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```{r include=FALSE} library(knitr) library(officedown) library(officer) library(magrittr) library(ggplot2) opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, tab.lp="Table:", fig.lp="Figure:") fp **关键词:**学位论文,论文格式,规范化,模板 \newpage # **Abstract** {-} Thesis is postgraduate’s main academic performance to display her/his works of scientific research, which shows the author’s new invention, new theory or new opinion in her/his research. It is the crucial document for the graduate students to apply for degree, and it is also the important scientific research literature and the valuable wealth of society. In order to improve the quality of postgraduate’s thesis, this template is formulated to standardize and unify the thesis’s content and format. Abstract is a brief statement of the thesis without notes and comments, which should be stated in the third person with concise and accurate language in 600-800 Chinese characters and less than 700 words in foreign languages. The writing of an abstract should follow these principles: 1. Abstract should be independent and self contained, which can offer the necessary information without reading the full text. It is the miniature and abbreviation of a thesis, which contains the thesis’s main points, views and conclusions in a short and clear way. 2. Abstract is a complete short essay with data and conclusion, which can be adopted and referred to independently. 3. Abstract should include main information of the original thesis as far as possible for the reader to determine whether to read the full text, which can also be applied for secondary sources. 4. Abstract should generally state out clearly the purpose, significance, problem, methods, results, main conclusion and its significance, creative achievements and new insights of the research program, and the results and conclusions should be emphasized. 5. Abstract should be written in words without any appended drawings and photos. Unless there is no alternative way available, abstract should be presented without graphs, tables, chemical structural equations, non-public common symbols and terminology, subscripts, and other special symbols. It is the best policy to highlight the key points clearly with less data tables. Keywords are words or terms selected from the thesis for literature indexing to represent the topic information entry. Generally, a thesis should have 3-5 keywords, which should be arranged from broad to narrow entry according to the principle of epitaxial order. EI standard retrieval words are recommended. The keywords should be separated by a comma and there is no punctuation after the last word. If possible, it is better to use the standard words from Chinese _Thesauri_ and other dictionaries of the same type. Abstract should be centered in bold-3 word size. It is the primary heading without any blank line between the word “abstract” and its content. But there should be one blank line between the abstract content and the key words. The “keywords” should be in bold Song typeface with small-four word size. The content and the key words are written in Chinese song typeface, English Times New Roman, small-four word size and 1.5 spaced.
**Keywords**: thesis, format, standardization, template \newpage # 目录 {-} \newpage # 图录 {-} \newpage # 表录 {-} \newpage # 注释表 {-} \newpage # 第1章 引言{-} 制定本模板的目的是为了统一规范我校硕士学位论文的格式,保证学位论文的质量。本章说明了本模板的制定依据、学位论文要求、封面规范和以及学位论文中的引言目的、构成和写作要求。 ## 格式模板的依据和使用说明 ### 学位论文模板依据 学位论文是研究生从事科研工作的成果的主要表现,它集中表明了作者在研究工作中获得的新的发明、理论或见解,是研究生申请学位的重要依据,也是科研领域中的重要文献资料和社会的宝贵财富。硕士学位论文应能表明作者已在本门学科上掌握了坚实的基础理论和系统的专业知识,并对所研究课题有新的见解,有从事科学研究工作或独立担负专门技术工作的能力[@angel2000] 。 本模板主要参照《学位论文编写规则》(GB/T7713.1-2006,中国国家标准局2006年发布并实施)[@angel2001]。 ## 封面 ### 分类号、UDC编号、学位论文编号和密级 #### 分类号 分类号指中图分类号,是指采用《中国图书馆分类法》(原称《中国图书馆图书分类法》,简称《中图法》)^[中图分类号的类目名称:+ A马克思主义、列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论;+ B哲学、宗教;+ C 社会科学总论;+ D政治、法律;+ E军事;+ F经济;+ G文化、科学、教育、体育;+ H语言、文字;+ I文学;+ J艺术;+ K历史、地理;+ N 自然科学总论;+ O 数理科学和化学;+ P天文学、地球科学;+ Q生物科学;+ R医药、卫生;+ S农业科学;+ T工业技术;TB一般工业技术;TD矿业工程;TE石油、天然气工业;TF冶金工业;TG金属学与金属工艺;TH机械、仪表工业;TJ武器工业;TK能源与动力工程;TL原子能技术;TM电工技术;TN无线电电子学、电信技术;TP自动化技术、计算机技术;TQ化学工业;TS轻工业、手工业;TU建筑科学;TV水利工程;+ U交通运输;+ V航空、航天;+ X环境科学、安全科学;+ Z 综合性图书。]对科技文献进行主题分析,并依照文献内容的学科属性和特征,分门别类地组织文献,所获取的分类代号。采用1999年出版的第四版《中图法》 可以在http://www.33tt.com/tools/ztf(中国图书馆分类法中图分类号查询系统)或http://lib.jzit.edu.cn/sjk/tsflf/index.htm(中图法第四版计算机辅助分类查询系统)中查询。填写要求:要求分类细分到22个大类代码后三位数字。如:TN929。 #### UDC编号 UDC即国际十进分类法(Universal Decimal Classification),是国际通用的多文种综合性文献分类法。UDC采用单纯阿拉伯数字作为标记符号。它用个位数(0~9)标记一级类,十位数(00~99)标记二级类,百位数(000~999)标记三级类,以下每扩展(细分)一级,就加一位数。每三位数字后加一小数点。如电气工程类的论文,其UDC编号为:621.3。 # 图表格式 表\@ref(tab:electric)格式并不规范,这是因为markdown只提供了基础的表格功能,复杂表格请在word中手动调整。可以并列显示,子图(a)(b)(c)这种建议截图为一整张大图在插入。 ```{r alipay, fig.cap='caption', out.width='30%', echo=FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("figs/alipay.JPG") ``` ```{r wechat, fig.cap='caption', out.width='30%', echo=FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("figs/wechat.JPG") ``` \newpage # 参考文献 {-} ```{r include=FALSE} # 自动生成 R 包的参考文献 knitr::write_bib(c( .packages(), 'bookdown', 'knitr', 'rmarkdown' ), 'packages.bib') ```
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