Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package shim
import (
pb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/peer"
// PeerChaincodeStream interface for stream between Peer and chaincode instance.
type PeerChaincodeStream interface {
Send(*pb.ChaincodeMessage) error
Recv() (*pb.ChaincodeMessage, error)
CloseSend() error
type nextStateInfo struct {
msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage
sendToCC bool
func (handler *Handler) triggerNextState(msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage, send bool) {
handler.nextState <- &nextStateInfo{msg, send}
// Handler handler implementation for shim side of chaincode.
type Handler struct {
//shim to peer grpc serializer. User only in serialSend
serialLock sync.Mutex
To string
ChatStream PeerChaincodeStream
FSM *fsm.FSM
cc Chaincode
// Multiple queries (and one transaction) with different txids can be executing in parallel for this chaincode
// responseChannel is the channel on which responses are communicated by the shim to the chaincodeStub.
responseChannel map[string]chan pb.ChaincodeMessage
nextState chan *nextStateInfo
func shorttxid(txid string) string {
if len(txid) < 8 {
return txid
return txid[0:8]
//serialSend serializes msgs so gRPC will be happy
func (handler *Handler) serialSend(msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage) error {
defer handler.serialLock.Unlock()
err := handler.ChatStream.Send(msg)
return err
//serialSendAsync serves the same purpose as serialSend (serialize msgs so gRPC will
//be happy). In addition, it is also asynchronous so send-remoterecv--localrecv loop
//can be nonblocking. Only errors need to be handled and these are handled by
//communication on supplied error channel. A typical use will be a non-blocking or
//nil channel
func (handler *Handler) serialSendAsync(msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage, errc chan error) {
go func() {
err := handler.serialSend(msg)
if errc != nil {
errc <- err
//transaction context id should be composed of chainID and txid. While
//needed for CC-2-CC, it also allows users to concurrently send proposals
//with the same TXID to a CC on two multiple channels
func (handler *Handler) getTxCtxId(chainID string, txid string) string {
return chainID + txid
func (handler *Handler) createChannel(channelID, txid string) (chan pb.ChaincodeMessage, error) {
defer handler.Unlock()
if handler.responseChannel == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]cannot create response channel", shorttxid(txid))
txCtxID := handler.getTxCtxId(channelID, txid)
if handler.responseChannel[txCtxID] != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]channel exists", shorttxid(txCtxID))
c := make(chan pb.ChaincodeMessage)
handler.responseChannel[txCtxID] = c
return c, nil
func (handler *Handler) sendChannel(msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage) error {
defer handler.Unlock()
if handler.responseChannel == nil {
return errors.Errorf("[%s]Cannot send message response channel", shorttxid(msg.Txid))
txCtxID := handler.getTxCtxId(msg.ChannelId, msg.Txid)
if handler.responseChannel[txCtxID] == nil {
return errors.Errorf("[%s]sendChannel does not exist", shorttxid(msg.Txid))
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]before send", shorttxid(msg.Txid))
handler.responseChannel[txCtxID] <- *msg
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]after send", shorttxid(msg.Txid))
return nil
//sends a message and selects
func (handler *Handler) sendReceive(msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage, c chan pb.ChaincodeMessage) (pb.ChaincodeMessage, error) {
errc := make(chan error, 1)
handler.serialSendAsync(msg, errc)
//the serialsend above will send an err or nil
//the select filters that first error(or nil)
//and continues to wait for the response
//it is possible that the response triggers first
//in which case the errc obviously worked and is
for {
select {
case err := <-errc:
if err == nil {
//would have been logged, return false
return pb.ChaincodeMessage{}, err
case outmsg, val := <-c:
if !val {
return pb.ChaincodeMessage{}, errors.New("unexpected failure on receive")
return outmsg, nil
func (handler *Handler) deleteChannel(channelID, txid string) {
defer handler.Unlock()
if handler.responseChannel != nil {
txCtxID := handler.getTxCtxId(channelID, txid)
delete(handler.responseChannel, txCtxID)
// NewChaincodeHandler returns a new instance of the shim side handler.
