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mspimpl.go 28.99 KB
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package msp
import (
m "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/msp"
// mspSetupFuncType is the prototype of the setup function
type mspSetupFuncType func(config *m.FabricMSPConfig) error
// validateIdentityOUsFuncType is the prototype of the function to validate identity's OUs
type validateIdentityOUsFuncType func(id *identity) error
// satisfiesPrincipalInternalFuncType is the prototype of the function to check if principals are satisfied
type satisfiesPrincipalInternalFuncType func(id Identity, principal *m.MSPPrincipal) error
//setupAdminInternalFuncType is a prototype of the function to setup the admins
type setupAdminInternalFuncType func(conf *m.FabricMSPConfig) error
// This is an instantiation of an MSP that
// uses BCCSP for its cryptographic primitives.
type bccspmsp struct {
// version specifies the behaviour of this msp
version MSPVersion
// The following function pointers are used to change the behaviour
// of this MSP depending on its version.
// internalSetupFunc is the pointer to the setup function
internalSetupFunc mspSetupFuncType
// internalValidateIdentityOusFunc is the pointer to the function to validate identity's OUs
internalValidateIdentityOusFunc validateIdentityOUsFuncType
// internalSatisfiesPrincipalInternalFunc is the pointer to the function to check if principals are satisfied
internalSatisfiesPrincipalInternalFunc satisfiesPrincipalInternalFuncType
// internalSetupAdmin is the pointer to the function that setup the administrators of this msp
internalSetupAdmin setupAdminInternalFuncType
// list of CA certs we trust
rootCerts []Identity
// list of intermediate certs we trust
intermediateCerts []Identity
// list of CA TLS certs we trust
tlsRootCerts [][]byte
// list of intermediate TLS certs we trust
tlsIntermediateCerts [][]byte
// certificationTreeInternalNodesMap whose keys correspond to the raw material
// (DER representation) of a certificate casted to a string, and whose values
// are boolean. True means that the certificate is an internal node of the certification tree.
// False means that the certificate corresponds to a leaf of the certification tree.
certificationTreeInternalNodesMap map[string]bool
// list of signing identities
signer SigningIdentity
// list of admin identities
admins []Identity
// the crypto provider
bccsp bccsp.BCCSP
// the provider identifier for this MSP
name string
// verification options for MSP members
opts *x509.VerifyOptions
// list of certificate revocation lists
CRL []*pkix.CertificateList
// list of OUs
ouIdentifiers map[string][][]byte
// cryptoConfig contains
cryptoConfig *m.FabricCryptoConfig
// NodeOUs configuration
ouEnforcement bool
// These are the OUIdentifiers of the clients, peers, admins and orderers.
// They are used to tell apart these entities
clientOU, peerOU, adminOU, ordererOU *OUIdentifier
// newBccspMsp returns an MSP instance backed up by a BCCSP
// crypto provider. It handles x.509 certificates and can
// generate identities and signing identities backed by
// certificates and keypairs
func newBccspMsp(version MSPVersion) (MSP, error) {
mspLogger.Debugf("Creating BCCSP-based MSP instance")
bccsp := factory.GetDefault()
theMsp := &bccspmsp{}
theMsp.version = version
theMsp.bccsp = bccsp
switch version {
case MSPv1_0:
theMsp.internalSetupFunc = theMsp.setupV1
theMsp.internalValidateIdentityOusFunc = theMsp.validateIdentityOUsV1
theMsp.internalSatisfiesPrincipalInternalFunc = theMsp.satisfiesPrincipalInternalPreV13
