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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric
store.go 19.34 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Wenjian Qiao 提交于 2019-07-02 12:28 . [FAB-15689] Check decoding error
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package transientstore
import (
var logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("transientstore")
var emptyValue = []byte{}
var nilByte = byte('\x00')
// ErrStoreEmpty is used to indicate that there are no entries in transient store
var ErrStoreEmpty = errors.New("Transient store is empty")
// Interfaces and data types
// StoreProvider provides an instance of a TransientStore
type StoreProvider interface {
OpenStore(ledgerID string) (Store, error)
// RWSetScanner provides an iterator for EndorserPvtSimulationResults
type RWSetScanner interface {
// Next returns the next EndorserPvtSimulationResults from the RWSetScanner.
// It may return nil, nil when it has no further data, and also may return an error
// on failure
Next() (*EndorserPvtSimulationResults, error)
// NextWithConfig returns the next EndorserPvtSimulationResultsWithConfig from the RWSetScanner.
// It may return nil, nil when it has no further data, and also may return an error
// on failure
// TODO: Once the related gossip changes are made as per FAB-5096, remove the above function
// and rename the below function to Next form NextWithConfig.
NextWithConfig() (*EndorserPvtSimulationResultsWithConfig, error)
// Close frees the resources associated with this RWSetScanner
// Store manages the storage of private write sets for a ledgerId.
// Ideally, a ledger can remove the data from this storage when it is committed to
// the permanent storage or the pruning of some data items is enforced by the policy
type Store interface {
// Persist stores the private write set of a transaction in the transient store
// based on txid and the block height the private data was received at
Persist(txid string, blockHeight uint64, privateSimulationResults *rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet) error
// TODO: Once the related gossip changes are made as per FAB-5096, remove the above function
// and rename the below function to Persist form PersistWithConfig.
// PersistWithConfig stores the private write set of a transaction along with the collection config
// in the transient store based on txid and the block height the private data was received at
PersistWithConfig(txid string, blockHeight uint64, privateSimulationResultsWithConfig *transientstore.TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo) error
// GetTxPvtRWSetByTxid returns an iterator due to the fact that the txid may have multiple private
// write sets persisted from different endorsers (via Gossip)
GetTxPvtRWSetByTxid(txid string, filter ledger.PvtNsCollFilter) (RWSetScanner, error)
// PurgeByTxids removes private write sets of a given set of transactions from the
// transient store
PurgeByTxids(txids []string) error
// PurgeByHeight removes private write sets at block height lesser than
// a given maxBlockNumToRetain. In other words, Purge only retains private write sets
// that were persisted at block height of maxBlockNumToRetain or higher. Though the private
// write sets stored in transient store is removed by coordinator using PurgebyTxids()
// after successful block commit, PurgeByHeight() is still required to remove orphan entries (as
// transaction that gets endorsed may not be submitted by the client for commit)
PurgeByHeight(maxBlockNumToRetain uint64) error
// GetMinTransientBlkHt returns the lowest block height remaining in transient store
GetMinTransientBlkHt() (uint64, error)
// EndorserPvtSimulationResults captures the details of the simulation results specific to an endorser
// TODO: Once the related gossip changes are made as per FAB-5096, remove this struct
type EndorserPvtSimulationResults struct {
ReceivedAtBlockHeight uint64
PvtSimulationResults *rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet
// EndorserPvtSimulationResultsWithConfig captures the details of the simulation results specific to an endorser
type EndorserPvtSimulationResultsWithConfig struct {
ReceivedAtBlockHeight uint64
PvtSimulationResultsWithConfig *transientstore.TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo
// Implementation
// storeProvider encapsulates a leveldb provider which is used to store
// private write sets of simulated transactions, and implements TransientStoreProvider
// interface.
type storeProvider struct {
dbProvider *leveldbhelper.Provider
// store holds an instance of a levelDB.
type store struct {
db *leveldbhelper.DBHandle
ledgerID string
type RwsetScanner struct {
txid string
dbItr iterator.Iterator
filter ledger.PvtNsCollFilter
// NewStoreProvider instantiates TransientStoreProvider
func NewStoreProvider() StoreProvider {
dbProvider := leveldbhelper.NewProvider(&leveldbhelper.Conf{DBPath: GetTransientStorePath()})
return &storeProvider{dbProvider: dbProvider}
// OpenStore returns a handle to a ledgerId in Store
func (provider *storeProvider) OpenStore(ledgerID string) (Store, error) {
dbHandle := provider.dbProvider.GetDBHandle(ledgerID)
return &store{db: dbHandle, ledgerID: ledgerID}, nil
// Close closes the TransientStoreProvider
func (provider *storeProvider) Close() {
// Persist stores the private write set of a transaction in the transient store
// based on txid and the block height the private data was received at
// TODO: Once the related gossip changes are made as per FAB-5096, remove this function.
