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pipeline-scheduler.md 52.82 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Mr.Yu 提交于 2021-12-04 12:36 . 调度器拆分为2部分



  • Watch Pipeline对象, 监听变化事件
  • 当有新的Pipeline对象被创建时, 修改Pipeline对象的 Scheduler属性, 为其挑选一个可以Scheduler Node来处理Pipline

因此第一步是编写Informer, Watch Pipeline对象的变化

PIpeline Informer



package pipeline

import (


// Informer 负责事件通知
type Informer interface {
	Watcher() Watcher
	Lister() Lister
	Recorder() Recorder
	GetStore() cache.Store

type Lister interface {
	List(ctx context.Context, opts *pipeline.QueryPipelineOptions) (*pipeline.PipelineSet, error)

type Recorder interface {
	Update(*pipeline.Pipeline) error

// Watcher 负责事件通知
type Watcher interface {
	// Run starts and runs the shared informer, returning after it stops.
	// The informer will be stopped when stopCh is closed.
	Run(ctx context.Context) error
	// AddEventHandler adds an event handler to the shared informer using the shared informer's resync
	// period.  Events to a single handler are delivered sequentially, but there is no coordination
	// between different handlers.
	AddPipelineTaskEventHandler(handler PipelineEventHandler)

// PipelineEventHandler can handle notifications for events that happen to a
// resource. The events are informational only, so you can't return an
// error.
//  * OnAdd is called when an object is added.
//  * OnUpdate is called when an object is modified. Note that oldObj is the
//      last known state of the object-- it is possible that several changes
//      were combined together, so you can't use this to see every single
//      change. OnUpdate is also called when a re-list happens, and it will
//      get called even if nothing changed. This is useful for periodically
//      evaluating or syncing something.
//  * OnDelete will get the final state of the item if it is known, otherwise
//      it will get an object of type DeletedFinalStateUnknown. This can
//      happen if the watch is closed and misses the delete event and we don't
//      notice the deletion until the subsequent re-list.
type PipelineEventHandler interface {
	OnAdd(obj *pipeline.Pipeline)
	OnUpdate(old, new *pipeline.Pipeline)
	OnDelete(obj *pipeline.Pipeline)

// PipelineEventHandlerFuncs is an adaptor to let you easily specify as many or
// as few of the notification functions as you want while still implementing
// ResourceEventHandler.
type PipelineTaskEventHandlerFuncs struct {
	AddFunc    func(obj *pipeline.Pipeline)
	UpdateFunc func(oldObj, newObj *pipeline.Pipeline)
	DeleteFunc func(obj *pipeline.Pipeline)

// OnAdd calls AddFunc if it's not nil.
func (r PipelineTaskEventHandlerFuncs) OnAdd(obj *pipeline.Pipeline) {
	if r.AddFunc != nil {

// OnUpdate calls UpdateFunc if it's not nil.
func (r PipelineTaskEventHandlerFuncs) OnUpdate(oldObj, newObj *pipeline.Pipeline) {
	if r.UpdateFunc != nil {
		r.UpdateFunc(oldObj, newObj)

// OnDelete calls DeleteFunc if it's not nil.
func (r PipelineTaskEventHandlerFuncs) OnDelete(obj *pipeline.Pipeline) {
	if r.DeleteFunc != nil {

type PipelineFilterHandler func(obj *pipeline.Pipeline) error


结下来我们使用etcd 来实现定义


lister其实就是一个带 prefix的 Get操作

type lister struct {
	log    logger.Logger
	client clientv3.KV

func (l *lister) List(ctx context.Context, opts *pipeline.QueryPipelineOptions) (*pipeline.PipelineSet, error) {
	listKey := pipeline.EtcdPipelinePrefix()
	l.log.Infof("list etcd pipeline resource key: %s", listKey)
	resp, err := l.client.Get(ctx, listKey, clientv3.WithPrefix())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	ps := pipeline.NewPipelineSet()
	for i := range resp.Kvs {
		// 解析对象
		pt, err := pipeline.LoadPipelineFromBytes(resp.Kvs[i].Value)
		if err != nil {
			l.log.Errorf("load pipeline [key: %s, value: %s] error, %s", resp.Kvs[i].Key, string(resp.Kvs[i].Value), err)

		pt.ResourceVersion = resp.Header.Revision
	return ps, nil


recorder 其实就是一个 put操作

type recorder struct {
	log    logger.Logger
	client clientv3.KV

func (l *recorder) Update(t *pipeline.Pipeline) error {
	if t == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("update nil pipeline")

	if l.client == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("etcd client is nil")

	objKey := t.EtcdObjectKey()
	objValue, err := json.Marshal(t)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := l.client.Put(context.Background(), objKey, string(objValue)); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("update pipeline task '%s' to etcd3 failed: %s", objKey, err.Error())
	return nil



  • 需要Watch 所有Pipeline对象
  • 处理事件, 把对象缓存到本地的indexer中, 这里Indexer就是一个内存缓存
  • 调用Event处理函数,把事件传播出去

注意Watch是一个阻塞操作, 所以Watcher 是几个里面为一个需要Run的

type shared struct {
	log       logger.Logger
	client    clientv3.Watcher
	indexer   cache.Indexer
	handler   informer.PipelineEventHandler
	filter    informer.PipelineFilterHandler
	watchChan clientv3.WatchChan

// AddPipelineEventHandler 添加事件处理回调
func (i *shared) AddPipelineTaskEventHandler(h informer.PipelineEventHandler) {
	i.handler = h

