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Gitee 极速下载 / Eva

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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/Workiva/eva
config.clj 25.79 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Erik.Petersen 提交于 2019-05-29 15:31 . Initial commit.
;; Copyright 2015-2019 Workiva Inc.
;; Licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (the "License");
;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;; http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;; limitations under the License.
(ns eva.config
(:require [recide.core :refer [insist deferror-group]]
[recide.sanex :as sanex]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.java.io :as io]
(:import (java.io File)
(java.lang Runtime)))
(deferror-group config-error
(parse-failure "Eva config parse error" [:target-type :source-type :source])
(key-not-found "No entry found for config key" [:config-key]))
(defmulti parse-as (fn [as-type val] [as-type (type val)]))
(defmethod parse-as :default [typ x] (if (isa? (type x) typ)
:parse-failure (format "cannot parse %s as %s" (type x) typ)
{:target-type typ,
:source-type (type x),
:source x})))
(defmethod parse-as [nil :default] [_ x] x)
(defmethod parse-as [String String] [_ s] s)
(defmethod parse-as [Long String] [_ s] (Long/parseLong s))
(defmethod parse-as [Integer String] [_ s] (Integer/parseInt s))
(defmethod parse-as [Boolean String] [_ s] (contains? #{"true" "1"} (str/lower-case s)))
(defmethod parse-as [Double String] [_ s] (Double/parseDouble s))
(defmethod parse-as [File String] [_ s] (-> (io/file (System/getProperty "user.dir") s)
(def ^:dynamic *system-properties* (into {} (System/getProperties)))
(defn reload-system-properties [] (alter-var-root #'*system-properties* (fn [_] (into {} (System/getProperties)))))
(def ^:dynamic *properties*
{:eva.system.core-limit {:type Long
:default (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors)
:doc "Sets the size of available processors -- in Java 8 the JVM can't tell it's in a container."}
:eva.concurrent.flowgraph.thread-count {:type Long
:default (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors)
:doc "The number of threads used by each flowgraph graph."}
:eva.startup.thread-count {:type Long
:default (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors)
:doc "How many transactor nodes could be started simulteniously."}
:eva.v2.storage.serialization.thread-count {:type Long
:default 12
:doc "The number of threads used by the v2 global reader & writer graphs."}
:eva.v2.storage.block-size {:type Long
:default (* 64 1024)
:doc "Sets the maximum size size of storage blocks."}
:eva.v2.storage.value-cache-size {:type Long
:default 1000
:doc "Sets the size of the (deserialized) value cache: proper size driven by index paramaters."}
:eva.v2.storage.index-cache-size {:type Long
:default 20
:doc "Sets the size of the in-mem index cache: proper size driven by index parameters."}
:eva.v2.storage.max-request-cardinality {:type Long
:default 25}
:eva.v2.storage.request-timeout-ms {:type Long
:default 10000}
:eva.v2.storage.ddb.max-retries {:type Long
:default 20
:doc "Number of times to attempt an operation that dynamo has partially processed."}
:eva.v2.storage.sql.max-retries {:type Long
:default 5
:doc "Number of times to attempt a sql operation that has failed."}
:eva.v2.storage.sql.connection-pool.max-pool-size {:type Integer
:default (int 15)
:doc "Maximum number of Connections a pool will maintain at any given time."}
:eva.v2.storage.sql.connection-pool.min-pool-size {:type Integer
:default (int 3)
:doc "Minimum number of Connections a pool will maintain at any given time."}
:eva.v2.storage.sql.connection-pool.max-connection-age {:type Integer
:default (int 0)
:doc "Seconds, effectively a time to live. A Connection older than max-connection-age will be destroyed and purged from the pool. Zero means no maximum absolute age is enforced"}
:eva.v2.storage.sql.connection-pool.max-idle-time {:type Integer