func (s *store) Persist(txid string, blockHeight uint64,
privateSimulationResults *rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet) error {
logger.Debugf("Persisting private data to transient store for txid [%s] at block height [%d]", txid, blockHeight)
dbBatch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
// Create compositeKey with appropriate prefix, txid, uuid and blockHeight
// Due to the fact that the txid may have multiple private write sets persisted from different
// endorsers (via Gossip), we postfix an uuid with the txid to avoid collision.
uuid := util.GenerateUUID()
compositeKeyPvtRWSet := createCompositeKeyForPvtRWSet(txid, uuid, blockHeight)
privateSimulationResultsBytes, err := proto.Marshal(privateSimulationResults)
if err != nil {
return err
dbBatch.Put(compositeKeyPvtRWSet, privateSimulationResultsBytes)
// Create two index: (i) by txid, and (ii) by height
// Create compositeKey for purge index by height with appropriate prefix, blockHeight,
// txid, uuid and store the compositeKey (purge index) with a nil byte as value. Note that
// the purge index is used to remove orphan entries in the transient store (which are not removed
// by PurgeTxids()) using BTL policy by PurgeByHeight(). Note that orphan entries are due to transaction
// that gets endorsed but not submitted by the client for commit)
compositeKeyPurgeIndexByHeight := createCompositeKeyForPurgeIndexByHeight(blockHeight, txid, uuid)
dbBatch.Put(compositeKeyPurgeIndexByHeight, emptyValue)
// Create compositeKey for purge index by txid with appropriate prefix, txid, uuid,
// blockHeight and store the compositeKey (purge index) with a nil byte as value.
// Though compositeKeyPvtRWSet itself can be used to purge private write set by txid,
// we create a separate composite key with a nil byte as value. The reason is that
// if we use compositeKeyPvtRWSet, we unnecessarily read (potentially large) private write
// set associated with the key from db. Note that this purge index is used to remove non-orphan
// entries in the transient store and is used by PurgeTxids()
// Note: We can create compositeKeyPurgeIndexByTxid by just replacing the prefix of compositeKeyPvtRWSet
// with purgeIndexByTxidPrefix. For code readability and to be expressive, we use a
// createCompositeKeyForPurgeIndexByTxid() instead.
compositeKeyPurgeIndexByTxid := createCompositeKeyForPurgeIndexByTxid(txid, uuid, blockHeight)
dbBatch.Put(compositeKeyPurgeIndexByTxid, emptyValue)
return s.db.WriteBatch(dbBatch, true)
// PersistWithConfig stores the private write set of a transaction along with the collection config
// in the transient store based on txid and the block height the private data was received at
// TODO: Once the related gossip changes are made as per FAB-5096, rename this function to Persist
// form PersistWithConfig.
func (s *store) PersistWithConfig(txid string, blockHeight uint64,
privateSimulationResultsWithConfig *transientstore.TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo) error {
logger.Debugf("Persisting private data to transient store for txid [%s] at block height [%d]", txid, blockHeight)
dbBatch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
// Create compositeKey with appropriate prefix, txid, uuid and blockHeight
// Due to the fact that the txid may have multiple private write sets persisted from different
// endorsers (via Gossip), we postfix an uuid with the txid to avoid collision.
uuid := util.GenerateUUID()
compositeKeyPvtRWSet := createCompositeKeyForPvtRWSet(txid, uuid, blockHeight)
privateSimulationResultsWithConfigBytes, err := proto.Marshal(privateSimulationResultsWithConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
// Note that some rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet may exist in the transient store immediately after
// upgrading the peer to v1.2. In order to differentiate between new proto and old proto while
// retrieving, a nil byte is prepended to the new proto, i.e., privateSimulationResultsWithConfigBytes,
// as a marshaled message can never start with a nil byte. In v1.3, we can avoid prepending the
// nil byte.
value := append([]byte{nilByte}, privateSimulationResultsWithConfigBytes...)
dbBatch.Put(compositeKeyPvtRWSet, value)
// Create two index: (i) by txid, and (ii) by height
// Create compositeKey for purge index by height with appropriate prefix, blockHeight,
// txid, uuid and store the compositeKey (purge index) with a nil byte as value. Note that
// the purge index is used to remove orphan entries in the transient store (which are not removed
// by PurgeTxids()) using BTL policy by PurgeByHeight(). Note that orphan entries are due to transaction
// that gets endorsed but not submitted by the client for commit)
compositeKeyPurgeIndexByHeight := createCompositeKeyForPurgeIndexByHeight(blockHeight, txid, uuid)
dbBatch.Put(compositeKeyPurgeIndexByHeight, emptyValue)
// Create compositeKey for purge index by txid with appropriate prefix, txid, uuid,
// blockHeight and store the compositeKey (purge index) with a nil byte as value.