theMsp.internalSetupAdmin = theMsp.setupAdminsPreV143
case MSPv1_1:
theMsp.internalSetupFunc = theMsp.setupV11
theMsp.internalValidateIdentityOusFunc = theMsp.validateIdentityOUsV11
theMsp.internalSatisfiesPrincipalInternalFunc = theMsp.satisfiesPrincipalInternalPreV13
theMsp.internalSetupAdmin = theMsp.setupAdminsPreV143
case MSPv1_3:
theMsp.internalSetupFunc = theMsp.setupV11
theMsp.internalValidateIdentityOusFunc = theMsp.validateIdentityOUsV11
theMsp.internalSatisfiesPrincipalInternalFunc = theMsp.satisfiesPrincipalInternalV13
theMsp.internalSetupAdmin = theMsp.setupAdminsPreV143
case MSPv1_4_3:
theMsp.internalSetupFunc = theMsp.setupV143
theMsp.internalValidateIdentityOusFunc = theMsp.validateIdentityOUsV143
theMsp.internalSatisfiesPrincipalInternalFunc = theMsp.satisfiesPrincipalInternalV143
theMsp.internalSetupAdmin = theMsp.setupAdminsV143
return nil, errors.Errorf("Invalid MSP version [%v]", version)
return theMsp, nil
func (msp *bccspmsp) getCertFromPem(idBytes []byte) (*x509.Certificate, error) {
if idBytes == nil {
return nil, errors.New("getCertFromPem error: nil idBytes")
// Decode the pem bytes
pemCert, _ := pem.Decode(idBytes)
if pemCert == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("getCertFromPem error: could not decode pem bytes [%v]", idBytes)
// get a cert
var cert *x509.Certificate
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(pemCert.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "getCertFromPem error: failed to parse x509 cert")
return cert, nil
func (msp *bccspmsp) getIdentityFromConf(idBytes []byte) (Identity, bccsp.Key, error) {
// get a cert
cert, err := msp.getCertFromPem(idBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// get the public key in the right format
certPubK, err := msp.bccsp.KeyImport(cert, &bccsp.X509PublicKeyImportOpts{Temporary: true})
mspId, err := newIdentity(cert, certPubK, msp)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return mspId, certPubK, nil
func (msp *bccspmsp) getSigningIdentityFromConf(sidInfo *m.SigningIdentityInfo) (SigningIdentity, error) {
if sidInfo == nil {
return nil, errors.New("getIdentityFromBytes error: nil sidInfo")
// Extract the public part of the identity
idPub, pubKey, err := msp.getIdentityFromConf(sidInfo.PublicSigner)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Find the matching private key in the BCCSP keystore
privKey, err := msp.bccsp.GetKey(pubKey.SKI())
// Less Secure: Attempt to import Private Key from KeyInfo, if BCCSP was not able to find the key
if err != nil {
mspLogger.Debugf("Could not find SKI [%s], trying KeyMaterial field: %+v\n", hex.EncodeToString(pubKey.SKI()), err)
if sidInfo.PrivateSigner == nil || sidInfo.PrivateSigner.KeyMaterial == nil {
return nil, errors.New("KeyMaterial not found in SigningIdentityInfo")
pemKey, _ := pem.Decode(sidInfo.PrivateSigner.KeyMaterial)
privKey, err = msp.bccsp.KeyImport(pemKey.Bytes, &bccsp.ECDSAPrivateKeyImportOpts{Temporary: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "getIdentityFromBytes error: Failed to import EC private key")
// get the peer signer
peerSigner, err := signer.New(msp.bccsp, privKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "getIdentityFromBytes error: Failed initializing bccspCryptoSigner")
return newSigningIdentity(idPub.(*identity).cert, idPub.(*identity).pk, peerSigner, msp)
// Setup sets up the internal data structures
// for this MSP, given an MSPConfig ref; it
// returns nil in case of success or an error otherwise
func (msp *bccspmsp) Setup(conf1 *m.MSPConfig) error {
if conf1 == nil {
return errors.New("Setup error: nil conf reference")