:default (int (* 3 60 60)) ;; 3hr
:doc "Seconds a Connection can remain pooled but unused before being discarded. Zero means idle connections never expire."}
:eva.v2.storage.sql.connection-pool.max-idle-time-excess-connections {:type Integer
:default (int (* 30 60)) ;; 30min
:doc "Number of seconds that Connections in excess of minPoolSize should be permitted to remain idle in the pool before being culled."}
:eva.v2.storage.sql.connection-pool.test-connection-on-checkout {:type Boolean
:default false
:doc "If true, jdbc connections will be tested on checkout from the connection-pool"}
:eva.v2.storage.sql.connection-pool.test-connection-on-checkin {:type Boolean
:default true
:doc "If true, jdbc connections will be tested on checkin to the connection-pool"}
:eva.v2.storage.sql.connection-pool.idle-connection-test-period {:type Integer
:default (int 120) ;; 2 min
:doc "If N > 0, idle jdbc connections will be tested every N seconds"}
:eva.server.host {:type String
:default "localhost"
:doc "Host-name or ip of the server; used to as the address to bind to."}
:eva.server.alt-host {:type String
:doc "(Optional) Public host-name to publish as discovery address."}
:eva.server.port {:type Long
:default 5445
:doc "Primary port the server listens on."}
:eva.server.status-http-port {:type Long
:doc "Port the server http-status endpoint listens on."}
:eva.server.h2-port {:type Long
:default 5447
:eva.server.h2-web-port {:type Long
:default 5448
:eva.server.ssl {:type Boolean
:default false
:eva.server.data-dir {:type File
:default (io/file (System/getProperty "user.dir") "data")
:eva.database.overlay.estimate-interval-sec {:type Long
:default 30}
:eva.database.overlay.estimate-delay-sec {:type Long
:default 0}
:eva.database.overlay.max-size-mb {:type Long
:default 32}
:eva.log.read-chunk-size {:type Long
:default 10
:doc "When lazy reading a span from the transaction log, request from storage in subspans of this size."
:eva.log.read-chunks-ahead {:type Long
:default 10
:doc "When lazy reading a span from the transaction log, asynchronously attempt to stay this many chunks ahead."
:eva.database.indexes.max-tx-delta {:type Long
:default 100}
:eva.server.startup-delay {:type Long
:default 0}
:eva.transact-timeout {:type Long
:default 10000
:eva.transaction-pipeline.compile-db-fns {:type Boolean
:default true
:doc "Enable or disable the compilation of :db.type/fn attributes upon transaction."}
:eva.transaction-pipeline.clock-skew-window {:type Long
:default 256
:doc "The amount of clock skew that the transaction process is willing to tolerate in ms."}
:eva.transaction-pipeline.byte-size-limit {:type Long
:default 1024
:doc "The largest value for a string (in bytes) or bytes attribute the transactor will accept."}
:eva.transaction-pipeline.limit-byte-sizes {:type Boolean
:default false
:doc "When enabled, transactions over the byte size limit will be rejected with an exception."}
:eva.query.memoization-cache {:type Long
:default 100
:doc "The threshold used for caching query compilation"}
:eva.query.trace-logging {:type Boolean
:default false
:doc "Whether or not tracing occurs in the query library."}
:eva.telemetry.enable-per-db-metrics {:type Boolean
:default false
:doc "Enables per-db metrics. Adding flag to disable until we have a not-horribly-expensive way to use them."}
:eva.tracing.tag-inputs {:type Boolean
:default false
:doc "Tag inputs to query/pull/pull-many on the trace of the aforementioned operation."}
:eva.tracing {:type Boolean
:default true
:doc "Enables tracing. NOTE: Changing this variable after loading code that traces will have NO EFFECT. It MUST be set to false by the time our other Clojure files are loaded."}
:eva.concurrent.background-resource.max {:type Long
:default 24
:doc "Maximum number of threads in the global background-resource thread pool."}
:eva.concurrent.background-resource.queue-size {:type Long
:default 48
:doc "Maximum size of queue for tasks realizing background resources."}
