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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric
chaincode_support.go 31.97 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package chaincode
import (
pb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/peer"
logging "github.com/op/go-logging"
type key string
const (
// DevModeUserRunsChaincode property allows user to run chaincode in development environment
DevModeUserRunsChaincode string = "dev"
chaincodeStartupTimeoutDefault int = 5000
peerAddressDefault string = ""
//TXSimulatorKey is used to attach ledger simulation context
TXSimulatorKey key = "txsimulatorkey"
//HistoryQueryExecutorKey is used to attach ledger history query executor context
HistoryQueryExecutorKey key = "historyqueryexecutorkey"
// Mutual TLS auth client key and cert paths in the chaincode container
TLSClientKeyPath string = "/etc/hyperledger/fabric/client.key"
TLSClientCertPath string = "/etc/hyperledger/fabric/client.crt"
TLSClientRootCertPath string = "/etc/hyperledger/fabric/peer.crt"
//this is basically the singleton that supports the
//entire chaincode framework. It does NOT know about
//chains. Chains are per-proposal entities that are
//setup as part of "join" and go through this object
//via calls to Execute and Deploy chaincodes.
var theChaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport
//use this for ledger access and make sure TXSimulator is being used
func getTxSimulator(context context.Context) ledger.TxSimulator {
if txsim, ok := context.Value(TXSimulatorKey).(ledger.TxSimulator); ok {
return txsim
//chaincode will not allow state operations
return nil
//use this for ledger access and make sure HistoryQueryExecutor is being used
func getHistoryQueryExecutor(context context.Context) ledger.HistoryQueryExecutor {
if historyQueryExecutor, ok := context.Value(HistoryQueryExecutorKey).(ledger.HistoryQueryExecutor); ok {
return historyQueryExecutor
//chaincode will not allow state operations
return nil
//chaincode runtime environment encapsulates handler and container environment
//This is where the VM that's running the chaincode would hook in
type chaincodeRTEnv struct {
handler *Handler
// runningChaincodes contains maps of chaincodeIDs to their chaincodeRTEs
type runningChaincodes struct {
// chaincode environment for each chaincode
chaincodeMap map[string]*chaincodeRTEnv
//mark the starting of launch of a chaincode so multiple requests
//do not attempt to start the chaincode at the same time
launchStarted map[string]bool
//GetChain returns the chaincode framework support object
func GetChain() *ChaincodeSupport {
return theChaincodeSupport
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) preLaunchSetup(chaincode string, notfy chan bool) {
defer chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.Unlock()
//register placeholder Handler. This will be transferred in registerHandler
//NOTE: from this point, existence of handler for this chaincode means the chaincode
//is in the process of getting started (or has been started)
chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.chaincodeMap[chaincode] = &chaincodeRTEnv{handler: &Handler{readyNotify: notfy}}
//call this under lock
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(chaincode string) (*chaincodeRTEnv, bool) {
chrte, hasbeenlaunched := chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.chaincodeMap[chaincode]
return chrte, hasbeenlaunched
//call this under lock
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) launchStarted(chaincode string) bool {
if _, launchStarted := chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.launchStarted[chaincode]; launchStarted {
return true
return false
// NewChaincodeSupport creates a new ChaincodeSupport instance
func NewChaincodeSupport(ccEndpoint string, userrunsCC bool, ccstartuptimeout time.Duration, ca accesscontrol.CA) pb.ChaincodeSupportServer {
ccprovider.SetChaincodesPath(config.GetPath("peer.fileSystemPath") + string(filepath.Separator) + "chaincodes")
pnid := viper.GetString("peer.networkId")
pid := viper.GetString("peer.id")
theChaincodeSupport = &ChaincodeSupport{
ca: ca,
runningChaincodes: &runningChaincodes{
chaincodeMap: make(map[string]*chaincodeRTEnv),
launchStarted: make(map[string]bool),