// given that it's an msp of type fabric, extract the MSPConfig instance
conf := &m.FabricMSPConfig{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(conf1.Config, conf)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed unmarshalling fabric msp config")
// set the name for this msp
msp.name = conf.Name
mspLogger.Debugf("Setting up MSP instance %s", msp.name)
// setup
return msp.internalSetupFunc(conf)
// GetVersion returns the version of this MSP
func (msp *bccspmsp) GetVersion() MSPVersion {
return msp.version
// GetType returns the type for this MSP
func (msp *bccspmsp) GetType() ProviderType {
return FABRIC
// GetIdentifier returns the MSP identifier for this instance
func (msp *bccspmsp) GetIdentifier() (string, error) {
return msp.name, nil
// GetTLSRootCerts returns the root certificates for this MSP
func (msp *bccspmsp) GetTLSRootCerts() [][]byte {
return msp.tlsRootCerts
// GetTLSIntermediateCerts returns the intermediate root certificates for this MSP
func (msp *bccspmsp) GetTLSIntermediateCerts() [][]byte {
return msp.tlsIntermediateCerts
// GetDefaultSigningIdentity returns the
// default signing identity for this MSP (if any)
func (msp *bccspmsp) GetDefaultSigningIdentity() (SigningIdentity, error) {
mspLogger.Debugf("Obtaining default signing identity")
if msp.signer == nil {
return nil, errors.New("this MSP does not possess a valid default signing identity")
return msp.signer, nil
// GetSigningIdentity returns a specific signing
// identity identified by the supplied identifier
func (msp *bccspmsp) GetSigningIdentity(identifier *IdentityIdentifier) (SigningIdentity, error) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("no signing identity for %#v", identifier)
// Validate attempts to determine whether
// the supplied identity is valid according
// to this MSP's roots of trust; it returns
// nil in case the identity is valid or an
// error otherwise
func (msp *bccspmsp) Validate(id Identity) error {
mspLogger.Debugf("MSP %s validating identity", msp.name)
switch id := id.(type) {
// If this identity is of this specific type,
// this is how I can validate it given the
// root of trust this MSP has
case *identity:
return msp.validateIdentity(id)
return errors.New("identity type not recognized")
// hasOURole checks that the identity belongs to the organizational unit
// associated to the specified MSPRole.
// This function does not check the certifiers identifier.
// Appropriate validation needs to be enforced before.
func (msp *bccspmsp) hasOURole(id Identity, mspRole m.MSPRole_MSPRoleType) error {
// Check NodeOUs
if !msp.ouEnforcement {
return errors.New("NodeOUs not activated. Cannot tell apart identities.")
mspLogger.Debugf("MSP %s checking if the identity is a client", msp.name)
switch id := id.(type) {
// If this identity is of this specific type,
// this is how I can validate it given the
// root of trust this MSP has
case *identity:
return msp.hasOURoleInternal(id, mspRole)
return errors.New("Identity type not recognized")
func (msp *bccspmsp) hasOURoleInternal(id *identity, mspRole m.MSPRole_MSPRoleType) error {
var nodeOU *OUIdentifier
switch mspRole {
case m.MSPRole_CLIENT:
nodeOU = msp.clientOU
case m.MSPRole_PEER:
nodeOU = msp.peerOU
case m.MSPRole_ADMIN:
nodeOU = msp.adminOU
case m.MSPRole_ORDERER:
nodeOU = msp.ordererOU
return errors.New("Invalid MSPRoleType. It must be CLIENT, PEER, ADMIN or ORDERER")
// Notice that, for versions prior to v1.4.3, hasOURoleInternal is invoked
// only to check that an identity is a client or a peer. The relative nodeOU are supposed to be different from nil.
