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policy.go 12.06 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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limitations under the License.
package policies
import (
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
logging "github.com/op/go-logging"
const (
// Path separator is used to separate policy names in paths
PathSeparator = "/"
// ChannelPrefix is used in the path of standard channel policy managers
ChannelPrefix = "Channel"
// ApplicationPrefix is used in the path of standard application policy paths
ApplicationPrefix = "Application"
// OrdererPrefix is used in the path of standard orderer policy paths
OrdererPrefix = "Orderer"
// ChannelReaders is the label for the channel's readers policy (encompassing both orderer and application readers)
ChannelReaders = PathSeparator + ChannelPrefix + PathSeparator + "Readers"
// ChannelWriters is the label for the channel's writers policy (encompassing both orderer and application writers)
ChannelWriters = PathSeparator + ChannelPrefix + PathSeparator + "Writers"
// ChannelApplicationReaders is the label for the channel's application readers policy
ChannelApplicationReaders = PathSeparator + ChannelPrefix + PathSeparator + ApplicationPrefix + PathSeparator + "Readers"
// ChannelApplicationWriters is the label for the channel's application writers policy
ChannelApplicationWriters = PathSeparator + ChannelPrefix + PathSeparator + ApplicationPrefix + PathSeparator + "Writers"
// ChannelApplicationAdmins is the label for the channel's application admin policy
ChannelApplicationAdmins = PathSeparator + ChannelPrefix + PathSeparator + ApplicationPrefix + PathSeparator + "Admins"
// BlockValidation is the label for the policy which should validate the block signatures for the channel
BlockValidation = PathSeparator + ChannelPrefix + PathSeparator + OrdererPrefix + PathSeparator + "BlockValidation"
var logger = logging.MustGetLogger("common/policies")
// Policy is used to determine if a signature is valid
type Policy interface {
// Evaluate takes a set of SignedData and evaluates whether this set of signatures satisfies the policy
Evaluate(signatureSet []*cb.SignedData) error
// Manager is a read only subset of the policy ManagerImpl
type Manager interface {
// GetPolicy returns a policy and true if it was the policy requested, or false if it is the default policy
GetPolicy(id string) (Policy, bool)
// Manager returns the sub-policy manager for a given path and whether it exists
Manager(path []string) (Manager, bool)
// Basepath returns the basePath the manager was instantiated with
BasePath() string
// Policies returns all policy names defined in the manager
PolicyNames() []string
// Proposer is the interface used by the configtx manager for policy management
type Proposer interface {
// BeginPolicyProposals starts a policy update transaction
BeginPolicyProposals(tx interface{}, groups []string) ([]Proposer, error)
// ProposePolicy createss a pending policy update from a ConfigPolicy and returns the deserialized
// value of the Policy representation
ProposePolicy(tx interface{}, name string, policy *cb.ConfigPolicy) (proto.Message, error)
// RollbackProposals discards the pending policy updates
RollbackProposals(tx interface{})
// CommitProposals commits the pending policy updates
CommitProposals(tx interface{})
// PreCommit tests if a commit will apply
PreCommit(tx interface{}) error
// Provider provides the backing implementation of a policy
type Provider interface {
// NewPolicy creates a new policy based on the policy bytes
NewPolicy(data []byte) (Policy, proto.Message, error)
// ChannelPolicyManagerGetter is a support interface
// to get access to the policy manager of a given channel
type ChannelPolicyManagerGetter interface {
// Returns the policy manager associated to the passed channel
// and true if it was the manager requested, or false if it is the default manager
Manager(channelID string) (Manager, bool)
type policyConfig struct {
policies map[string]Policy
managers map[string]*ManagerImpl
imps []*implicitMetaPolicy
// ManagerImpl is an implementation of Manager and configtx.ConfigHandler
// In general, it should only be referenced as an Impl for the configtx.ConfigManager
type ManagerImpl struct {
parent *ManagerImpl
basePath string
fqPrefix string
providers map[int32]Provider
config *policyConfig
pendingConfig map[interface{}]*policyConfig
pendingLock sync.RWMutex
// NewManagerImpl creates a new ManagerImpl with the given CryptoHelper
func NewManagerImpl(basePath string, providers map[int32]Provider) *ManagerImpl {
_, ok := providers[int32(cb.Policy_IMPLICIT_META)]
if ok {
logger.Panicf("ImplicitMetaPolicy type must be provider by the policy manager")
return &ManagerImpl{
basePath: basePath,
fqPrefix: PathSeparator + basePath + PathSeparator,
providers: providers,
config: &policyConfig{
policies: make(map[string]Policy),
managers: make(map[string]*ManagerImpl),
pendingConfig: make(map[interface{}]*policyConfig),
type rejectPolicy string
func (rp rejectPolicy) Evaluate(signedData []*cb.SignedData) error {
return fmt.Errorf("No such policy type: %s", rp)
// Basepath returns the basePath the manager was instnatiated with
func (pm *ManagerImpl) BasePath() string {
return pm.basePath
func (pm *ManagerImpl) PolicyNames() []string {
policyNames := make([]string, len(pm.config.policies))
i := 0
for policyName := range pm.config.policies {
policyNames[i] = policyName
return policyNames
// Manager returns the sub-policy manager for a given path and whether it exists
func (pm *ManagerImpl) Manager(path []string) (Manager, bool) {
