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Gitee 极速下载/Badger

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/dgraph-io/badger
stream_writer.go 14.58 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
* Copyright 2019 Dgraph Labs, Inc. and Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package badger
import (
humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize"
// StreamWriter is used to write data coming from multiple streams. The streams must not have any
// overlapping key ranges. Within each stream, the keys must be sorted. Badger Stream framework is
// capable of generating such an output. So, this StreamWriter can be used at the other end to build
// BadgerDB at a much faster pace by writing SSTables (and value logs) directly to LSM tree levels
// without causing any compactions at all. This is way faster than using batched writer or using
// transactions, but only applicable in situations where the keys are pre-sorted and the DB is being
// bootstrapped. Existing data would get deleted when using this writer. So, this is only useful
// when restoring from backup or replicating DB across servers.
// StreamWriter should not be called on in-use DB instances. It is designed only to bootstrap new
// DBs.
type StreamWriter struct {
writeLock sync.Mutex
db *DB
done func()
throttle *y.Throttle
maxVersion uint64
writers map[uint32]*sortedWriter
prevLevel int
// NewStreamWriter creates a StreamWriter. Right after creating StreamWriter, Prepare must be
// called. The memory usage of a StreamWriter is directly proportional to the number of streams
// possible. So, efforts must be made to keep the number of streams low. Stream framework would
// typically use 16 goroutines and hence create 16 streams.
func (db *DB) NewStreamWriter() *StreamWriter {
return &StreamWriter{
db: db,
// throttle shouldn't make much difference. Memory consumption is based on the number of
// concurrent streams being processed.
throttle: y.NewThrottle(16),
writers: make(map[uint32]*sortedWriter),
// Prepare should be called before writing any entry to StreamWriter. It deletes all data present in
// existing DB, stops compactions and any writes being done by other means. Be very careful when
// calling Prepare, because it could result in permanent data loss. Not calling Prepare would result
// in a corrupt Badger instance. Use PrepareIncremental to do incremental stream write.
func (sw *StreamWriter) Prepare() error {
defer sw.writeLock.Unlock()
done, err := sw.db.dropAll()
// Ensure that done() is never called more than once.
var once sync.Once
sw.done = func() { once.Do(done) }
return err
// PrepareIncremental should be called before writing any entry to StreamWriter incrementally.
// In incremental stream write, the tables are written at one level above the current base level.
func (sw *StreamWriter) PrepareIncremental() error {
defer sw.writeLock.Unlock()
// Ensure that done() is never called more than once.
var once sync.Once
// prepareToDrop will stop all the incoming writes and process any pending flush tasks.
// Before we start writing, we'll stop the compactions because no one else should be writing to
// the same level as the stream writer is writing to.
f, err := sw.db.prepareToDrop()
if err != nil {
sw.done = func() { once.Do(f) }
return err
done := func() {
sw.done = func() { once.Do(done) }
mts, decr := sw.db.getMemTables()
defer decr()
for _, m := range mts {
if !m.sl.Empty() {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to do incremental writes because MemTable has data")
isEmptyDB := true
for _, level := range sw.db.Levels() {
if level.NumTables > 0 {
sw.prevLevel = level.Level
isEmptyDB = false
if isEmptyDB {
// If DB is empty, we should allow doing incremental stream write.
return nil
if sw.prevLevel == 0 {
// It seems that data is present in all levels from Lmax to L0. If we call flatten
// on the tree, all the data will go to Lmax. All the levels above will be empty
// after flatten call. Now, we should be able to use incremental stream writer again.
if err := sw.db.Flatten(3); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error during flatten in StreamWriter")
sw.prevLevel = len(sw.db.Levels()) - 1
return nil
// Write writes KVList to DB. Each KV within the list contains the stream id which StreamWriter
// would use to demux the writes. Write is thread safe and can be called concurrently by multiple
// goroutines.
func (sw *StreamWriter) Write(buf *z.Buffer) error {
if buf.LenNoPadding() == 0 {
return nil
// closedStreams keeps track of all streams which are going to be marked as done. We are
// keeping track of all streams so that we can close them at the end, after inserting all
// the valid kvs.
closedStreams := make(map[uint32]struct{})
streamReqs := make(map[uint32]*request)
err := buf.SliceIterate(func(s []byte) error {
var kv pb.KV
if err := kv.Unmarshal(s); err != nil {
return err
if kv.StreamDone {
closedStreams[kv.StreamId] = struct{}{}
return nil
// Panic if some kv comes after stream has been marked as closed.
if _, ok := closedStreams[kv.StreamId]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("write performed on closed stream: %d", kv.StreamId))
if sw.maxVersion < kv.Version {
sw.maxVersion = kv.Version
if sw.prevLevel == 0 {
// If prevLevel is 0, that means that we have not written anything yet.
