: [jap-social] Cannot customize JapCache and AuthStateCache of SocialStrategy at the same time. ( Github#6)
  • fix: [jap-core] fix npe bug. (Github#5)
  • doc: change the template of issue and PR

  • fix: [jap-ids] 支持生成自定义 token(包含 access_token 和 refresh_token)。 ( Gitee#I3U1ON)
  • fix: [jap-ids] 支持自定义验证 client_secret,适配多种场景,如:BCrypt 等。 ( Gitee#I44032)
  • feat: [jap-ids] 当启用 IdsConfig#enableDynamicIssuer 时,支持自定义 context-path
  • fix: [jap-ids] 解决“刷新token后,用新的access_token无法获取用户信息”问题。 (Gitee#I3XHTK)
  • feat: [jap-oauth2] Oauth2Strategy 支持使用以下方法: refreshTokenrevokeTokengetUserInfo
  • fix: [jap-social] 无法同时自定义SocialStrategyJapCache and AuthStateCache.( Github#6)
  • fix: [jap-core] 修复 userId 为空时 NPE 异常. (Github#5)
  • doc: 更改 issue 和 pr 的模板

v1.0.3 (2021-07-28)

  • (fix): a bug of JwkUtil
  • (fix): cannot refresh token
  • (pr): Merge Gitee PR #16 by @lowis
  • (issue): Fix Gitee #I3YWTD
  • Upgrade justauth to 1.16.2

v1.0.2 (2021-05-24)

New features

  • jap-ids

    • Add the enableDynamicIssuer in IdsConfig. When enableDynamicIssuer=true, jap ids will automatically extract issuer from the currently requested domain name.
    • Add the loginPageUrl in IdsConfig:
      • loginPageUrl: login form page url
      • loginUrl: The api url for login
    • Add the externalLoginPageUrl in IdsConfig. when the login page is not provided by an authorized service (the login page is hosted by other services), you need to enable this configuration.
    • Add the externalConfirmPageUrl in IdsConfig. When the authorization confirmation page is not provided by an authorized service (the authorization confirmation page is hosted by other services), you need to enable this configuration.
    • Add the authorizeAutoApproveUrl in IdsConfig. When the authorize url contains autoapprove=true, it will not jump to the confirmPageUrl, but will jump directly to the authorizeAutoApproveUrl.
    • Add some scopes, such as profile, address, read and write.
    • Add the uid in the OauthUtil#createAuthorizeUrl(String, IdsRequestParam).
    • Add the IdsUserStoreService interface to support custom operations on user data after login.
    • Add the IdsPipeline interface, developers can customize the process, currently only supports the process of customizing IdsxxFilter and LoginEndpoint.
    • Add SPI plugin mechanism
  • jap-social

    • SocialStrategy provides methods of refreshToken, revokeToken, and getUserInfo


  • jap

    • javax.servlet-api -> jakarta.servlet-api
  • jap-ids

    • Modify IdsConfig.confirmUrl to confirmPageUrl.
    • Modify the return value of ApprovalEndpoint#getAuthClientInfo(HttpServletRequest) to IdsResponse<String, Map<String, Object>>.
    • Modify the return value of Ap provalEndpoint#authorize(HttpServletRequest) to IdsResponse<String, String>.
    • Modify the return value of AuthorizationEndpoint#agree(HttpServletRequest) to IdsResponse<String, String>.
    • Modify the return value of LoginEndpoint#signin(HttpServletRequest) to IdsResponse<String, String>.
    • Modify the return value of LogoutEndpoint#logout(HttpServletRequest) to IdsResponse<String, String>.
    • Modify the comment content of ClientDetail.
    • Modify the return type of IdsResponse#getData() to the specified generic.
    • Remove IdsScopeProvider#initScopes(List<IdsScope>).
    • When response_type=id_token, the resulting Claims are returned in the ID Token.
    • Optimize the process of UserInfoEndpoint#getCurrentUserInfo(HttpServletRequest), Response UserInfo Claims using Scope Values.
    • Modify the loginByUsernameAndPassword and getByName methods of the IdsUserService interface, and add the clientId parameter, which can be used to distinguish multi-tenant scenarios




New features

  • Add com.fujieid.jap.core.util.RequestUtil
  • Complete the development of the jap-ids module, and provide oauth services externally based on jap-ids
    • Supported features
      • Authorization Code Grant
      • Proof Key for Code Exchange
      • Implicit Grant
      • Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant
      • Client Credentials Grant
      • Refresh access token
      • Revoke access token
      • Get the currently authorized user
      • Verify login status
      • Abnormal prompt
      • Sign out
      • OpenID Connect Discovery
      • JWK Endpoint
      • Custom jwt encryption and decryption certificate
      • Support multiple response types, such as: code, token, id token, id token token, code id token , code token, code id token token
      • ...

