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impl.go 14.91 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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limitations under the License.
package sw
import (
var (
logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("bccsp_sw")
// NewDefaultSecurityLevel returns a new instance of the software-based BCCSP
// at security level 256, hash family SHA2 and using FolderBasedKeyStore as KeyStore.
func NewDefaultSecurityLevel(keyStorePath string) (bccsp.BCCSP, error) {
ks := &fileBasedKeyStore{}
if err := ks.Init(nil, keyStorePath, false); err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed initializing key store at [%v]", keyStorePath).WrapError(err)
return New(256, "SHA2", ks)
// NewDefaultSecurityLevel returns a new instance of the software-based BCCSP
// at security level 256, hash family SHA2 and using the passed KeyStore.
func NewDefaultSecurityLevelWithKeystore(keyStore bccsp.KeyStore) (bccsp.BCCSP, error) {
return New(256, "SHA2", keyStore)
// New returns a new instance of the software-based BCCSP
// set at the passed security level, hash family and KeyStore.
func New(securityLevel int, hashFamily string, keyStore bccsp.KeyStore) (bccsp.BCCSP, error) {
// Init config
conf := &config{}
err := conf.setSecurityLevel(securityLevel, hashFamily)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed initializing configuration at [%v,%v]", securityLevel, hashFamily).WrapError(err)
// Check KeyStore
if keyStore == nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid bccsp.KeyStore instance. It must be different from nil.")
// Set the encryptors
encryptors := make(map[reflect.Type]Encryptor)
encryptors[reflect.TypeOf(&aesPrivateKey{})] = &aescbcpkcs7Encryptor{}
// Set the decryptors
decryptors := make(map[reflect.Type]Decryptor)
decryptors[reflect.TypeOf(&aesPrivateKey{})] = &aescbcpkcs7Decryptor{}
// Set the signers
signers := make(map[reflect.Type]Signer)
signers[reflect.TypeOf(&ecdsaPrivateKey{})] = &ecdsaSigner{}
signers[reflect.TypeOf(&rsaPrivateKey{})] = &rsaSigner{}
// Set the verifiers
verifiers := make(map[reflect.Type]Verifier)
verifiers[reflect.TypeOf(&ecdsaPrivateKey{})] = &ecdsaPrivateKeyVerifier{}
verifiers[reflect.TypeOf(&ecdsaPublicKey{})] = &ecdsaPublicKeyKeyVerifier{}
verifiers[reflect.TypeOf(&rsaPrivateKey{})] = &rsaPrivateKeyVerifier{}
verifiers[reflect.TypeOf(&rsaPublicKey{})] = &rsaPublicKeyKeyVerifier{}
// Set the hashers
hashers := make(map[reflect.Type]Hasher)
hashers[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.SHAOpts{})] = &hasher{hash: conf.hashFunction}
hashers[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.SHA256Opts{})] = &hasher{hash: sha256.New}
hashers[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.SHA384Opts{})] = &hasher{hash: sha512.New384}
hashers[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.SHA3_256Opts{})] = &hasher{hash: sha3.New256}
hashers[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.SHA3_384Opts{})] = &hasher{hash: sha3.New384}
impl := &impl{
conf: conf,
ks: keyStore,
encryptors: encryptors,
decryptors: decryptors,
signers: signers,
verifiers: verifiers,
hashers: hashers}
// Set the key generators
keyGenerators := make(map[reflect.Type]KeyGenerator)
keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.ECDSAKeyGenOpts{})] = &ecdsaKeyGenerator{curve: conf.ellipticCurve}
keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.ECDSAP256KeyGenOpts{})] = &ecdsaKeyGenerator{curve: elliptic.P256()}
keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.ECDSAP384KeyGenOpts{})] = &ecdsaKeyGenerator{curve: elliptic.P384()}
keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.AESKeyGenOpts{})] = &aesKeyGenerator{length: conf.aesBitLength}
keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.AES256KeyGenOpts{})] = &aesKeyGenerator{length: 32}
keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.AES192KeyGenOpts{})] = &aesKeyGenerator{length: 24}
keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.AES128KeyGenOpts{})] = &aesKeyGenerator{length: 16}
keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.RSAKeyGenOpts{})] = &rsaKeyGenerator{length: conf.rsaBitLength}
keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.RSA1024KeyGenOpts{})] = &rsaKeyGenerator{length: 1024}
keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.RSA2048KeyGenOpts{})] = &rsaKeyGenerator{length: 2048}
keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.RSA3072KeyGenOpts{})] = &rsaKeyGenerator{length: 3072}
keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.RSA4096KeyGenOpts{})] = &rsaKeyGenerator{length: 4096}
impl.keyGenerators = keyGenerators
// Set the key generators
keyDerivers := make(map[reflect.Type]KeyDeriver)
keyDerivers[reflect.TypeOf(&ecdsaPrivateKey{})] = &ecdsaPrivateKeyKeyDeriver{}
keyDerivers[reflect.TypeOf(&ecdsaPublicKey{})] = &ecdsaPublicKeyKeyDeriver{}
keyDerivers[reflect.TypeOf(&aesPrivateKey{})] = &aesPrivateKeyKeyDeriver{bccsp: impl}
impl.keyDerivers = keyDerivers
// Set the key importers
keyImporters := make(map[reflect.Type]KeyImporter)
keyImporters[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.AES256ImportKeyOpts{})] = &aes256ImportKeyOptsKeyImporter{}
keyImporters[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.HMACImportKeyOpts{})] = &hmacImportKeyOptsKeyImporter{}
keyImporters[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.ECDSAPKIXPublicKeyImportOpts{})] = &ecdsaPKIXPublicKeyImportOptsKeyImporter{}
keyImporters[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.ECDSAPrivateKeyImportOpts{})] = &ecdsaPrivateKeyImportOptsKeyImporter{}
keyImporters[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.ECDSAGoPublicKeyImportOpts{})] = &ecdsaGoPublicKeyImportOptsKeyImporter{}
keyImporters[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.RSAGoPublicKeyImportOpts{})] = &rsaGoPublicKeyImportOptsKeyImporter{}
keyImporters[reflect.TypeOf(&bccsp.X509PublicKeyImportOpts{})] = &x509PublicKeyImportOptsKeyImporter{bccsp: impl}
impl.keyImporters = keyImporters
return impl, nil
// SoftwareBasedBCCSP is the software-based implementation of the BCCSP.
type impl struct {
conf *config
ks bccsp.KeyStore
keyGenerators map[reflect.Type]KeyGenerator
keyDerivers map[reflect.Type]KeyDeriver
keyImporters map[reflect.Type]KeyImporter
encryptors map[reflect.Type]Encryptor
decryptors map[reflect.Type]Decryptor
signers map[reflect.Type]Signer
verifiers map[reflect.Type]Verifier
hashers map[reflect.Type]Hasher
// KeyGen generates a key using opts.
func (csp *impl) KeyGen(opts bccsp.KeyGenOpts) (k bccsp.Key, err error) {
// Validate arguments
if opts == nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid Opts parameter. It must not be nil.")
keyGenerator, found := csp.keyGenerators[reflect.TypeOf(opts)]
if !found {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.NotFound, "Unsupported 'KeyGenOpts' provided [%v]", opts)
k, err = keyGenerator.KeyGen(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed generating key with opts [%v]", opts).WrapError(err)
// If the key is not Ephemeral, store it.
if !opts.Ephemeral() {
// Store the key
err = csp.ks.StoreKey(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed storing key [%s]. [%s]", opts.Algorithm(), err)
return k, nil
// KeyDeriv derives a key from k using opts.
// The opts argument should be appropriate for the primitive used.
func (csp *impl) KeyDeriv(k bccsp.Key, opts bccsp.KeyDerivOpts) (dk bccsp.Key, err error) {
// Validate arguments
if k == nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid Key. It must not be nil.")
if opts == nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid opts. It must not be nil.")
keyDeriver, found := csp.keyDerivers[reflect.TypeOf(k)]
if !found {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.NotFound, "Unsupported 'Key' provided [%v]", k)
k, err = keyDeriver.KeyDeriv(k, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed deriving key with opts [%v]", opts).WrapError(err)
// If the key is not Ephemeral, store it.
if !opts.Ephemeral() {
// Store the key
err = csp.ks.StoreKey(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed storing key [%s]. [%s]", opts.Algorithm(), err)
return k, nil
// KeyImport imports a key from its raw representation using opts.
