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signature.go 9.73 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package idemix
import (
// signLabel is the label used in zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) to identify that this ZKP is a signature of knowledge
const signLabel = "sign"
// A signature that is produced using an Identity Mixer credential is a so-called signature of knowledge
// (for details see C.P.Schnorr "Efficient Identification and Signatures for Smart Cards")
// An Identity Mixer signature is a signature of knowledge that signs a message and proves (in zero-knowledge)
// the knowledge of the user secret (and possibly attributes) signed inside a credential
// that was issued by a certain issuer (referred to with the issuer public key)
// The signature is verified using the message being signed and the public key of the issuer
// Some of the attributes from the credential can be selectvely disclosed or different statements can be proven about
// credential atrributes without diclosing them in the clear
// The difference between a standard signature using X.509 certificates and an Identity Mixer signature is
// the advanced privacy features provided by Identity Mixer (due to zero-knowledge proofs):
// - Unlinkability of the signatures produced with the same credential
// - Selective attribute disclosure and predicates over attributes
// Make a slice of all the attribute indices that will not be disclosed
func hiddenIndices(Disclosure []byte) []int {
HiddenIndices := make([]int, 0)
for index, disclose := range Disclosure {
if disclose == 0 {
HiddenIndices = append(HiddenIndices, index)
return HiddenIndices
// NewSignature creates a new idemix signature (Schnorr-type signature)
// The []byte Disclosure steers which attributes are disclosed:
// if Disclosure[i] == 0 then attribute i remains hidden and otherwise it is disclosed.
// We use the zero-knowledge proof by http://eprint.iacr.org/2016/663.pdf to prove knowledge of a BBS+ signature
func NewSignature(cred *Credential, sk *FP256BN.BIG, Nym *FP256BN.ECP, RNym *FP256BN.BIG, ipk *IssuerPublicKey, Disclosure []byte, msg []byte, rng *amcl.RAND) (*Signature, error) {
if cred == nil || sk == nil || Nym == nil || RNym == nil || ipk == nil || rng == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("cannot create idemix signature: received nil input")
HiddenIndices := hiddenIndices(Disclosure)
// Start sig
r1 := RandModOrder(rng)
r2 := RandModOrder(rng)
r3 := FP256BN.NewBIGcopy(r1)
Nonce := RandModOrder(rng)
A := EcpFromProto(cred.A)
B := EcpFromProto(cred.B)
APrime := FP256BN.G1mul(A, r1) // A' = A^{r1}
ABar := FP256BN.G1mul(B, r1)
ABar.Sub(FP256BN.G1mul(APrime, FP256BN.FromBytes(cred.E))) // barA = A'^{-e} b^{r1}
BPrime := FP256BN.G1mul(B, r1)
HRand := EcpFromProto(ipk.HRand)
HSk := EcpFromProto(ipk.HSk)
BPrime.Sub(FP256BN.G1mul(HRand, r2)) // b' = b^{r1} h_r^{-r2}
S := FP256BN.FromBytes(cred.S)
E := FP256BN.FromBytes(cred.E)
sPrime := Modsub(S, FP256BN.Modmul(r2, r3, GroupOrder), GroupOrder)
// Construct ZK proof
rSk := RandModOrder(rng)
re := RandModOrder(rng)
rR2 := RandModOrder(rng)
rR3 := RandModOrder(rng)
rSPrime := RandModOrder(rng)
rRNym := RandModOrder(rng)
rAttrs := make([]*FP256BN.BIG, len(HiddenIndices))
for i := range HiddenIndices {
rAttrs[i] = RandModOrder(rng)
t1 := APrime.Mul2(re, HRand, rR2)
t2 := FP256BN.G1mul(HRand, rSPrime)
t2.Add(BPrime.Mul2(rR3, HSk, rSk))
for i := 0; i < len(HiddenIndices)/2; i++ {
t2.Add(EcpFromProto(ipk.HAttrs[HiddenIndices[2*i]]).Mul2(rAttrs[2*i], EcpFromProto(ipk.HAttrs[HiddenIndices[2*i+1]]), rAttrs[2*i+1]))
if len(HiddenIndices)%2 != 0 {
t2.Add(FP256BN.G1mul(EcpFromProto(ipk.HAttrs[HiddenIndices[len(HiddenIndices)-1]]), rAttrs[len(HiddenIndices)-1]))
t3 := HSk.Mul2(rSk, HRand, rRNym)
// proofData is the data being hashed, it consists of:
// the signature label
// 7 elements of G1 each taking 2*FieldBytes+1 bytes
// one bigint (hash of the issuer public key) of length FieldBytes
// disclosed attributes
// message being signed
proofData := make([]byte, len([]byte(signLabel))+7*(2*FieldBytes+1)+FieldBytes+len(Disclosure)+len(msg))
index := 0
index = appendBytesString(proofData, index, signLabel)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, t1)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, t2)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, t3)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, APrime)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, ABar)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, BPrime)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, Nym)
copy(proofData[index:], ipk.Hash)
index = index + FieldBytes
copy(proofData[index:], Disclosure)