For more details about the use of jap-ids, please refer to the sample project: jap-ids-demo, or refer to the document: IDS OAuth 2.0 服务端


  • [jap-oidc] Optimize the OidcStrategy#authenticate method, cache the OidcDiscoveryDto, and reduce unnecessary http requests
  • [jap-oidc] Optimize the code of OidcUtil, fix known bugs
  • [jap-social] fix known bugs
  • Refactor com.fujieid.jap.core.cache.JapLocalCache, implement timer manually, clean local cache regularly





  • Fix the description error in JapErrorCode
  • Improve the JapTokenHelper


  • Merge Gitee PR #8



New features

  • Add JapErrorCode enumeration class to manage exception codes and exception prompts
  • Add JapResponse class to standardize interface return content
  • Add JapTokenHelper class to manage user tokens uniformly
  • Add JapContext class to maintain jap context information
  • Add JapAuthentication class, unified management of login status information and jap context information


  • Package structure
    • Move AuthenticateConfig, JapConfig to com.fujieid.jap.core.config package
    • Move JapUtil to com.fujieid.jap.core.util package
  • delete
    • Delete JapCacheContextHolder
    • Delete JapUserStoreContextHolder
  • Code
    • Refactored AbstractJapStrategy, introduced JapContext and JapAuthentication classes
    • Refactor the JapConfig class, only retain the sso and ssoConfig attributes, and add the tokenExpireTime and cacheExpireTime attributes at the same time
    • Modify the default validity period of the cache in JapCacheConfig to 7 days
    • Modify the default content in the JapUserService interface class
    • Add the void remove key( string key) method to JapCache
    • Add errorCode and errorMessage attributes in JapException to facilitate the processing of exception information into unified format return data
    • Add the token attribute to JapUser, and the jap token will be automatically returned after login
    • In the JapStrategy interface, the return type of the authenticate method is changed to JapResponse, and the strategy methods of all modules return data in a unified format
    • Mark the redirect method with @Deprecated in the JapUtil class, and it may be deleted in the future. At the same time add the createToken method


  • Modify the authenticate method of Oauth2Strategy to return JapResponse


  • Modify the authenticate method of OidcStrategy to return JapResponse


  • Modify the authenticate method of SimpleStrategy to return JapResponse


  • Modify the authenticate method of SocialStrategy to return JapResponse


  • Modify the return value of the JapSsoHelper#login method to the jap token of the current user
  • Add JapSsoUtil
  • In the japSsoConfig class, delete the login url and logout url attributes


  • Add some unit tests


New features

  • added jap-mfa module to realize TOTP verification
  • The logout method is added to the JapUserStoreContextHolder to support clearing cookies and sessions
  • added test cases


  • Updated jap.sh, support a variety of common commands
  • The options attribute in JapConfig is deleted, and the justathConfig attribute is added to SocialConfig
  • Change the name of RemberMeDetailsUtils to RembermeUtils
  • Move the Oauth2Strategy#checkOauthConfig() and Oauth2Strategy#isCallback() to the Oauth2Util


  • Improved code
  • Reconstruct the SimpleConfig, and move the unnecessary configuration items and business logic to the RememberMeUtils


New features

  • Add cache module com.fujieid.jap.core.cache.JapCache
  • Add 'state' verification logic in jap-oauth2
  • Add some package-info.java


  • Revision notes
  • To solve the problem that 'codeverifier' in 'pkceutil' can only be cached locally
  • Upgrade simple-json to 0.0.2


  • Fix Javadoc compilation failure


JA Plus(JAP) is an open source authentication middleware, it is highly decoupled from business code and has good modularity and flexiblity. Developers could integrate JAP into web applications effortlessly.


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