// Run 启动 Watch
func (i *shared) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
	// 是否准备完成
	if err := i.isReady(); err != nil {
		return err

	// 监听事件

	// 后台处理事件
	go i.dealEvents()
	return nil

func (i *shared) dealEvents() {
	// 处理所有事件
	for {
		select {
		case nodeResp := <-i.watchChan:
			for _, event := range nodeResp.Events {
				switch event.Type {
				case mvccpb.PUT:
					if err := i.handlePut(event, nodeResp.Header.GetRevision()); err != nil {
				case mvccpb.DELETE:
					if err := i.handleDelete(event); err != nil {

func (i *shared) isReady() error {
	if i.handler == nil {
		return errors.New("PipelineEventHandler not add")
	return nil

func (i *shared) watch(ctx context.Context) {
	ppWatchKey := pipeline.EtcdPipelinePrefix()
	i.watchChan = i.client.Watch(ctx, ppWatchKey, clientv3.WithPrefix())
	i.log.Infof("watch etcd pipeline resource key: %s", ppWatchKey)

func (i *shared) handlePut(event *clientv3.Event, eventVersion int64) error {
	i.log.Debugf("receive pipeline put event, %s", event.Kv.Key)

	// 解析对象
	new, err := pipeline.LoadPipelineFromBytes(event.Kv.Value)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	new.ResourceVersion = eventVersion

	old, hasOld, err := i.indexer.GetByKey(new.MakeObjectKey())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if i.filter != nil {
		if err := i.filter(new); err != nil {
			return err

	// 区分Update
	if hasOld {
		// 更新缓存
		i.log.Debugf("update pipeline: %s", new.ShortDescribe())
		if err := i.indexer.Update(new); err != nil {
			i.log.Errorf("update indexer cache error, %s", err)
		i.handler.OnUpdate(old.(*pipeline.Pipeline), new)
	} else {
		// 添加缓存
		i.log.Debugf("add pipeline: %s", new.ShortDescribe())
		if err := i.indexer.Add(new); err != nil {
			i.log.Errorf("add indexer cache error, %s", err)

	return nil

func (i *shared) handleDelete(event *clientv3.Event) error {
	key := event.Kv.Key
	i.log.Debugf("receive pipeline delete event, %s", key)

	obj, ok, err := i.indexer.GetByKey(string(key))
	if err != nil {
		i.log.Errorf("get key %s from store error, %s", key)
	if !ok {
		i.log.Warnf("key %s found in store", key)

	// 清除缓存
	if err := i.indexer.Delete(obj); err != nil {
		i.log.Errorf("delete indexer cache error, %s", err)

	return nil



// NewScheduleInformer todo
func NewInformerr(client *clientv3.Client, filter informer.PipelineFilterHandler) informer.Informer {
	return &Informer{
		log:     zap.L().Named("Pipeline"),
		client:  client,
		filter:  filter,
		indexer: cache.NewIndexer(informer.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc, informer.DefaultStoreIndexers()),

// Informer todo
type Informer struct {
	log      logger.Logger
	client   *clientv3.Client
	shared   *shared
	lister   *lister
	recorder *recorder
	indexer  cache.Indexer
	filter   informer.PipelineFilterHandler

func (i *Informer) GetStore() cache.Store {
	return i.indexer

func (i *Informer) Debug(l logger.Logger) {
	i.log = l
	i.shared.log = l
	i.lister.log = l

func (i *Informer) Watcher() informer.Watcher {
	if i.shared != nil {
		return i.shared
	i.shared = &shared{
		log:     i.log.Named("Watcher"),
		client:  clientv3.NewWatcher(i.client),
		indexer: i.indexer,
		filter:  i.filter,
	return i.shared

func (i *Informer) Lister() informer.Lister {
	if i.lister != nil {
		return i.lister
	i.lister = &lister{
		log:    i.log.Named("Lister"),
		client: clientv3.NewKV(i.client),
	return i.lister

func (i *Informer) Recorder() informer.Recorder {
	if i.recorder != nil {
		return i.recorder
	i.recorder = &recorder{
		log:    i.log.Named("Recorder"),
		client: clientv3.NewKV(i.client),
	return i.recorder



  • 测试Lister的逻辑
  • 测试Watcher的逻辑
  • 测试Recorder的逻辑


既然需要调度, 因此我们的Node节点需要注册到中央来,我们才能知道如何调度



  • 服务的接口规范
  • 服务的数据结构


type Register interface {
	Registe() error
	UnRegiste() error


const (
	// API 提供API访问的服务
	APIType = Type("api")
	// Worker 后台作业服务
	NodeType = Type("node")
	// Scheduler 调度器
	SchedulerType = Type("scheduler")

Node数据结构 用于泛指一个服务

// Node todo
type Node struct {
	Region          string            `json:"region,omitempty"`
	ResourceVersion int64             `json:"resourceVersion,omitempty"`
	InstanceName    string            `json:"instance_name,omitempty"`
	ServiceName     string            `json:"service_name,omitempty"`
	Type            Type              `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Address         string            `json:"address,omitempty"`
	Version         string            `json:"version,omitempty"`
	GitBranch       string            `json:"git_branch,omitempty"`
	GitCommit       string            `json:"git_commit,omitempty"`
	BuildEnv        string            `json:"build_env,omitempty"`
	BuildAt         string            `json:"build_at,omitempty"`
	Online          int64             `json:"online,omitempty"`
	Tag             map[string]string `json:"tag,omitempty"`

