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state_based_validator.go 11.49 KB
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package statebasedval
import (
var logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("statebasedval")
// Validator validates a tx against the latest committed state
// and preceding valid transactions with in the same block
type Validator struct {
db privacyenabledstate.DB
// NewValidator constructs StateValidator
func NewValidator(db privacyenabledstate.DB) *Validator {
return &Validator{db}
// preLoadCommittedVersionOfRSet loads committed version of all keys in each
// transaction's read set into a cache.
func (v *Validator) preLoadCommittedVersionOfRSet(block *internal.Block) error {
// Collect both public and hashed keys in read sets of all transactions in a given block
var pubKeys []*statedb.CompositeKey
var hashedKeys []*privacyenabledstate.HashedCompositeKey
// pubKeysMap and hashedKeysMap are used to avoid duplicate entries in the
// pubKeys and hashedKeys. Though map alone can be used to collect keys in
// read sets and pass as an argument in LoadCommittedVersionOfPubAndHashedKeys(),
// array is used for better code readability. On the negative side, this approach
// might use some extra memory.
pubKeysMap := make(map[statedb.CompositeKey]interface{})
hashedKeysMap := make(map[privacyenabledstate.HashedCompositeKey]interface{})
for _, tx := range block.Txs {
for _, nsRWSet := range tx.RWSet.NsRwSets {
for _, kvRead := range nsRWSet.KvRwSet.Reads {
compositeKey := statedb.CompositeKey{
Namespace: nsRWSet.NameSpace,
Key: kvRead.Key,
if _, ok := pubKeysMap[compositeKey]; !ok {
pubKeysMap[compositeKey] = nil
pubKeys = append(pubKeys, &compositeKey)
for _, colHashedRwSet := range nsRWSet.CollHashedRwSets {
for _, kvHashedRead := range colHashedRwSet.HashedRwSet.HashedReads {
hashedCompositeKey := privacyenabledstate.HashedCompositeKey{
Namespace: nsRWSet.NameSpace,
CollectionName: colHashedRwSet.CollectionName,
KeyHash: string(kvHashedRead.KeyHash),
if _, ok := hashedKeysMap[hashedCompositeKey]; !ok {
hashedKeysMap[hashedCompositeKey] = nil
hashedKeys = append(hashedKeys, &hashedCompositeKey)
// Load committed version of all keys into a cache
if len(pubKeys) > 0 || len(hashedKeys) > 0 {
err := v.db.LoadCommittedVersionsOfPubAndHashedKeys(pubKeys, hashedKeys)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ValidateAndPrepareBatch implements method in Validator interface
func (v *Validator) ValidateAndPrepareBatch(block *internal.Block, doMVCCValidation bool) (*internal.PubAndHashUpdates, error) {
// Check whether statedb implements BulkOptimizable interface. For now,
// only CouchDB implements BulkOptimizable to reduce the number of REST
// API calls from peer to CouchDB instance.
if v.db.IsBulkOptimizable() {
err := v.preLoadCommittedVersionOfRSet(block)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
updates := internal.NewPubAndHashUpdates()
for _, tx := range block.Txs {
var validationCode peer.TxValidationCode
var err error
if validationCode, err = v.validateEndorserTX(tx.RWSet, doMVCCValidation, updates); err != nil {
return nil, err
tx.ValidationCode = validationCode
if validationCode == peer.TxValidationCode_VALID {
logger.Debugf("Block [%d] Transaction index [%d] TxId [%s] marked as valid by state validator", block.Num, tx.IndexInBlock, tx.ID)
committingTxHeight := version.NewHeight(block.Num, uint64(tx.IndexInBlock))
updates.ApplyWriteSet(tx.RWSet, committingTxHeight, v.db)
} else {
logger.Warningf("Block [%d] Transaction index [%d] TxId [%s] marked as invalid by state validator. Reason code [%s]",
block.Num, tx.IndexInBlock, tx.ID, validationCode.String())
return updates, nil
// validateEndorserTX validates endorser transaction
func (v *Validator) validateEndorserTX(
txRWSet *rwsetutil.TxRwSet,
doMVCCValidation bool,
updates *internal.PubAndHashUpdates) (peer.TxValidationCode, error) {
var validationCode = peer.TxValidationCode_VALID
var err error
//mvccvalidation, may invalidate transaction
if doMVCCValidation {
validationCode, err = v.validateTx(txRWSet, updates)
return validationCode, err
func (v *Validator) validateTx(txRWSet *rwsetutil.TxRwSet, updates *internal.PubAndHashUpdates) (peer.TxValidationCode, error) {
// Uncomment the following only for local debugging. Don't want to print data in the logs in production
//logger.Debugf("validateTx - validating txRWSet: %s", spew.Sdump(txRWSet))
for _, nsRWSet := range txRWSet.NsRwSets {
ns := nsRWSet.NameSpace
// Validate public reads
if valid, err := v.validateReadSet(ns, nsRWSet.KvRwSet.Reads, updates.PubUpdates); !valid || err != nil {
if err != nil {
return peer.TxValidationCode(-1), err
return peer.TxValidationCode_MVCC_READ_CONFLICT, nil
// Validate range queries for phantom items
if valid, err := v.validateRangeQueries(ns, nsRWSet.KvRwSet.RangeQueriesInfo, updates.PubUpdates); !valid || err != nil {
if err != nil {
return peer.TxValidationCode(-1), err
return peer.TxValidationCode_PHANTOM_READ_CONFLICT, nil
// Validate hashes for private reads
if valid, err := v.validateNsHashedReadSets(ns, nsRWSet.CollHashedRwSets, updates.HashUpdates); !valid || err != nil {
if err != nil {
return peer.TxValidationCode(-1), err
return peer.TxValidationCode_MVCC_READ_CONFLICT, nil
return peer.TxValidationCode_VALID, nil
///// Validation of public read-set
func (v *Validator) validateReadSet(ns string, kvReads []*kvrwset.KVRead, updates *privacyenabledstate.PubUpdateBatch) (bool, error) {
for _, kvRead := range kvReads {
if valid, err := v.validateKVRead(ns, kvRead, updates); !valid || err != nil {
return valid, err
return true, nil
// validateKVRead performs mvcc check for a key read during transaction simulation.
