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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric
bootstrap.go 3.58 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package file
import (
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
type fileBootstrapper struct {
GenesisBlockFile string
// New returns a new static bootstrap helper.
func New(fileName string) bootstrap.Helper {
return &fileBootstrapper{
GenesisBlockFile: fileName,
// NewReplacer returns a new bootstrap replacer.
func NewReplacer(fileName string) bootstrap.Replacer {
return &fileBootstrapper{
GenesisBlockFile: fileName,
// GenesisBlock returns the genesis block to be used for bootstrapping.
func (b *fileBootstrapper) GenesisBlock() *cb.Block {
bootstrapFile, fileErr := ioutil.ReadFile(b.GenesisBlockFile)
if fileErr != nil {
panic(errors.Errorf("unable to bootstrap orderer. Error reading genesis block file: %v", fileErr))
genesisBlock := &cb.Block{}
unmarshallErr := proto.Unmarshal(bootstrapFile, genesisBlock)
if unmarshallErr != nil {
panic(errors.Errorf("unable to bootstrap orderer. Error unmarshalling genesis block: %v", unmarshallErr))
return genesisBlock
} // GenesisBlock
// ReplaceGenesisBlockFile creates a backup of the genesis block file, and then replaces
// it with the content of the given block.
// This is used during consensus-type migration in order to generate a bootstrap file that
// specifies the new consensus-type.
func (b *fileBootstrapper) ReplaceGenesisBlockFile(block *cb.Block) error {
buff, marshalErr := proto.Marshal(block)
if marshalErr != nil {
return errors.Wrap(marshalErr, "could not marshal block into a []byte")
genFileStat, statErr := os.Stat(b.GenesisBlockFile)
if statErr != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(statErr, "could not get the os.Stat of the genesis block file: %s", b.GenesisBlockFile)
if !genFileStat.Mode().IsRegular() {
return errors.Errorf("genesis block file: %s, is not a regular file", b.GenesisBlockFile)
backupFile := b.GenesisBlockFile + ".bak"
if err := backupGenesisFile(b.GenesisBlockFile, backupFile); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "could not copy genesis block file (%s) into backup file: %s",
b.GenesisBlockFile, backupFile)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(b.GenesisBlockFile, buff, genFileStat.Mode()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "could not write new genesis block into file: %s; use backup if necessary: %s",
b.GenesisBlockFile, backupFile)
return nil
func backupGenesisFile(src, dst string) error {
source, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
return err
defer source.Close()
destination, err := os.Create(dst)
if err != nil {
return err
defer destination.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(destination, source)
return err
func (b *fileBootstrapper) CheckReadWrite() error {
genFileStat, statErr := os.Stat(b.GenesisBlockFile)
if statErr != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(statErr, "could not get the os.Stat of the genesis block file: %s", b.GenesisBlockFile)
if !genFileStat.Mode().IsRegular() {
return errors.Errorf("genesis block file: %s, is not a regular file", b.GenesisBlockFile)
genFile, openErr := os.OpenFile(b.GenesisBlockFile, os.O_RDWR, genFileStat.Mode().Perm())
if openErr != nil {
if os.IsPermission(openErr) {
return errors.Wrapf(openErr, "genesis block file: %s, cannot be opened for read-write, check permissions", b.GenesisBlockFile)
} else {
return errors.Wrapf(openErr, "genesis block file: %s, cannot be opened for read-write", b.GenesisBlockFile)
return nil
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