// Though compositeKeyPvtRWSet itself can be used to purge private write set by txid,
// we create a separate composite key with a nil byte as value. The reason is that
// if we use compositeKeyPvtRWSet, we unnecessarily read (potentially large) private write
// set associated with the key from db. Note that this purge index is used to remove non-orphan
// entries in the transient store and is used by PurgeTxids()
// Note: We can create compositeKeyPurgeIndexByTxid by just replacing the prefix of compositeKeyPvtRWSet
// with purgeIndexByTxidPrefix. For code readability and to be expressive, we use a
// createCompositeKeyForPurgeIndexByTxid() instead.
compositeKeyPurgeIndexByTxid := createCompositeKeyForPurgeIndexByTxid(txid, uuid, blockHeight)
dbBatch.Put(compositeKeyPurgeIndexByTxid, emptyValue)
return s.db.WriteBatch(dbBatch, true)
// GetTxPvtRWSetByTxid returns an iterator due to the fact that the txid may have multiple private
// write sets persisted from different endorsers.
func (s *store) GetTxPvtRWSetByTxid(txid string, filter ledger.PvtNsCollFilter) (RWSetScanner, error) {
logger.Debugf("Getting private data from transient store for transaction %s", txid)
// Construct startKey and endKey to do an range query
startKey := createTxidRangeStartKey(txid)
endKey := createTxidRangeEndKey(txid)
iter := s.db.GetIterator(startKey, endKey)
return &RwsetScanner{txid, iter, filter}, nil
// PurgeByTxids removes private write sets of a given set of transactions from the
// transient store. PurgeByTxids() is expected to be called by coordinator after
// committing a block to ledger.
func (s *store) PurgeByTxids(txids []string) error {
logger.Debug("Purging private data from transient store for committed txids")
dbBatch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
for _, txid := range txids {
// Construct startKey and endKey to do an range query
startKey := createPurgeIndexByTxidRangeStartKey(txid)
endKey := createPurgeIndexByTxidRangeEndKey(txid)
iter := s.db.GetIterator(startKey, endKey)
// Get all txid and uuid from above result and remove it from transient store (both
// write set and the corresponding indexes.
for iter.Next() {
// For each entry, remove the private read-write set and corresponding indexes
// Remove private write set
compositeKeyPurgeIndexByTxid := iter.Key()
// Note: We can create compositeKeyPvtRWSet by just replacing the prefix of compositeKeyPurgeIndexByTxid
// with prwsetPrefix. For code readability and to be expressive, we split and create again.
uuid, blockHeight, err := splitCompositeKeyOfPurgeIndexByTxid(compositeKeyPurgeIndexByTxid)
if err != nil {
return err
compositeKeyPvtRWSet := createCompositeKeyForPvtRWSet(txid, uuid, blockHeight)
// Remove purge index -- purgeIndexByHeight
compositeKeyPurgeIndexByHeight := createCompositeKeyForPurgeIndexByHeight(blockHeight, txid, uuid)
// Remove purge index -- purgeIndexByTxid
// If peer fails before/while writing the batch to golevelDB, these entries will be
// removed as per BTL policy later by PurgeByHeight()
return s.db.WriteBatch(dbBatch, true)
// PurgeByHeight removes private write sets at block height lesser than
// a given maxBlockNumToRetain. In other words, Purge only retains private write sets
// that were persisted at block height of maxBlockNumToRetain or higher. Though the private
// write sets stored in transient store is removed by coordinator using PurgebyTxids()
// after successful block commit, PurgeByHeight() is still required to remove orphan entries (as
// transaction that gets endorsed may not be submitted by the client for commit)
func (s *store) PurgeByHeight(maxBlockNumToRetain uint64) error {
logger.Debugf("Purging orphaned private data from transient store received prior to block [%d]", maxBlockNumToRetain)
// Do a range query with 0 as startKey and maxBlockNumToRetain-1 as endKey
startKey := createPurgeIndexByHeightRangeStartKey(0)
endKey := createPurgeIndexByHeightRangeEndKey(maxBlockNumToRetain - 1)
iter := s.db.GetIterator(startKey, endKey)
dbBatch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
// Get all txid and uuid from above result and remove it from transient store (both
// write set and the corresponding index.