}, peerNetworkID: pnid, peerID: pid,
theChaincodeSupport.auth = accesscontrol.NewAuthenticator(theChaincodeSupport, ca)
theChaincodeSupport.peerAddress = ccEndpoint
chaincodeLogger.Infof("Chaincode support using peerAddress: %s\n", theChaincodeSupport.peerAddress)
theChaincodeSupport.userRunsCC = userrunsCC
theChaincodeSupport.ccStartupTimeout = ccstartuptimeout
theChaincodeSupport.peerTLS = viper.GetBool("peer.tls.enabled")
if !theChaincodeSupport.peerTLS {
kadef := 0
if ka := viper.GetString("chaincode.keepalive"); ka == "" {
theChaincodeSupport.keepalive = time.Duration(kadef) * time.Second
} else {
t, terr := strconv.Atoi(ka)
if terr != nil {
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("Invalid keepalive value %s (%s) defaulting to %d", ka, terr, kadef)
t = kadef
} else if t <= 0 {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Turn off keepalive(value %s)", ka)
t = kadef
theChaincodeSupport.keepalive = time.Duration(t) * time.Second
//default chaincode execute timeout is 30 secs
execto := time.Duration(30) * time.Second
if eto := viper.GetDuration("chaincode.executetimeout"); eto <= time.Duration(1)*time.Second {
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("Invalid execute timeout value %s (should be at least 1s); defaulting to %s", eto, execto)
} else {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Setting execute timeout value to %s", eto)
execto = eto
theChaincodeSupport.executetimeout = execto
replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_")
theChaincodeSupport.chaincodeLogLevel = getLogLevelFromViper("level")
theChaincodeSupport.shimLogLevel = getLogLevelFromViper("shim")
theChaincodeSupport.logFormat = viper.GetString("chaincode.logging.format")
return theChaincodeSupport.auth
// getLogLevelFromViper gets the chaincode container log levels from viper
func getLogLevelFromViper(module string) string {
levelString := viper.GetString("chaincode.logging." + module)
_, err := logging.LogLevel(levelString)
if err == nil {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("CORE_CHAINCODE_%s set to level %s", strings.ToUpper(module), levelString)
} else {
chaincodeLogger.Warningf("CORE_CHAINCODE_%s has invalid log level %s. defaulting to %s", strings.ToUpper(module), levelString, flogging.DefaultLevel())
levelString = flogging.DefaultLevel()
return levelString
// ChaincodeSupport responsible for providing interfacing with chaincodes from the Peer.
type ChaincodeSupport struct {
ca accesscontrol.CA
auth accesscontrol.Authenticator
runningChaincodes *runningChaincodes
peerAddress string
ccStartupTimeout time.Duration
peerNetworkID string
peerID string
keepalive time.Duration
chaincodeLogLevel string
shimLogLevel string
logFormat string
executetimeout time.Duration
userRunsCC bool
peerTLS bool
// DuplicateChaincodeHandlerError returned if attempt to register same chaincodeID while a stream already exists.
type DuplicateChaincodeHandlerError struct {
ChaincodeID *pb.ChaincodeID
func (d *DuplicateChaincodeHandlerError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("duplicate chaincodeID error: %s", d.ChaincodeID)
func newDuplicateChaincodeHandlerError(chaincodeHandler *Handler) error {
return &DuplicateChaincodeHandlerError{ChaincodeID: chaincodeHandler.ChaincodeID}
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) registerHandler(chaincodehandler *Handler) error {
key := chaincodehandler.ChaincodeID.Name
defer chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.Unlock()
chrte2, ok := chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(key)
if ok && chrte2.handler.registered == true {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("duplicate registered handler(key:%s) return error", key)
// Duplicate, return error
return newDuplicateChaincodeHandlerError(chaincodehandler)
//a placeholder, unregistered handler will be setup by transaction processing that comes
//through via consensus. In this case we swap the handler and give it the notify channel
if chrte2 != nil {
chaincodehandler.readyNotify = chrte2.handler.readyNotify
chrte2.handler = chaincodehandler
} else {
if chaincodeSupport.userRunsCC == false {
//this chaincode was not launched by the peer and is attempting
//to register. Don't allow this.