// For version >= v1.4.3, any classification is optional.
if nodeOU == nil {
return errors.Errorf("cannot test for classification, node ou for type [%s], not defined, msp: [%s]", mspRole, msp.name)
for _, OU := range id.GetOrganizationalUnits() {
if OU.OrganizationalUnitIdentifier == nodeOU.OrganizationalUnitIdentifier {
return nil
return errors.Errorf("The identity does not contain OU [%s], MSP: [%s]", mspRole, msp.name)
// DeserializeIdentity returns an Identity given the byte-level
// representation of a SerializedIdentity struct
func (msp *bccspmsp) DeserializeIdentity(serializedID []byte) (Identity, error) {
mspLogger.Debug("Obtaining identity")
// We first deserialize to a SerializedIdentity to get the MSP ID
sId := &m.SerializedIdentity{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(serializedID, sId)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not deserialize a SerializedIdentity")
if sId.Mspid != msp.name {
return nil, errors.Errorf("expected MSP ID %s, received %s", msp.name, sId.Mspid)
return msp.deserializeIdentityInternal(sId.IdBytes)
// deserializeIdentityInternal returns an identity given its byte-level representation
func (msp *bccspmsp) deserializeIdentityInternal(serializedIdentity []byte) (Identity, error) {
// This MSP will always deserialize certs this way
bl, _ := pem.Decode(serializedIdentity)
if bl == nil {
return nil, errors.New("could not decode the PEM structure")
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(bl.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "parseCertificate failed")
// Now we have the certificate; make sure that its fields
// (e.g. the Issuer.OU or the Subject.OU) match with the
// MSP id that this MSP has; otherwise it might be an attack
// TODO!
// We can't do it yet because there is no standardized way
// (yet) to encode the MSP ID into the x.509 body of a cert
pub, err := msp.bccsp.KeyImport(cert, &bccsp.X509PublicKeyImportOpts{Temporary: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to import certificate's public key")
return newIdentity(cert, pub, msp)
// SatisfiesPrincipal returns null if the identity matches the principal or an error otherwise
func (msp *bccspmsp) SatisfiesPrincipal(id Identity, principal *m.MSPPrincipal) error {
principals, err := collectPrincipals(principal, msp.GetVersion())
if err != nil {
return err
for _, principal := range principals {
err = msp.internalSatisfiesPrincipalInternalFunc(id, principal)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// collectPrincipals collects principals from combined principals into a single MSPPrincipal slice.
func collectPrincipals(principal *m.MSPPrincipal, mspVersion MSPVersion) ([]*m.MSPPrincipal, error) {
switch principal.PrincipalClassification {
case m.MSPPrincipal_COMBINED:
// Combined principals are not supported in MSP v1.0 or v1.1
if mspVersion <= MSPv1_1 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid principal type %d", int32(principal.PrincipalClassification))
// Principal is a combination of multiple principals.
principals := &m.CombinedPrincipal{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(principal.Principal, principals)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not unmarshal CombinedPrincipal from principal")
// Return an error if there are no principals in the combined principal.
if len(principals.Principals) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("No principals in CombinedPrincipal")
// Recursively call msp.collectPrincipals for all combined principals.
// There is no limit for the levels of nesting for the combined principals.
var principalsSlice []*m.MSPPrincipal
for _, cp := range principals.Principals {
internalSlice, err := collectPrincipals(cp, mspVersion)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
principalsSlice = append(principalsSlice, internalSlice...)
// All the combined principals have been collected into principalsSlice
return principalsSlice, nil
return []*m.MSPPrincipal{principal}, nil
// satisfiesPrincipalInternalPreV13 takes as arguments the identity and the principal.
// The function returns an error if one occurred.
// The function implements the behavior of an MSP up to and including v1.1.