	Prefix   string        `json:"-"`
	Interval time.Duration `json:"-"`
	TTL      int64         `json:"-"`



etcd有个租约的概念, 我们可以通过租约来控制一个key 的TTL, 我们基于此来实现注册的心跳功能

  • 往etcd里面写一个服务的key/value,并通过租约设置TTL
  • 每隔一个心跳周期,就KeepAliveOnce 把改租约 续约一次, 也就是心跳机制
  • 最好服务停止时,主动注销服务
  1. 初次注册
  • key结构: inforboard/workflow/service/scheduler/{name_name}
  • value: node结构体json数据
func (e *etcd) addOnce() error {
	// 获取leaseID
	resp, err := e.client.Lease.Grant(context.TODO(), e.node.TTL)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("get etcd lease id error, %s", err)
	e.leaseID = resp.ID

	// 写入key
	if _, err := e.client.Put(context.Background(), e.instanceKey, e.instanceValue, clientv3.WithLease(e.leaseID)); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("registe service '%s' with ttl to etcd3 failed: %s", e.instanceKey, err.Error())
	e.instanceKey = e.instanceKey
	return nil
  1. 续约
func (e *etcd) keepAlive(ctx context.Context) {
	// 不停的续约
	interval := e.node.TTL / 5
	e.Infof("keep alive lease interval is %d second", interval)
	tk := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(interval) * time.Second)
	defer tk.Stop()
	for {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			e.Infof("keepalive goroutine exit")
		case <-tk.C:
			Opctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
			defer cancel()

			_, err := e.client.Lease.KeepAliveOnce(Opctx, e.leaseID)
			if err != nil {
				if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "requested lease not found") {
					// 避免程序卡顿造成leaseID失效(比如mac 电脑休眠))
					if err := e.addOnce(); err != nil {
						e.Errorf("refresh registry error, %s", err)
					} else {
						e.Warn("refresh registry success")
				e.Errorf("lease keep alive error, %s", err)
			} else {
				e.Debugf("lease keep alive key: %s", e.instanceKey)
  1. 注销
  • 删除注册上去的服务实例信息
  • 删除租约
  • 停止KeepAlive续约Goroutine
// UnRegiste delete nodeed service from etcd, if etcd is down
// unnode while timeout.
func (e *etcd) UnRegiste() error {
	if e.isStopped {
		return errors.New("the instance has unregisted")
	// delete instance key
	e.stopInstance <- struct{}{}
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)
	defer cancel()
	if resp, err := e.client.Delete(ctx, e.instanceKey); err != nil {
		e.Warnf("unregiste '%s' failed: connect to etcd server timeout, %s", e.instanceKey, err.Error())
	} else {
		if resp.Deleted == 0 {
			e.Infof("unregiste '%s' failed, the key not exist", e.instanceKey)
		} else {
			e.Infof("服务实例(%s)注销成功", e.instanceKey)
	// revoke lease
	_, err := e.client.Lease.Revoke(context.TODO(), e.leaseID)
	if err != nil {
		e.Warnf("revoke lease error, %s", err)
		return err
	e.isStopped = true
	// 停止续约心态
	return nil


在服务启动时,调用etcd 注册器来将服务实例信息注册到 注册到etcd


// 注册服务
r, err := etcd_register.NewEtcdRegister(svr.node)
if err != nil {
defer r.UnRegiste()
if err := r.Registe(); err != nil {
	return err


  • 测试正常流程,使用etcdctl 查看 etcd里面改服务的实例是否存在
  • 测试TTL超时,不能完成续约的情况


当node节点注册后, 有专门的Node Controller复杂关注Node的变化


这里只需要关注 注册后Node的的加载情况, 因为后面都需要 要访问当前集群有哪些Node都是通过访问Indexer获取的

// controller/node/controller.go

// Run will set up the event handlers for types we are interested in, as well
// as syncing informer caches and starting workers. It will block until stopCh
// is closed, at which point it will shutdown the workqueue and wait for
// workers to finish processing their current work items.
func (c *Controller) run(ctx context.Context, async bool) error {
	// Start the informer factories to begin populating the informer caches
	c.log.Infof("starting node control loop")

	// 调用Lister 获得所有的cronjob 并添加cron
	c.log.Info("starting sync(List) all nodes")
	nodes, err := c.informer.Lister().ListAll(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// 更新node存储
	for i := range nodes {
	c.log.Infof("sync all(%d) nodes success", len(nodes))

	// 启动worker 处理来自Informer的事件
	for i := 0; i < c.workerNums; i++ {
		go c.runWorker(fmt.Sprintf("worker-%d", i))

	if async {
		go c.waitDown(ctx)
	} else {
	return nil



make run-sch

2021-12-04T12:00:38.628+0800    INFO    [Node]  node/controller.go:82   starting node control loop
2021-12-04T12:00:38.629+0800    INFO    [Node]  node/controller.go:85   starting sync(List) all nodes
2021-12-04T12:00:38.629+0800    INFO    [Node.Lister]   etcd/lister.go:30       list etcd node resource key: inforboard/workflow/service
2021-12-04T12:00:38.631+0800    INFO    [Node.Lister]   etcd/lister.go:47       total nodes: 1