return errors.Errorf("peer will not accept external chaincode connection %v (except in dev mode)", chaincodehandler.ChaincodeID)
chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.chaincodeMap[key] = &chaincodeRTEnv{handler: chaincodehandler}
chaincodehandler.registered = true
//now we are ready to receive messages and send back responses
chaincodehandler.txCtxs = make(map[string]*transactionContext)
chaincodehandler.txidMap = make(map[string]bool)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("registered handler complete for chaincode %s", key)
return nil
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) deregisterHandler(chaincodehandler *Handler) error {
// clean up queryIteratorMap
for _, txcontext := range chaincodehandler.txCtxs {
for _, v := range txcontext.queryIteratorMap {
key := chaincodehandler.ChaincodeID.Name
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Deregister handler: %s", key)
defer chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.Unlock()
if _, ok := chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(key); !ok {
// Handler NOT found
return errors.Errorf("error deregistering handler, could not find handler with key: %s", key)
delete(chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.chaincodeMap, key)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Deregistered handler with key: %s", key)
return nil
// send ready to move to ready state
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) sendReady(context context.Context, cccid *ccprovider.CCContext, timeout time.Duration) error {
canName := cccid.GetCanonicalName()
//if its in the map, there must be a connected stream...nothing to do
var chrte *chaincodeRTEnv
var ok bool
if chrte, ok = chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(canName); !ok {
err := errors.Errorf("handler not found for chaincode %s", canName)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("%+v", err)
return err
var notfy chan *pb.ChaincodeMessage
var err error
if notfy, err = chrte.handler.ready(context, cccid.ChainID, cccid.TxID, cccid.SignedProposal, cccid.Proposal); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("error sending %s", pb.ChaincodeMessage_READY))
if notfy != nil {
select {
case ccMsg := <-notfy:
if ccMsg.Type == pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR {
err = errors.Errorf("error initializing container %s: %s", canName, string(ccMsg.Payload))
if ccMsg.Type == pb.ChaincodeMessage_COMPLETED {
res := &pb.Response{}
_ = proto.Unmarshal(ccMsg.Payload, res)
if res.Status != shim.OK {
err = errors.Errorf("error initializing container %s: %s", canName, string(res.Message))
// return res so that endorser can anylyze it.
case <-time.After(timeout):
err = errors.New("timeout expired while executing send init message")
//if initOrReady succeeded, our responsibility to delete the context
chrte.handler.deleteTxContext(cccid.ChainID, cccid.TxID)
return err
// returns a map of file path <-> []byte for all files related to TLS
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) getTLSFiles(keyPair *accesscontrol.CertAndPrivKeyPair) map[string][]byte {
if keyPair == nil {
return nil
return map[string][]byte{
TLSClientKeyPath: []byte(keyPair.Key),
TLSClientCertPath: []byte(keyPair.Cert),
TLSClientRootCertPath: chaincodeSupport.ca.CertBytes(),
//get args and env given chaincodeID
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) getLaunchConfigs(cccid *ccprovider.CCContext, cLang pb.ChaincodeSpec_Type) (args []string, envs []string, filesToUpload map[string][]byte, err error) {
canName := cccid.GetCanonicalName()
envs = []string{"CORE_CHAINCODE_ID_NAME=" + canName}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pass TLS options to chaincode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note: The peer certificate is only baked into the image during the build
// phase (see core/chaincode/platforms). This logic below merely assumes the
// image is already configured appropriately and is simply toggling the feature
// on or off. If the peer's x509 has changed since the chaincode was deployed,
// the image may be stale and the admin will need to remove the current containers
// before restarting the peer.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var certKeyPair *accesscontrol.CertAndPrivKeyPair
if chaincodeSupport.peerTLS {
certKeyPair, err = chaincodeSupport.auth.Generate(cccid.GetCanonicalName())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed generating TLS cert for %s", cccid.GetCanonicalName()))
envs = append(envs, "CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED=true")
envs = append(envs, fmt.Sprintf("CORE_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_PATH=%s", TLSClientKeyPath))
