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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric
configbuilder.go 13.54 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package msp
import (
// OrganizationalUnitIdentifiersConfiguration is used to represent an OU
// and an associated trusted certificate
type OrganizationalUnitIdentifiersConfiguration struct {
// Certificate is the path to a root or intermediate certificate
Certificate string `yaml:"Certificate,omitempty"`
// OrganizationalUnitIdentifier is the name of the OU
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier string `yaml:"OrganizationalUnitIdentifier,omitempty"`
// NodeOUs contains information on how to tell apart clients, peers and orderers
// based on OUs. If the check is enforced, by setting Enabled to true,
// the MSP will consider an identity valid if it is an identity of a client, a peer or
// an orderer. An identity should have only one of these special OUs.
type NodeOUs struct {
// Enable activates the OU enforcement
Enable bool `yaml:"Enable,omitempty"`
// ClientOUIdentifier specifies how to recognize clients by OU
ClientOUIdentifier *OrganizationalUnitIdentifiersConfiguration `yaml:"ClientOUIdentifier,omitempty"`
// PeerOUIdentifier specifies how to recognize peers by OU
PeerOUIdentifier *OrganizationalUnitIdentifiersConfiguration `yaml:"PeerOUIdentifier,omitempty"`
// Configuration represents the accessory configuration an MSP can be equipped with.
// By default, this configuration is stored in a yaml file
type Configuration struct {
// OrganizationalUnitIdentifiers is a list of OUs. If this is set, the MSP
// will consider an identity valid only it contains at least one of these OUs
OrganizationalUnitIdentifiers []*OrganizationalUnitIdentifiersConfiguration `yaml:"OrganizationalUnitIdentifiers,omitempty"`
// NodeOUs enables the MSP to tell apart clients, peers and orderers based
// on the identity's OU.
NodeOUs *NodeOUs `yaml:"NodeOUs,omitempty"`
func readFile(file string) ([]byte, error) {
fileCont, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not read file %s", file)
return fileCont, nil
func readPemFile(file string) ([]byte, error) {
bytes, err := readFile(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "reading from file %s failed", file)
b, _ := pem.Decode(bytes)
if b == nil { // TODO: also check that the type is what we expect (cert vs key..)
return nil, errors.Errorf("no pem content for file %s", file)
return bytes, nil
func getPemMaterialFromDir(dir string) ([][]byte, error) {
mspLogger.Debugf("Reading directory %s", dir)
_, err := os.Stat(dir)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, err
content := make([][]byte, 0)
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not read directory %s", dir)
for _, f := range files {
fullName := filepath.Join(dir, f.Name())
f, err := os.Stat(fullName)
if err != nil {
mspLogger.Warningf("Failed to stat %s: %s", fullName, err)
if f.IsDir() {
mspLogger.Debugf("Inspecting file %s", fullName)
item, err := readPemFile(fullName)
if err != nil {
mspLogger.Warningf("Failed reading file %s: %s", fullName, err)
content = append(content, item)
return content, nil
const (
cacerts = "cacerts"
admincerts = "admincerts"
signcerts = "signcerts"
keystore = "keystore"
intermediatecerts = "intermediatecerts"
crlsfolder = "crls"
configfilename = "config.yaml"
tlscacerts = "tlscacerts"
tlsintermediatecerts = "tlsintermediatecerts"
func SetupBCCSPKeystoreConfig(bccspConfig *factory.FactoryOpts, keystoreDir string) *factory.FactoryOpts {
if bccspConfig == nil {
bccspConfig = factory.GetDefaultOpts()
if bccspConfig.ProviderName == "SW" {
if bccspConfig.SwOpts == nil {
bccspConfig.SwOpts = factory.GetDefaultOpts().SwOpts
// Only override the KeyStorePath if it was left empty
if bccspConfig.SwOpts.FileKeystore == nil ||
bccspConfig.SwOpts.FileKeystore.KeyStorePath == "" {
bccspConfig.SwOpts.Ephemeral = false
bccspConfig.SwOpts.FileKeystore = &factory.FileKeystoreOpts{KeyStorePath: keystoreDir}
return bccspConfig
// GetLocalMspConfigWithType returns a local MSP
// configuration for the MSP in the specified
// directory, with the specified ID and type
func GetLocalMspConfigWithType(dir string, bccspConfig *factory.FactoryOpts, ID, mspType string) (*msp.MSPConfig, error) {
switch mspType {
case ProviderTypeToString(FABRIC):
return GetLocalMspConfig(dir, bccspConfig, ID)
case ProviderTypeToString(IDEMIX):
return GetIdemixMspConfig(dir, ID)
return nil, errors.Errorf("unknown MSP type '%s'", mspType)
func GetLocalMspConfig(dir string, bccspConfig *factory.FactoryOpts, ID string) (*msp.MSPConfig, error) {
signcertDir := filepath.Join(dir, signcerts)
keystoreDir := filepath.Join(dir, keystore)
bccspConfig = SetupBCCSPKeystoreConfig(bccspConfig, keystoreDir)
