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sync.go 12.09 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Se7en 提交于 2022-12-20 19:53 . add milestone
package main
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
_ "statistics/models"
var token = os.Getenv("AccessToken")
func SyncEnterprisePulls() error {
logs.Info("Starting to sync pulls...")
_, repos := utils.GetSigsMapping()
if repos == nil {
logs.Error("Fail to get sigs mapping.")
return nil
page := 1
for {
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://gitee.com/api/v5/enterprise/open_euler/pull_requests?state=all&sort=created"+
"&direction=asc&page=%v&per_page=100&access_token=%v", page, token)
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Fail to get enterprise pull requests, err:", err)
return err
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
logs.Error("Get unexpected response when getting enterprise pulls, status:", resp.Status)
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
err = resp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Fail to close response body of enterprise pull requests, err:", err)
return err
if len(string(body)) == 2 {
pullsSlice := utils.JsonToSlice(string(body))
if pullsSlice == nil {
return nil
for _, pull := range pullsSlice {
htmlUrl := pull["html_url"].(string)
org := strings.Split(htmlUrl, "/")[3]
if org != "src-openeuler" && org != "openeuler" {
repo := strings.Split(htmlUrl, "/")[4]
fullName := org + "/" + repo
state := pull["state"].(string)
ref := pull["base"].(map[string]interface{})["ref"].(string)
author := pull["user"].(map[string]interface{})["login"].(string)
createdAt := pull["created_at"].(string)
updatedAt := pull["updated_at"].(string)
sig := utils.GetSigByRepo(repos, fullName)
title := pull["title"].(string)
description := pull["body"]
if description == nil {
description = ""
description = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(description.(string)))
labels := pull["labels"]
assignees := pull["assignees"]
draft := pull["draft"]
mergeable := pull["mergeable"]
labelsSlice := make([]string, 0)
assigneesSlice := make([]string, 0)
if labels != nil {
for _, label := range labels.([]interface{}) {
var lb models.Label
lb.Name = label.(map[string]interface{})["name"].(string)
lb.Color = label.(map[string]interface{})["color"].(string)
lb.UniqueId = label.(map[string]interface{})["id"].(float64)
if models.SearchLabel(lb.Name) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable("label")
_, err = qs.Filter("name", lb.Name).Update(orm.Params{
"color": lb.Color,
"unique_id": lb.UniqueId,
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Update label failed, err:", err)
} else {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err = o.Insert(&lb)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Insert label failed, err:", err)
labelsSlice = append(labelsSlice, label.(map[string]interface{})["name"].(string))
if assignees != nil {
for _, assignee := range assignees.([]interface{}) {
assigneesSlice = append(assigneesSlice, assignee.(map[string]interface{})["login"].(string))
var tp models.Pull
tp.Org = org
tp.Repo = fullName
tp.Ref = ref
tp.Sig = sig
tp.Link = htmlUrl
tp.State = state
tp.Author = author
tp.Assignees = strings.Join(assigneesSlice, ",")
tp.CreatedAt = utils.FormatTime(createdAt)
tp.UpdatedAt = utils.FormatTime(updatedAt)
tp.Title = title
tp.Description = description.(string)
tp.Labels = strings.Join(labelsSlice, ",")
tp.Draft = draft.(bool)
tp.Mergeable = mergeable.(bool)
if controllers.SearchPullRecord(htmlUrl) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable("pull")
_, err := qs.Filter("link", tp.Link).Update(orm.Params{
"org": tp.Org,
"repo": tp.Repo,
"ref": tp.Ref,
"sig": tp.Sig,
"state": tp.State,
"author": tp.Author,
"assignees": tp.Assignees,
"created_at": tp.CreatedAt,
"updated_at": tp.UpdatedAt,
"title": tp.Title,
"description": tp.Description,
"labels": tp.Labels,
"draft": tp.Draft,
"mergeable": tp.Mergeable,
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Update pull failed, err:", err)
} else {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&tp)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Insert pull failed, err:", err)
page += 1
logs.Info("Ends of pulls sync, wait the next time...")
return nil
func SyncEnterpriseIssues() error {
logs.Info("Starting to sync issues...")
_, repos := utils.GetSigsMapping()
if repos == nil {
logs.Error("Fail to get sigs mapping.")