func (msp *bccspmsp) satisfiesPrincipalInternalPreV13(id Identity, principal *m.MSPPrincipal) error {
switch principal.PrincipalClassification {
// in this case, we have to check whether the
// identity has a role in the msp - member or admin
case m.MSPPrincipal_ROLE:
// Principal contains the msp role
mspRole := &m.MSPRole{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(principal.Principal, mspRole)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not unmarshal MSPRole from principal")
// at first, we check whether the MSP
// identifier is the same as that of the identity
if mspRole.MspIdentifier != msp.name {
return errors.Errorf("the identity is a member of a different MSP (expected %s, got %s)", mspRole.MspIdentifier, id.GetMSPIdentifier())
// now we validate the different msp roles
switch mspRole.Role {
case m.MSPRole_MEMBER:
// in the case of member, we simply check
// whether this identity is valid for the MSP
mspLogger.Debugf("Checking if identity satisfies MEMBER role for %s", msp.name)
return msp.Validate(id)
case m.MSPRole_ADMIN:
mspLogger.Debugf("Checking if identity satisfies ADMIN role for %s", msp.name)
// in the case of admin, we check that the
// id is exactly one of our admins
if msp.isInAdmins(id.(*identity)) {
return nil
return errors.New("This identity is not an admin")
case m.MSPRole_CLIENT:
case m.MSPRole_PEER:
mspLogger.Debugf("Checking if identity satisfies role [%s] for %s", m.MSPRole_MSPRoleType_name[int32(mspRole.Role)], msp.name)
if err := msp.Validate(id); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "The identity is not valid under this MSP [%s]", msp.name)
if err := msp.hasOURole(id, mspRole.Role); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "The identity is not a [%s] under this MSP [%s]", m.MSPRole_MSPRoleType_name[int32(mspRole.Role)], msp.name)
return nil
return errors.Errorf("invalid MSP role type %d", int32(mspRole.Role))
case m.MSPPrincipal_IDENTITY:
// in this case we have to deserialize the principal's identity
// and compare it byte-by-byte with our cert
principalId, err := msp.DeserializeIdentity(principal.Principal)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "invalid identity principal, not a certificate")
if bytes.Equal(id.(*identity).cert.Raw, principalId.(*identity).cert.Raw) {
return principalId.Validate()
return errors.New("The identities do not match")
// Principal contains the OrganizationUnit
OU := &m.OrganizationUnit{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(principal.Principal, OU)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not unmarshal OrganizationUnit from principal")
// at first, we check whether the MSP
// identifier is the same as that of the identity
if OU.MspIdentifier != msp.name {
return errors.Errorf("the identity is a member of a different MSP (expected %s, got %s)", OU.MspIdentifier, id.GetMSPIdentifier())
// we then check if the identity is valid with this MSP
// and fail if it is not
err = msp.Validate(id)
if err != nil {
return err
// now we check whether any of this identity's OUs match the requested one
for _, ou := range id.GetOrganizationalUnits() {
if ou.OrganizationalUnitIdentifier == OU.OrganizationalUnitIdentifier &&
bytes.Equal(ou.CertifiersIdentifier, OU.CertifiersIdentifier) {
return nil
// if we are here, no match was found, return an error
return errors.New("The identities do not match")
return errors.Errorf("invalid principal type %d", int32(principal.PrincipalClassification))
// satisfiesPrincipalInternalV13 takes as arguments the identity and the principal.
// The function returns an error if one occurred.
// The function implements the additional behavior expected of an MSP starting from v1.3.
// For pre-v1.3 functionality, the function calls the satisfiesPrincipalInternalPreV13.
func (msp *bccspmsp) satisfiesPrincipalInternalV13(id Identity, principal *m.MSPPrincipal) error {
switch principal.PrincipalClassification {
case m.MSPPrincipal_COMBINED:
return errors.New("SatisfiesPrincipalInternal shall not be called with a CombinedPrincipal")
case m.MSPPrincipal_ANONYMITY:
anon := &m.MSPIdentityAnonymity{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(principal.Principal, anon)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not unmarshal MSPIdentityAnonymity from principal")
switch anon.AnonymityType {
case m.MSPIdentityAnonymity_ANONYMOUS:
return errors.New("Principal is anonymous, but X.509 MSP does not support anonymous identities")
case m.MSPIdentityAnonymity_NOMINAL:
return nil
return errors.Errorf("Unknown principal anonymity type: %d", anon.AnonymityType)
// Use the pre-v1.3 function to check other principal types
return msp.satisfiesPrincipalInternalPreV13(id, principal)
// satisfiesPrincipalInternalV143 takes as arguments the identity and the principal.
