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fermion_operator.py 26.44 KB
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donghufeng 提交于 2024-01-10 15:30 . get matrix of a parameterized operator
# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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# ============================================================================
"""This module is generated the Fermion Operator."""
# pylint: disable=import-error, too-many-public-methods
import copy
import json
import typing
from functools import lru_cache
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, kron
import mindquantum as mq
from mindquantum._math.ops import FermionOperator as FermionOperator_
from mindquantum._math.ops import f_term_value
from mindquantum.core.operators._term_value import TermValue
from mindquantum.core.parameterresolver import ParameterResolver, PRConvertible
from mindquantum.dtype.dtype import str_dtype_map
from mindquantum.mqbackend import EQ_TOLERANCE
from mindquantum.third_party.interaction_operator import InteractionOperator
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import (
def _n_sz(n, dtype):
if n == 0:
return csr_matrix(np.array([1]), dtype=dtype)
tmp = [csr_matrix(np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]], dtype=dtype)) for _ in range(n)]
for i in tmp[1:]:
tmp[0] = kron(tmp[0], i)
return tmp[0]
def _n_identity(n, dtype):
if n == 0:
return csr_matrix(np.array([1]), dtype=dtype)
tmp = [csr_matrix(np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=dtype)) for _ in range(n)]
for i in tmp[1:]:
tmp[0] = kron(tmp[0], i)
return tmp[0]
def _single_fermion_word(idx, dag, n_qubits, dtype):
matrix = csr_matrix(np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]], dtype=dtype))
if dag:
matrix = csr_matrix(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0]], dtype=dtype))
return kron(_n_identity(n_qubits - 1 - idx, dtype), kron(matrix, _n_sz(idx, dtype)))
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def _two_fermion_word(idx1, dag1, idx2, dag2, n_qubits, dtype):
return _single_fermion_word(idx1, dag1, n_qubits, dtype) * _single_fermion_word(idx2, dag2, n_qubits, dtype)
class FermionOperator(FermionOperator_):
Definition of a Fermion Operator.
The Fermion Operator such as FermionOperator('9 4^ 3 3^') are used to represent :math:`a_9 a_4^\dagger a_3
These are the Basic Operators to describe a fermionic system, such as a Molecular system.
The FermionOperator are follows the anti-commutation relationship.
terms (Union[str, ParameterResolver]): The input term of fermion operator. Default: ``None``.
coefficient (Union[numbers.Number, str, Dict[str, numbers.Number], ParameterResolver]): The coefficient
for the corresponding single operators Default: ``1.0``.
internal (bool): Whether the first argument is internal c++ object of
FermionOperator or not. Default: ``False``.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> a_p_dagger = FermionOperator('1^')
>>> a_p_dagger
1 [1^]
>>> a_q = FermionOperator('0')
>>> a_q
1 [0]
>>> zero = FermionOperator()
>>> zero
>>> identity= FermionOperator('')
>>> identity
1 []
>>> para_op = FermionOperator('0 1^', 'x')
>>> para_op
-x [1^ 0]
>>> para_dt = {'x':2}
>>> op = para_op.subs(para_dt)
>>> op
-2 [1^ 0]
def __init__(
terms: typing.Union[str, "FermionOperator"] = None,
coefficient: PRConvertible = 1.0,
internal: bool = False,
"""Initialize a FermionOperator instance."""
if terms is None:
if isinstance(terms, FermionOperator_):
internal = True
if internal:
FermionOperator_.__init__(self, terms)
if isinstance(terms, InteractionOperator):
FermionOperator_.__init__(self, [(i, ParameterResolver(terms[i])) for i in terms])
FermionOperator_.__init__(self, terms, ParameterResolver(coefficient))
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Return the size of term."""
return FermionOperator_.size(self)
def __copy__(self) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Deep copy this FermionOperator."""
return FermionOperator(FermionOperator_.__copy__(self))
def __deepcopy__(self, memodict) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Deep copy this FermionOperator."""
return FermionOperator(FermionOperator_.__copy__(self))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Return string expression of a FermionOperator."""