if len(path) == 0 {
return pm, true
m, ok := pm.config.managers[path[0]]
if !ok {
return nil, false
return m.Manager(path[1:])
// GetPolicy returns a policy and true if it was the policy requested, or false if it is the default reject policy
func (pm *ManagerImpl) GetPolicy(id string) (Policy, bool) {
if id == "" {
logger.Errorf("Returning dummy reject all policy because no policy ID supplied")
return rejectPolicy(id), false
var relpath string
if strings.HasPrefix(id, PathSeparator) {
if pm.parent != nil {
return pm.parent.GetPolicy(id)
if !strings.HasPrefix(id, pm.fqPrefix) {
if logger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
logger.Debugf("Requested policy from root manager with wrong basePath: %s, returning rejectAll", id)
return rejectPolicy(id), false
relpath = id[len(pm.fqPrefix):]
} else {
relpath = id
policy, ok := pm.config.policies[relpath]
if !ok {
if logger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
logger.Debugf("Returning dummy reject all policy because %s could not be found in /%s/%s", id, pm.basePath, relpath)
return rejectPolicy(relpath), false
if logger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
logger.Debugf("Returning policy %s for evaluation", relpath)
return policy, true
// BeginPolicies is used to start a new config proposal
func (pm *ManagerImpl) BeginPolicyProposals(tx interface{}, groups []string) ([]Proposer, error) {
defer pm.pendingLock.Unlock()
pendingConfig, ok := pm.pendingConfig[tx]
if ok {
logger.Panicf("Serious Programming error: cannot call begin mulitply for the same proposal")
pendingConfig = &policyConfig{
policies: make(map[string]Policy),
managers: make(map[string]*ManagerImpl),
pm.pendingConfig[tx] = pendingConfig
managers := make([]Proposer, len(groups))
for i, group := range groups {
newManager := NewManagerImpl(group, pm.providers)
newManager.parent = pm
pendingConfig.managers[group] = newManager
managers[i] = newManager
return managers, nil
// RollbackProposals is used to abandon a new config proposal
func (pm *ManagerImpl) RollbackProposals(tx interface{}) {
defer pm.pendingLock.Unlock()
delete(pm.pendingConfig, tx)
// PreCommit is currently a no-op for the policy manager and always returns nil
func (pm *ManagerImpl) PreCommit(tx interface{}) error {
return nil
// CommitProposals is used to commit a new config proposal
func (pm *ManagerImpl) CommitProposals(tx interface{}) {
defer pm.pendingLock.Unlock()
pendingConfig, ok := pm.pendingConfig[tx]
if !ok {
logger.Panicf("Programming error, cannot call begin in the middle of a proposal")
if pendingConfig == nil {
logger.Panicf("Programming error, cannot call commit without an existing proposal")
for managerPath, m := range pendingConfig.managers {
for _, policyName := range m.PolicyNames() {
fqKey := managerPath + PathSeparator + policyName
pendingConfig.policies[fqKey], _ = m.GetPolicy(policyName)
logger.Debugf("In commit adding relative sub-policy %s to %s", fqKey, pm.basePath)
// Now that all the policies are present, initialize the meta policies
for _, imp := range pendingConfig.imps {
pm.config = pendingConfig
delete(pm.pendingConfig, tx)
if pm.parent == nil && pm.basePath == ChannelPrefix {
for _, policyName := range []string{ChannelReaders, ChannelWriters} {
_, ok := pm.GetPolicy(policyName)
if !ok {
logger.Warningf("Current configuration has no policy '%s', this will likely cause problems in production systems", policyName)
} else {
logger.Debugf("As expected, current configuration has policy '%s'", policyName)
if _, ok := pm.config.managers[ApplicationPrefix]; ok {
// Check for default application policies if the application component is defined
for _, policyName := range []string{
ChannelApplicationAdmins} {
_, ok := pm.GetPolicy(policyName)
if !ok {
logger.Warningf("Current configuration has no policy '%s', this will likely cause problems in production systems", policyName)
} else {
logger.Debugf("As expected, current configuration has policy '%s'", policyName)
if _, ok := pm.config.managers[OrdererPrefix]; ok {
for _, policyName := range []string{BlockValidation} {
_, ok := pm.GetPolicy(policyName)
if !ok {
logger.Warningf("Current configuration has no policy '%s', this will likely cause problems in production systems", policyName)
} else {
logger.Debugf("As expected, current configuration has policy '%s'", policyName)
// ProposePolicy takes key, path, and ConfigPolicy and registers it in the proposed PolicyManager, or errors
// It also returns the deserialized policy value for tracking and inspection at the invocation side.
func (pm *ManagerImpl) ProposePolicy(tx interface{}, key string, configPolicy *cb.ConfigPolicy) (proto.Message, error) {
pendingConfig, ok := pm.pendingConfig[tx]
if !ok {
logger.Panicf("Serious Programming error: called Propose without Begin")
policy := configPolicy.Policy
if policy == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Policy cannot be nil")
var cPolicy Policy
var deserialized proto.Message
if policy.Type == int32(cb.Policy_IMPLICIT_META) {
imp, err := newImplicitMetaPolicy(policy.Policy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pendingConfig.imps = append(pendingConfig.imps, imp)
cPolicy = imp
deserialized = imp.conf
} else {
provider, ok := pm.providers[int32(policy.Type)]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown policy type: %v", policy.Type)
var err error
cPolicy, deserialized, err = provider.NewPolicy(policy.Policy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pendingConfig.policies[key] = cPolicy
logger.Debugf("Proposed new policy %s for %s", key, pm.basePath)
return deserialized, nil
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