envs = append(envs, fmt.Sprintf("CORE_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_PATH=%s", TLSClientCertPath))
envs = append(envs, fmt.Sprintf("CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=%s", TLSClientRootCertPath))
} else {
envs = append(envs, "CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED=false")
if chaincodeSupport.chaincodeLogLevel != "" {
envs = append(envs, "CORE_CHAINCODE_LOGGING_LEVEL="+chaincodeSupport.chaincodeLogLevel)
if chaincodeSupport.shimLogLevel != "" {
envs = append(envs, "CORE_CHAINCODE_LOGGING_SHIM="+chaincodeSupport.shimLogLevel)
if chaincodeSupport.logFormat != "" {
envs = append(envs, "CORE_CHAINCODE_LOGGING_FORMAT="+chaincodeSupport.logFormat)
switch cLang {
case pb.ChaincodeSpec_GOLANG, pb.ChaincodeSpec_CAR:
args = []string{"chaincode", fmt.Sprintf("-peer.address=%s", chaincodeSupport.peerAddress)}
case pb.ChaincodeSpec_JAVA:
args = []string{"java", "-jar", "chaincode.jar", "--peerAddress", chaincodeSupport.peerAddress}
case pb.ChaincodeSpec_NODE:
args = []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("cd /usr/local/src; npm start -- --peer.address %s", chaincodeSupport.peerAddress)}
return nil, nil, nil, errors.Errorf("unknown chaincodeType: %s", cLang)
filesToUpload = theChaincodeSupport.getTLSFiles(certKeyPair)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Executable is %s", args[0])
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Args %v", args)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Envs %v", envs)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("FilesToUpload %v", reflect.ValueOf(filesToUpload).MapKeys())
return args, envs, filesToUpload, nil
//---------- Begin - launchAndWaitForRegister related functionality --------
//a launcher interface to encapsulate chaincode execution. This
//helps with UT of launchAndWaitForRegister
type launcherIntf interface {
launch(ctxt context.Context, notfy chan bool) (interface{}, error)
//ccLaucherImpl will use the container launcher mechanism to launch the actual chaincode
type ccLauncherImpl struct {
ctxt context.Context
ccSupport *ChaincodeSupport
cccid *ccprovider.CCContext
cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec
builder api.BuildSpecFactory
//launches the chaincode using the supplied context and notifier
func (ccl *ccLauncherImpl) launch(ctxt context.Context, notfy chan bool) (interface{}, error) {
//launch the chaincode
args, env, filesToUpload, err := ccl.ccSupport.getLaunchConfigs(ccl.cccid, ccl.cds.ChaincodeSpec.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
canName := ccl.cccid.GetCanonicalName()
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("start container: %s(networkid:%s,peerid:%s)", canName, ccl.ccSupport.peerNetworkID, ccl.ccSupport.peerID)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("start container with args: %s", strings.Join(args, " "))
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("start container with env:\n\t%s", strings.Join(env, "\n\t"))
//set up the shadow handler JIT before container launch to
//reduce window of when an external chaincode can sneak in
//and use the launching context and make it its own
preLaunchFunc := func() error {
ccl.ccSupport.preLaunchSetup(canName, notfy)
return nil
ccid := ccintf.CCID{ChaincodeSpec: ccl.cds.ChaincodeSpec, NetworkID: ccl.ccSupport.peerNetworkID, PeerID: ccl.ccSupport.peerID, Version: ccl.cccid.Version}
sir := container.StartImageReq{CCID: ccid, Builder: ccl.builder, Args: args, Env: env, FilesToUpload: filesToUpload, PrelaunchFunc: preLaunchFunc}
ipcCtxt := context.WithValue(ctxt, ccintf.GetCCHandlerKey(), ccl.ccSupport)
vmtype, _ := ccl.ccSupport.getVMType(ccl.cds)
resp, err := container.VMCProcess(ipcCtxt, vmtype, sir)
return resp, err
//launchAndWaitForRegister will launch container if not already running. Use
//the targz to create the image if not found. It uses the supplied launcher
//for launching the chaincode. UTs use the launcher freely to test various
//conditions such as timeouts, failed launches and other errors
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) launchAndWaitForRegister(ctxt context.Context, cccid *ccprovider.CCContext, cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec, launcher launcherIntf) error {
canName := cccid.GetCanonicalName()
if canName == "" {
return errors.New("chaincode name not set")
//if its in the map, its either up or being launched. Either case break the
//multiple launch by failing
if _, hasBeenLaunched := chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(canName); hasBeenLaunched {
return errors.Errorf("error chaincode has been launched: %s", canName)
//prohibit multiple simultaneous invokes (for example while flooding the
//system with invokes as in a stress test scenario) from attempting to launch
//the chaincode. The first one wins. Others receive an error.
