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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric
mock_comm.go 4.82 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package mock
import (
proto "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/gossip"
// Mock which aims to simulate socket
type socketMock struct {
// socket endpoint
endpoint string
// To simulate simple tcp socket
socket chan interface{}
// Mock of primitive tcp packet structure
type packetMock struct {
// Sender channel message sent from
src *socketMock
// Destination channel sent to
dst *socketMock
msg interface{}
type channelMock struct {
accept common.MessageAcceptor
channel chan proto.ReceivedMessage
type commMock struct {
id string
members map[string]*socketMock
acceptors []*channelMock
deadChannel chan common.PKIidType
done chan struct{}
var logger = util.GetLogger(util.CommMockLogger, "")
// NewCommMock creates mocked communication object
func NewCommMock(id string, members map[string]*socketMock) comm.Comm {
res := &commMock{
id: id,
members: members,
acceptors: make([]*channelMock, 0),
done: make(chan struct{}),
deadChannel: make(chan common.PKIidType),
// Start communication service
go res.start()
return res
// Respond sends a GossipMessage to the origin from which this ReceivedMessage was sent from
func (packet *packetMock) Respond(msg *proto.GossipMessage) {
sMsg, _ := msg.NoopSign()
packet.src.socket <- &packetMock{
src: packet.dst,
dst: packet.src,
msg: sMsg,
// Ack returns to the sender an acknowledgement for the message
func (packet *packetMock) Ack(err error) {
// GetSourceEnvelope Returns the Envelope the ReceivedMessage was
// constructed with
func (packet *packetMock) GetSourceEnvelope() *proto.Envelope {
return nil
// GetGossipMessage returns the underlying GossipMessage
func (packet *packetMock) GetGossipMessage() *proto.SignedGossipMessage {
return packet.msg.(*proto.SignedGossipMessage)
// GetConnectionInfo returns information about the remote peer
// that sent the message
func (packet *packetMock) GetConnectionInfo() *proto.ConnectionInfo {
return nil
func (mock *commMock) start() {
logger.Debug("Starting communication mock module...")
for {
select {
case <-mock.done:
// Got final signal, exiting...
case msg := <-mock.members[mock.id].socket:
logger.Debug("Got new message", msg)
packet := msg.(*packetMock)
for _, channel := range mock.acceptors {
// if message acceptor agrees to get
// new message forward it to the received
// messages channel
if channel.accept(packet) {
channel.channel <- packet
// GetPKIid returns this instance's PKI id
func (mock *commMock) GetPKIid() common.PKIidType {
return common.PKIidType(mock.id)
// Send sends a message to remote peers
func (mock *commMock) Send(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage, peers ...*comm.RemotePeer) {
for _, peer := range peers {
logger.Debug("Sending message to peer ", peer.Endpoint, "from ", mock.id)
mock.members[peer.Endpoint].socket <- &packetMock{
src: mock.members[mock.id],
dst: mock.members[peer.Endpoint],
msg: msg,
func (mock *commMock) SendWithAck(_ *proto.SignedGossipMessage, _ time.Duration, _ int, _ ...*comm.RemotePeer) comm.AggregatedSendResult {
panic("not implemented")
// Probe probes a remote node and returns nil if its responsive,
// and an error if it's not.
func (mock *commMock) Probe(peer *comm.RemotePeer) error {
return nil
// Handshake authenticates a remote peer and returns
// (its identity, nil) on success and (nil, error)
func (mock *commMock) Handshake(peer *comm.RemotePeer) (api.PeerIdentityType, error) {
return nil, nil
// Accept returns a dedicated read-only channel for messages sent by other nodes that match a certain predicate.
// Each message from the channel can be used to send a reply back to the sender
func (mock *commMock) Accept(accept common.MessageAcceptor) <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage {
ch := make(chan proto.ReceivedMessage)
mock.acceptors = append(mock.acceptors, &channelMock{accept, ch})
return ch
// PresumedDead returns a read-only channel for node endpoints that are suspected to be offline
func (mock *commMock) PresumedDead() <-chan common.PKIidType {
return mock.deadChannel
// CloseConn closes a connection to a certain endpoint
func (mock *commMock) CloseConn(peer *comm.RemotePeer) {
// Stop stops the module
func (mock *commMock) Stop() {
logger.Debug("Stopping communication module, closing all accepting channels.")
for _, accept := range mock.acceptors {
logger.Debug("[XXX]: Sending done signal to close the module.")
mock.done <- struct{}{}
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