// So, we can write to the maxLevel. newWriter writes to prevLevel - 1,
// so we can set prevLevel to len(levels).
sw.prevLevel = len(sw.db.lc.levels)
var meta, userMeta byte
if len(kv.Meta) > 0 {
meta = kv.Meta[0]
if len(kv.UserMeta) > 0 {
userMeta = kv.UserMeta[0]
e := &Entry{
Key: y.KeyWithTs(kv.Key, kv.Version),
Value: y.Copy(kv.Value),
UserMeta: userMeta,
ExpiresAt: kv.ExpiresAt,
meta: meta,
// If the value can be collocated with the key in LSM tree, we can skip
// writing the value to value log.
req := streamReqs[kv.StreamId]
if req == nil {
req = &request{}
streamReqs[kv.StreamId] = req
req.Entries = append(req.Entries, e)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
all := make([]*request, 0, len(streamReqs))
for _, req := range streamReqs {
all = append(all, req)
defer sw.writeLock.Unlock()
// We are writing all requests to vlog even if some request belongs to already closed stream.
// It is safe to do because we are panicking while writing to sorted writer, which will be nil
// for closed stream. At restart, stream writer will drop all the data in Prepare function.
if err := sw.db.vlog.write(all); err != nil {
return err
for streamID, req := range streamReqs {
writer, ok := sw.writers[streamID]
if !ok {
var err error
writer, err = sw.newWriter(streamID)
if err != nil {
return y.Wrapf(err, "failed to create writer with ID %d", streamID)
sw.writers[streamID] = writer
if writer == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("write performed on closed stream: %d", streamID))
writer.reqCh <- req
// Now we can close any streams if required. We will make writer for
// the closed streams as nil.
for streamId := range closedStreams {
writer, ok := sw.writers[streamId]
if !ok {
sw.db.opt.Warningf("Trying to close stream: %d, but no sorted "+
"writer found for it", streamId)
if err := writer.Done(); err != nil {
return err
sw.writers[streamId] = nil
return nil
// Flush is called once we are done writing all the entries. It syncs DB directories. It also
// updates Oracle with maxVersion found in all entries (if DB is not managed).
func (sw *StreamWriter) Flush() error {
defer sw.writeLock.Unlock()
defer sw.done()
for _, writer := range sw.writers {
if writer != nil {
for _, writer := range sw.writers {
if writer == nil {
if err := writer.Done(); err != nil {
return err
if !sw.db.opt.managedTxns {
if sw.db.orc != nil {
if curMax := sw.db.orc.readTs(); curMax >= sw.maxVersion {
sw.maxVersion = curMax
sw.db.orc = newOracle(sw.db.opt)
sw.db.orc.nextTxnTs = sw.maxVersion
// Wait for all files to be written.
if err := sw.throttle.Finish(); err != nil {
return err
// Sort tables at the end.
for _, l := range sw.db.lc.levels {
// Now sync the directories, so all the files are registered.
if sw.db.opt.ValueDir != sw.db.opt.Dir {
if err := sw.db.syncDir(sw.db.opt.ValueDir); err != nil {
return err
if err := sw.db.syncDir(sw.db.opt.Dir); err != nil {
return err
return sw.db.lc.validate()
// Cancel signals all goroutines to exit. Calling defer sw.Cancel() immediately after creating a new StreamWriter
// ensures that writes are unblocked even upon early return. Note that dropAll() is not called here, so any
// partially written data will not be erased until a new StreamWriter is initialized.
func (sw *StreamWriter) Cancel() {
defer sw.writeLock.Unlock()
for _, writer := range sw.writers {
if writer != nil {
for _, writer := range sw.writers {
if writer != nil {
if err := sw.throttle.Finish(); err != nil {
sw.db.opt.Errorf("error in throttle.Finish: %+v", err)
// Handle Cancel() being called before Prepare().
if sw.done != nil {
type sortedWriter struct {
db *DB
throttle *y.Throttle
opts table.Options
builder *table.Builder
lastKey []byte
level int
streamID uint32
reqCh chan *request
// Have separate closer for each writer, as it can be closed at any time.
