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Lucifer2859 / LAVA

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Lucifer2859 提交于 2022-05-18 21:14 . github
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.8"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
name = "lava-nc"
packages = [
{include = "lava", from = "src"}
version = "0.3.0"
description = "A Software Framework for Neuromorphic Computing"
homepage = "https://lava-nc.org/"
repository = "https://github.com/lava-nc/lava"
authors = [
"Intel's Neuromorphic Computing Lab and the open source community <lava@intel.com>"
license = "Lava uses multiple licenses and is licensed under BSD-3-Clause or LGPL-2.1-or-later"
keywords = [
"artificial intelligence",
"neural models",
"spiking neural networks"
classifiers = [
"Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
"License :: OSI Approved :: The 3-Clause BSD License (BSD-3-Clause)",
"License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later (LGPL-2.1-or-later)",
"Operating System :: OS Independent"
"Issue and Bug Tracker" = "https://github.com/lava-nc/lava/issues"
"Questions and Answers" = "https://github.com/lava-nc/lava/discussions/categories/q-a"
"Frequently Asked Questions" = "https://github.com/lava-nc/lava/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions-(FAQ)"
"Discussions" = "https://github.com/lava-nc/lava/discussions"
python = ">=3.8, <3.11"
matplotlib = "^3.5.1"
numpy = "^1.22.2"
pytest = "^7.0.1"
scipy = "^1.8.0"
unittest2 = "^1.1.0"
bandit = "1.7.2"
coverage = "^6.3.2"
darglint = "^1.8.1"
flake8 = "^4.0.1"
flake8-bandit = "^2.1.2"
flake8-bugbear = "^22.1.11"
flake8-builtins = "^1.5.3"
flake8-comprehensions = "^3.8.0"
flake8-docstrings = "^1.6.0"
flake8-eradicate = "^1.2.0"
flake8-isort = "^4.1.1"
flake8-mutable = "^1.2.0"
flake8-pytest-style = "^1.6.0"
flake8-spellcheck = "^0.25.0"
flakeheaven = "^0.11.1"
pep8-naming = "^0.12.1"
poetry = "^1.1.13"
pytest = "^7.0.1"
pytest-cov = "^3.0.0"
sphinx = { extras = ["toml"], version = "^4.4.0" }
sphinx-tabs = { extras = ["toml"], version = "^3.2.0" }
sphinx_rtd_theme = { extras = ["toml"], version = "^1.0.0" }
unittest2 = "^1.1.0"
line-length = 80
target-version = [
include = "\\.pyi?$"
exclude = """
| \\.git
| \\.venv
| _build
| build
| dist
minversion = "7.0"
addopts = "--strict-markers --cov=src/lava"
testpaths = [
relative_files = true
source = [
exclude_lines = [
"pragma: no cover",
"raise NotImplemented()",
"if __name__ == .__main__.:",
fail_under = 85
show_missing = true
extended_default_ignore=[] # Fix for bug while using newer flake8 ver.
format = "grouped"
max_line_length = 80
show_source = true
exclude = ["./docs/"]
flake8-bandit = ["+*", "-S322", "-B101"] # Enable a plugin, disable specific checks
# Disable below plugins temporarily until lint fix is pushed
flake8-bugbear = ["-*"]
flake8-builtins = ["-*"]
flake8-comprehensions = ["-*"]
flake8-darglint = ["-*"]
flake8-docstrings = ["-*"]
flake8-eradicate = ["-*"]
flake8-isort = ["-*"]
flake8-mutable = ["-*"]
flake8-pytest-style = ["-*"]
flake8-spellcheck = ["-*"]
mccabe = ["-*"]
pep8-naming = ["-*"]
# Excluding until lint fix is pushed
# flake8-bugbear = ["+*"] # Enable a plugin
# flake8-builtins = ["+*"]
# flake8-comprehensions = ["+*"]
# flake8-darglint = ["+*"]
# flake8-docstrings = ["+*"]
# flake8-eradicate = ["+*"]
# flake8-isort = ["+*"]
# flake8-mutable = ["+*"]
# flake8-pytest-style = ["+*"]
# flake8-spellcheck = ["-*"]
# mccabe = ["+*"]
# pep8-naming = ["+*"]
# pyflakes = ["+*"]
# pylint = ["+*"]
pycodestyle = ["+*", "-W503", "-E203"]
pyflakes = ["-*"] # Disable temporarily until lint fix is pushed
pylint = ["-*"] # Disable temporarily until lint fix is pushed
pycodestyle = ["-F401"] # Disable a check
flake8-bandit = ["-S101"] # Ignore asserts for tests
pyflakes = ["-*"] # Disable a plugin


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