values = []
terms = []
max_value_len = 0
for term, value in self.terms.items():
max_value_len = max(max_value_len, len(values[-1]))
terms.append("[" + ' '.join(f"{i}{'^' if j else ''}" for i, j in term) + "]")
for i, j in enumerate(values):
values[i] = j.rjust(max_value_len)
if i != len(values) - 1:
terms[i] += " +"
if values:
return "\n".join(f'{v} {t}' for v, t in zip(values, terms))
return "0"
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Return string expression of a FermionOperator."""
return self.__repr__()
def __eq__(self, other: typing.Union["FermionOperator", PRConvertible]) -> bool:
"""Check whether two FermionOperator equal or not."""
if not isinstance(other, FermionOperator_):
other = ParameterResolver(other, dtype=self.dtype)
other = FermionOperator("", other)
return not (self - other).size
def __add__(self, other: typing.Union["FermionOperator", PRConvertible]) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Add a number or a FermionOperator."""
if not isinstance(other, FermionOperator_):
return FermionOperator(FermionOperator_.__add__(self, FermionOperator("", ParameterResolver(other))))
return FermionOperator(FermionOperator_.__add__(self, other))
def __iadd__(self, other: typing.Union["FermionOperator", PRConvertible]) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Add a number or a FermionOperator."""
if not isinstance(other, FermionOperator_):
FermionOperator_.__iadd__(self, FermionOperator("", ParameterResolver(other)))
return self
FermionOperator_.__iadd__(self, other)
return self
def __radd__(self, other: typing.Union["FermionOperator", PRConvertible]) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Add a number or a FermionOperator."""
return self + other
def __sub__(self, other: typing.Union["FermionOperator", PRConvertible]) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Sub a number or a FermionOperator."""
return self + (-1 * other)
def __isub__(self, other: typing.Union["FermionOperator", PRConvertible]) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Sub a number or a FermionOperator."""
self += -1 * other
return self
def __rsub__(self, other: typing.Union["FermionOperator", PRConvertible]) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Sub a number or a FermionOperator."""
return other + (-1 * self)
def __neg__(self):
"""Return negative FermionOperator."""
return 0 - self
def __mul__(self, other: typing.Union["FermionOperator", PRConvertible]) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Multiply a number or a FermionOperator."""
if not isinstance(other, FermionOperator_):
return FermionOperator(FermionOperator_.__mul__(self, FermionOperator("", ParameterResolver(other))))
return FermionOperator(FermionOperator_.__mul__(self, other))
def __imul__(self, other: typing.Union["FermionOperator", PRConvertible]) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Multiply a number or a FermionOperator."""
if not isinstance(other, FermionOperator_):
FermionOperator_.__imul__(self, FermionOperator("", ParameterResolver(other)))
return self
FermionOperator_.__imul__(self, other)
return self
def __rmul__(self, other: typing.Union["FermionOperator", PRConvertible]) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Multiply a number or a FermionOperator."""
return self * other
def __truediv__(self, other: PRConvertible) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Divide a number."""
if other == 0.0:
raise ZeroDivisionError("other cannot be zero.")
return self * (1.0 / other)
def __itruediv__(self, other: PRConvertible) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Divide a number."""
if other == 0.0:
raise ZeroDivisionError("other cannot be zero.")
self.__imul__(1.0 / other)
return self
def __iter__(self) -> typing.Generator["FermionOperator", None, None]:
"""Iterate every single term."""
for coeff, term in self.split():
yield term * coeff
def __pow__(self, frac) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Power of FermionOperator."""
if not frac:
return FermionOperator("").astype(self.dtype)
out = 1 * self
for _ in range(frac - 1):
out *= self
return out
def __getstate__(self):
"""Get state of parameter resolver."""
return {'json_str': self.dumps()}
def __setstate__(self, state):
"""Set state of parameter resolver."""
a = FermionOperator.loads(state['json_str'])
def constant(self) -> ParameterResolver:
Return the coefficient of the identity fermion string.