return nil
page := 1
for {
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://gitee.com/api/v5/enterprises/open_euler/issues?state=all&sort=created"+
"&direction=asc&page=%v&per_page=100&access_token=%v", page, token)
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Fail to get enterprise issues, err:", err)
return err
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
logs.Error("Get unexpected response when getting enterprise issues, status:", resp.Status)
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
err = resp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Fail to close response body of enterprise issues, err:", err)
return err
if len(string(body)) == 2 {
issuesSlice := utils.JsonToSlice(string(body))
if issuesSlice == nil {
return nil
for _, issue := range issuesSlice {
repository := issue["repository"]
if repository == nil {
htmlUrl := issue["html_url"].(string)
fullName := issue["repository"].(map[string]interface{})["full_name"].(string)
org := strings.Split(fullName, "/")[0]
if org != "src-openeuler" && org != "openeuler" {
author := issue["user"].(map[string]interface{})["login"].(string)
number := issue["number"].(string)
state := issue["state"].(string)
issueType := issue["issue_type"].(string)
issueState := issue["issue_state_detail"].(map[string]interface{})["title"].(string)
createdAt := issue["created_at"].(string)
updatedAt := issue["updated_at"].(string)
sig := utils.GetSigByRepo(repos, fullName)
ms := issue["milestone"]
milestone := ""
if ms != nil {
milestone = ms.(map[string]interface{})["title"].(string)
assignee := issue["assignee"]
assigneeLogin := ""
if assignee != nil {
assigneeLogin = assignee.(map[string]interface{})["login"].(string)
title := issue["title"].(string)
description := issue["body"]
if description == nil {
description = ""
description = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(description.(string)))
labels := issue["labels"]
priorityNum := issue["priority"]
priority := controllers.GetIssuePriority(priorityNum.(float64))
branch := issue["branch"]
if branch == nil {
branch = ""
tags := make([]string, 0)
if labels != nil {
for _, label := range labels.([]interface{}) {
var lb models.Label
lb.Name = label.(map[string]interface{})["name"].(string)
lb.Color = label.(map[string]interface{})["color"].(string)
lb.UniqueId = label.(map[string]interface{})["id"].(float64)
if models.SearchLabel(lb.Name) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable("label")
_, err = qs.Filter("name", lb.Name).Update(orm.Params{
"color": lb.Color,
"unique_id": lb.UniqueId,
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Update label failed, err:", err)
} else {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err = o.Insert(&lb)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Insert label failed, err:", err)
tags = append(tags, label.(map[string]interface{})["name"].(string))
var ti models.Issue
ti.Org = org
ti.Repo = fullName
ti.Sig = sig
ti.Link = htmlUrl
ti.Number = number
ti.State = state
ti.IssueType = issueType
ti.IssueState = issueState
ti.Author = author
ti.Assignee = assigneeLogin
ti.CreatedAt = utils.FormatTime(createdAt)
ti.UpdatedAt = utils.FormatTime(updatedAt)
ti.Title = title
ti.Description = description.(string)
ti.Priority = priority
ti.Labels = strings.Join(tags, ",")
ti.Branch = branch.(string)
ti.Milestone = milestone
issueExists := controllers.SearchIssueRecord(number)
if issueExists == true {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable("issue")
_, err := qs.Filter("number", ti.Number).Update(orm.Params{
"org": ti.Org,
"repo": ti.Repo,
"sig": ti.Sig,
"link": ti.Link,
"state": ti.State,
"issue_type": ti.IssueType,
"issue_state": ti.IssueState,
"author": ti.Author,
"assignee": ti.Assignee,
"created_at": ti.CreatedAt,
"updated_at": ti.UpdatedAt,
"title": ti.Title,
"description": ti.Description,
"priority": ti.Priority,
"labels": ti.Labels,
"branch": ti.Branch,
"milestone": ti.Milestone,
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Update issue failed, err:", err)
} else {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&ti)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Insert issue failed, err:", err)
page += 1
logs.Info("Ends of issues sync, wait the next time...")
return nil
func SyncEnterpriseRepos() error {
logs.Info("Starting to sync repos...")
_, repos := utils.GetSigsMapping()
if repos == nil {
logs.Error("Fail to get sigs mapping.")
return nil
for repo, sig := range repos {
var tr models.Repo
tr.Name = repo
tr.Sig = sig
tr.Branches = getRepoBranches(repo)
tr.Reviewers = getRepoReviewers(repo)
repoExists := searchRepoRecord(repo)
if repoExists {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable("repo")
_, err := qs.Filter("name", tr.Name).Update(orm.Params{
"sig": tr.Sig,
"branches": tr.Branches,
"reviewers": tr.Reviewers,
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Update repo failed, err:", err)
} else {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&tr)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Insert repo failed, err:", err)
err := controllers.SyncRepoNumber()
if err != nil {
return err
logs.Info("Ends of repos sync, wait the next time...")
return nil
func getRepoBranches(repo string) string {
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://gitee.com/api/v5/repos/%v/branches?access_token=%v", repo, token)
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Fail to get repo branches, err:", err)
return ""
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
logs.Error("Get unexpected response when getting repo branches, status:", resp.Status)
return ""
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
err = resp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Fail to close response body of repo branches, err:", err)
return ""
branchesSlice := utils.JsonToSlice(string(body))
res := make([]string, 0)
for _, branchItem := range branchesSlice {
branch := branchItem["name"]
res = append(res, branch.(string))
return strings.Join(res, ",")
func getRepoReviewers(repo string) string {
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://gitee.com/api/v5/repos/%v/collaborators?access_token=%v&page=1&per_page=100", repo, token)
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Fail to get repo members, err:", err)
return ""
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
logs.Error("Get unexpected response when getting repo members, status:", resp.Status)
return ""
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
err = resp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("Fail to close response body of repo members, err:", err)
return ""
membersSlice := utils.JsonToSlice(string(body))
res := make([]string, 0)
for _, memberItem := range membersSlice {
member := memberItem["login"]
if member != "openeuler-ci-bot" {
res = append(res, member.(string))
return strings.Join(res, ",")
func searchRepoRecord(repo string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
searchSql := fmt.Sprintf("select * from repo where name='%s'", repo)
err := o.Raw(searchSql).QueryRow()
if err == orm.ErrNoRows {
return false
return true
马建仓 AI 助手


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