func newChaincodeHandler(peerChatStream PeerChaincodeStream, chaincode Chaincode) *Handler {
v := &Handler{
ChatStream: peerChatStream,
cc: chaincode,
v.responseChannel = make(map[string]chan pb.ChaincodeMessage)
v.nextState = make(chan *nextStateInfo)
// Create the shim side FSM
v.FSM = fsm.NewFSM(
{Name: pb.ChaincodeMessage_REGISTERED.String(), Src: []string{"created"}, Dst: "established"},
{Name: pb.ChaincodeMessage_READY.String(), Src: []string{"established"}, Dst: "ready"},
{Name: pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String(), Src: []string{"init"}, Dst: "established"},
{Name: pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE.String(), Src: []string{"init"}, Dst: "init"},
{Name: pb.ChaincodeMessage_INIT.String(), Src: []string{"ready"}, Dst: "ready"},
{Name: pb.ChaincodeMessage_TRANSACTION.String(), Src: []string{"ready"}, Dst: "ready"},
{Name: pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE.String(), Src: []string{"ready"}, Dst: "ready"},
{Name: pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String(), Src: []string{"ready"}, Dst: "ready"},
{Name: pb.ChaincodeMessage_COMPLETED.String(), Src: []string{"init"}, Dst: "ready"},
{Name: pb.ChaincodeMessage_COMPLETED.String(), Src: []string{"ready"}, Dst: "ready"},
"before_" + pb.ChaincodeMessage_REGISTERED.String(): func(e *fsm.Event) { v.beforeRegistered(e) },
"after_" + pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE.String(): func(e *fsm.Event) { v.afterResponse(e) },
"after_" + pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String(): func(e *fsm.Event) { v.afterError(e) },
"before_" + pb.ChaincodeMessage_INIT.String(): func(e *fsm.Event) { v.beforeInit(e) },
"before_" + pb.ChaincodeMessage_TRANSACTION.String(): func(e *fsm.Event) { v.beforeTransaction(e) },
return v
// beforeRegistered is called to handle the REGISTERED message.
func (handler *Handler) beforeRegistered(e *fsm.Event) {
if _, ok := e.Args[0].(*pb.ChaincodeMessage); !ok {
e.Cancel(errors.New("Received unexpected message type"))
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Received %s, ready for invocations", pb.ChaincodeMessage_REGISTERED)
// handleInit handles request to initialize chaincode.
func (handler *Handler) handleInit(msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage) {
// The defer followed by triggering a go routine dance is needed to ensure that the previous state transition
// is completed before the next one is triggered. The previous state transition is deemed complete only when
// the beforeInit function is exited. Interesting bug fix!!
go func() {
var nextStateMsg *pb.ChaincodeMessage
send := true
defer func() {
handler.triggerNextState(nextStateMsg, send)
errFunc := func(err error, payload []byte, ce *pb.ChaincodeEvent, errFmt string, args ...interface{}) *pb.ChaincodeMessage {
if err != nil {
// Send ERROR message to chaincode support and change state
if payload == nil {
payload = []byte(err.Error())
chaincodeLogger.Errorf(errFmt, args...)