index = index + len(Disclosure)
copy(proofData[index:], msg)
c := HashModOrder(proofData)
// add the previous hash and the nonce and hash again to compute a second hash (C value)
index = 0
proofData = proofData[:2*FieldBytes]
index = appendBytesBig(proofData, index, c)
index = appendBytesBig(proofData, index, Nonce)
ProofC := HashModOrder(proofData)
ProofSSk := Modadd(rSk, FP256BN.Modmul(ProofC, sk, GroupOrder), GroupOrder)
ProofSE := Modsub(re, FP256BN.Modmul(ProofC, E, GroupOrder), GroupOrder)
ProofSR2 := Modadd(rR2, FP256BN.Modmul(ProofC, r2, GroupOrder), GroupOrder)
ProofSR3 := Modsub(rR3, FP256BN.Modmul(ProofC, r3, GroupOrder), GroupOrder)
ProofSSPrime := Modadd(rSPrime, FP256BN.Modmul(ProofC, sPrime, GroupOrder), GroupOrder)
ProofSRNym := Modadd(rRNym, FP256BN.Modmul(ProofC, RNym, GroupOrder), GroupOrder)
ProofSAttrs := make([][]byte, len(HiddenIndices))
for i, j := range HiddenIndices {
ProofSAttrs[i] = BigToBytes(Modadd(rAttrs[i], FP256BN.Modmul(ProofC, FP256BN.FromBytes(cred.Attrs[j]), GroupOrder), GroupOrder))
return &Signature{
// Ver verifies an idemix signature
// Disclosure steers which attributes it expects to be disclosed
// attributeValues[i] contains the desired attribute value for the i-th undisclosed attribute in Disclosure
func (sig *Signature) Ver(Disclosure []byte, ipk *IssuerPublicKey, msg []byte, attributeValues []*FP256BN.BIG) error {
HiddenIndices := hiddenIndices(Disclosure)
APrime := EcpFromProto(sig.GetAPrime())
ABar := EcpFromProto(sig.GetABar())
BPrime := EcpFromProto(sig.GetBPrime())
Nym := EcpFromProto(sig.GetNym())
ProofC := FP256BN.FromBytes(sig.GetProofC())
ProofSSk := FP256BN.FromBytes(sig.GetProofSSk())
ProofSE := FP256BN.FromBytes(sig.GetProofSE())
ProofSR2 := FP256BN.FromBytes(sig.GetProofSR2())
ProofSR3 := FP256BN.FromBytes(sig.GetProofSR3())
ProofSSPrime := FP256BN.FromBytes(sig.GetProofSSPrime())
ProofSRNym := FP256BN.FromBytes(sig.GetProofSRNym())
ProofSAttrs := make([]*FP256BN.BIG, len(sig.GetProofSAttrs()))
if len(sig.ProofSAttrs) != len(HiddenIndices) {
return errors.Errorf("signature invalid: incorrect amount of s-values for AttributeProofSpec")
for i, b := range sig.ProofSAttrs {
ProofSAttrs[i] = FP256BN.FromBytes(b)
Nonce := FP256BN.FromBytes(sig.GetNonce())
W := Ecp2FromProto(ipk.W)
HRand := EcpFromProto(ipk.HRand)
HSk := EcpFromProto(ipk.HSk)
if APrime.Is_infinity() {
return errors.Errorf("signature invalid: APrime = 1")
temp1 := FP256BN.Ate(W, APrime)
temp2 := FP256BN.Ate(GenG2, ABar)
if !FP256BN.Fexp(temp1).Isunity() {
return errors.Errorf("signature invalid: APrime and ABar don't have the expected structure")
t1 := APrime.Mul2(ProofSE, HRand, ProofSR2)
temp := FP256BN.NewECP()
t1.Sub(FP256BN.G1mul(temp, ProofC))
t2 := FP256BN.G1mul(HRand, ProofSSPrime)
t2.Add(BPrime.Mul2(ProofSR3, HSk, ProofSSk))
for i := 0; i < len(HiddenIndices)/2; i++ {
t2.Add(EcpFromProto(ipk.HAttrs[HiddenIndices[2*i]]).Mul2(ProofSAttrs[2*i], EcpFromProto(ipk.HAttrs[HiddenIndices[2*i+1]]), ProofSAttrs[2*i+1]))
if len(HiddenIndices)%2 != 0 {
t2.Add(FP256BN.G1mul(EcpFromProto(ipk.HAttrs[HiddenIndices[len(HiddenIndices)-1]]), ProofSAttrs[len(HiddenIndices)-1]))
temp = FP256BN.NewECP()
for index, disclose := range Disclosure {
if disclose != 0 {
temp.Add(FP256BN.G1mul(EcpFromProto(ipk.HAttrs[index]), attributeValues[index]))
t2.Add(FP256BN.G1mul(temp, ProofC))
t3 := HSk.Mul2(ProofSSk, HRand, ProofSRNym)
// proofData is the data being hashed, it consists of:
// the signature label
// 7 elements of G1 each taking 2*FieldBytes+1 bytes
// one bigint (hash of the issuer public key) of length FieldBytes
// disclosed attributes
// message that was signed
proofData := make([]byte, len([]byte(signLabel))+7*(2*FieldBytes+1)+FieldBytes+len(Disclosure)+len(msg))
index := 0
index = appendBytesString(proofData, index, signLabel)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, t1)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, t2)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, t3)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, APrime)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, ABar)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, BPrime)
index = appendBytesG1(proofData, index, Nym)
copy(proofData[index:], ipk.Hash)
index = index + FieldBytes
copy(proofData[index:], Disclosure)
index = index + len(Disclosure)
copy(proofData[index:], msg)
c := HashModOrder(proofData)
index = 0
proofData = proofData[:2*FieldBytes]
index = appendBytesBig(proofData, index, c)
index = appendBytesBig(proofData, index, Nonce)
if *ProofC != *HashModOrder(proofData) {
return errors.Errorf("signature invalid: zero-knowledge proof is invalid")
return nil
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