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query_results_helper.go 8.72 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package rwsetutil
import (
bccspfactory "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/bccsp/factory"
// MerkleTreeLevel used for representing a level of the merkle tree
type MerkleTreeLevel uint32
// Hash represents bytes of a hash
type Hash []byte
const (
leafLevel = MerkleTreeLevel(1)
var (
hashOpts = &bccsp.SHA256Opts{}
// RangeQueryResultsHelper helps preparing range query results for phantom items detection during validation.
// The results are expected to be fed as they are being iterated over.
// If the `hashingEnabled` is set to true, a merkle tree is built of the hashes over the results.
// The merkle tree helps reducing the size of the RWSet which otherwise would need to store all the raw KVReads
// The mental model of the tree can be described as below:
// All the results are treated as leaf nodes (level 0) of the tree. Next up level of the tree is built by collecting 'maxDegree + 1'
// items from the previous level and hashing the entire collection.
// Further upper levels of the tree are built in similar manner however the only difference is that unlike level-0
// (where collection consists of raw KVReads), collection at level 1 and above, consists of the hashes
// (of the collection of previous level).
// This is repeated until we reach at a level where we are left with the number of items less than or equals to `maxDegree`.
// In the last collection, the number of items can be less than 'maxDegree' (except if this is the only collection at the given level).
// As a result, if the number of total input results are less than or equals to 'maxDegree', no hashing is performed at all.
// And the final output of the computation is either the collection of raw results (if less that or equals to 'maxDegree') or
// a collection of hashes (that or equals to 'maxDegree') at some level in the tree.
// `AddResult` function should be invoke to supply the next result and at the end `Done` function should be invoked.
// The `Done` function does the final processing and returns the final output
type RangeQueryResultsHelper struct {
pendingResults []*kvrwset.KVRead
mt *merkleTree
maxDegree uint32
hashingEnabled bool
// NewRangeQueryResultsHelper constructs a RangeQueryResultsHelper
func NewRangeQueryResultsHelper(enableHashing bool, maxDegree uint32) (*RangeQueryResultsHelper, error) {
helper := &RangeQueryResultsHelper{pendingResults: nil,
hashingEnabled: enableHashing,
maxDegree: maxDegree,
mt: nil}
if enableHashing {
var err error
if helper.mt, err = newMerkleTree(maxDegree); err != nil {
return nil, err
return helper, nil
// AddResult adds a new query result for processing.
// Put the result into the list of pending results. If the number of pending results exceeds `maxDegree`,
// consume the results for incrementally update the merkle tree
func (helper *RangeQueryResultsHelper) AddResult(kvRead *kvrwset.KVRead) error {
logger.Debug("Adding a result")
helper.pendingResults = append(helper.pendingResults, kvRead)
if helper.hashingEnabled && uint32(len(helper.pendingResults)) > helper.maxDegree {
logger.Debug("Processing the accumulated results")
if err := helper.processPendingResults(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Done processes any pending results if needed
// This returns the final pending results (i.e., []*KVRead) and hashes of the results (i.e., *MerkleSummary)
// Only one of these two will be non-nil (except when no results are ever added).
// `MerkleSummary` will be nil if and only if either `enableHashing` is set to false
// or the number of total results are less than `maxDegree`
func (helper *RangeQueryResultsHelper) Done() ([]*kvrwset.KVRead, *kvrwset.QueryReadsMerkleSummary, error) {
// The merkle tree will be empty if total results are less than or equals to 'maxDegree'
// i.e., not even once the results were processed for hashing
if !helper.hashingEnabled || helper.mt.isEmpty() {
return helper.pendingResults, nil, nil
if len(helper.pendingResults) != 0 {
logger.Debug("Processing the pending results")
if err := helper.processPendingResults(); err != nil {
return helper.pendingResults, nil, err
return helper.pendingResults, helper.mt.getSummery(), nil
// GetMerkleSummary return the current state of the MerkleSummary
// This intermediate state of the merkle tree helps during validation to detect a mismatch early on.