确保 当前调度器节点已经注册成功, 并且已经加载到node store中

$ docker exec -it -e "ETCDCTL_API=3" etcd  etcdctl get --prefix  inforboard




  • 挑选一个Node




  • Pipeline: 多个调度器中挑选一个来处理Pipeline
  • Step: 多个Node中挑选一个执行Step


const (
	// API 提供API访问的服务
	APIType = Type("api")
	// Worker 后台作业服务
	NodeType = Type("node")
	// Scheduler 调度器
	SchedulerType = Type("scheduler")

type Type string

type Node struct {
	Region          string            `json:"region,omitempty"`
	ResourceVersion int64             `json:"resourceVersion,omitempty"`
	InstanceName    string            `json:"instance_name,omitempty"`
	ServiceName     string            `json:"service_name,omitempty"`
	Type            Type              `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Address         string            `json:"address,omitempty"`
	Version         string            `json:"version,omitempty"`
	GitBranch       string            `json:"git_branch,omitempty"`
	GitCommit       string            `json:"git_commit,omitempty"`
	BuildEnv        string            `json:"build_env,omitempty"`
	BuildAt         string            `json:"build_at,omitempty"`
	Online          int64             `json:"online,omitempty"`
	Tag             map[string]string `json:"tag,omitempty"`

	Prefix   string        `json:"-"`
	Interval time.Duration `json:"-"`
	TTL      int64         `json:"-"`


// Picker 挑选一个合适的node 运行Step
type StepPicker interface {
	Pick(*pipeline.Step) (*node.Node, error)

type PipelinePicker interface {
	Pick(*pipeline.Pipeline) (*node.Node, error)

Roundrobin Picker

Picker就是我们挑选Node的算法, 因此我们先实现一个最简单的算法: RR

step picker:

type roundrobinPicker struct {
	mu    *sync.Mutex
	next  int
	store cache.Store

// NewStepPicker 实现分调度
func NewStepPicker(nodestore cache.Store) (algorithm.StepPicker, error) {
	base := &roundrobinPicker{
		store: nodestore,
		mu:    new(sync.Mutex),
		next:  0,
	return &stepPicker{base}, nil

type stepPicker struct {

func (p *stepPicker) Pick(step *pipeline.Step) (*node.Node, error) {
	defer p.mu.Unlock()

	nodes := p.store.List()
	if len(nodes) == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("has no available nodes")

	n := nodes[p.next]

	// 修改状态
	p.next = (p.next + 1) % p.store.Len()

	return n.(*node.Node), nil

pipeline picker:

// NewPipelinePicker 实现分调度
func NewPipelinePicker(nodestore cache.Store) (algorithm.PipelinePicker, error) {
	base := &roundrobinPicker{
		store: nodestore,
		mu:    new(sync.Mutex),
		next:  0,
	return &pipelinePicker{base}, nil

type pipelinePicker struct {

func (p *pipelinePicker) Pick(step *pipeline.Pipeline) (*node.Node, error) {
	defer p.mu.Unlock()

	nodes := p.store.List()
	if len(nodes) == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("has no available nodes")

	schs := []*node.Node{}
	for i := range nodes {
		n := nodes[i].(*node.Node)
		if n.Type == node.SchedulerType {
			schs = append(schs, n)

	n := schs[p.next]
	// 修改状态
	p.next = (p.next + 1) % len(schs)

	return n, nil

Pipeline Controller


  • Informer
  • Node Register
  • Picker



controller 启动逻辑:

  • Watch: 在Controller启动之前, watcher已经启动, Controller通过Watch订阅Pipeline事件,把Watch到的事件添加到工作队列(work queue)
  • List: Controller 首先Sync一下,拉去当前所有Pipeline,判定是否有需要处理的,添加到工作队列(work queue)
  • Worker: 然后启动worker,处理工作队列里面的事件(worker queue)
  • Sgin: 等待Controller 结束
// PipelineTaskScheduler 调度器控制器
type Controller struct {
	// workqueue is a rate limited work queue. This is used to queue work to be
	// processed instead of performing it as soon as a change happens. This
	// means we can ensure we only process a fixed amount of resources at a
	// time, and makes it easy to ensure we are never processing the same item
	// simultaneously in two different workers.
	workqueue      workqueue.RateLimitingInterface
	informer       informer.Informer
	step           step.Informer
	log            logger.Logger
    // 启动多个worker来处理事件
	workerNums     int
    // 当前running中的worker
	runningWorkers map[string]bool
	wLock          sync.Mutex
    // 调度挑选算法
	picker         algorithm.PipelinePicker
    // 调度器的名称
	schedulerName  string


// Run will set up the event handlers for types we are interested in, as well
// as syncing informer caches and starting workers. It will block until stopCh
// is closed, at which point it will shutdown the workqueue and wait for
// workers to finish processing their current work items.
func (c *Controller) run(ctx context.Context, async bool) error {
	// Start the informer factories to begin populating the informer caches
	c.log.Infof("starting pipeline control loop, schedule name: %s", c.schedulerName)

	// 获取所有的pipeline
	if err := c.sync(ctx); err != nil {
		return err

	// 启动worker 处理来自Informer的事件
	for i := 0; i < c.workerNums; i++ {
		go c.runWorker(fmt.Sprintf("worker-%d", i))

	if async {
		go c.waitDown(ctx)
	} else {

	return nil


func (c *Controller) sync(ctx context.Context) error {
	// 获取所有的pipeline
	listCount := 0
	ps, err := c.informer.Lister().List(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// 看看是否有需要调度的
	for i := range ps.Items {
		p := ps.Items[i]

        // 判定Pipeline是否已经执行完成, 已经完成的Pipeline无效处理
        // 由此可见,我们Etcd里面是不适合存储大量历史数据的
		if p.IsComplete() {
			c.log.Debugf("pipline %s is complete, skip schedule",