err := factory.InitFactories(bccspConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "could not initialize BCCSP Factories")
signcert, err := getPemMaterialFromDir(signcertDir)
if err != nil || len(signcert) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not load a valid signer certificate from directory %s", signcertDir)
/* FIXME: for now we're making the following assumptions
1) there is exactly one signing cert
2) BCCSP's KeyStore has the private key that matches SKI of
signing cert
sigid := &msp.SigningIdentityInfo{PublicSigner: signcert[0], PrivateSigner: nil}
return getMspConfig(dir, ID, sigid)
// GetVerifyingMspConfig returns an MSP config given directory, ID and type
func GetVerifyingMspConfig(dir, ID, mspType string) (*msp.MSPConfig, error) {
switch mspType {
case ProviderTypeToString(FABRIC):
return getMspConfig(dir, ID, nil)
case ProviderTypeToString(IDEMIX):
return GetIdemixMspConfig(dir, ID)
return nil, errors.Errorf("unknown MSP type '%s'", mspType)
func getMspConfig(dir string, ID string, sigid *msp.SigningIdentityInfo) (*msp.MSPConfig, error) {
cacertDir := filepath.Join(dir, cacerts)
admincertDir := filepath.Join(dir, admincerts)
intermediatecertsDir := filepath.Join(dir, intermediatecerts)
crlsDir := filepath.Join(dir, crlsfolder)
configFile := filepath.Join(dir, configfilename)
tlscacertDir := filepath.Join(dir, tlscacerts)
tlsintermediatecertsDir := filepath.Join(dir, tlsintermediatecerts)
cacerts, err := getPemMaterialFromDir(cacertDir)
if err != nil || len(cacerts) == 0 {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("could not load a valid ca certificate from directory %s", cacertDir))
admincert, err := getPemMaterialFromDir(admincertDir)
if err != nil || len(admincert) == 0 {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("could not load a valid admin certificate from directory %s", admincertDir))
intermediatecerts, err := getPemMaterialFromDir(intermediatecertsDir)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
mspLogger.Debugf("Intermediate certs folder not found at [%s]. Skipping. [%s]", intermediatecertsDir, err)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed loading intermediate ca certs at [%s]", intermediatecertsDir))
tlsCACerts, err := getPemMaterialFromDir(tlscacertDir)
tlsIntermediateCerts := [][]byte{}
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
mspLogger.Debugf("TLS CA certs folder not found at [%s]. Skipping and ignoring TLS intermediate CA folder. [%s]", tlsintermediatecertsDir, err)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed loading TLS ca certs at [%s]", tlsintermediatecertsDir))
} else if len(tlsCACerts) != 0 {
tlsIntermediateCerts, err = getPemMaterialFromDir(tlsintermediatecertsDir)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
mspLogger.Debugf("TLS intermediate certs folder not found at [%s]. Skipping. [%s]", tlsintermediatecertsDir, err)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed loading TLS intermediate ca certs at [%s]", tlsintermediatecertsDir))
} else {
mspLogger.Debugf("TLS CA certs folder at [%s] is empty. Skipping.", tlsintermediatecertsDir)
crls, err := getPemMaterialFromDir(crlsDir)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
mspLogger.Debugf("crls folder not found at [%s]. Skipping. [%s]", crlsDir, err)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed loading crls at [%s]", crlsDir))
// Load configuration file
// if the configuration file is there then load it
// otherwise skip it
var ouis []*msp.FabricOUIdentifier
var nodeOUs *msp.FabricNodeOUs
_, err = os.Stat(configFile)
if err == nil {
// load the file, if there is a failure in loading it then
// return an error
raw, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed loading configuration file at [%s]", configFile)
configuration := Configuration{}
err = yaml.Unmarshal(raw, &configuration)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed unmarshalling configuration file at [%s]", configFile)
// Prepare OrganizationalUnitIdentifiers
if len(configuration.OrganizationalUnitIdentifiers) > 0 {
for _, ouID := range configuration.OrganizationalUnitIdentifiers {
f := filepath.Join(dir, ouID.Certificate)
raw, err = readFile(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed loading OrganizationalUnit certificate at [%s]", f)
oui := &msp.FabricOUIdentifier{
Certificate: raw,
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: ouID.OrganizationalUnitIdentifier,
ouis = append(ouis, oui)
// Prepare NodeOUs
if configuration.NodeOUs != nil && configuration.NodeOUs.Enable {
mspLogger.Debug("Loading NodeOUs")
if configuration.NodeOUs.ClientOUIdentifier == nil || len(configuration.NodeOUs.ClientOUIdentifier.OrganizationalUnitIdentifier) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Failed loading NodeOUs. ClientOU must be different from nil.")