ParameterResolver, the coefficient of the identity fermion string.
return ParameterResolver(FermionOperator_.get_coeff(self, []), internal=True)
def dtype(self):
"""Get the data type of FermionOperator."""
return FermionOperator_.dtype(self)
def imag(self) -> "FermionOperator":
Convert the coefficient to its imag part.
Fermion, the imag part of this FermionOperator.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> f = FermionOperator('0', 1 + 2j) + FermionOperator('0^', 'a')
>>> f.imag
2 [0]
return FermionOperator(FermionOperator_.imag(self))
def is_complex(self) -> bool:
"""Return whether the FermionOperator instance is currently using complex coefficients."""
return self.dtype in (mq.complex128, mq.complex64)
def is_singlet(self) -> bool:
To verify whether this operator has only one term.
bool, whether this operator has only one term.
return FermionOperator_.is_singlet(self)
def parameterized(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether this FermionOperator is parameterized."""
return FermionOperator_.parameterized(self)
def real(self) -> "FermionOperator":
Convert the coefficient to its real part.
FermionOperator, the real part of this FermionOperator.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> f = FermionOperator('0', 1 + 2j) + FermionOperator('0^', 'a')
>>> f.real
1 [0] +
a [0^]
return FermionOperator(FermionOperator_.real(self))
def size(self) -> int:
"""Return the number of terms of this FermionOperator."""
return len(self)
def terms(self) -> typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[int, int], ParameterResolver]:
"""Get the terms of a FermionOperator."""
origin_dict = FermionOperator_.get_terms(self)
out = {}
for key, value in origin_dict:
out_key = []
for idx, word in key:
out_key.append((idx, 0 if word == f_term_value.a else 1))
out[tuple(out_key)] = ParameterResolver(value, internal=True)
return out
def from_openfermion(of_ops) -> "FermionOperator":
Convert openfermion fermion operator to mindquantum format.
of_ops (openfermion.FermionOperator): fermion operator from openfermion.
FermionOperator, fermion operator from mindquantum.
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from openfermion import FermionOperator as OFFermionOperator
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
_require_package("openfermion", "1.5.0")
if not isinstance(of_ops, OFFermionOperator):
raise TypeError(
"of_ops should be a FermionOperator" f" from openfermion framework, but get type {type(of_ops)}"
out = FermionOperator()
for term, v in of_ops.terms.items():
out += FermionOperator(' '.join([f"{i}{'' if j ==0 else '^'}" for i, j in term]), ParameterResolver(v))
return out
def loads(strs: str) -> "FermionOperator":
Load JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) into a FermionOperator.
strs (str): The dumped fermion operator string.
FermionOperator, the FermionOperator loaded from JSON-formatted strings
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> f = FermionOperator('0', 1 + 2j) + FermionOperator('0^', 'a')
>>> obj = FermionOperator.loads(f.dumps())
>>> obj == f
dic = json.loads(strs)
out = FermionOperator().astype(str_dtype_map[dic['dtype']])
for c, t in zip(dic['values'], dic['terms']):
out += FermionOperator(t, ParameterResolver.loads(c))
return out
def astype(self, dtype) -> "FermionOperator":
Convert to different data type.
Converting a complex type FermionOperator to real type will ignore the image part of coefficient.
dtype (mindquantum.dtype): new data type of fermion operator.
FermionOperator, new fermion operator with given data type.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> import mindquantum as mq
>>> f = FermionOperator('0^', 2 + 3j)
>>> f.dtype
>>> f.astype(mq.float64)
2 [0^]
return FermionOperator(FermionOperator_.astype(self, dtype))
def cast_complex(self) -> "FermionOperator":
"""Cast a FermionOperator into its complex equivalent."""
new_type = self.dtype
if new_type == mq.float32:
new_type = mq.complex64
elif new_type == mq.float64:
new_type = mq.complex128
return self.astype(new_type)
def compress(self, abs_tol=EQ_TOLERANCE) -> "FermionOperator":
Eliminate the very small fermion string that close to zero.
abs_tol(float): Absolute tolerance, must be at least 0.0. Default: EQ_TOLERANCE.