        // 判定改Pipeline是否需要当前调度器处理
        // 这里是多个Controller竞争一个Pipeline调度
		if !p.MatchScheduler(c.schedulerName) {
			c.log.Debugf("pipeline %s scheduler %s is not match this scheduler %s",
				p.ShortDescribe(), p.ScheduledNodeName(), c.schedulerName)

        // 如果都不是,这添加到工作队列,等待调度
	c.log.Infof("%d pipeline need schedule", listCount)
	return nil

我们继续看Run worker的逻辑:

// runWorker is a long-running function that will continually call the
// processNextWorkItem function in order to read and process a message on the
// workqueue.
func (c *Controller) runWorker(name string) {
	isRunning, ok := c.runningWorkers[name]
	if ok && isRunning {
		c.log.Warnf("worker %s has running", name)
	c.runningWorkers[name] = true
	c.log.Infof("start worker %s", name)
	for c.processNextWorkItem() {
	if isRunning, ok = c.runningWorkers[name]; ok {
		delete(c.runningWorkers, name)
		c.log.Infof("worker %s has stopped", name)


worker 启动后会从队列中消费数据, k8s的这个workqueue 在事件处理完成后需要调用Forget才能正在代表消费完了这条数据(和kafka 的commit机制一样)


  • 从队列里面取出一条数据(key)
  • 如果队列里面的数据不是一个string(key是string), 直接丢弃掉, 不处理
  • 然后我们把key传递给handler,后面有handler处理具体的业务
  • handler处理成功,则Forget该事件,该事件成功处理完成
  • handler处理失败, 事件标记为Down, 但是并不会Forget, 等待下次再次处理
// processNextWorkItem will read a single work item off the workqueue and
// attempt to process it, by calling the syncHandler.
func (c *Controller) processNextWorkItem() bool {
	obj, shutdown := c.workqueue.Get()
	if shutdown {
		return false
	c.log.Debugf("get obj from queue: %s", obj)
	// We wrap this block in a func so we can defer c.workqueue.Done.
	err := func(obj interface{}) error {
		// We call Done here so the workqueue knows we have finished
		// processing this item. We also must remember to call Forget if we
		// do not want this work item being re-queued. For example, we do
		// not call Forget if a transient error occurs, instead the item is
		// put back on the workqueue and attempted again after a back-off
		// period.
		defer c.workqueue.Done(obj)
		var key string
		var ok bool

		// We expect strings to come off the workqueue. These are of the
		// form namespace/name. We do this as the delayed nature of the
		// workqueue means the items in the informer cache may actually be
		// more up to date that when the item was initially put onto the
		// workqueue.
		if key, ok = obj.(string); !ok {
			// As the item in the workqueue is actually invalid, we call
			// Forget here else we'd go into a loop of attempting to
			// process a work item that is invalid.
			c.log.Errorf("expected string in workqueue but got %#v", obj)
			return nil
		c.log.Debugf("wait sync: %s", key)

		// Run the syncHandler, passing it the namespace/name string of the
		// Network resource to be synced.
		if err := c.syncHandler(key); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error syncing '%s': %s", key, err.Error())
		// Finally, if no error occurs we Forget this item so it does not
		// get queued again until another change happens.
		c.log.Infof("successfully synced '%s'", key)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return true
	return true


从worker queue接收到key后, 和 判断缓冲池(informer indexer):

  • 如果有 就 是期望 新增一个对象
    • 当新增一个对象的时候, 我们就需要调度器来运行这个Pipeline, 这里的运行指的也是调度,因为Pipeline定义的是task的编排, 具体的task不是由 Node节点负责运行的
    • 运行一个pipeline,流程如下
      • 判断是否已经完成, 已完不做处理
      • 判断是否需要调度, 未调度先调度
      • 判断是否已经运行, 未运行先标记为运行状态
      • 如果是运行状态, 判断pipline是否需要中断
      • 如果pipeline正常, 则开始运行定义的 Next Step
  • 如果没有 就是期望 删除一个对象
    • 删除一个对象, 暂时没啥好处理的
// syncHandler compares the actual state with the desired, and attempts to
// converge the two. It then updates the Status block of the Network resource
// with the current status of the resource.
func (c *Controller) syncHandler(key string) error {
	obj, ok, err := c.informer.GetStore().GetByKey(key)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// 如果不存在, 这期望行为为删除 (DEL)
	if !ok {
		c.log.Debugf("remove pipeline: %s, skip", key)
		return nil

	ins, isOK := obj.(*pipeline.Pipeline)
	if !isOK {
		return errors.New("invalidate *pipeline.Pipeline obj")

	// 运行pipeline
	if err := c.runPipeline(ins); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil


// 运行一个pipeline,流程如下
// 1. 判断是否已经完成, 已完不做处理
// 2. 判断是否需要调度, 未调度先调度
// 3. 判断是否已经运行, 未运行先标记为运行状态
// 4. 如果是运行状态, 判断pipline是否需要中断
// 5. 如果pipeline正常, 则开始运行定义的 Next Step
func (c *Controller) runPipeline(p *pipeline.Pipeline) error {
	c.log.Debugf("receive add pipeline: %s status: %s", p.ShortDescribe(), p.Status.Status)
	if err := p.Validate(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalidate pipeline error, %s", err)

	// 已经处理完成的无需处理
	if p.IsComplete() {
		return fmt.Errorf("skip run complete pipeline %s, status: %s", p.ShortDescribe(), p.Status.Status)