for iter.Next() {
// For each entry, remove the private read-write set and corresponding indexes
// Remove private write set
compositeKeyPurgeIndexByHeight := iter.Key()
txid, uuid, blockHeight, err := splitCompositeKeyOfPurgeIndexByHeight(compositeKeyPurgeIndexByHeight)
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Debugf("Purging from transient store private data simulated at block [%d]: txid [%s] uuid [%s]", blockHeight, txid, uuid)
compositeKeyPvtRWSet := createCompositeKeyForPvtRWSet(txid, uuid, blockHeight)
// Remove purge index -- purgeIndexByTxid
compositeKeyPurgeIndexByTxid := createCompositeKeyForPurgeIndexByTxid(txid, uuid, blockHeight)
// Remove purge index -- purgeIndexByHeight
return s.db.WriteBatch(dbBatch, true)
// GetMinTransientBlkHt returns the lowest block height remaining in transient store
func (s *store) GetMinTransientBlkHt() (uint64, error) {
// Current approach performs a range query on purgeIndex with startKey
// as 0 (i.e., blockHeight) and returns the first key which denotes
// the lowest block height remaining in transient store. An alternative approach
// is to explicitly store the minBlockHeight in the transientStore.
startKey := createPurgeIndexByHeightRangeStartKey(0)
iter := s.db.GetIterator(startKey, nil)
defer iter.Release()
// Fetch the minimum transient block height
if iter.Next() {
dbKey := iter.Key()
_, _, blockHeight, err := splitCompositeKeyOfPurgeIndexByHeight(dbKey)
return blockHeight, err
// Returning an error may not be the right thing to do here. May be
// return a bool. -1 is not possible due to unsigned int as first
// return value
return 0, ErrStoreEmpty
func (s *store) Shutdown() {
// do nothing because shared db is used
// Next moves the iterator to the next key/value pair.
// It returns whether the iterator is exhausted.
// TODO: Once the related gossip changes are made as per FAB-5096, remove this function
func (scanner *RwsetScanner) Next() (*EndorserPvtSimulationResults, error) {
if !scanner.dbItr.Next() {
return nil, nil
dbKey := scanner.dbItr.Key()
dbVal := scanner.dbItr.Value()
_, blockHeight, err := splitCompositeKeyOfPvtRWSet(dbKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txPvtRWSet := &rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(dbVal, txPvtRWSet); err != nil {
return nil, err
filteredTxPvtRWSet := trimPvtWSet(txPvtRWSet, scanner.filter)
return &EndorserPvtSimulationResults{
ReceivedAtBlockHeight: blockHeight,
PvtSimulationResults: filteredTxPvtRWSet,
}, nil
// Next moves the iterator to the next key/value pair.
// It returns whether the iterator is exhausted.
// TODO: Once the related gossip changes are made as per FAB-5096, rename this function to Next
func (scanner *RwsetScanner) NextWithConfig() (*EndorserPvtSimulationResultsWithConfig, error) {
if !scanner.dbItr.Next() {
return nil, nil
dbKey := scanner.dbItr.Key()
dbVal := scanner.dbItr.Value()
_, blockHeight, err := splitCompositeKeyOfPvtRWSet(dbKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txPvtRWSet := &rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet{}
filteredTxPvtRWSet := &rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet{}
txPvtRWSetWithConfig := &transientstore.TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo{}
if dbVal[0] == nilByte {
// new proto, i.e., TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo
if err := proto.Unmarshal(dbVal[1:], txPvtRWSetWithConfig); err != nil {
return nil, err
filteredTxPvtRWSet = trimPvtWSet(txPvtRWSetWithConfig.GetPvtRwset(), scanner.filter)
configs, err := trimPvtCollectionConfigs(txPvtRWSetWithConfig.CollectionConfigs, scanner.filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txPvtRWSetWithConfig.CollectionConfigs = configs
} else {
// old proto, i.e., TxPvtReadWriteSet
if err := proto.Unmarshal(dbVal, txPvtRWSet); err != nil {
return nil, err
filteredTxPvtRWSet = trimPvtWSet(txPvtRWSet, scanner.filter)
txPvtRWSetWithConfig.PvtRwset = filteredTxPvtRWSet
return &EndorserPvtSimulationResultsWithConfig{
ReceivedAtBlockHeight: blockHeight,
PvtSimulationResultsWithConfig: txPvtRWSetWithConfig,
}, nil
// Close releases resource held by the iterator
func (scanner *RwsetScanner) Close() {
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