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donghufeng 提交于 2024-01-03 17:39 . fix docing
# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# ============================================================================
# pylint: disable=abstract-method,duplicate-code
"""Basic module for quantum gate."""
import copy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple
import numpy as np
import scipy
from mindquantum.utils.f import pauli_string_matrix
from mindquantum.utils.quantifiers import s_quantifier
from mindquantum.utils.string_utils import join_without_empty
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import (
from ..parameterresolver import ParameterResolver
'self_hermitian': 0, # the hermitian of this gate is its self
'do_hermitian': 1, # just do hermitian when you need hermitian
'params_opposite': 2, # use the negative parameters for hermitian
class BasicGate(ABC):
BasicGate is the base class of all gates.
name (str): the name of this gate.
n_qubits (int): how many qubits is this gate.
obj_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific which qubits the gate act on.
ctrl_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific the control qubits. Default, ``None``.
def __init__(self, name, n_qubits, obj_qubits=None, ctrl_qubits=None):
"""Initialize a BasicGate."""
if obj_qubits is None:
obj_qubits = []
if ctrl_qubits is None:
ctrl_qubits = []
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError(f"Excepted string for gate name, get {type(name)}")
self.name = name
self.n_qubits = n_qubits
self.obj_qubits = obj_qubits
self.ctrl_qubits = ctrl_qubits
def acted(self):
"""Check whether this gate is acted on qubits."""
if not self.obj_qubits:
return False
if self.n_qubits != len(self.obj_qubits):
raise RuntimeError(
f"{self.name} gate requires {s_quantifier(self.n_qubits, 'qubit')}, but get {len(self.obj_qubits)}"
return self.n_qubits == len(self.obj_qubits)
def __decompose__(self):
Decompose this gate into more basic gate.
None, if the decomposition is not defined.
List[Circuit], all possible decompositions.
def __commutate__(self, _):
"""Indicate whether a gate commutes."""
return False
def __qubits_expression__(self):
"""Qubit expression generator."""
obj_s = ' '.join([str(i) for i in self.obj_qubits])
ctrl_s = ' '.join([str(i) for i in self.ctrl_qubits])
return join_without_empty(' <-: ', [obj_s, ctrl_s])
def __str_in_svg__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
return self.name
def __str_in_circ__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
return self.name
def __str_in_terminal__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
expression = self.__qubits_expression__()
return self.name + (f"({expression})" if expression else '')
def __type_specific_str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
return ''
def __merge__(self, other: "BasicGate") -> Tuple[bool, List["BasicGate"], "GlobalPhase"]:
"""Merge with other gate."""
return (False, [self, other], None)
def matrix(self, *args):
"""Matrix of the gate."""
raise NotImplementedError(f"Matrix for gate {self.name} not implement.")
def hermitian(self):
"""Return the hermitian gate of this gate."""
raise NotImplementedError(f"Hermitian for gate {self.name} not implement.")
def parameterized(self):
"""Check whether this gate is a parameterized gate."""
return isinstance(self, ParameterGate) and not self.coeff.is_const() # pylint: disable=no-member
def define_projectq_gate(self):
"""Define the corresponded projectq gate."""
raise NotImplementedError(f"projectq version of gate {self.name} is not implement.")
def no_grad(self):
"""Set this gate to not calculate gradient."""
return self
def requires_grad(self):
Set this gate to calculate gradient.
In default, a parameterized gate will requires grad when you init it.
return self
def on(self, obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits=None): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Define which qubit the gate act on and the control qubit.
In this framework, the qubit that the gate act on is specified
first, even for control gate, e.g. CNOT, the second arg is control
obj_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific which qubits the gate act on.
ctrl_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific the control qubits. Default, ``None``.
Gate, Return a new gate.
>>> from mindquantum.core.gates import X
>>> x = X.on(1)
>>> x.obj_qubits
>>> x.ctrl_qubits
>>> x = X.on(2, [0, 1])
>>> x.ctrl_qubits
[0, 1]
if isinstance(obj_qubits, int):
obj_qubits = [obj_qubits]
if isinstance(ctrl_qubits, int):
ctrl_qubits = [ctrl_qubits]
if ctrl_qubits is None:
ctrl_qubits = []
_check_input_type("obj_qubits", (int, Iterable), obj_qubits)
_check_input_type("ctrl_qubits", (int, Iterable), ctrl_qubits)
if set(obj_qubits) & set(ctrl_qubits):
raise ValueError("Obj_qubit and ctrl_qubit cannot have same qubits.")
if len(set(obj_qubits)) != len(obj_qubits):
raise ValueError("obj_qubits cannot be repeated.")