//NOTE - this transient behavior as the chaincode is being launched is nothing
//new. All invokes (except the one launching the CC) will fail in any case
//until the container is up and registered.
if chaincodeSupport.launchStarted(canName) {
return errors.Errorf("error chaincode is already launching: %s", canName)
//Chaincode is not up and is not in the process of being launched. Setup flag
//for launching so we can proceed to do that undisturbed by other requests on
//this chaincode
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("chaincode %s is being launched", canName)
chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.launchStarted[canName] = true
//now that chaincode launch sequence is done (whether successful or not),
//unset launch flag as we get out of this function. If launch was not
//successful (handler was not created), next invoke will try again.
defer func() {
defer chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.Unlock()
delete(chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.launchStarted, canName)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("chaincode %s launch seq completed", canName)
//loopback notifier when everything goes ok and chaincode registers
notfy := make(chan bool, 1)
errChan := make(chan error)
go func() {
var err error
defer func() {
//notify ONLY if we encountered an error
//else either timeout or ready notify should
//kick in
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
resp, err := launcher.launch(ctxt, notfy)
if err != nil || (resp != nil && resp.(container.VMCResp).Err != nil) {
if err == nil {
err = resp.(container.VMCResp).Err
err = errors.WithMessage(err, "error starting container")
delete(chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.chaincodeMap, canName)
var err error
//wait for REGISTER state
select {
case ok := <-notfy:
if !ok {
err = errors.Errorf("registration failed for %s(networkid:%s,peerid:%s,tx:%s)", canName, chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, chaincodeSupport.peerID, cccid.TxID)
case err = <-errChan:
// When the launch completed, errors from the launch if any will be handled below.
// Just test for invalid nil error notification (we expect only errors to be notified)
if err == nil {
panic("nil error notified. the launch contract is to notify errors only")
case <-time.After(chaincodeSupport.ccStartupTimeout):
err = errors.Errorf("timeout expired while starting chaincode %s(networkid:%s,peerid:%s,tx:%s)", canName, chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, chaincodeSupport.peerID, cccid.TxID)
if err != nil {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("stopping due to error while launching: %+v", err)
errIgnore := chaincodeSupport.Stop(ctxt, cccid, cds)
if errIgnore != nil {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("stop failed: %+v", errIgnore)
return err
//---------- End - launchAndWaitForRegister related functionality --------
//Stop stops a chaincode if running
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) Stop(context context.Context, cccid *ccprovider.CCContext, cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec) error {
canName := cccid.GetCanonicalName()
if canName == "" {
return errors.New("chaincode name not set")
//stop the chaincode
sir := container.StopImageReq{CCID: ccintf.CCID{ChaincodeSpec: cds.ChaincodeSpec, NetworkID: chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, PeerID: chaincodeSupport.peerID, Version: cccid.Version}, Timeout: 0}
// The line below is left for debugging. It replaces the line above to keep
// the chaincode container around to give you a chance to get data
//sir := container.StopImageReq{CCID: ccintf.CCID{ChaincodeSpec: cds.ChaincodeSpec, NetworkID: chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, PeerID: chaincodeSupport.peerID, ChainID: cccid.ChainID, Version: cccid.Version}, Timeout: 0, Dontremove: true}
vmtype, _ := chaincodeSupport.getVMType(cds)
_, err := container.VMCProcess(context, vmtype, sir)
if err != nil {
err = errors.WithMessage(err, "error stopping container")
//but proceed to cleanup
if _, ok := chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(canName); !ok {
//nothing to do
return nil
delete(chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.chaincodeMap, canName)
return err
// Launch will launch the chaincode if not running (if running return nil) and will wait for handler of the chaincode to get into FSM ready state.