return &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR, Payload: payload, Txid: msg.Txid, ChaincodeEvent: ce, ChannelId: msg.ChannelId}
return nil
// Get the function and args from Payload
input := &pb.ChaincodeInput{}
unmarshalErr := proto.Unmarshal(msg.Payload, input)
if nextStateMsg = errFunc(unmarshalErr, nil, nil, "[%s]Incorrect payload format. Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String()); nextStateMsg != nil {
// Call chaincode's Run
// Create the ChaincodeStub which the chaincode can use to callback
stub := new(ChaincodeStub)
err := stub.init(handler, msg.ChannelId, msg.Txid, input, msg.Proposal)
if nextStateMsg = errFunc(err, nil, stub.chaincodeEvent, "[%s]Init get error response. Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String()); nextStateMsg != nil {
res := handler.cc.Init(stub)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Init get response status: %d", shorttxid(msg.Txid), res.Status)
if res.Status >= ERROR {
err = errors.New(res.Message)
if nextStateMsg = errFunc(err, []byte(res.Message), stub.chaincodeEvent, "[%s]Init get error response. Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String()); nextStateMsg != nil {
resBytes, err := proto.Marshal(&res)
if nextStateMsg = errFunc(err, nil, stub.chaincodeEvent, "[%s]Init marshal response error. Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String()); nextStateMsg != nil {
// Send COMPLETED message to chaincode support and change state
nextStateMsg = &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_COMPLETED, Payload: resBytes, Txid: msg.Txid, ChaincodeEvent: stub.chaincodeEvent, ChannelId: stub.ChannelId}
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Init succeeded. Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_COMPLETED)
// beforeInit will initialize the chaincode if entering init from established.
func (handler *Handler) beforeInit(e *fsm.Event) {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Entered state %s", handler.FSM.Current())
msg, ok := e.Args[0].(*pb.ChaincodeMessage)
if !ok {
e.Cancel(errors.New("received unexpected message type"))
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received %s, initializing chaincode", shorttxid(msg.Txid), msg.Type.String())
if msg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_INIT.String() {
// Call the chaincode's Run function to initialize
// handleTransaction Handles request to execute a transaction.
func (handler *Handler) handleTransaction(msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage) {
// The defer followed by triggering a go routine dance is needed to ensure that the previous state transition
// is completed before the next one is triggered. The previous state transition is deemed complete only when
// the beforeInit function is exited. Interesting bug fix!!
go func() {
//better not be nil
var nextStateMsg *pb.ChaincodeMessage
send := true
defer func() {
handler.triggerNextState(nextStateMsg, send)
errFunc := func(err error, ce *pb.ChaincodeEvent, errStr string, args ...interface{}) *pb.ChaincodeMessage {
if err != nil {
payload := []byte(err.Error())
chaincodeLogger.Errorf(errStr, args...)
return &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR, Payload: payload, Txid: msg.Txid, ChaincodeEvent: ce, ChannelId: msg.ChannelId}
return nil
// Get the function and args from Payload
input := &pb.ChaincodeInput{}
unmarshalErr := proto.Unmarshal(msg.Payload, input)
if nextStateMsg = errFunc(unmarshalErr, nil, "[%s]Incorrect payload format. Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String()); nextStateMsg != nil {
// Call chaincode's Run
// Create the ChaincodeStub which the chaincode can use to callback
stub := new(ChaincodeStub)
err := stub.init(handler, msg.ChannelId, msg.Txid, input, msg.Proposal)
if nextStateMsg = errFunc(err, stub.chaincodeEvent, "[%s]Transaction execution failed. Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String()); nextStateMsg != nil {
res := handler.cc.Invoke(stub)
// Endorser will handle error contained in Response.
resBytes, err := proto.Marshal(&res)
if nextStateMsg = errFunc(err, stub.chaincodeEvent, "[%s]Transaction execution failed. Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String()); nextStateMsg != nil {
// Send COMPLETED message to chaincode support and change state
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Transaction completed. Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_COMPLETED)
nextStateMsg = &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_COMPLETED, Payload: resBytes, Txid: msg.Txid, ChaincodeEvent: stub.chaincodeEvent, ChannelId: stub.ChannelId}
// beforeTransaction will execute chaincode's Run if coming from a TRANSACTION event.
func (handler *Handler) beforeTransaction(e *fsm.Event) {
msg, ok := e.Args[0].(*pb.ChaincodeMessage)
if !ok {
e.Cancel(errors.New("Received unexpected message type"))
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received %s, invoking transaction on chaincode(Src:%s, Dst:%s)", shorttxid(msg.Txid), msg.Type.String(), e.Src, e.Dst)
if msg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_TRANSACTION.String() {
// Call the chaincode's Run function to invoke transaction
// afterResponse is called to deliver a response or error to the chaincode stub.