if len(set(ctrl_qubits)) != len(ctrl_qubits):
raise ValueError("ctrl_qubits cannot be repeated.")
if self.n_qubits:
if len(obj_qubits) != self.n_qubits:
raise ValueError(
f"{self.name} gate requires {s_quantifier(self.n_qubits, 'qubit')}, but get {len(obj_qubits)}"
new = copy.deepcopy(self)
new.obj_qubits = []
new.ctrl_qubits = []
for i in obj_qubits:
for i in ctrl_qubits:
return new
def __or__(self, qubits):
"""Support for ProjectQ-like syntax."""
if not isinstance(qubits, tuple):
qubits = (qubits,)
qubits = list(qubits)
for i, qubit in enumerate(qubits):
if hasattr(qubit, "qubit_id"):
qubits[i] = [qubit]
ctrls = []
objs = []
if len(qubits) == 1:
objs = [qubit.qubit_id for qubit in qubits[0]]
ctrls = [qubit.qubit_id for qubit in qubits[0]]
objs = [qubit.qubit_id for qubit in qubits[1]]
qubits[0][0].circuit_.append(self.on(objs, ctrls))
def __str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
return self.__str_in_terminal__()
def __repr__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
return self.__str__()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality comparison operator."""
if self.__class__ is not other.__class__:
return False
if (
self.name != other.name
or self.n_qubits != other.n_qubits
or self.obj_qubits != other.obj_qubits
or set(self.ctrl_qubits) != set(other.ctrl_qubits)
return False
return True
def get_cpp_obj(self):
"""Get the underlying C++ object."""
class FunctionalGate(BasicGate):
"""Base class for functional gates."""
def hermitian(self):
"""Return the hermitian of this parameter gate."""
return copy.deepcopy(self)
class QuantumGate(BasicGate):
Base class for quantum gates.
name (str): the name of this gate.
n_qubits (int): how many qubits is this gate.
obj_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific which qubits the gate act on.
ctrl_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific the control qubits. Default, ``None``.
def __commutate__(self, other: BasicGate):
"""Indicate whether a gate commutes."""
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import
from mindquantum.core.circuit import UN, Circuit
from .basicgate import I
if not isinstance(other, BasicGate):
return False
total_circ = Circuit([self, other]).compress()
circ_1 = total_circ[:1]
circ_2 = total_circ[1:]
qubit_set_2 = set(circ_2.all_qubits.keys())
qubit_set_1 = set(circ_1.all_qubits.keys())
circ_1 += UN(I, qubit_set_2 - qubit_set_1)
circ_2 += UN(I, qubit_set_1 - qubit_set_2)
matrix_1 = circ_1.matrix()
matrix_2 = circ_2.matrix()
return np.allclose(matrix_1 @ matrix_2, matrix_2 @ matrix_1)
class SelfHermitianGate(QuantumGate):
"""Base class for self-hermitian gates."""
def hermitian(self):
"""Return the hermitian of this parameter gate."""
return copy.deepcopy(self)
class AntiHermitianGate(QuantumGate):
"""Base class for anti-hermitian gates."""
class NonHermitianGate(QuantumGate):
The basic class of gate that is non hermitian.
name (str): the name of this gate.
n_qubits (int): how many qubits is this gate.
obj_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific which qubits the gate act on.
ctrl_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific the control qubits. Default, ``None``.
def __init__(self, name, n_qubits, *args, obj_qubits=None, ctrl_qubits=None, hermitianed=False, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a NonHermitianGate object."""
super().__init__(name, n_qubits, *args, obj_qubits=obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits=ctrl_qubits, **kwargs)
self.hermitianed = hermitianed
def hermitian(self):
"""Return the hermitian of this parameter gate."""
new = copy.deepcopy(self)
new.hermitianed = not new.hermitianed
return new
def __type_specific_str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import
from mindquantum.io.display._config import _DAGGER_MASK
return _DAGGER_MASK if self.hermitianed else ''
def __str_in_terminal__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
string = super().__str_in_terminal__()
return f"{self.name}{self.__type_specific_str__()}{string[len(self.name):]}"
def __str_in_circ__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
string = super().__str_in_circ__()
return f"{self.name}{self.__type_specific_str__()}{string[len(self.name):]}"
def __str_in_svg__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import
from mindquantum.io.display._config import _DAGGER_MASK
string = super().__str_in_svg__()
if self.hermitianed:
string += _DAGGER_MASK
return string
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality comparison operator."""
return super().__eq__(other) and self.hermitianed == other.hermitianed
class MatrixGate(QuantumGate):
"""Gate that has matrix defined."""
def __init__(self, matrix_value, name, n_qubits, *args, obj_qubits=None, ctrl_qubits=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a MatrixGate object."""
super().__init__(name, n_qubits, *args, obj_qubits=obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits=ctrl_qubits, **kwargs)
self.matrix_value = matrix_value
def matrix(self, full=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
Matrix of parameterized gate.
full (bool): Whether to get the full matrix of this gate (the gate
should be acted on some qubits). Default: ``False``.