	// TODO: 使用分布式锁trylock处理 多个实例竞争调度问题

	// 未调度的选进行调度后, 再处理
	if !p.IsScheduled() {
		if err := c.schedulePipeline(p); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil

	// 标记开始执行, 并更新保存
	if !p.IsRunning() {
		if err := c.informer.Recorder().Update(p); err != nil {
			c.log.Errorf("update pipeline %s start status to store error, %s", p.ShortDescribe(), err)
		} else {
			c.log.Debugf("update pipeline %s start status to store success", p.ShortDescribe())
		return nil

	// 判断pipeline没有要执行的下一步, 则结束整个Pipeline
	steps := c.nextStep(p)
	c.log.Debugf("pipeline %s start run next steps: %s", p.ShortDescribe(), steps)
	return c.runPipelineNextStep(steps)


我们首先要挑选出 第一批需要运行的Step 任务来进行创建, 如何挑选喃?

  • 如果是并行的任务需要一批同时运行, 我们把这个并行运行的概念定义为一个flow, 一个flow运行完后,才会运行下一个flow
  • 如何判断哪些step是一个flow喃?
    • flow 必须处于stage内部, 不能夸state出现flow
    • flow 连续的并行任务别标记为一个flow, 因此最大的并行情况就是 一个stage的任务都是并行的, 整个stage就是一个flow
    • 由此可见 stage一定是串联的, 这样才是流水线,整体逻辑是串行的, 但是stage内的任务 支持并行

挑选Flow steps

我们看下挑选逻辑 + pipeline 会一直

func (c *Controller) nextStep(p *pipeline.Pipeline) []*pipeline.Step {
	//pipeline 下次执行需要的step
	steps, isComplete := p.NextStep()
	if isComplete {
		if err := c.informer.Recorder().Update(p); err != nil {
			c.log.Errorf("update pipeline %s end status to store error, %s", p.ShortDescribe(), err)
		} else {
			c.log.Debugf("pipeline is complete, update pipeline status to db success")
		return nil


  • 判断当前Flow是否运行完成
    • 当前flow是否中断, flow中的某个任务执行失败
    • 判断flow中的任务是否全部完成(是否处于running中), 如果没有完成,需要等待都完成后,才进行下一个flow
  • 获取下个flow
    • 判断下一个flow 是否为nil, 从而判断pipeline是否完成,无其他step
// 只有上一个flow执行完成后, 才会有下个fow
// 注意: 多个并行的任务是不能跨stage同时执行的
//      也就是说stage一定是串行的
func (p *Pipeline) NextStep() (steps []*Step, isComplete bool) {
	// 判断当前Flow是否运行完成
	if f := p.GetCurrentFlow(); f != nil {
		// 如果有flow中断, pipeline 提前结束
		if f.IsBreak() {
			isComplete = true

		// 如果flow没有pass 说明还是在运行中, 不需要调度下以组step
		if !f.IsPassed() {

	f := p.GetNextFlow()

	// 判断是不是最后一个Flow了
	if f == nil {
		isComplete = true

	// 如果不是则获取flow中的step
	steps = f.items


当 一个flow里面的step 只有一部分完成时,需要把step当前的状态同步到pipeline上 对象上做持久化

func (c *Controller) nextStep(p *pipeline.Pipeline) []*pipeline.Step {

	// 找出需要同步的step
	needSync := []*pipeline.Step{}
	for i := range steps {
		ins := steps[i]

		// 判断step是否已经运行, 如果已经运行则更新Pipeline状态
		old, err := c.step.Lister().Get(context.Background(), ins.Key)
		if err != nil {
			c.log.Errorf("get step %s by key error, %s", ins.Key, err)
			return nil

		if old == nil {
			c.log.Debugf("step %s not found in db", ins.Key)

		// 状态相等 则无需同步
		if ins.Status.Status.Equal(old.Status.Status) {
			c.log.Debugf("pipeline step status: %s, etcd step status: %s, has sync",
				ins.Status.Status, old.Status.Status)

		needSync = append(needSync, old)

	// 同步step到pipeline上
	if len(needSync) > 0 {
		for i := range needSync {
			c.log.Debugf("sync step %s to pipeline ...", needSync[i].Key)
		if err := c.informer.Recorder().Update(p); err != nil {
			c.log.Errorf("update pipeline status error, %s", err)
			return nil
		c.log.Debugf("sync %d steps ok", len(needSync))
		return nil

	return steps

创建Flow的step task

我们需要把挑选出来的step对象 写入etcd, 交给后面的 step调度器进行调度

func (c *Controller) runPipelineNextStep(steps []*pipeline.Step) error {
	// 将需要调度的任务, 交给step调度器调度
	if c.step == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("step recorder is nil")

	// 有step则进行执行
	for i := range steps {
		ins := steps[i]

		c.log.Debugf("create pipeline step: %s", ins.Key)
		if err := c.step.Recorder().Update(ins.Clone()); err != nil {