func (handler *Handler) afterResponse(e *fsm.Event) {
msg, ok := e.Args[0].(*pb.ChaincodeMessage)
if !ok {
e.Cancel(errors.New("received unexpected message type"))
if err := handler.sendChannel(msg); err != nil {
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("[%s]error sending %s (state:%s): %+v", shorttxid(msg.Txid), msg.Type, handler.FSM.Current(), err)
} else {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received %s, communicated (state:%s)", shorttxid(msg.Txid), msg.Type, handler.FSM.Current())
func (handler *Handler) afterError(e *fsm.Event) {
msg, ok := e.Args[0].(*pb.ChaincodeMessage)
if !ok {
e.Cancel(errors.New("Received unexpected message type"))
/* TODO- revisit. This may no longer be needed with the serialized/streamlined messaging model
* There are two situations in which the ERROR event can be triggered:
* 1. When an error is encountered within handleInit or handleTransaction - some issue at the chaincode side; In this case there will be no responseChannel and the message has been sent to the peer.
* 2. The chaincode has initiated a request (get/put/del state) to the peer and is expecting a response on the responseChannel; If ERROR is received from peer, this needs to be notified on the responseChannel.
if err := handler.sendChannel(msg); err == nil {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Error received from peer %s, communicated(state:%s)", shorttxid(msg.Txid), msg.Type, handler.FSM.Current())
// callPeerWithChaincodeMsg sends a chaincode message (for e.g., GetState along with the key) to the peer for a given txid
// and receives the response.
func (handler *Handler) callPeerWithChaincodeMsg(msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage, channelID, txid string) (pb.ChaincodeMessage, error) {
// Create the channel on which to communicate the response from the peer
var respChan chan pb.ChaincodeMessage
var err error
if respChan, err = handler.createChannel(channelID, txid); err != nil {
return pb.ChaincodeMessage{}, err
defer handler.deleteChannel(channelID, txid)
return handler.sendReceive(msg, respChan)
// TODO: Implement a method to get multiple keys at a time [FAB-1244]
// handleGetState communicates with the peer to fetch the requested state information from the ledger.
func (handler *Handler) handleGetState(collection string, key string, channelId string, txid string) ([]byte, error) {
// Construct payload for GET_STATE
payloadBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&pb.GetState{Collection: collection, Key: key})
msg := &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_GET_STATE, Payload: payloadBytes, Txid: txid, ChannelId: channelId}
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_GET_STATE)
responseMsg, err := handler.callPeerWithChaincodeMsg(msg, channelId, txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("[%s]error sending GET_STATE", shorttxid(txid)))
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE.String() {
// Success response
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]GetState received payload %s", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE)
return responseMsg.Payload, nil
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String() {
// Error response
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("[%s]GetState received error %s", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
return nil, errors.New(string(responseMsg.Payload[:]))
// Incorrect chaincode message received
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]incorrect chaincode message %s received. Expecting %s or %s", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), responseMsg.Type, pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE, pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
// TODO: Implement a method to set multiple keys at a time [FAB-1244]
// handlePutState communicates with the peer to put state information into the ledger.
func (handler *Handler) handlePutState(collection string, key string, value []byte, channelId string, txid string) error {
// Construct payload for PUT_STATE
payloadBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&pb.PutState{Collection: collection, Key: key, Value: value})
msg := &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_PUT_STATE, Payload: payloadBytes, Txid: txid, ChannelId: channelId}
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_PUT_STATE)
// Execute the request and get response
responseMsg, err := handler.callPeerWithChaincodeMsg(msg, channelId, txid)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("[%s]error sending PUT_STATE", msg.Txid))
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE.String() {
// Success response
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received %s. Successfully updated state", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE)
return nil
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String() {
// Error response
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("[%s]Received %s. Payload: %s", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR, responseMsg.Payload)
return errors.New(string(responseMsg.Payload[:]))
// Incorrect chaincode message received
return errors.Errorf("[%s]incorrect chaincode message %s received. Expecting %s or %s", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), responseMsg.Type, pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE, pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
// handleDelState communicates with the peer to delete a key from the state in the ledger.