_check_input_type('full', bool, full)
if full:
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from mindquantum.core.circuit import Circuit
return Circuit([self]).matrix()
return self.matrix_value
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality comparison operator."""
return super().__eq__(other) and np.allclose(self.matrix(), other.matrix())
class NoneParameterGate(QuantumGate):
Base class for non-parametric gates.
name (str): the name of this gate.
n_qubits (int): how many qubits is this gate.
obj_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific which qubits the gate act on.
ctrl_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific the control qubits. Default, ``None``.
def __call__(self, obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits=None):
"""Definition of a function call operator."""
return self.on(obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits)
class ParameterGate(QuantumGate):
Gate that is parameterized.
pr (ParameterResolver): the parameter for parameterized gate.
name (str): the name of this parameterized gate.
n_qubits (int): the qubit number of this parameterized gate.
args (list): other arguments for quantum gate.
obj_qubits (Union[int, List[int]]): the qubit that this gate act on. Default: ``None``.
ctrl_qubits (Union[int, List[int]]): the control qubit of this gate. Default: ``None``.
kwargs (dict): other arguments for quantum gate.
def __init__(self, pr: ParameterResolver, name, n_qubits, *args, obj_qubits=None, ctrl_qubits=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a ParameterGate object."""
super().__init__(name, n_qubits, *args, obj_qubits=obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits=ctrl_qubits, **kwargs)
self.coeff = pr
def __type_specific_str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the coefficients."""
return self.coeff.expression()
def __str_in_terminal__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
qubit_s = QuantumGate.__qubits_expression__(self)
pr_s = self.__type_specific_str__()
string = join_without_empty('|', [pr_s, qubit_s])
return self.name + (f'({string})' if string else '')
def __str_in_circ__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
pr_s = self.__type_specific_str__()
string = join_without_empty('|', [pr_s])
return self.name + (f'({string})' if string else '')
def __call__(self, pr):
"""Definition of a function call operator."""
new = copy.deepcopy(self)
new.coeff = ParameterResolver(pr)
return new
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality comparison operator."""
return super().__eq__(other) and self.coeff == other.coeff
def __params_prop__(self):
"""Get properties of all parameters."""
return list(self.coeff.keys()), list(self.coeff.ansatz_parameters), list(self.coeff.encoder_parameters)
def get_parameters(self) -> List[ParameterResolver]:
"""Return a list of parameters of parameterized gate."""
return [self.coeff]
def no_grad(self):
"""Mark all parameters as *not* requiring gradient calculations."""
return self
def requires_grad(self):
"""Mark all parameters as requiring gradient calculations."""
return self
def requires_grad_part(self, *names):
Set certain parameters that need grad. Inplace operation.
names (tuple[str]): Parameters that requires grad.
BasicGate, with some part of parameters need to update gradient.
return self
def no_grad_part(self, *names):
Set certain parameters that do not need grad. Inplace operation.
names (tuple[str]): Parameters that not requires grad.
BasicGate, with some part of parameters not need to update gradient.
return self
class ParameterOppsGate(ParameterGate):
"""ParameterOppsGate class."""
def __merge__(self, other: BasicGate) -> Tuple[bool, List[BasicGate], "GlobalPhase"]:
"""Merge two gate."""
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return (False, [], None)
if self.obj_qubits != other.obj_qubits or set(self.ctrl_qubits) != set(other.ctrl_qubits):
return (False, [], None)
new_coeff = self.coeff + other.coeff
if new_coeff == 0.0:
return (True, [], None)
return (True, [self(new_coeff)], None)
def hermitian(self):
"""Return the hermitian of this parameter gate."""
new = copy.deepcopy(self)
new.coeff = -new.coeff
return new
class NoneParamNonHermMat(NoneParameterGate, MatrixGate, NonHermitianGate):
"""Gate that is both none parameterized and non hermitian."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(self, matrix_value, name, n_qubits, obj_qubits=None, ctrl_qubits=None, hermitianed=False):
"""Initialize a NoneParamNonHermMat object."""
matrix_value, name, n_qubits, obj_qubits=obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits=ctrl_qubits, hermitianed=hermitianed
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality comparison operator."""
return NonHermitianGate.__eq__(self, other)
def __merge__(self, other: BasicGate) -> Tuple[bool, List[BasicGate], "GlobalPhase"]:
"""Merge two gate."""