// The function returns an error if one occurred.
// The function implements the additional behavior expected of an MSP starting from v2.0.
// For v1.3 functionality, the function calls the satisfiesPrincipalInternalPreV13.
func (msp *bccspmsp) satisfiesPrincipalInternalV143(id Identity, principal *m.MSPPrincipal) error {
_, okay := id.(*identity)
if !okay {
return errors.New("invalid identity type, expected *identity")
switch principal.PrincipalClassification {
case m.MSPPrincipal_ROLE:
if !msp.ouEnforcement {
// Principal contains the msp role
mspRole := &m.MSPRole{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(principal.Principal, mspRole)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not unmarshal MSPRole from principal")
// at first, we check whether the MSP
// identifier is the same as that of the identity
if mspRole.MspIdentifier != msp.name {
return errors.Errorf("the identity is a member of a different MSP (expected %s, got %s)", mspRole.MspIdentifier, id.GetMSPIdentifier())
// now we validate the admin role only, the other roles are left to the v1.3 function
switch mspRole.Role {
case m.MSPRole_ADMIN:
mspLogger.Debugf("Checking if identity has been named explicitly as an admin for %s", msp.name)
// in the case of admin, we check that the
// id is exactly one of our admins
if msp.isInAdmins(id.(*identity)) {
return nil
// or it carries the Admin OU, in this case check that the identity is valid as well.
mspLogger.Debugf("Checking if identity carries the admin ou for %s", msp.name)
if err := msp.Validate(id); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "The identity is not valid under this MSP [%s]", msp.name)
if err := msp.hasOURole(id, m.MSPRole_ADMIN); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "The identity is not an admin under this MSP [%s]", msp.name)
return nil
case m.MSPRole_ORDERER:
mspLogger.Debugf("Checking if identity satisfies role [%s] for %s", m.MSPRole_MSPRoleType_name[int32(mspRole.Role)], msp.name)
if err := msp.Validate(id); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "The identity is not valid under this MSP [%s]", msp.name)
if err := msp.hasOURole(id, mspRole.Role); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "The identity is not a [%s] under this MSP [%s]", m.MSPRole_MSPRoleType_name[int32(mspRole.Role)], msp.name)
return nil
// Use the v1.3 function to check other principal types
return msp.satisfiesPrincipalInternalV13(id, principal)
func (msp *bccspmsp) isInAdmins(id *identity) bool {
for _, admincert := range msp.admins {
if bytes.Equal(id.cert.Raw, admincert.(*identity).cert.Raw) {
// we do not need to check whether the admin is a valid identity
// according to this MSP, since we already check this at Setup time
// if there is a match, we can just return
return true
return false
// getCertificationChain returns the certification chain of the passed identity within this msp
func (msp *bccspmsp) getCertificationChain(id Identity) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
mspLogger.Debugf("MSP %s getting certification chain", msp.name)
switch id := id.(type) {
// If this identity is of this specific type,
// this is how I can validate it given the
// root of trust this MSP has
case *identity:
return msp.getCertificationChainForBCCSPIdentity(id)
return nil, errors.New("identity type not recognized")
// getCertificationChainForBCCSPIdentity returns the certification chain of the passed bccsp identity within this msp
func (msp *bccspmsp) getCertificationChainForBCCSPIdentity(id *identity) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
if id == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Invalid bccsp identity. Must be different from nil.")
// we expect to have a valid VerifyOptions instance
if msp.opts == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Invalid msp instance")
// CAs cannot be directly used as identities..