// i.e., it checks whether a key/version combination is already updated in the statedb (by an already committed block)
// or in the updates (by a preceding valid transaction in the current block)
func (v *Validator) validateKVRead(ns string, kvRead *kvrwset.KVRead, updates *privacyenabledstate.PubUpdateBatch) (bool, error) {
if updates.Exists(ns, kvRead.Key) {
return false, nil
committedVersion, err := v.db.GetVersion(ns, kvRead.Key)
if err != nil {
return false, err
logger.Debugf("Comparing versions for key [%s]: committed version=%#v and read version=%#v",
kvRead.Key, committedVersion, rwsetutil.NewVersion(kvRead.Version))
if !version.AreSame(committedVersion, rwsetutil.NewVersion(kvRead.Version)) {
logger.Debugf("Version mismatch for key [%s:%s]. Committed version = [%#v], Version in readSet [%#v]",
ns, kvRead.Key, committedVersion, kvRead.Version)
return false, nil
return true, nil
///// Validation of range queries
func (v *Validator) validateRangeQueries(ns string, rangeQueriesInfo []*kvrwset.RangeQueryInfo, updates *privacyenabledstate.PubUpdateBatch) (bool, error) {
for _, rqi := range rangeQueriesInfo {
if valid, err := v.validateRangeQuery(ns, rqi, updates); !valid || err != nil {
return valid, err
return true, nil
// validateRangeQuery performs a phantom read check i.e., it
// checks whether the results of the range query are still the same when executed on the
// statedb (latest state as of last committed block) + updates (prepared by the writes of preceding valid transactions
// in the current block and yet to be committed as part of group commit at the end of the validation of the block)
func (v *Validator) validateRangeQuery(ns string, rangeQueryInfo *kvrwset.RangeQueryInfo, updates *privacyenabledstate.PubUpdateBatch) (bool, error) {
logger.Debugf("validateRangeQuery: ns=%s, rangeQueryInfo=%s", ns, rangeQueryInfo)
// If during simulation, the caller had not exhausted the iterator so
// rangeQueryInfo.EndKey is not actual endKey given by the caller in the range query
// but rather it is the last key seen by the caller and hence the combinedItr should include the endKey in the results.
includeEndKey := !rangeQueryInfo.ItrExhausted
combinedItr, err := newCombinedIterator(v.db, updates.UpdateBatch,
ns, rangeQueryInfo.StartKey, rangeQueryInfo.EndKey, includeEndKey)
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer combinedItr.Close()
var validator rangeQueryValidator
if rangeQueryInfo.GetReadsMerkleHashes() != nil {
logger.Debug(`Hashing results are present in the range query info hence, initiating hashing based validation`)
validator = &rangeQueryHashValidator{}
} else {
logger.Debug(`Hashing results are not present in the range query info hence, initiating raw KVReads based validation`)
validator = &rangeQueryResultsValidator{}
validator.init(rangeQueryInfo, combinedItr)
return validator.validate()
///// Validation of hashed read-set
func (v *Validator) validateNsHashedReadSets(ns string, collHashedRWSets []*rwsetutil.CollHashedRwSet,
updates *privacyenabledstate.HashedUpdateBatch) (bool, error) {
for _, collHashedRWSet := range collHashedRWSets {
if valid, err := v.validateCollHashedReadSet(ns, collHashedRWSet.CollectionName, collHashedRWSet.HashedRwSet.HashedReads, updates); !valid || err != nil {
return valid, err
return true, nil
func (v *Validator) validateCollHashedReadSet(ns, coll string, kvReadHashes []*kvrwset.KVReadHash,
updates *privacyenabledstate.HashedUpdateBatch) (bool, error) {
for _, kvReadHash := range kvReadHashes {
if valid, err := v.validateKVReadHash(ns, coll, kvReadHash, updates); !valid || err != nil {
return valid, err
return true, nil
// validateKVReadHash performs mvcc check for a hash of a key that is present in the private data space
// i.e., it checks whether a key/version combination is already updated in the statedb (by an already committed block)
// or in the updates (by a preceding valid transaction in the current block)
func (v *Validator) validateKVReadHash(ns, coll string, kvReadHash *kvrwset.KVReadHash,
updates *privacyenabledstate.HashedUpdateBatch) (bool, error) {
if updates.Contains(ns, coll, kvReadHash.KeyHash) {
return false, nil
committedVersion, err := v.db.GetKeyHashVersion(ns, coll, kvReadHash.KeyHash)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !version.AreSame(committedVersion, rwsetutil.NewVersion(kvReadHash.Version)) {
logger.Debugf("Version mismatch for key hash [%s:%s:%#v]. Committed version = [%s], Version in hashedReadSet [%s]",
ns, coll, kvReadHash.KeyHash, committedVersion, kvReadHash.Version)
return false, nil
return true, nil
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