func (handler *Handler) handleDelState(collection string, key string, channelId string, txid string) error {
//payloadBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&pb.GetState{Collection: collection, Key: key})
payloadBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&pb.DelState{Collection: collection, Key: key})
msg := &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_DEL_STATE, Payload: payloadBytes, Txid: txid, ChannelId: channelId}
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_GET_STATE)
// Execute the request and get response
responseMsg, err := handler.callPeerWithChaincodeMsg(msg, channelId, txid)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("[%s]error sending DEL_STATE %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_DEL_STATE)
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE.String() {
// Success response
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received %s. Successfully deleted state", msg.Txid, pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE)
return nil
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String() {
// Error response
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("[%s]Received %s. Payload: %s", msg.Txid, pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR, responseMsg.Payload)
return errors.New(string(responseMsg.Payload[:]))
// Incorrect chaincode message received
return errors.Errorf("[%s]incorrect chaincode message %s received. Expecting %s or %s", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), responseMsg.Type, pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE, pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
func (handler *Handler) handleGetStateByRange(collection, startKey, endKey string, channelId string, txid string) (*pb.QueryResponse, error) {
// Send GET_STATE_BY_RANGE message to peer chaincode support
//we constructed a valid object. No need to check for error
payloadBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&pb.GetStateByRange{Collection: collection, StartKey: startKey, EndKey: endKey})
msg := &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_GET_STATE_BY_RANGE, Payload: payloadBytes, Txid: txid, ChannelId: channelId}
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_GET_STATE_BY_RANGE)
responseMsg, err := handler.callPeerWithChaincodeMsg(msg, channelId, txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]error sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_GET_STATE_BY_RANGE)
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE.String() {
// Success response
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received %s. Successfully got range", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE)
rangeQueryResponse := &pb.QueryResponse{}
if err = proto.Unmarshal(responseMsg.Payload, rangeQueryResponse); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]GetStateByRangeResponse unmarshall error", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid))
return rangeQueryResponse, nil
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String() {
// Error response
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("[%s]Received %s", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
return nil, errors.New(string(responseMsg.Payload[:]))
// Incorrect chaincode message received
return nil, errors.Errorf("incorrect chaincode message %s received. Expecting %s or %s", responseMsg.Type, pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE, pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
func (handler *Handler) handleQueryStateNext(id, channelId, txid string) (*pb.QueryResponse, error) {
// Create the channel on which to communicate the response from validating peer
var respChan chan pb.ChaincodeMessage
var err error
if respChan, err = handler.createChannel(channelId, txid); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer handler.deleteChannel(channelId, txid)
// Send QUERY_STATE_NEXT message to peer chaincode support
//we constructed a valid object. No need to check for error
payloadBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&pb.QueryStateNext{Id: id})
msg := &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_QUERY_STATE_NEXT, Payload: payloadBytes, Txid: txid, ChannelId: channelId}
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_QUERY_STATE_NEXT)
var responseMsg pb.ChaincodeMessage
if responseMsg, err = handler.sendReceive(msg, respChan); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]error sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_QUERY_STATE_NEXT)
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE.String() {
// Success response
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received %s. Successfully got range", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE)
queryResponse := &pb.QueryResponse{}
if err = proto.Unmarshal(responseMsg.Payload, queryResponse); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]unmarshal error", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid))
return queryResponse, nil
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String() {
// Error response
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("[%s]Received %s", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
return nil, errors.New(string(responseMsg.Payload[:]))
// Incorrect chaincode message received
return nil, errors.Errorf("incorrect chaincode message %s received. Expecting %s or %s", responseMsg.Type, pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE, pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
func (handler *Handler) handleQueryStateClose(id, channelId, txid string) (*pb.QueryResponse, error) {
// Create the channel on which to communicate the response from validating peer
var respChan chan pb.ChaincodeMessage
var err error
