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xumengjuan1 提交于 2023-01-03 10:36 . modify doc

Contributing Documents


You are welcome to contribute MindSpore documents. Documents that meet requirements will be displayed on the MindSpore website.

This project supports contribution documents in markdown and reStructuredText formats. You can create the .md or .rst files or modify existing files.


MindSpore docs repository provides Document Writing Specifications for your reference.

Updating or Adding a Document

Updating a Document

If you want to update an existing document, click View source on Gitee (as shown in the following figure) on the top of the page to go to the source file. Modify the document and commit changes to a PR to make the contribution.

View Source on Gitee

Adding a Document

If you need to add a document, create a markdown or reStructuredText file in a proper directory. For details about the directory structure of the MindSpore docs repository, see README.

  1. Create a document.

    Requirements for the new document are as follows:

    • Storage path: A Chinese document is stored in the source_zh_cn directory and an English document is stored in the source_en directory.
    • Document name: A document name must consist of lowercase letters or underscores (_).
  2. Add the new document to the web page.

    After the writing is complete, add the new document to the web page directory.

    Take a training tutorial as an example. Find the index.rst file in the source_en directory. This file corresponds to the organization structure of the training tutorial web page.

    Add the new document to the corresponding category. You can also create a category before adding the document. Take Implementing an Image Classification Application as an example. Save the document in the quick_start directory and name it as quick_start.md. Add quick_start/quick_start to the Quick Start category, as shown below.

    .. toctree::
      :maxdepth: 1
      :caption: Quick Start

After completing the preceding operations, commit to a PR to make contribution.

Checking a Document

After committing to a PR, ensure that the mindspore-cla/yes and ci-pipeline-passed labels exist and the stat/need-squash label does not exist. The PR can be merged only after being approved by the committer.

  • mindspore-cla/yes: indicates that the CLA has been properly signed. If the CLA is not signed, the system automatically adds the mindspore-cla/no label. After the CLA is signed, add the comment /check-cla under the PR. Then the mindspore-cla/yes label is automatically added.
  • ci-pipeline-passed: indicates that the MindSpore CI check is passed. When a PR is created, MindSpore CI automatically starts the check. If the check is passed, the system automatically adds the label. If the check fails, the system automatically adds the ci-pipeline-failed label. After problems are resolved, add the comment /retest under the PR. If the check is successful, the ci-pipeline-passed label is automatically added.
  • stat/need-squash: indicates that the PR has multiple commits. The label is automatically deleted only after the commits are merged into one commit through the git rebase operation.

MindSpore CI uses check tools such as Markdownlint, Pylint, Shellcheck, Cppcheck, Cpplint, and Tab.

Markdownlint is a tool for checking the markdown file format. You can use the tool to check the format based on the configured rules and new rules. MindSpore CI modifies the following rules based on the default configuration:

  • MD007 (unordered list indentation): The indent parameter is set to 4, indicating that all content in the unordered list needs to be indented using four spaces.
  • MD009 (spaces at the line end): The br_spaces parameter is set to 2, indicating that there can be 0 or 2 spaces at the end of a line.
  • MD029 (sequence numbers of an ordered list): The style parameter is set to ordered, indicating that the sequence numbers of the ordered list are in ascending order.

For details, see RULES.

Confirming the Content

On the next day after the PR is merged, you can view the new content on the MindSpore website. A new link will be created for the new document.

By default, tutorials and documents of the latest version are displayed on the official website. To view the newly merged content, switch to master from the drop-down list.


Take Quick Start for Beginners as an example. The document link is https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorials/en/r2.0.0-alpha/beginner/quick_start.html.


MindSpore docs repository provides API Comment Specifications for your reference.

Updating or Adding an API

Updating a Python API

If you want to update an existing API, find the source file of the API in the MindSpore code.

If you do not know the file link, click source and find the file link by referring to the content following _modules in the link.

Take Tensor as an example. After clicking source, you can obtain the link https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/r2.0.0-alpha/_modules/mindspore/common/tensor.html#Tensor. Then, the source file link is https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r2.0.0-alpha/mindspore/python/mindspore/common/tensor.py.

API Source

Modify the comments in the source file and commit changes to a PR to make the contribution.

Adding a Python API

If you want to add an API, check whether the API has been added to an existing module. For details about the existing modules, see https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/r2.0.0-alpha/index.html.

  • If the API belongs to an existing module, comment out the API in the MindSpore code repository based on the requirements and add the API to __all__ of the corresponding module. Ensure that the API can be used in importing mindspore.Module name.API name format.

    If the API belongs to the following modules, the API list of the MindSpore docs repository needs to be updated. Please add APIs in alphabetical order.

  • If the API does not belong to the existing module, add an API project file of the MindSpore docs repository. Please add modules to the directory structure in alphabetical order. To add the API of the mindspore.mindrecord module, you need to create the mindspore.mindrecord.rst file in the docs/docs/api_python/source_en/mindspore directory and add the file to the directory structure.

    .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
    :caption: MindSpore Python API

After completing the preceding modification, commit to a PR to make contribution.

Checking the Python API

After committing to a PR, ensure that the mindspore-cla/yes and ci-pipeline-passed labels exist and the stat/need-squash label does not exist. The PR can be merged only after being approved by the committer.

For details about each label, see Checking a Document.

MindSpore CI uses the Pylint check tool.

Confirming the Content

On the next day after the PR is merged, you can view the new content on the MindSpore Python API page.

By default, APIs of the latest version are displayed. To view the newly merged content, switch to the master version.



The images in the document are mainly divided into program flowcharts, configuration flowcharts, functional structure diagrams and so on.

For specific image requirements and specifications, please refer to Image Specifications provided by MindSpore docs.

Updating or Adding an Image

If you want to update an existing image or adding a new image, click View Source on Gitee on the top of the page to go to the source file. Usually the images will be stored in the directory ./images. You only need to put the new images into this directory, or replace the modified images with the original ones, and commit changes to a PR to make the contribution.

Please submit the original image to Gitee at the same time, and put it in the same path as the image for subsequent modification.

Image Citation

The format of the image citation is: ![image name] (the path where the image is located). For details, please refer to Markdown Image Citation Requirements and Notebook Image Citation Requirements.

Confirming the Content

On the next day after the PR is merged, you can view the new content on the MindSpore website. The new image will shown in the document.

By default, tutorials and documents of the latest version are displayed on the official website. To view the newly merged content, switch to master from the drop-down list.