:eva.concurrent.background-resource.thread-goal {:type Long
:default 2
:doc "The target number of threads to be devoted to any particular background-resource-map."}
:eva.error.capture-insists {:type Boolean
:default false
:doc "Insist will capture the values of local bindings used in the failing statement."}
:eva.error.always-sanitize-exceptions {:type Boolean
:default false
:doc "Exceptions thrown from API endpoints should always be sanitized. A safety precaution -- strict reliance on this feature is probably an anti-pattern."}})
(defn- property-default
([key] (property-default *properties* key))
([prop-defs key] (get-in prop-defs [(keyword (name key)) :default])))
(defn- property-env-key
([key] (property-env-key *properties* key))
([prop-defs key]
(get-in prop-defs [(keyword (name key)) :env])))
(defn- property-type
([key] (property-type *properties* key))
([prop-defs key] (or (get-in prop-defs [(keyword (name key)) :type])
(type (property-default prop-defs key)))))
(defn- property
([key] (property *system-properties* key))
([properties key] (when-some [val (or (get properties (name key))
(get properties (str key)))]
(parse-as (property-type key) val))))
(defn- env-property
([env-map prop-name]
(some->> (property-env-key prop-name)
(get env-map)
(parse-as (property-type prop-name)))))
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *overrides* {})
(defn- override-value [key] (get *overrides* key ::override-not-found))
(defmacro with-overrides [m & body]
(insist (map? m))
`(with-redefs [*overrides* ~m] ~@body))
(defn config
"Get a configuration value. Returns nil if the key is not found."
([key] (config *system-properties* key))
([props key] (config *properties* props key))
([prop-defs props key]
(let [ov (override-value key)]
(if (not= ov ::override-not-found)
(let [p (property props key)
e (env-property (System/getenv) key)]
(cond (some? p) p
(some? e) e
:else (property-default prop-defs key)))))))
(defn config-strict
"Get a configuration value. Throws if the key is not found."
([key] (config-strict *system-properties* key))
([props key] (config-strict *properties* props key))
([prop-defs props key]
(if-some [val (config prop-defs props key)]
(raise-config-error :key-not-found
(pr-str key)
{:config-key key
::sanex/sanitary? true}))))
(def ^:private server-key-prefix "eva.server.")
(defn filter-name-prefix [prefix] (filter (fn [k] (.startsWith (name k) (str prefix)))))
(defn server-config-keys
([] (server-config-keys *properties*))
(into #{} (filter-name-prefix server-key-prefix)
(keys prop-defs))))
(defn select-config [f ks props]
(into {} (for [k ks] [k (f props k)])))
(defn base-server-config [prop-defs props] (select-config config-strict (server-config-keys prop-defs) props))
(defn ^:private print-table
"Prints a collection of maps in a textual table. Prints table headings
ks, and then a line of output for each row, corresponding to the keys
in ks. If ks are not specified, use the keys of the first item in rows."
([ks rows]
(when (seq rows)
(let [widths (map
(fn [k]
(apply max (count (str k)) (map #(count (str (get % k))) rows)))
spacers (map #(apply str (repeat % "-")) widths)
fmts (map #(str "%-" % "s") widths)
fmt-row (fn [leader divider trailer row]
(str leader
(apply str (interpose divider
(for [[col fmt] (map vector (map #(get row %) ks) fmts)]
(format fmt (str col)))))
(println (fmt-row "| " " | " " |" (zipmap ks ks)))
(println (fmt-row "|-" "-|-" "-|" (zipmap ks spacers)))
(doseq [row rows]
(println (fmt-row "| " " | " " |" row))))))
([rows] (print-table (keys (first rows)) rows)))
(defn help [& [path]]
(let [prop-rows (for [[k m] *properties*]
(assoc m :name (name k)))]
(when path (io/make-parents path))
(binding [*out* (if-not path *out* (io/writer path))]
(when-not path (println "Eva Configuration Properties:"))
(print-table [:name :env :doc :default] (sort-by :name prop-rows))
(when path
(.close ^java.io.Writer *out*)))))))
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