// The opts argument should be appropriate for the primitive used.
func (csp *impl) KeyImport(raw interface{}, opts bccsp.KeyImportOpts) (k bccsp.Key, err error) {
// Validate arguments
if raw == nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid raw. It must not be nil.")
if opts == nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid opts. It must not be nil.")
keyImporter, found := csp.keyImporters[reflect.TypeOf(opts)]
if !found {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.NotFound, "Unsupported 'KeyImportOpts' provided [%v]", opts)
k, err = keyImporter.KeyImport(raw, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed importing key with opts [%v]", opts).WrapError(err)
// If the key is not Ephemeral, store it.
if !opts.Ephemeral() {
// Store the key
err = csp.ks.StoreKey(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed storing imported key with opts [%v]", opts).WrapError(err)
// GetKey returns the key this CSP associates to
// the Subject Key Identifier ski.
func (csp *impl) GetKey(ski []byte) (k bccsp.Key, err error) {
k, err = csp.ks.GetKey(ski)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed getting key for SKI [%v]", ski).WrapError(err)
// Hash hashes messages msg using options opts.
func (csp *impl) Hash(msg []byte, opts bccsp.HashOpts) (digest []byte, err error) {
// Validate arguments
if opts == nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid opts. It must not be nil.")
hasher, found := csp.hashers[reflect.TypeOf(opts)]
if !found {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.NotFound, "Unsupported 'HashOpt' provided [%v]", opts)
digest, err = hasher.Hash(msg, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed hashing with opts [%v]", opts).WrapError(err)
// GetHash returns and instance of hash.Hash using options opts.
// If opts is nil then the default hash function is returned.
func (csp *impl) GetHash(opts bccsp.HashOpts) (h hash.Hash, err error) {
// Validate arguments
if opts == nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid opts. It must not be nil.")
hasher, found := csp.hashers[reflect.TypeOf(opts)]
if !found {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.NotFound, "Unsupported 'HashOpt' provided [%v]", opts)
h, err = hasher.GetHash(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed getting hash function with opts [%v]", opts).WrapError(err)
// Sign signs digest using key k.
// The opts argument should be appropriate for the primitive used.
// Note that when a signature of a hash of a larger message is needed,
// the caller is responsible for hashing the larger message and passing
// the hash (as digest).
func (csp *impl) Sign(k bccsp.Key, digest []byte, opts bccsp.SignerOpts) (signature []byte, err error) {
// Validate arguments
if k == nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid Key. It must not be nil.")
if len(digest) == 0 {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid digest. Cannot be empty.")
signer, found := csp.signers[reflect.TypeOf(k)]
if !found {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.NotFound, "Unsupported 'SignKey' provided [%v]", k)
signature, err = signer.Sign(k, digest, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed signing with opts [%v]", opts).WrapError(err)
// Verify verifies signature against key k and digest
func (csp *impl) Verify(k bccsp.Key, signature, digest []byte, opts bccsp.SignerOpts) (valid bool, err error) {
// Validate arguments
if k == nil {
return false, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid Key. It must not be nil.")
if len(signature) == 0 {
return false, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid signature. Cannot be empty.")
if len(digest) == 0 {
return false, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid digest. Cannot be empty.")
verifier, found := csp.verifiers[reflect.TypeOf(k)]
if !found {
return false, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.NotFound, "Unsupported 'VerifyKey' provided [%v]", k)
valid, err = verifier.Verify(k, signature, digest, opts)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed verifing with opts [%v]", opts).WrapError(err)
// Encrypt encrypts plaintext using key k.
// The opts argument should be appropriate for the primitive used.
func (csp *impl) Encrypt(k bccsp.Key, plaintext []byte, opts bccsp.EncrypterOpts) (ciphertext []byte, err error) {
// Validate arguments
if k == nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid Key. It must not be nil.")
encryptor, found := csp.encryptors[reflect.TypeOf(k)]
if !found {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.NotFound, "Unsupported 'EncryptKey' provided [%v]", k)
return encryptor.Encrypt(k, plaintext, opts)
// Decrypt decrypts ciphertext using key k.
// The opts argument should be appropriate for the primitive used.
func (csp *impl) Decrypt(k bccsp.Key, ciphertext []byte, opts bccsp.DecrypterOpts) (plaintext []byte, err error) {
// Validate arguments
if k == nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.BadRequest, "Invalid Key. It must not be nil.")
decryptor, found := csp.decryptors[reflect.TypeOf(k)]
if !found {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.NotFound, "Unsupported 'DecryptKey' provided [%v]", k)
plaintext, err = decryptor.Decrypt(k, ciphertext, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.ErrorWithCallstack(errors.BCCSP, errors.Internal, "Failed decrypting with opts [%v]", opts).WrapError(err)
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