if respChan, err = handler.createChannel(channelId, txid); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer handler.deleteChannel(channelId, txid)
// Send QUERY_STATE_CLOSE message to peer chaincode support
//we constructed a valid object. No need to check for error
payloadBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&pb.QueryStateClose{Id: id})
msg := &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_QUERY_STATE_CLOSE, Payload: payloadBytes, Txid: txid, ChannelId: channelId}
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_QUERY_STATE_CLOSE)
var responseMsg pb.ChaincodeMessage
if responseMsg, err = handler.sendReceive(msg, respChan); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]error sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_QUERY_STATE_CLOSE)
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE.String() {
// Success response
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received %s. Successfully got range", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE)
queryResponse := &pb.QueryResponse{}
if err = proto.Unmarshal(responseMsg.Payload, queryResponse); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]unmarshal error", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid))
return queryResponse, nil
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String() {
// Error response
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("[%s]Received %s", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
return nil, errors.New(string(responseMsg.Payload[:]))
// Incorrect chaincode message received
return nil, errors.Errorf("incorrect chaincode message %s received. Expecting %s or %s", responseMsg.Type, pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE, pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
func (handler *Handler) handleGetQueryResult(collection string, query string, channelId string, txid string) (*pb.QueryResponse, error) {
// Send GET_QUERY_RESULT message to peer chaincode support
//we constructed a valid object. No need to check for error
payloadBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&pb.GetQueryResult{Collection: collection, Query: query})
msg := &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_GET_QUERY_RESULT, Payload: payloadBytes, Txid: txid, ChannelId: channelId}
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_GET_QUERY_RESULT)
responseMsg, err := handler.callPeerWithChaincodeMsg(msg, channelId, txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]error sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_GET_QUERY_RESULT)
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE.String() {
// Success response
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received %s. Successfully got range", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE)
executeQueryResponse := &pb.QueryResponse{}
if err = proto.Unmarshal(responseMsg.Payload, executeQueryResponse); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]unmarshal error", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid))
return executeQueryResponse, nil
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String() {
// Error response
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("[%s]Received %s", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
return nil, errors.New(string(responseMsg.Payload[:]))
// Incorrect chaincode message received
return nil, errors.Errorf("incorrect chaincode message %s received. Expecting %s or %s", responseMsg.Type, pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE, pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
func (handler *Handler) handleGetHistoryForKey(key string, channelId string, txid string) (*pb.QueryResponse, error) {
// Create the channel on which to communicate the response from validating peer
var respChan chan pb.ChaincodeMessage
var err error
if respChan, err = handler.createChannel(channelId, txid); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer handler.deleteChannel(channelId, txid)
// Send GET_HISTORY_FOR_KEY message to peer chaincode support
//we constructed a valid object. No need to check for error
payloadBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&pb.GetHistoryForKey{Key: key})
msg := &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_GET_HISTORY_FOR_KEY, Payload: payloadBytes, Txid: txid, ChannelId: channelId}
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_GET_HISTORY_FOR_KEY)
var responseMsg pb.ChaincodeMessage
if responseMsg, err = handler.sendReceive(msg, respChan); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]error sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_GET_HISTORY_FOR_KEY)
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE.String() {
// Success response
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received %s. Successfully got range", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE)
getHistoryForKeyResponse := &pb.QueryResponse{}
if err = proto.Unmarshal(responseMsg.Payload, getHistoryForKeyResponse); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("[%s]unmarshal error", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid))
return getHistoryForKeyResponse, nil
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String() {
// Error response
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("[%s]Received %s", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
return nil, errors.New(string(responseMsg.Payload[:]))
// Incorrect chaincode message received
return nil, errors.Errorf("incorrect chaincode message %s received. Expecting %s or %s", responseMsg.Type, pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE, pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
func (handler *Handler) createResponse(status int32, payload []byte) pb.Response {
return pb.Response{Status: status, Payload: payload}
// handleInvokeChaincode communicates with the peer to invoke another chaincode.