FermionOperator, the compressed operator.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> ham_compress = FermionOperator('0^ 1', 0.5) + FermionOperator('2^ 3', 1e-7)
>>> ham_compress
1/2 [0^ 1] +
1/10000000 [2^ 3]
>>> ham_compress.compress(1e-6)
1/2 [0^ 1]
>>> ham_para_compress = FermionOperator('0^ 1', 0.5) + FermionOperator('2^ 3', 'X')
>>> ham_para_compress
1/2 [0^ 1] +
X [2^ 3]
>>> ham_para_compress.compress(1e-7)
1/2 [0^ 1] +
X [2^ 3]
out = FermionOperator()
for k, v in self.terms.items():
if not (v.is_const() and np.abs(v.const) < abs_tol):
out += FermionOperator(" ".join(f"{i}{'^' if j else ''}" for i, j in k), v)
return out
def constant(self, value):
"""Set the coefficient of the Identity term."""
FermionOperator_.set_coeff(self, [], ParameterResolver(value))
def count_qubits(self) -> int:
Calculate the number of qubits on which operator acts before removing the unused qubit.
int, the qubits number before remove unused qubit.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> a = FermionOperator("0^ 3")
>>> a.count_qubits()
return FermionOperator_.count_qubits(self)
def dumps(self, indent: int = 4) -> str:
Dump a FermionOperator into JSON(JavaScript Object Notation).
indent (int): Then JSON array elements and object members will be
pretty-printed with that indent level. Default: ``4``.
JSON (str), the JSON strings of this FermionOperator
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> f = FermionOperator('0', 1 + 2j) + FermionOperator('0^', 'a')
>>> len(f.dumps())
out = {}
out['dtype'] = str(self.dtype)
out['terms'] = []
out['values'] = []
for k, v in self.terms.items():
out["terms"].append(" ".join(f"{i}{'^' if j else ''}" for i, j in k))
return json.dumps(out, indent=indent)
def get_coeff(self, term) -> ParameterResolver:
Get coefficient of given term.
term (List[Tuple[int, Union[int, str]]]): the term you want get coefficient.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> f = FermionOperator('0^ 1', 1.2)
>>> f.get_coeff([(1, ''), (0, '^')])
ParameterResolver(dtype: float64, const: -1.200000)
>>> f.get_coeff([(1, 0), (0, 1)])
ParameterResolver(dtype: float64, const: -1.200000)
return ParameterResolver(FermionOperator_.get_coeff(self, [(i, TermValue[j]) for i, j in term]), internal=True)
def hermitian(self) -> "FermionOperator":
Get the hermitian of a FermionOperator.
FermionOperator, The hermitian of this FermionOperator.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> a = FermionOperator("0^ 1", {"a": 1 + 2j})
>>> a.hermitian()
(-1 + 2j)*a [1 0^]
return FermionOperator(FermionOperator_.hermitian_conjugated(self), internal=True)
def matrix(self, n_qubits: int = None, pr=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
Convert this fermion operator to csr_matrix under jordan_wigner mapping.
n_qubits (int): The total qubit of final matrix. If None, the value will be
the maximum local qubit number. Default: None.
pr (ParameterResolver, dict, numpy.ndarray, list, numbers.Number): The parameter
resolver for parameterized FermionOperator. Default: None.
if pr is None:
pr = ParameterResolver()
pr = _check_and_generate_pr_type(pr, self.params_name)
np_type = mq.to_np_type(self.dtype)
ops = self
if self.parameterized:
ops = copy.copy(self)
ops = ops.subs(pr)
if not self.terms:
raise ValueError("Cannot convert empty fermion operator to matrix")
n_qubits_local = ops.count_qubits()
if n_qubits_local == 0 and n_qubits is None:
raise ValueError("You should specific n_qubits for converting a identity fermion operator.")
if n_qubits is None:
n_qubits = n_qubits_local
_check_int_type("n_qubits", n_qubits)
if n_qubits < n_qubits_local:
raise ValueError(
f"Given n_qubits {n_qubits} is small than qubit of fermion operator, which is {n_qubits_local}."