// That helps by not requiring to build the complete merkle tree during validation
// if there is a mismatch in early portion of the result-set.
func (helper *RangeQueryResultsHelper) GetMerkleSummary() *kvrwset.QueryReadsMerkleSummary {
if !helper.hashingEnabled {
return nil
return helper.mt.getSummery()
func (helper *RangeQueryResultsHelper) processPendingResults() error {
var b []byte
var err error
if b, err = serializeKVReads(helper.pendingResults); err != nil {
return err
helper.pendingResults = nil
hash, err := bccspfactory.GetDefault().Hash(b, hashOpts)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func serializeKVReads(kvReads []*kvrwset.KVRead) ([]byte, error) {
return proto.Marshal(&kvrwset.QueryReads{KvReads: kvReads})
//////////// Merkle tree building code ///////
type merkleTree struct {
tree map[MerkleTreeLevel][]Hash
maxLevel MerkleTreeLevel
maxDegree uint32
func newMerkleTree(maxDegree uint32) (*merkleTree, error) {
if maxDegree < 2 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("maxDegree [%d] should not be less than 2 in the merkle tree", maxDegree)
return &merkleTree{make(map[MerkleTreeLevel][]Hash), 1, maxDegree}, nil
// update takes a hash that forms the next leaf level (level-1) node in the merkle tree.
// Also, complete the merkle tree as much as possible with the addition of this new leaf node -
// i.e. recursively build the higher level nodes and delete the underlying sub-tree.
func (m *merkleTree) update(nextLeafLevelHash Hash) error {
logger.Debugf("Before update() = %s", m)
defer logger.Debugf("After update() = %s", m)
m.tree[leafLevel] = append(m.tree[leafLevel], nextLeafLevelHash)
currentLevel := leafLevel
for {
currentLevelHashes := m.tree[currentLevel]
if uint32(len(currentLevelHashes)) <= m.maxDegree {
return nil
nextLevelHash, err := computeCombinedHash(currentLevelHashes)
if err != nil {
return err
delete(m.tree, currentLevel)
nextLevel := currentLevel + 1
m.tree[nextLevel] = append(m.tree[nextLevel], nextLevelHash)
if nextLevel > m.maxLevel {
m.maxLevel = nextLevel
currentLevel = nextLevel
// done completes the merkle tree.
// There may have been some nodes that are at the levels lower than the maxLevel (maximum level seen by the tree so far).
// Make the parent nodes out of such nodes till we complete the tree at the level of maxLevel (or maxLevel+1).
func (m *merkleTree) done() error {
logger.Debugf("Before done() = %s", m)
defer logger.Debugf("After done() = %s", m)
currentLevel := leafLevel
var h Hash
var err error
for currentLevel < m.maxLevel {
currentLevelHashes := m.tree[currentLevel]
switch len(currentLevelHashes) {
case 0:
case 1:
h = currentLevelHashes[0]
if h, err = computeCombinedHash(currentLevelHashes); err != nil {
return err
delete(m.tree, currentLevel)
m.tree[currentLevel] = append(m.tree[currentLevel], h)
finalHashes := m.tree[m.maxLevel]
if uint32(len(finalHashes)) > m.maxDegree {
delete(m.tree, m.maxLevel)
combinedHash, err := computeCombinedHash(finalHashes)
if err != nil {
return err
m.tree[m.maxLevel] = []Hash{combinedHash}
return nil
func (m *merkleTree) getSummery() *kvrwset.QueryReadsMerkleSummary {
return &kvrwset.QueryReadsMerkleSummary{MaxDegree: m.maxDegree,
MaxLevel: uint32(m.getMaxLevel()),
MaxLevelHashes: hashesToBytes(m.getMaxLevelHashes())}
func (m *merkleTree) getMaxLevel() MerkleTreeLevel {
return m.maxLevel
func (m *merkleTree) getMaxLevelHashes() []Hash {
return m.tree[m.maxLevel]
func (m *merkleTree) isEmpty() bool {
return m.maxLevel == 1 && len(m.tree[m.maxLevel]) == 0
func (m *merkleTree) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("tree := %#v", m.tree)
func computeCombinedHash(hashes []Hash) (Hash, error) {
combinedHash := []byte{}
for _, h := range hashes {
combinedHash = append(combinedHash, h...)
return bccspfactory.GetDefault().Hash(combinedHash, hashOpts)
func hashesToBytes(hashes []Hash) [][]byte {
b := [][]byte{}
for _, hash := range hashes {
b = append(b, hash)
return b
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