if id.cert.IsCA {
return nil, errors.New("An X509 certificate with Basic Constraint: " +
"Certificate Authority equals true cannot be used as an identity")
return msp.getValidationChain(id.cert, false)
func (msp *bccspmsp) getUniqueValidationChain(cert *x509.Certificate, opts x509.VerifyOptions) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
// ask golang to validate the cert for us based on the options that we've built at setup time
if msp.opts == nil {
return nil, errors.New("the supplied identity has no verify options")
validationChains, err := cert.Verify(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "the supplied identity is not valid")
// we only support a single validation chain;
// if there's more than one then there might
// be unclarity about who owns the identity
if len(validationChains) != 1 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("this MSP only supports a single validation chain, got %d", len(validationChains))
return validationChains[0], nil
func (msp *bccspmsp) getValidationChain(cert *x509.Certificate, isIntermediateChain bool) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
validationChain, err := msp.getUniqueValidationChain(cert, msp.getValidityOptsForCert(cert))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "failed getting validation chain")
// we expect a chain of length at least 2
if len(validationChain) < 2 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("expected a chain of length at least 2, got %d", len(validationChain))
// check that the parent is a leaf of the certification tree
// if validating an intermediate chain, the first certificate will the parent
parentPosition := 1
if isIntermediateChain {
parentPosition = 0
if msp.certificationTreeInternalNodesMap[string(validationChain[parentPosition].Raw)] {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid validation chain. Parent certificate should be a leaf of the certification tree [%v]", cert.Raw)
return validationChain, nil
// getCertificationChainIdentifier returns the certification chain identifier of the passed identity within this msp.
// The identifier is computes as the SHA256 of the concatenation of the certificates in the chain.
func (msp *bccspmsp) getCertificationChainIdentifier(id Identity) ([]byte, error) {
chain, err := msp.getCertificationChain(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed getting certification chain for [%v]", id))
// chain[0] is the certificate representing the identity.
// It will be discarded
return msp.getCertificationChainIdentifierFromChain(chain[1:])
func (msp *bccspmsp) getCertificationChainIdentifierFromChain(chain []*x509.Certificate) ([]byte, error) {
// Hash the chain
// Use the hash of the identity's certificate as id in the IdentityIdentifier
hashOpt, err := bccsp.GetHashOpt(msp.cryptoConfig.IdentityIdentifierHashFunction)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "failed getting hash function options")
hf, err := msp.bccsp.GetHash(hashOpt)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "failed getting hash function when computing certification chain identifier")
for i := 0; i < len(chain); i++ {
return hf.Sum(nil), nil
// sanitizeCert ensures that x509 certificates signed using ECDSA
// do have signatures in Low-S. If this is not the case, the certificate
// is regenerated to have a Low-S signature.
func (msp *bccspmsp) sanitizeCert(cert *x509.Certificate) (*x509.Certificate, error) {
if isECDSASignedCert(cert) {
// Lookup for a parent certificate to perform the sanitization
var parentCert *x509.Certificate
chain, err := msp.getUniqueValidationChain(cert, msp.getValidityOptsForCert(cert))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// at this point, cert might be a root CA certificate
// or an intermediate CA certificate
if cert.IsCA && len(chain) == 1 {
// cert is a root CA certificate
parentCert = cert
} else {
parentCert = chain[1]
// Sanitize
cert, err = sanitizeECDSASignedCert(cert, parentCert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cert, nil
// IsWellFormed checks if the given identity can be deserialized into its provider-specific form.
// In this MSP implementation, well formed means that the PEM has a Type which is either
// the string 'CERTIFICATE' or the Type is missing altogether.
func (msp *bccspmsp) IsWellFormed(identity *m.SerializedIdentity) error {
bl, _ := pem.Decode(identity.IdBytes)
if bl == nil {
return errors.New("PEM decoding resulted in an empty block")
// Important: This method looks very similar to getCertFromPem(idBytes []byte) (*x509.Certificate, error)
// But we:
// 1) Must ensure PEM block is of type CERTIFICATE or is empty
// 2) Must not replace getCertFromPem with this method otherwise we will introduce
// a change in validation logic which will result in a chain fork.
if bl.Type != "CERTIFICATE" && bl.Type != "" {
return errors.Errorf("pem type is %s, should be 'CERTIFICATE' or missing", bl.Type)
_, err := x509.ParseCertificate(bl.Bytes)
return err
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