func (handler *Handler) handleInvokeChaincode(chaincodeName string, args [][]byte, channelId string, txid string) pb.Response {
//we constructed a valid object. No need to check for error
payloadBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeId: &pb.ChaincodeID{Name: chaincodeName}, Input: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: args}})
// Create the channel on which to communicate the response from validating peer
var respChan chan pb.ChaincodeMessage
var err error
if respChan, err = handler.createChannel(channelId, txid); err != nil {
return handler.createResponse(ERROR, []byte(err.Error()))
defer handler.deleteChannel(channelId, txid)
// Send INVOKE_CHAINCODE message to peer chaincode support
msg := &pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_INVOKE_CHAINCODE, Payload: payloadBytes, Txid: txid, ChannelId: channelId}
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_INVOKE_CHAINCODE)
var responseMsg pb.ChaincodeMessage
if responseMsg, err = handler.sendReceive(msg, respChan); err != nil {
return handler.createResponse(ERROR, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]error sending %s", shorttxid(msg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_INVOKE_CHAINCODE)))
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE.String() {
// Success response
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received %s. Successfully invoked chaincode", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE)
respMsg := &pb.ChaincodeMessage{}
if err = proto.Unmarshal(responseMsg.Payload, respMsg); err != nil {
return handler.createResponse(ERROR, []byte(err.Error()))
if respMsg.Type == pb.ChaincodeMessage_COMPLETED {
// Success response
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received %s. Successfully invoked chaincode", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE)
res := &pb.Response{}
if err = proto.Unmarshal(respMsg.Payload, res); err != nil {
return handler.createResponse(ERROR, []byte(err.Error()))
return *res
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("[%s]Received %s. Error from chaincode", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), respMsg.Type.String())
return handler.createResponse(ERROR, responseMsg.Payload)
if responseMsg.Type.String() == pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR.String() {
// Error response
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("[%s]Received %s.", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)
return handler.createResponse(ERROR, responseMsg.Payload)
// Incorrect chaincode message received
return handler.createResponse(ERROR, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]Incorrect chaincode message %s received. Expecting %s or %s", shorttxid(responseMsg.Txid), responseMsg.Type, pb.ChaincodeMessage_RESPONSE, pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR)))
// handleMessage message handles loop for shim side of chaincode/peer stream.
func (handler *Handler) handleMessage(msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage) error {
if msg.Type == pb.ChaincodeMessage_KEEPALIVE {
// Received a keep alive message, we don't do anything with it for now
// and it does not touch the state machine
return nil
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Handling ChaincodeMessage of type: %s(state:%s)", shorttxid(msg.Txid), msg.Type, handler.FSM.Current())
if handler.FSM.Cannot(msg.Type.String()) {
err := errors.Errorf("[%s]chaincode handler FSM cannot handle message (%s) with payload size (%d) while in state: %s", msg.Txid, msg.Type.String(), len(msg.Payload), handler.FSM.Current())
handler.serialSend(&pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_ERROR, Payload: []byte(err.Error()), Txid: msg.Txid, ChannelId: msg.ChannelId})
return err
err := handler.FSM.Event(msg.Type.String(), msg)
return filterError(err)
// filterError filters the errors to allow NoTransitionError and CanceledError to not propagate for cases where embedded Err == nil.
func filterError(errFromFSMEvent error) error {
if errFromFSMEvent != nil {
if noTransitionErr, ok := errFromFSMEvent.(*fsm.NoTransitionError); ok {
if noTransitionErr.Err != nil {
// Only allow NoTransitionError's, all others are considered true error.
return errFromFSMEvent
if canceledErr, ok := errFromFSMEvent.(*fsm.CanceledError); ok {
if canceledErr.Err != nil {
// Only allow NoTransitionError's, all others are considered true error.
return canceledErr
//t.Error("expected only 'NoTransitionError'")
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Ignoring CanceledError: %s", canceledErr)
return nil
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