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Brayden 提交于 2022-10-28 08:39 . fix punctuation and wording around config

Contributing to vscode-sftp

After you've created a branch on your fork with your changes, open a pull request.

Please follow the guidelines given below while making a Pull Request to the vscode-sftp

Pull Request Guidelines

  • The Description should not exceed 100 characters.
  • Make sure the PR title is in the format of Add/Remove/Fix <feature> for e.g.: Add OpenSSH
  • Use a short descriptive commit message. for e.g.: ❌Update Readme.mdAdd OpenSSH connection Method
  • Search previous Pull Requests or Issues before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
  • Please make sure the feature has proper documentation.
  • Please make sure you squash all commits together before opening a pull request. If your pull request requires changes upon review, please be sure to squash all additional commits as well. This wiki page outlines the squash process.
  • Target your Pull Request to the master branch of the vscode-sftp

Once you've submitted a pull request, the collaborators can review your proposed changes and decide whether or not to incorporate (pull in) your changes.

Pull Request Pro Tips

  • Fork the repository and clone it locally. Connect your local repository to the original upstream repository by adding it as a remote. Pull in changes from upstream often so that you stay up to date and so when you submit your pull request, merge conflicts will be less likely. See more detailed instructions here.
  • Create a branch for your edits.
  • Contribute in the style of the project as outlined above. This makes it easier for the collaborators to merge and for others to understand and maintain in the future.

Open Pull Requests

Once you've opened a pull request, a discussion will start around your proposed changes.

Other contributors and users may chime in, but ultimately the decision is made by the collaborators.

During the discussion, you may be asked to make some changes to your pull request.

If so, add more commits to your branch and push them – they will automatically go into the existing pull request. But don't forget to squash them.

Opening a pull request will trigger a build to check the validity of all links in the project. After the build completes, please ensure that the build has passed. If the build did not pass, please view the build logs and correct any errors that were found in your contribution.

Thanks for being a part of this project, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

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