out = 0
for term, coeff in ops.terms.items():
coeff = coeff.const
if not term:
out += csr_matrix(np.identity(2**n_qubits, dtype=np_type)) * coeff
tmp = 1
group = [[]]
for idx, dag in term:
if len(group[-1]) < 4:
if len(group[-1]) == 4:
for gate in group:
if gate:
if len(gate) == 4:
tmp *= _two_fermion_word(gate[0], gate[1], gate[2], gate[3], n_qubits, np_type)
tmp *= _single_fermion_word(gate[0], gate[1], n_qubits, np_type)
out += tmp * coeff
return out
def params_name(self):
"""Get all parameters of this operator."""
names = []
for pr in self.terms.values():
names.extend([i for i in pr.params_name if i not in names])
return names
def normal_ordered(self) -> "FermionOperator":
Return the normal ordered form of the Fermion Operator.
FermionOperator, the normal ordered FermionOperator.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> origin = FermionOperator('0 1^')
>>> origin
1.0 [0 1^]
>>> origin.normal_ordered()
-1.0 [1^ 0]
return FermionOperator(FermionOperator_.normal_ordered(self), internal=True)
def relabel(self, logic_qubits: typing.List[int]) -> "FermionOperator":
Relabel the qubit according to the given logic qubits order.
logic_qubits (List[int]): The label of logic qubits. For example, if
logic_qubits is `[2, 0, 1]`, original qubit `0` will label as `2`.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> o = FermionOperator('3^ 2 1 0')
>>> o
1 [3^ 2 1 0]
>>> o.relabel([1, 3, 0, 2])
-1 [3 2^ 1 0]
terms = [(tuple((logic_qubits[idx], dag) for idx, dag in key), value) for key, value in self.terms.items()]
return FermionOperator(terms, internal=True)
def singlet_coeff(self) -> ParameterResolver:
Get the coefficient of this operator, if the operator has only one term.
ParameterResolver, the coefficient of this single string operator.
RuntimeError: if the size of terms is not equal to 1.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> ops = FermionOperator("1^ 2", "a")
>>> print(ops)
-a [2 1^]
>>> print(ops.singlet_coeff())
return ParameterResolver(FermionOperator_.singlet_coeff(self), internal=True)
def singlet(self) -> typing.List["FermionOperator"]:
Split the single string operator into every word.
List[FermionOperator], The split word of the string.
RuntimeError: if the size of terms is not equal to 1.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> ops = FermionOperator("1^ 2", 1)
>>> print(ops.singlet())
[1 [2], 1 [1^]]
return [FermionOperator(i, internal=True) for i in FermionOperator_.singlet(self)]
def split(self) -> typing.Generator[ParameterResolver, "FermionOperator", None]:
Split the coefficient and the operator.
List[List[ParameterResolver, FermionOperator]], the split result.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> a = FermionOperator('0', 'a') + FermionOperator('1^', 1.2)
>>> for i, j in a.split():
... print(i, j)
a, 1 [0]
1.2, 1 [1^]
for i, j in FermionOperator_.split(self):
yield ParameterResolver(i, internal=True), FermionOperator(j, internal=True)
def subs(self, params_value: PRConvertible) -> "FermionOperator":
Replace the symbolical representation with the corresponding value.
params_value (Union[Dict[str, numbers.Number], ParameterResolver]): the value of variable in coefficient.
>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> from mindquantum.core.parameterresolver import ParameterResolver
>>> f = FermionOperator('0^', ParameterResolver({'a': 2.0}, 3.0))
>>> f
2*a + 3 [0^]
>>> f.subs({'a': 1.5})
6 [0^]
if not isinstance(params_value, ParameterResolver):
params_value = ParameterResolver(params_value)
out = copy.copy(self)
FermionOperator_.subs(out, params_value)
return out
def to_openfermion(self):
"""Convert a FermionOperator openfermion format."""
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from openfermion import FermionOperator as OFFermionOperator
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
_require_package("openfermion", "1.5.0")
if self.parameterized:
raise ValueError("Cannot not FermionOperator to OpenFermion format.")
terms = {}
for i, j in self.terms.items():
terms[i] = j.const
out = OFFermionOperator()
out.terms = terms
return out