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) Launch(context context.Context, cccid *ccprovider.CCContext, spec interface{}) (*pb.ChaincodeID, *pb.ChaincodeInput, error) {
//build the chaincode
var cID *pb.ChaincodeID
var cMsg *pb.ChaincodeInput
var cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec
var ci *pb.ChaincodeInvocationSpec
if cds, _ = spec.(*pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec); cds == nil {
if ci, _ = spec.(*pb.ChaincodeInvocationSpec); ci == nil {
panic("Launch should be called with deployment or invocation spec")
if cds != nil {
cID = cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId
cMsg = cds.ChaincodeSpec.Input
} else {
cID = ci.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId
cMsg = ci.ChaincodeSpec.Input
canName := cccid.GetCanonicalName()
var chrte *chaincodeRTEnv
var ok bool
var err error
//if its in the map, there must be a connected stream...nothing to do
if chrte, ok = chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(canName); ok {
if !chrte.handler.registered {
err = errors.Errorf("premature execution - chaincode (%s) launched and waiting for registration", canName)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("%+v", err)
return cID, cMsg, err
if chrte.handler.isRunning() {
if chaincodeLogger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("chaincode is running(no need to launch) : %s", canName)
return cID, cMsg, nil
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Container not in READY state(%s)...send init/ready", chrte.handler.FSM.Current())
} else {
//chaincode is not up... but is the launch process underway? this is
//strictly not necessary as the actual launch process will catch this
//(in launchAndWaitForRegister), just a bit of optimization for thundering
if chaincodeSupport.launchStarted(canName) {
err = errors.Errorf("premature execution - chaincode (%s) is being launched", canName)
return cID, cMsg, err
if cds == nil {
if cccid.Syscc {
return cID, cMsg, errors.Errorf("a syscc should be running (it cannot be launched) %s", canName)
if chaincodeSupport.userRunsCC {
chaincodeLogger.Error("You are attempting to perform an action other than Deploy on Chaincode that is not ready and you are in developer mode. Did you forget to Deploy your chaincode?")
var depPayload []byte
//hopefully we are restarting from existing image and the deployed transaction exists
//(this will also validate the ID from the LSCC if we're not using the config-tree approach)
depPayload, err = GetCDS(context, cccid.TxID, cccid.SignedProposal, cccid.Proposal, cccid.ChainID, cID.Name)
if err != nil {
return cID, cMsg, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("could not get ChaincodeDeploymentSpec for %s", canName))
if depPayload == nil {
return cID, cMsg, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("nil ChaincodeDeploymentSpec for %s", canName))
cds = &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{}
//Get lang from original deployment
err = proto.Unmarshal(depPayload, cds)
if err != nil {
return cID, cMsg, errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to unmarshal deployment transactions for %s", canName))
//from here on : if we launch the container and get an error, we need to stop the container
//launch container if it is a System container or not in dev mode
if (!chaincodeSupport.userRunsCC || cds.ExecEnv == pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec_SYSTEM) && (chrte == nil || chrte.handler == nil) {
//NOTE-We need to streamline code a bit so the data from LSCC gets passed to this thus
//avoiding the need to go to the FS. In particular, we should use cdsfs completely. It is
//just a vestige of old protocol that we continue to use ChaincodeDeploymentSpec for
//anything other than Install. In particular, instantiate, invoke, upgrade should be using
//just some form of ChaincodeInvocationSpec.
