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ratelimit_slice_window.go 4.75 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
蒙蒙的男孩 提交于 2023-10-22 16:32 . 1.5.4
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* Copyright (C) 2019 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
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// Package common .
package common
import (
// NewSlidingWindow 创建滑窗
func NewSlidingWindow(slideCount int, intervalMs int) *SlidingWindow {
slidingWindow := &SlidingWindow{}
slidingWindow.intervalMs = intervalMs
slidingWindow.slideCount = slideCount
slidingWindow.mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
slidingWindow.windowLengthMs = intervalMs / slideCount
slidingWindow.windowArray = make([]*Window, slideCount)
for i := 0; i < slideCount; i++ {
slidingWindow.windowArray[i] = &Window{}
return slidingWindow
// calculateWindowStart 计算起始滑窗
func (s *SlidingWindow) calculateWindowStart(curTimeMs int64) int64 {
return CalculateStartTimeMilli(curTimeMs, int64(s.windowLengthMs))
// CalculateStartTimeMilli 计算起始滑窗
func CalculateStartTimeMilli(curTimeMs int64, interval int64) int64 {
return curTimeMs - curTimeMs%interval
// calculateTimeIdx 计算时间下标
func (s *SlidingWindow) calculateTimeIdx(curTimeMs int64) int {
timeId := curTimeMs / int64(s.windowLengthMs)
return int(timeId % int64(s.slideCount))
// currentWindow 当前窗口
func (s *SlidingWindow) currentWindow(curTimeMs int64, reset bool) (*Window, *Window) {
idx := s.calculateTimeIdx(curTimeMs)
windowStart := s.calculateWindowStart(curTimeMs)
oldWindow := s.windowArray[idx]
oldWindowStart := atomic.LoadInt64(&oldWindow.WindowStart)
if oldWindowStart == windowStart {
return oldWindow, nil
} else if !reset {
return nil, nil
} else {
expiredWindow := oldWindow.reset(oldWindowStart, windowStart)
return oldWindow, expiredWindow
// AddAndGetCurrentPassed 原子增加,并返回当前bucket
func (s *SlidingWindow) AddAndGetCurrentPassed(curTimeMs int64, value uint32) (uint32, *Window) {
window, expiredWindow := s.currentWindow(curTimeMs, true)
return window.addAndGetPassed(value), expiredWindow
// AddAndGetCurrentLimited 原子增加,并返回当前bucket
func (s *SlidingWindow) AddAndGetCurrentLimited(curTimeMs int64, value uint32) (uint32, *Window) {
window, expiredWindow := s.currentWindow(curTimeMs, true)
return window.addAndGetLimited(value), expiredWindow
// AcquireCurrentValues 获取上报数据
func (s *SlidingWindow) AcquireCurrentValues(curTimeMs int64) (uint32, uint32, *Window) {
window, expiredWindow := s.currentWindow(curTimeMs, true)
passed := window.swapPassed()
limited := window.swapLimited()
return passed, limited, expiredWindow
// TouchCurrentPassed 获取上报数据
func (s *SlidingWindow) TouchCurrentPassed(curTimeMs int64) (uint32, *Window) {
window, expiredWindow := s.currentWindow(curTimeMs, true)
passed := window.addAndGetPassed(0)
return passed, expiredWindow
// SlidingWindow 滑窗通用实现
type SlidingWindow struct {
// 单个窗口长度
windowLengthMs int
// 所有窗口总长度
intervalMs int
// 更新锁
mutex *sync.Mutex
// 滑窗列表
windowArray []*Window
// 滑窗数
slideCount int
// reset 重置窗口,返回过期的窗口
func (w *Window) reset(oldWindowStart int64, windowStart int64) *Window {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&w.WindowStart, oldWindowStart, windowStart) {
passedValue := atomic.SwapUint32(&w.PassedValue, 0)
limitedValue := atomic.SwapUint32(&w.LimitedValue, 0)
return &Window{
WindowStart: oldWindowStart,
PassedValue: passedValue,
LimitedValue: limitedValue,
return nil
// Window 单个窗口
type Window struct {
// 起始时间
WindowStart int64
// 通过数
PassedValue uint32
// 被限流数
LimitedValue uint32
// addAndGetPassed 原子增加通过数
func (w *Window) addAndGetPassed(value uint32) uint32 {
return atomic.AddUint32(&w.PassedValue, value)
// addAndGetLimited 原子增加被限流数
func (w *Window) addAndGetLimited(value uint32) uint32 {
return atomic.AddUint32(&w.LimitedValue, value)
// swapPassed 原子增加通过数
func (w *Window) swapPassed() uint32 {
return atomic.SwapUint32(&w.PassedValue, 0)
// swapLimited 原子增加被限流数
func (w *Window) swapLimited() uint32 {
return atomic.SwapUint32(&w.LimitedValue, 0)