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return (False, [self, other], None)
if self.obj_qubits != other.obj_qubits or set(self.ctrl_qubits) != set(other.ctrl_qubits):
return (False, [self, other], None)
if self.hermitianed ^ other.hermitianed:
return (True, [], None)
return (False, [self, other], None)
def matrix(self, full=False):
Matrix of parameterized gate.
full (bool): Whether to get the full matrix of this gate (the gate
should be acted on some qubits). Default: ``False``.
_check_input_type('full', bool, full)
if full:
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from mindquantum.core.circuit import Circuit
return Circuit([self]).matrix()
if self.hermitianed:
return np.conj(self.matrix_value.T)
return self.matrix_value
class NoneParamSelfHermMat(NoneParameterGate, SelfHermitianGate, MatrixGate):
"""Non-parametric self hermitian matrix gate."""
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality comparison operator."""
return MatrixGate.__eq__(self, other)
def __merge__(self, other: BasicGate) -> Tuple[bool, List[BasicGate], "GlobalPhase"]:
"""Merge with other gate."""
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
if self.obj_qubits == other.obj_qubits and set(self.ctrl_qubits) == set(other.ctrl_qubits):
return (True, [], None)
return (False, [self, other], None)
class PauliGate(NoneParamSelfHermMat):
"""Pauli Gate."""
def __pow__(self, coeff):
"""Calculate the power of a Pauli gate."""
from .basicgate import ( # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import
gate_map = {'X': RX, 'Y': RY, 'Z': RZ}
if self.name not in gate_map:
raise NotImplementedError(f"Power of gate {self.name} not implement yet.")
r_gate = gate_map[self.name]
pr = ParameterResolver(coeff) * np.pi
return r_gate(pr)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality comparison operator."""
return QuantumGate.__eq__(self, other)
class PauliStringGate(NoneParamSelfHermMat):
"""Gate construct by pauli string."""
def __init__(self, pauli_string):
"""Initialize a PauliStringGate object."""
name = ''.join([i.name for i in pauli_string])
n_qubits = len(pauli_string)
matrix_value = pauli_string_matrix(name)
super().__init__(name=name, n_qubits=n_qubits, matrix_value=matrix_value)
self.pauli_string = pauli_string
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality comparison operator."""
return QuantumGate.__eq__(self, other)
def get_cpp_obj(self):
"""Get cpp obj."""
raise NotImplementedError
class RotSelfHermMat(ParameterOppsGate):
"""Exponential of a self hermitian operator gate."""
def __init__(
self, core, name, n_qubits, obj_qubits=None, ctrl_qubits=None, pr=ParameterResolver()
): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
"""Initialize a RotSelfHermMat object."""
super().__init__(pr, name, n_qubits, obj_qubits=obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits=ctrl_qubits)
self.core = core
def __merge__(self, other: BasicGate) -> Tuple[bool, List[BasicGate], "GlobalPhase"]:
"""Merge with other gate."""
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return (False, [self, other], None)
if self.obj_qubits != other.obj_qubits or set(self.ctrl_qubits) != set(other.ctrl_qubits):
return (False, [self, other], None)
new_coeff = self.coeff + other.coeff
if new_coeff.is_const() and np.allclose(new_coeff.const % (4 * np.pi), 0.0):
return (True, [], None)
return (True, [self(new_coeff)], None)
def matrix(self, pr=None, frac=0.5, full=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
Matrix of parameterized gate.
pr (Union[ParameterResolver, dict]): The parameter of this gate. Default: None.
frac (numbers.Number): The multiple of the coefficient. Default: ``0.5``.
full (bool): Whether to get the full matrix of this gate (the gate
should be acted on some qubits). Default: ``False``.