if configuration.NodeOUs.PeerOUIdentifier == nil || len(configuration.NodeOUs.PeerOUIdentifier.OrganizationalUnitIdentifier) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Failed loading NodeOUs. PeerOU must be different from nil.")
nodeOUs = &msp.FabricNodeOUs{
Enable: configuration.NodeOUs.Enable,
ClientOuIdentifier: &msp.FabricOUIdentifier{OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: configuration.NodeOUs.ClientOUIdentifier.OrganizationalUnitIdentifier},
PeerOuIdentifier: &msp.FabricOUIdentifier{OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: configuration.NodeOUs.PeerOUIdentifier.OrganizationalUnitIdentifier},
// Read certificates, if defined
// ClientOU
f := filepath.Join(dir, configuration.NodeOUs.ClientOUIdentifier.Certificate)
raw, err = readFile(f)
if err != nil {
mspLogger.Infof("Failed loading ClientOU certificate at [%s]: [%s]", f, err)
} else {
nodeOUs.ClientOuIdentifier.Certificate = raw
// PeerOU
f = filepath.Join(dir, configuration.NodeOUs.PeerOUIdentifier.Certificate)
raw, err = readFile(f)
if err != nil {
mspLogger.Debugf("Failed loading PeerOU certificate at [%s]: [%s]", f, err)
} else {
nodeOUs.PeerOuIdentifier.Certificate = raw
} else {
mspLogger.Debugf("MSP configuration file not found at [%s]: [%s]", configFile, err)
// Set FabricCryptoConfig
cryptoConfig := &msp.FabricCryptoConfig{
SignatureHashFamily: bccsp.SHA2,
IdentityIdentifierHashFunction: bccsp.SHA256,
// Compose FabricMSPConfig
fmspconf := &msp.FabricMSPConfig{
Admins: admincert,
RootCerts: cacerts,
IntermediateCerts: intermediatecerts,
SigningIdentity: sigid,
Name: ID,
OrganizationalUnitIdentifiers: ouis,
RevocationList: crls,
CryptoConfig: cryptoConfig,
TlsRootCerts: tlsCACerts,
TlsIntermediateCerts: tlsIntermediateCerts,
FabricNodeOus: nodeOUs,
fmpsjs, _ := proto.Marshal(fmspconf)
mspconf := &msp.MSPConfig{Config: fmpsjs, Type: int32(FABRIC)}
return mspconf, nil
const (
IdemixConfigDirMsp = "msp"
IdemixConfigDirUser = "user"
IdemixConfigFileIssuerPublicKey = "IssuerPublicKey"
IdemixConfigFileRevocationPublicKey = "RevocationPublicKey"
IdemixConfigFileSigner = "SignerConfig"
// GetIdemixMspConfig returns the configuration for the Idemix MSP
func GetIdemixMspConfig(dir string, ID string) (*msp.MSPConfig, error) {
ipkBytes, err := readFile(filepath.Join(dir, IdemixConfigDirMsp, IdemixConfigFileIssuerPublicKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read issuer public key file")
revocationPkBytes, err := readFile(filepath.Join(dir, IdemixConfigDirMsp, IdemixConfigFileRevocationPublicKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read revocation public key file")
idemixConfig := &msp.IdemixMSPConfig{
Name: ID,
Ipk: ipkBytes,
RevocationPk: revocationPkBytes,
signerBytes, err := readFile(filepath.Join(dir, IdemixConfigDirUser, IdemixConfigFileSigner))
if err == nil {
signerConfig := &msp.IdemixMSPSignerConfig{}
err = proto.Unmarshal(signerBytes, signerConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
idemixConfig.Signer = signerConfig
confBytes, err := proto.Marshal(idemixConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &msp.MSPConfig{Config: confBytes, Type: int32(IDEMIX)}, nil
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