//But for now, if we are invoking we have gone through the LSCC path above. If instantiating
//or upgrading currently we send a CDS with nil CodePackage. In this case the codepath
//in the endorser has gone through LSCC validation. Just get the code from the FS.
if cds.CodePackage == nil {
//no code bytes for these situations
if !(chaincodeSupport.userRunsCC || cds.ExecEnv == pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec_SYSTEM) {
ccpack, err := ccprovider.GetChaincodeFromFS(cID.Name, cID.Version)
if err != nil {
return cID, cMsg, err
cds = ccpack.GetDepSpec()
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("launchAndWaitForRegister fetched %d bytes from file system", len(cds.CodePackage))
builder := func() (io.Reader, error) { return platforms.GenerateDockerBuild(cds) }
err = chaincodeSupport.launchAndWaitForRegister(context, cccid, cds, &ccLauncherImpl{context, chaincodeSupport, cccid, cds, builder})
if err != nil {
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("launchAndWaitForRegister failed: %+v", err)
return cID, cMsg, err
if err == nil {
//launch will set the chaincode in Ready state
err = chaincodeSupport.sendReady(context, cccid, chaincodeSupport.ccStartupTimeout)
if err != nil {
err = errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to init chaincode")
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("%+v", err)
errIgnore := chaincodeSupport.Stop(context, cccid, cds)
if errIgnore != nil {
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("stop failed: %+v", errIgnore)
chaincodeLogger.Debug("sending init completed")
chaincodeLogger.Debug("LaunchChaincode complete")
return cID, cMsg, err
//getVMType - just returns a string for now. Another possibility is to use a factory method to
//return a VM executor
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) getVMType(cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec) (string, error) {
if cds.ExecEnv == pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec_SYSTEM {
return container.SYSTEM, nil
return container.DOCKER, nil
// HandleChaincodeStream implements ccintf.HandleChaincodeStream for all vms to call with appropriate stream
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) HandleChaincodeStream(ctxt context.Context, stream ccintf.ChaincodeStream) error {
return HandleChaincodeStream(chaincodeSupport, ctxt, stream)
// Register the bidi stream entry point called by chaincode to register with the Peer.
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) Register(stream pb.ChaincodeSupport_RegisterServer) error {
return chaincodeSupport.HandleChaincodeStream(stream.Context(), stream)
// createCCMessage creates a transaction message.
func createCCMessage(typ pb.ChaincodeMessage_Type, cid string, txid string, cMsg *pb.ChaincodeInput) (*pb.ChaincodeMessage, error) {
payload, err := proto.Marshal(cMsg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: typ, Payload: payload, Txid: txid, ChannelId: cid}, nil
// Execute executes a transaction and waits for it to complete until a timeout value.
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) Execute(ctxt context.Context, cccid *ccprovider.CCContext, msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage, timeout time.Duration) (*pb.ChaincodeMessage, error) {
defer chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Exit")
canName := cccid.GetCanonicalName()
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("chaincode canonical name: %s", canName)
//we expect the chaincode to be running... sanity check
chrte, ok := chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(canName)
if !ok {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("cannot execute-chaincode is not running: %s", canName)
return nil, errors.Errorf("cannot execute transaction for %s", canName)
var notfy chan *pb.ChaincodeMessage
var err error
if notfy, err = chrte.handler.sendExecuteMessage(ctxt, cccid.ChainID, msg, cccid.SignedProposal, cccid.Proposal); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("error sending"))
var ccresp *pb.ChaincodeMessage
select {
case ccresp = <-notfy:
//response is sent to user or calling chaincode. ChaincodeMessage_ERROR
//are typically treated as error
case <-time.After(timeout):
err = errors.New("timeout expired while executing transaction")
//our responsibility to delete transaction context if sendExecuteMessage succeeded
chrte.handler.deleteTxContext(msg.ChannelId, msg.Txid)
return ccresp, err
// IsDevMode returns true if the peer was configured with development-mode enabled
func IsDevMode() bool {
mode := viper.GetString("chaincode.mode")
return mode == DevModeUserRunsChaincode
马建仓 AI 助手