_check_input_type('full', bool, full)
if full:
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from mindquantum.core.circuit import Circuit
return Circuit([self]).matrix(pr=pr)
val = 0
if not self.parameterized:
val = self.coeff.const
if pr is None:
raise ValueError("Parameterized gate need a parameter resolver to get matrix.")
new = self.coeff.combination(pr)
if not new.is_const():
raise ValueError("Parameter not set completed.")
val = new.const
return scipy.linalg.expm(-1j * val * frac * self.core.matrix())
def diff_matrix(self, pr=None, about_what=None, frac=0.5):
"""Differential form of this parameterized gate."""
if not self.parameterized:
return np.zeros_like(self.core.matrix())
if about_what is None:
if len(self.coeff) != 1:
raise ValueError("Should specific which parameter are going to do derivation.")
for i in self.coeff:
about_what = i
return -1j * frac * self.core.matrix() @ self.matrix(pr=pr, frac=frac) * self.coeff[about_what]
class ParamNonHerm(ParameterGate, NonHermitianGate):
"""Gate that is parameterized and non hermitian."""
def __init__(
self, pr, matrix_generator, diff_matrix_generator, name, n_qubits, obj_qubits=None, ctrl_qubits=None
): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
"""Initialize a ParamNonHerm object."""
super().__init__(pr, name, n_qubits, obj_qubits=obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits=ctrl_qubits)
self.matrix_generator = matrix_generator
self.diff_matrix_generator = diff_matrix_generator
def __str_in_circ__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
string = ParameterGate.__str_in_circ__(self)
return self.name + NonHermitianGate.__type_specific_str__(self) + string[len(self.name) :] # noqa: E203
def __str_in_svg__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
string = ParameterGate.__str_in_svg__(self)
return self.name + NonHermitianGate.__type_specific_str__(self) + string[len(self.name) :] # noqa: E203
def __str_in_terminal__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
string = ParameterGate.__str_in_terminal__(self)
return self.name + NonHermitianGate.__type_specific_str__(self) + string[len(self.name) :] # noqa: E203
def matrix(self, pr=None, full=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
Matrix of parameterized gate.
If the parameterized gate convert to non parameterized gate, then
you don't need any parameters to get this matrix.
pr (Union[dict, ParameterResolver]): Parameters of this gate.
full (bool): Whether to get the full matrix of this gate (the gate
should be acted on some qubits). Default: ``False``.
numpy.ndarray, Return the numpy array of the matrix.
>>> from mindquantum.core.gates import RX
>>> rx1 = RX(0)
>>> rx1.matrix()
array([[1.+0.j, 0.-0.j],
[0.-0.j, 1.+0.j]])
>>> rx2 = RX({'a' : 1.2})
>>> np.round(rx2.matrix({'a': 2}), 2)
array([[0.36+0.j , 0. -0.93j],
[0. -0.93j, 0.36+0.j ]])
_check_input_type('full', bool, full)
if full:
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from mindquantum.core.circuit import Circuit
return Circuit([self]).matrix(pr=pr)
val = 0
if not self.parameterized:
val = self.coeff.const
new = self.coeff.combination(pr)
if not new.is_const():
raise ValueError("Parameter not set completed.")
val = new.const
return self.matrix_generator(val)
def diff_matrix(self, pr=None, about_what=None):
Differential form of this parameterized gate.
paras_out (Union[dict, ParameterResolver]): Parameters of this gate.
about_what (str): Specific the differential is about
which parameter. Default: ``None``.
numpy.ndarray, Return the numpy array of the differential matrix.
>>> from mindquantum import RX
>>> rx = RX('a')
>>> np.round(rx.diff_matrix({'a' : 2}), 2)
array([[-0.42+0.j , 0. -0.27j],
[ 0. -0.27j, -0.42+0.j ]])
if not self.parameterized:
return np.zeros_like(self.matrix_generator(0))
new = self.coeff.combination(pr)
if not new.is_const():
raise ValueError("Parameter not set completed.")
val = new.const
if about_what is None:
if len(self.coeff) != 1:
raise ValueError("Should specific which parameter are going to do derivation.")
for i in self.coeff:
about_what = i
return self.coeff[about_what] * self.diff_matrix_generator(val)
class NoiseGate(NoneParameterGate):
Noise gate class.
name (str): the name of this gate.
n_qubits (int): how many qubits is this gate.
obj_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific which qubits the gate act on.
ctrl_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific the control qubits. Default, ``None``.
def __str_in_terminal__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
qubit_s = QuantumGate.__qubits_expression__(self)
pr_s = self.__type_specific_str__()
string = join_without_empty('|', [pr_s, qubit_s])
return self.name + (f'({string})' if string else '')
def __str_in_circ__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the object."""
pr_s = self.__type_specific_str__()
string = join_without_empty('|', [pr_s])
return self.name + (f'({string})' if string else '')
def on(self, obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits=None):
Define which qubit the gate act on.
obj_qubits (int, list[int]): Specific which qubits the gate act on.
ctrl_qubits (int, list[int]): Control qubit for noise gate should always be ``None``.
out = super().on(obj_qubits, ctrl_qubits)
if out.ctrl_qubits:
raise ValueError("Noise gate cannot have control qubits.")
return out