	return nil


到此我们 Pipeline的 控制器就完成了, 可以测试下流程


  • API Server
  • Schduler
make run-api
make run-sch

我们使用API server创建一个pipeline: POST http://{{HOST}}/workflow/api/v1/pipelines/

  • stage1: 2个并行,一个串行
  • stage2: 2个串行
    "name": "pipeline01",
    "stages": [
            "name": "stage1",
            "steps": [
                    "name": "step1.1",
                    "action": "go_build@v1",
                    "with": {
                        "ENV1": "env1",
                        "ENV2": "env2"
                    "with_audit": false,
                    "is_parallel": true,
                    "webhooks": [
                            "url": "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/83bde95c-00b2-4df1-91e4-705f66102479",
                            "events": [
                    "name": "step1.2",
                    "action": "go_build@v1",
                    "with_audit": false,
                    "is_parallel": true,
                    "with": {
                        "ENV1": "env1",
                        "ENV2": "env2"
                    "webhooks": [
                            "url": "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/83bde95c-00b2-4df1-91e4-705f66102479",
                            "events": [
                    "name": "step1.3",
                    "action": "go_build@v1",
                    "with_audit": true,
                    "with": {
                        "ENV1": "env1",
                        "ENV2": "env2"
                    "webhooks": [
                            "url": "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/83bde95c-00b2-4df1-91e4-705f66102479",
                            "events": [
            "name": "stage2",
            "steps": [
                    "name": "step2.1",
                    "action": "go_build@v1",
                    "with": {
                        "ENV1": "env3",
                        "ENV2": "env4"
                    "webhooks": [
                            "url": "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/83bde95c-00b2-4df1-91e4-705f66102479",
                            "events": [
                    "name": "step2.2",
                    "action": "go_build@v1",
                    "with": {
                        "ENV1": "env1",
                        "ENV2": "env2"
                    "webhooks": [
                            "url": "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/83bde95c-00b2-4df1-91e4-705f66102479",
                            "events": [


  • Pipeline是否调度
  • Piptline step 是否创建(flow1 2个step)
  • Piptline step 是否调度(由于我们还没写node, 也没有node节点注册上来, 所以应该是调度报错)
    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "total": 0,
        "items": [
                "id": "c6lepk93n7pjoq14b8c0",
                "resource_version": 85,
                "domain": "admin-domain",
                "namespace": "c6br8ju1l0cvabpa7fdg",
                "create_at": 1638591697979,
                "create_by": "admin",
                "template_id": "",
                "name": "pipeline01",
                "with": null,
                "mount": null,
                "tags": null,
                "description": "",
                "on": null,
                "hook_event": null,
                "status": {
                    "current_flow": 1,
                    "start_at": 1638591698020,
                    "end_at": 0,
                    "status": "EXECUTING",
                    "scheduler_node": "DESKTOP-HOVMR7V",
                    "message": ""
                "stages": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "name": "stage1",
                        "needs": null,
                        "steps": [
                                "key": "c6br8ju1l0cvabpa7fdg.c6lepk93n7pjoq14b8c0.1.1",
                                "create_type": "PIPELINE",
                                "namespace": "c6br8ju1l0cvabpa7fdg",
                                "pipeline_id": "c6lepk93n7pjoq14b8c0",
                                "create_at": 1638591698036,
                                "update_at": 1638591698066,
                                "deploy_id": "",
                                "resource_version": 82,
                                "id": 1,
                                "name": "step1.1",
                                "action": "go_build@v1",
                                "with": {
                                    "ENV1": "env1",
                                    "ENV2": "env2"
                                "is_parallel": true,
                                "ignore_failed": false,
                                "with_audit": false,
                                "audit_params": null,
                                "with_notify": false,
                                "notify_params": null,
                                "webhooks": [
                                        "url": "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/83bde95c-00b2-4df1-91e4-705f66102479",
                                        "header": null,
                                        "events": [
                                        "description": "",
                                        "status": null
                                "node_selector": null,
                                "status": {
                                    "flow_number": 1,
                                    "start_at": 0,
                                    "end_at": 1638591698066,
                                    "status": "SCHEDULE_FAILED",
                                    "scheduled_node": "",
                                    "audit_at": 0,
                                    "audit_response": "UOD",
                                    "audit_message": "",
                                    "notify_at": 0,
                                    "notify_error": "",
                                    "message": "has no available node nodes",
                                    "response": null
                                "key": "c6br8ju1l0cvabpa7fdg.c6lepk93n7pjoq14b8c0.1.2",
                                "create_type": "PIPELINE",
                                "namespace": "c6br8ju1l0cvabpa7fdg",
                                "pipeline_id": "c6lepk93n7pjoq14b8c0",
                                "create_at": 1638591698036,
                                "update_at": 1638591698069,
                                "deploy_id": "",
                                "resource_version": 83,
                                "id": 2,
                                "name": "step1.2",
                                "action": "go_build@v1",
                                "with": {
                                    "ENV1": "env1",
                                    "ENV2": "env2"
                                "is_parallel": true,
                                "ignore_failed": false,
                                "with_audit": false,
                                "audit_params": null,
                                "with_notify": false,
                                "notify_params": null,
                                "webhooks": [
                                        "url": "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/83bde95c-00b2-4df1-91e4-705f66102479",
                                        "header": null,
                                        "events": [
                                        "description": "",
                                        "status": null
                                "node_selector": null,
                                "status": {
                                    "flow_number": 1,
                                    "start_at": 0,
                                    "end_at": 1638591698068,
                                    "status": "SCHEDULE_FAILED",
                                    "scheduled_node": "",
                                    "audit_at": 0,
                                    "audit_response": "UOD",
                                    "audit_message": "",
                                    "notify_at": 0,
                                    "notify_error": "",
                                    "message": "has no available node nodes",
                                    "response": null
                                "create_type": "PIPELINE",
                                "namespace": "",
                                "create_at": 0,
                                "update_at": 0,
                                "deploy_id": "",
                                "id": 3,
                                "name": "step1.3",
                                "action": "go_build@v1",
                                "with": {
                                    "ENV1": "env1",
                                    "ENV2": "env2"
                                "is_parallel": false,
                                "ignore_failed": false,
                                "with_audit": true,
                                "audit_params": null,
                                "with_notify": false,
                                "notify_params": null,
                                "webhooks": [
                                        "url": "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/83bde95c-00b2-4df1-91e4-705f66102479",
                                        "header": null,
                                        "events": [
                                        "description": "",
                                        "status": null
                                "node_selector": null,
                                "status": {
                                    "flow_number": 0,
                                    "start_at": 0,
                                    "end_at": 0,
                                    "status": "PENDDING",
                                    "scheduled_node": "",
                                    "audit_at": 0,
                                    "audit_response": "UOD",
                                    "audit_message": "",
                                    "notify_at": 0,
                                    "notify_error": "",
                                    "message": "",
                                    "response": {}
                        "id": 2,
                        "name": "stage2",
                        "needs": null,
                        "steps": [
                                "create_type": "PIPELINE",
                                "namespace": "",
                                "create_at": 0,
                                "update_at": 0,
                                "deploy_id": "",
                                "id": 1,
                                "name": "step2.1",
                                "action": "go_build@v1",
                                "with": {
                                    "ENV1": "env3",
                                    "ENV2": "env4"
                                "is_parallel": false,
                                "ignore_failed": false,
                                "with_audit": false,
                                "audit_params": null,
                                "with_notify": false,
                                "notify_params": null,
                                "webhooks": [
                                        "url": "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/83bde95c-00b2-4df1-91e4-705f66102479",
                                        "header": null,
                                        "events": [
                                        "description": "",
                                        "status": null
                                "node_selector": null,
                                "status": {
                                    "flow_number": 0,
                                    "start_at": 0,
                                    "end_at": 0,
                                    "status": "PENDDING",
                                    "scheduled_node": "",
                                    "audit_at": 0,
                                    "audit_response": "UOD",
                                    "audit_message": "",
                                    "notify_at": 0,
                                    "notify_error": "",
                                    "message": "",
                                    "response": {}
                                "create_type": "PIPELINE",
                                "namespace": "",
                                "create_at": 0,
                                "update_at": 0,
                                "deploy_id": "",
                                "id": 2,
                                "name": "step2.2",
                                "action": "go_build@v1",
                                "with": {
                                    "ENV1": "env1",
                                    "ENV2": "env2"
                                "is_parallel": false,
                                "ignore_failed": false,
                                "with_audit": false,
                                "audit_params": null,
                                "with_notify": false,
                                "notify_params": null,
                                "webhooks": [
                                        "url": "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/83bde95c-00b2-4df1-91e4-705f66102479",
                                        "header": null,
                                        "events": [
                                        "description": "",
                                        "status": null
                                "node_selector": null,
                                "status": {
                                    "flow_number": 0,
                                    "start_at": 0,
                                    "end_at": 0,
                                    "status": "PENDDING",
                                    "scheduled_node": "",
                                    "audit_at": 0,
                                    "audit_response": "UOD",
                                    "audit_message": "",
                                    "notify_at": 0,
                                    "notify_error": "",
                                    "message": "",
                                    "response": {}