closer *z.Closer
func (sw *StreamWriter) newWriter(streamID uint32) (*sortedWriter, error) {
bopts := buildTableOptions(sw.db)
for i := 2; i < sw.db.opt.MaxLevels; i++ {
bopts.TableSize *= uint64(sw.db.opt.TableSizeMultiplier)
w := &sortedWriter{
db: sw.db,
opts: bopts,
streamID: streamID,
throttle: sw.throttle,
builder: table.NewTableBuilder(bopts),
reqCh: make(chan *request, 3),
closer: z.NewCloser(1),
level: sw.prevLevel - 1, // Write at the level just above the one we were writing to.
go w.handleRequests()
return w, nil
func (w *sortedWriter) handleRequests() {
defer w.closer.Done()
process := func(req *request) {
for i, e := range req.Entries {
// If badger is running in InMemory mode, len(req.Ptrs) == 0.
var vs y.ValueStruct
if e.skipVlogAndSetThreshold(w.db.valueThreshold()) {
vs = y.ValueStruct{
Value: e.Value,
Meta: e.meta,
UserMeta: e.UserMeta,
ExpiresAt: e.ExpiresAt,
} else {
vptr := req.Ptrs[i]
vs = y.ValueStruct{
Value: vptr.Encode(),
Meta: e.meta | bitValuePointer,
UserMeta: e.UserMeta,
ExpiresAt: e.ExpiresAt,
if err := w.Add(e.Key, vs); err != nil {
for {
select {
case req := <-w.reqCh:
case <-w.closer.HasBeenClosed():
for req := range w.reqCh {
// Add adds key and vs to sortedWriter.
func (w *sortedWriter) Add(key []byte, vs y.ValueStruct) error {
if len(w.lastKey) > 0 && y.CompareKeys(key, w.lastKey) <= 0 {
return errors.Errorf("keys not in sorted order (last key: %s, key: %s)",
hex.Dump(w.lastKey), hex.Dump(key))
sameKey := y.SameKey(key, w.lastKey)
// Same keys should go into the same SSTable.
if !sameKey && w.builder.ReachedCapacity() {
if err := w.send(false); err != nil {
return err
w.lastKey = y.SafeCopy(w.lastKey, key)
var vp valuePointer
if vs.Meta&bitValuePointer > 0 {
w.builder.Add(key, vs, vp.Len)
return nil
func (w *sortedWriter) send(done bool) error {
if err := w.throttle.Do(); err != nil {
return err
go func(builder *table.Builder) {
err := w.createTable(builder)
// If done is true, this indicates we can close the writer.
// No need to allocate underlying TableBuilder now.
if done {
w.builder = nil
return nil
w.builder = table.NewTableBuilder(w.opts)
return nil
// Done is called once we are done writing all keys and valueStructs
// to sortedWriter. It completes writing current SST to disk.
func (w *sortedWriter) Done() error {
if w.builder.Empty() {
// Assign builder as nil, so that underlying memory can be garbage collected.
w.builder = nil
return nil
return w.send(true)
func (w *sortedWriter) createTable(builder *table.Builder) error {
defer builder.Close()
if builder.Empty() {
return nil
fileID := w.db.lc.reserveFileID()
var tbl *table.Table
if w.db.opt.InMemory {
data := builder.Finish()
var err error
if tbl, err = table.OpenInMemoryTable(data, fileID, builder.Opts()); err != nil {
return err
} else {
var err error
fname := table.NewFilename(fileID, w.db.opt.Dir)
if tbl, err = table.CreateTable(fname, builder); err != nil {
return err
lc := w.db.lc
lhandler := lc.levels[w.level]
// Now that table can be opened successfully, let's add this to the MANIFEST.
change := &pb.ManifestChange{
Id: tbl.ID(),
KeyId: tbl.KeyID(),
Op: pb.ManifestChange_CREATE,
Level: uint32(lhandler.level),
Compression: uint32(tbl.CompressionType()),
if err := w.db.manifest.addChanges([]*pb.ManifestChange{change}); err != nil {
return err
// We are not calling lhandler.replaceTables() here, as it sorts tables on every addition.
// We can sort all tables only once during Flush() call.
// Release the ref held by OpenTable.
_ = tbl.DecrRef()
w.db.opt.Infof("Table created: %d at level: %d for stream: %d. Size: %s\n",
fileID, lhandler.level, w.streamID, humanize.IBytes(uint64(tbl.Size())))
return nil
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