我们也可以通过etcd看到当前的2个step task

$ docker exec -it -e "ETCDCTL_API=3" etcd  etcdctl get --prefix  inforboard

{"key":"c6br8ju1l0cvabpa7fdg.c6lepk93n7pjoq14b8c0.1.1","create_type":"PIPELINE","namespace":"c6br8ju1l0cvabpa7fdg","pipeline_id":"c6lepk93n7pjoq14b8c0","create_at":1638591698036,"update_at":1638591698066,"deploy_id":"","resource_version":80,"id":1,"name":"step1.1","action":"go_build@v1","with":{"ENV1":"env1","ENV2":"env2"},"is_parallel":true,"ignore_failed":false,"with_audit":false,"audit_params":null,"with_notify":false,"notify_params":null,"webhooks":[{"url":"https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/83bde95c-00b2-4df1-91e4-705f66102479","header":null,"events":["SUCCEEDED"],"description":"","status":null}],"node_selector":null,"status":{"flow_number":1,"start_at":0,"end_at":1638591698066,"status":"SCHEDULE_FAILED","scheduled_node":"","audit_at":0,"audit_response":"UOD","audit_message":"","notify_at":0,"notify_error":"","message":"has no available node nodes","response":null}}
{"key":"c6br8ju1l0cvabpa7fdg.c6lepk93n7pjoq14b8c0.1.2","create_type":"PIPELINE","namespace":"c6br8ju1l0cvabpa7fdg","pipeline_id":"c6lepk93n7pjoq14b8c0","create_at":1638591698036,"update_at":1638591698069,"deploy_id":"","resource_version":81,"id":2,"name":"step1.2","action":"go_build@v1","with":{"ENV1":"env1","ENV2":"env2"},"is_parallel":true,"ignore_failed":false,"with_audit":false,"audit_params":null,"with_notify":false,"notify_params":null,"webhooks":[{"url":"https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/83bde95c-00b2-4df1-91e4-705f66102479","header":null,"events":["SUCCEEDED"],"description":"","status":null}],"node_selector":null,"status":{"flow_number":1,"start_at":0,"end_at":1638591698068,"status":"SCHEDULE_FAILED","scheduled_node":"","audit_at":0,"audit_response":"UOD","audit_message":"","notify_at":0,"notify_error":"","message":"has no available node nodes","response":null}}


马建仓 AI 助手


344bd9b3 5694891 D2dac590 5694891